Gossip King

Chapter 1290: Master Kong is here, Chinese drama is waiting

"Mr. Gao, come and toast you." Kong Dao took the wine glass and filled Gao Leng a glass. When he poured it to himself, it was almost overflowing.

"Guide Kong, drink less." The assistant on the side reminded: "Drink too much on this occasion..."

"It doesn't matter, you get drunk when you are drunk. Drunk means that the wine here is delicious! Right, everyone." Gao Leng said with a bold smile.


This table is full of alcohol. It’s been a long time since I drank like this at a dinner party. In the past, I used to hold a glass in a suit and leather shoes. Drinking was just a social excuse. Nowadays, drinking is drinking. My heart is painful. Three or five old friends have a drink. Talk about the situation.

Most of these veterans who can truly bear the name of a first-line director are old-fashioned, with their eyes facing each other, the past is like a smoke, and now they are out of the mountain again and they are experiencing ever-changing circumstances: today's filming circle is very different from the past. Going to the mainstream, the real boutique is rare.

For wine, some people say that you can drink your sorrow with wine, and some people say that you can drink freely. Whether it is sad or happy, it is too rare to be able to drink so freely in such a commercial venue.

"The atmosphere is very good. Huantai has hosted so many large dinners. I think the atmosphere of this dinner is the best." The old butler standing next to Su Su smiled slightly, holding a wine glass in one hand and a cane in the other. He is only sixty-seven years old and he has not yet reached the age when he needs crutches, but his body has been badly worse this year. In the past few days, he has suffered from rheumatism. He has a lot of pain. He has to use crutches when he drinks. Come, but the old housekeeper can't worry about Su Su, and follow him everywhere.

"The atmosphere is good." Su Su breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, he was so cold and stubborn. He thought the next wine party would be embarrassing, but he didn't expect to drink more enjoyable.

"What do you think of Mr. Gao?" the old butler asked.

"The ability is okay, too rascal." Su Su spit out the eight-character proverb, blowing in his nostrils to aggravate the four words after the eight-character proverb, and his eyes turned to Gao Leng.

I saw Gao sneered and drinking wine with Dao Kong. The two didn't know what they were talking about, as if they met each other late.

"Come on, our brothers have another drink." Director Kong filled Gao Leng with another glass of wine: "Thank you for this, it's enough to relieve your breath."

"Thank me for what I did? The boy himself doesn't know how high the sky is." He drank with a clang.

After drinking it for so long, he has long been a brother, Gao Leng put down his glass and said business: "Old Kong, are you interested in the "Lang Bang" in my hand?"

"I've heard people say the general situation. To be honest, I didn't have much interest at first. This book must be good. I was afraid that you could not keep up with the money. You know, it takes a long time to shoot fine products and it costs money. I’m a novice film and television company, I’m afraid you won’t be able to stand it.” Director Kong put down his wine glass and stretched out his hand to embrace Gao Leng’s shoulder, hehe laughed: “But now, I think yours is indeed a boutique that really wants to play, buddy, just You can afford me, my brother, I **** with you!"

Gao Leng nodded, and his expression became more serious. He put down his wine glass and wondered what to say. You must know that Director Kong just said that he hoped that his brothers would have a turnaround, and life would be better. Now he is happily Following this play, if you tell him that he can't get much money in the early stage of the play, the money must be invested in the filming. If it succeeds, the dividend will be higher afterwards. I don't know whether he wants it or not.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that Gao Leng's expression was a little wrong, Old Kong put down his wine glass.

"Brother Kong, to be honest with you, money must be spent on filming. The script, actors, and filming account for the bulk of the filming. The director's salary has been slowed down, and the results are best afterwards." Gao Leng said directly.

Old Kong didn't speak for a while.

"Actually, I know that you have seven or eight assistant directors under your hand, all of whom are old and young. You are also a domestic first-line director. The filming is good and you save money for investors. I heard that you are outside. Filming all live in ordinary hotels. Where can I find a director like you? I should hire a high price, but I really have to save every penny in my hands. Boutiques, filming, must not be less expensive, and scripts must not be used. Less money, and I also ask actors to use less substitutes and have to stay with the crew, so the actor has to pay enough for the money. It’s counted down seven or eight eight..."

