Gossip King

Chapter 1287: Technical work and leather work

Mr. Gao walked towards Kong Dao and sat next to him. He saw that he was holding a wine bottle in one hand, and he smiled and pushed his wine glass in front of Kong Dao: "Kong brother, ask for a drink. drink."

Compared with other people's polite words, Gao Leng's words made the Shandong guy Confucius very comfortable. He grinned and gave Gao Leng a lot of attention.

"Huantai is very dynamic, I think the three big guys are going to be unable to sit still." Gao Leng took a sip and pointed towards the middle position, only to see the big guys from the three old domestic film and television companies. Although laughing about the situation, in twos and threes, he got up and prepared to leave.

It's just a matter of cheering, but in the final analysis it is still a matter of competition.

"The movement is big." Director Kong took a sip, and his eyelids slightly went to the stage to take a look at Gao Leng, as if he was thinking something, and looked at the assistant next to him: "Gao, since you call me Kong brother, there is something I don’t know if it’s inappropriate."

"Brother Kong, you say."

"After you, the Jianguo Emperor, had finished filming, you actually called Director Zhang to make a few New Year's Eve movies and collect money. If you want to make a boutique, just like Su Su, she spent 10% on the boutique. If you make money from nine films, you can make another masterpiece, which is balanced."

Kong pointed to the big guys who were leaving: "They all do this."

Nowadays, it’s not bad that film and television companies can come up with a little to shoot high-quality goods. There are so many films every year these days, most of which are junk films. This is the status quo.

"No." Gao Leng shook his head and held up the wine glass and touched the glass of the hole guide: "They think I am a low-rate film and television company, and I also think they are low-rate. If I want to invest in film and television, then I will invest in high-quality goods, and only high-quality goods."

After listening to it, Director Kong's heart moved, but Gao Leng's thoughts were the same as his.

Over the years, he has been lonely in the eyes of others, but his bones are hard, his body is straight, and he has never lowered his requirements for filming: I, Kong, shoot fine products, and only shoot fine products.

"Look, it's all done in the circle now. You have to be stubborn and toss about it." Director Kong said, tentatively testing Gao Leng. This is what he has heard the most in these years.

When he came out of the national director system, someone said, Lao Kong, you are just messing around.

He said, "I don't want the country to give me any film, I just make what film, I want to create my own, why do I toss about it?

Later, he made a movie he likes, but in this industry, he is the most tossing, one that can be filmed in a studio. He has to shoot the scene, with a group of associate directors, actors, and equipment climbing up the mountain. Shooting, people are so tired that they turn their backs.

But he said, although I made a film to make the best results, and I also saved money, I didn’t actually use much money. This is obviously a dedication, how can I become blind Tormented?

Old Kong, you are just tossing about, just do the special effects for fifty cents. The actors are happy and the investors are happy. This time, the audience is happy, the investors are not happy, and the actors are not happy.

When the filming started, the investor asked for a well-sleeping actress to come in, or he wanted to add a play to someone else, he just didn't agree, even if he didn't agree, the assistant director who followed him by his side also had the same temper. , I only recognize acting skills but don’t recognize money. I don’t know how many investors are offended because of adding drama.

Spring is not called out, but made with a real sword. If you don't let the investors do some spring, can investors give you spring?

Trouble with money, fool.

It's a pity that the play was good, but none of them were popular. There was a price but no market. Slowly, he was put behind in this group of famous directors and became the bottom-nine-rate director who didn't make money in their minds.

"Tossing?" Gao Leng sneered, and pointed to the group of front-line directors around Mr. Qiu, talking and laughing proudly of the first-line directors: "I think they are just tossing."

There was some flickering in Kong Dao's eyes, he took a sip of the wine, and nodded subconsciously.

"I'm telling you, Brother Kong, I look down on them in my heart, just those few, those new directors, and those few, have contracted the domestic junk TV series list, right?" Gao Leng did not shy away from reaching out his finger He pointed at a few people over there.

Director Kong couldn't help laughing. The assistant next to him had a black line. Just now, Director Kong just yelled, at least he didn't stretch out his hand to point at anyone. This is good for Mr. Gao, and he is not shy about it.

"Director Kong, let me be honest with you, I would like to invite you and your team to come to our Starlight Group to film. I still have two boutique books in my hand. I don’t interfere with how you shoot and do not recommend any. If a celebrity joins, I also refuse any celebrity to bring capital into the group. I only have one request."

Kong Dao leaned his body to Gao Leng's side, and moved his chair over.

"Actor, I'm going to be honest in filming, I have to be on the crew throughout the entire process and use as few substitutes as possible. Just follow how you made films, just fifteen years ago, fifteen years ago, and our boutiques. Shoot, I just ask for this."

Director Kong hadn't spoken for a long time after listening, and there was some excitement in Gao Leng's eyes and some doubts. After a few sips of wine, his eyes became more and more suspicious.

According to the filming method fifteen years ago, the avatar was only used for dangerous or professional actions. At that time, even Jackie Chan, jumped the car himself. Other actors have to stay in the crew all the time even if there is no show, to see how others film and find their own feelings.

But now it’s different. Nowadays, some of the most popular young actors use stand-ins for filming, and some even film hundreds of scenes in more than ten days. How can hundreds of scenes be filmed in more than ten days? How to substitute it in?

To put it bluntly, this is to collect money. The protagonist only shoots the emoji, and all the others are stand-ins, even walking.

This is called Pizihuo in the jargon.

Pizi means face, leather life, simply speaking, it is to eat with your face. Just take a picture of your face and take a close-up big shot, just like taking an emoticon pack, and all other content is a stand-in.

After more than a dozen days of leather work, I made tens of millions. This leather work is easy enough. And some prosperous little fresh meats, who want acting skills but not acting skills, make an average of five to six hundred thousand per day.

A popular variety actress, the beauty who married a big star actor, her name is in English, she is a professional leather worker, she has no acting skills, she has a good face, and has a lot of money.

"Mr. Gao, the idea is good, but it is very difficult to implement. I will not talk about bringing capital into the group or not, I will talk about the stand-in. Nowadays, the actors are all leather jobs. You require actors to be in the whole process. There are actors like this, but they have to pay a lot of money. Unless you let him bring money into the group and add drama to him, your family will have to carry a fine film. It is very likely that you will lose money, and those little fresh meat He Xiaohuahua will definitely not come over to film your scene. Without the little fresh meat and little flowers to support the flow, even the best scenes are easy to lose."

This is the experience summed up by Kong Dao's losses over the years: he is unwilling to use small fresh meat with poor acting skills, but found that without them, it is difficult to get traffic. But if there are traffic and acting skills, it is a sky-high price.

After all, it's normal for the top-line big coffee with acting skills to get tens of millions of dollars in rewards.

"Things gather in kind and people are divided into groups. We are shooting down-to-earth, and we will naturally attract people who want to down-to-earth filming. In these years, those old dramas don’t suffer much? A few act in emojis, while tens of millions of people are used to act in opposing scenes. They don’t deflate? We set this rule, and naturally there will be people who like our rule." Gao Leng poured a glass of wine, suddenly. He raised his head and pointed at the directors surrounding Huantai: "They spend a lot of money and high configuration. Naturally, people who want to make money are attracted to them."

It’s the rules for making a good film. Certainly many actors who want to make money will not come, but it will also attract a small number of dream actors. And Huantai is big-handed, and those around Huantai are naturally those who want to make money.

Guide Kong listened and looked at the assistant, the assistant was a little excited.

"Yes, there used to be a lot of old dramas in the crew, and the performances were really good. Many people don't recite their lines these days. Those dramas have been memorized so well. They are fighting for a breath! Why! I can’t beat you in film pay. I’ll fight for acting with you. I think your idea is very good. Yes, you should invest in high-quality goods, and only invest in high-quality goods. I am a director and I will only shoot high-quality goods. This is my dream. "Dao Kong patted Gao Leng's shoulder with emotion: "Mr. Gao, you are the investor who really wants to make a good film."

Two people, you have a glass and I have a glass, and we communicated for half an hour. It really means that one sees it at first sight. The two people have the same idea of ​​the film.

See you late.

"Look at my injury." Guide Kong rolled up his sleeves, and saw that the prints on his arm looked terrifying, and the skin appeared like burns.

"Back then, I was going to shoot a scene in the scene of the fire scene. The protagonist was a reporter. He took a camera and ran into the scene of the fire to shoot the scene. He needed a shot of the surrounding environment in the fire. They all said it was too dangerous. The scene. How about the fake scene? I took the camera and shot it in the fire, and it burned accidentally. Hehehe, I hurt my hand and burned to a place, guess where?"

Director Kong blushed as he drank, and approached Gao Leng and lowered his voice: "Fuck me, I burned the hair to the root of my life. Fortunately, it burned to the hair... Fuck me to death. It's all abrupt and it hurts me to death."

With that said, Kong Dao couldn't help but laugh, and the pain of the year is now gone.

"I was afraid that when I was in the high-ranking scene, the investor said nothing would be given to me. I **** still..." Dao Kong took a sip of wine, his eyes were red: "I will give him back Kneeling, this is the money. At any rate, the filming is over. It's a pity that there are too many market relations for this TV series. My drama is useless with little fresh meat. There are not many advertisers, and I have suffered a lot."

Being able to kneel for a scene shows how much he loves scenes and filming. I would rather kneel down and do not have to use the little fresh meat with bad acting skills. This is called spine, really spine.

Gao Leng patted him on the shoulder and toasted three cups.

Originally Gao Leng also found a few other directors, but now they have all been thrown away.

"Through the group of brothers who followed me." Director Kong sighed for a long time, Xu Ye drank his head, his eye circles were redder, and he reached out and wiped his eyes: "We have nine deputy directors. There are also a group of lighting engineers and videographers. Really, it’s not that I boasted of my family. They really did the filming on the spot. After following me, yes, the investors didn’t make money, and we didn’t make money. Others still make a rant, I The later drama hasn't won any prizes, and I didn't even earn a shout."

Gao Leng heard this and put down his wine glass.

I don't know if this Kong guide can accept his low salary, but starts to divide it after the film is broadcast. Although the dividing point is higher than others, this is like playing empty-handed. After all, he is not the only one who is low, and his team will have less money.

The whole team's affairs are not trivial.

"I hope to make a scene, Xianyu turn over, and lead my brothers to live a good life." said Kong Dao.

Hearing this, Gao Leng was silent for a moment, and it was time to play his trump card with Director Kong.

"I have a book in my hand called "Lang Bang", do you know this book?" Gao Leng asked.

"I know, this circle is such a big one. I have heard it a long time ago. I heard that the original author you invited to be a screenwriter. Let's make a blood copy. Although I haven't seen this book, the original author must be a good scriptwriter." After drinking for three rounds, Director Kong's face turned a little red, and he stretched out his hand to hook Gao Leng's shoulder: "If you want, I will shoot this scene."

The fat man beside him let out a long sigh of relief. Although he doesn't understand why Gao Leng is looking for this guide, he hasn't even won any award-winning films in the past few years. Although he has the foundation, he may not be able to shoot the feeling of "Lang Bang"?

"Of course I am willing. If you can come to film, this scene will be guaranteed." Gao Leng quickly answered the conversation, and then we will talk about money. We still have to clarify the money for anything. Now Starlight Group is shooting the film. , Put all the money into filming and scripting, the director’s money has to be slowed down, this matter has to be made clear to Lao Kong.

Investing and shooting, to put it bluntly, is also a business, and Lao Kong must be willing.

"Yo-yo-yo." At this moment, a man's somewhat exaggerated voice came from behind him. He turned his head to see that it was the nine guide.

"Guide Nine." Gao Leng stood up and stretched out his hand to squeeze, while Dao Kong on the side was cold and ignored.

It seems that there is a gap between the nine guides and the hole guides.

"Mr. Gao, you invite Lao Kong to film, you are jumping into the fire pit." This nine director is a well-known box office director in the industry. Because of the nine sisters in his family, he is ranked nine, so everyone in the circle is called His nine directors, half of the most profitable dramas last year came from his hands.

This is a proper first-line director, a high-flow director.

Gao Leng frowned. This made him uncomfortable, with words in his words.

"The scenes he has made in recent years, which have been on high posts and downhills, have made people too hard to toss. Nowadays popular actors dare not act in his films. Of course, now people have to choose the director." Director Nine said this not quite pleasantly.

Over the years, I am afraid that Liangzi has knotted a lot, and the artillery burst into flames when he spoke.

"Mr. Gao, don't you know about their relationship? Twenty years ago, both of them were assistant directors. Twenty years later, one was a domestic first-line director, and the other was...a well-known, well-known director in the past." The skin smiles but the flesh does not smile.

It is said that 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, only 20 years, and now the nine directors are the sweet buns of the director circle. Investors know that investing in the movies of the nine directors will definitely make a profit. And the cast of the hole guide...

The assistant's meaningful sentence "famous directors in the past" said everything.

"I don't like to listen to these words." Before Director Kong could speak, Gao Leng took the conversation and slipped the wine bottle over.

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