A penny stumps the hero.

Gao Leng's money is all centered on boutiques. Just not allowing actors to bring screenwriters into the group, and everything depends on the director's arrangements. His investment in a play is much more expensive than others.

For high-quality films, in addition to spending money in other ways, there must be a good director. Gao Leng belongs to Jiang Taigong's fishing wishers. Huantai uses money to attract good directors and Gao Leng uses sincerity: sincerely wanting to make high-quality films, attract A director who really wants to make a fine film.

Now that the empty hook has been lowered, it depends on whether Lao Kong is willing to take the bait.

Knowing that you can't make money in the early stage, you may not be able to sell it. If you can't sell it, it means that there is not a lot of money, but you are still willing to shoot this boutique. It must be a talent with the same spiritual level as Gao Leng. This hook.

"Okay, you don't need to say it." When Lao Kong interrupted Gao Leng's words here, he pondered for a moment and asked: "I'll ask you a few words, "Lang Bang" is not an actor or not. No matter how big your own screenwriter is, you can't change the screenwriter's work."


"Actors have to stay in the crew, and are not allowed to shoot several films at the same time?"


"Sufficient money for shooting?"

"Enough pipe."

"Sufficient money for promotion?"

"Enough pipe."

"Your money goes to these items, so the director's money has to be slowed down?"


"Deal." Lao Kong raised the cup and slammed the cup that Gao Leng put on the table.

Is this agreed?

Gao Leng was a little surprised. He didn't even talk about how much to share with the director, so he should?

"You... agree?" Gao Leng was very surprised. After all, the money given to the director was not just for him alone, but for his entire team, packaged. This is related to the income of seven or eight assistant directors and a bunch of other staff.

"Of course! Why don't I shoot for such a good investor?! I can't ask for it!" Lao Kong slapped his thigh: "First, a good book and a good screenwriter cost money; second, an actor without a screenwriter has to be The dumb crew is honest in filming, which means that there is no work and money; thirdly, the filming money is enough, my goodness, this is my favorite, I am most afraid of encountering half of the cast and start to be reluctant , Stubbornly, especially affect the effect; fourth, the promotion money is enough. Such a good quality film, I am stupid if I don’t pick it up!"

A director who really wants to make a fine-quality film does not account for his personal financial gains or losses. He pays more attention to how to make the film well, and the points that Gao Lengneng promised are necessary to produce a good film. It is also impossible for most investors today.

Even Huantai is not unable to do it, but does not want to do it.

"After the commission..."

"This is secondary." Old Kong waved his hand and looked at Gao Leng: "Brother, in fact, if you spend so much money on this boutique, you can find a better director than me, really. I am actually not as good as you said. Well, what is not the first line? I’m a veteran. The films in the past few years have been blinded. I have won a lot of awards, but I have no results. I am not good at publicity. I am the inferior director in their eyes. Can you It’s worth noting me to shoot such a big investment film."

"No, no, no." Gao Leng shook his head: "Your strength can be seen, but you are not good at publicity, and the investor jamming affects the quality. You are good at filming, I am good at publicity, and I am them. In the eyes of the lowest-rate film and television company, you are the lowest-rate director in their eyes. The two of us will work together to play a big game!"

"Yes, I can't play with a big one. I have been filming for so many years. I can't shoot a good book? You gave such a good shooting environment. I have to bring my brothers to the crew. You filmed this scene! Don’t worry, leave it to me. It’s hard for me, old Kong, to have such a good investment. I will fight it!"

Old Kong Xu drank, maybe he was too excited, his voice was loud, and his saliva flew out.

"Funny." The nine guide sitting nearby smiled contemptuously: "A low-end film and television company, and such a good investment? This old Kong is really getting worse and worse."

"Like you, Huantai has given you two plays, so no one can ask for such a good resource." A young director slapped flattery.

"General Manager Gao's Jianguo Emperor's business is pretty good, but if you want to talk about investment in boutiques, with all due respect, his foundation is not enough. Maybe he lost two years and the entire Starlight Group got involved." An old director also took the conversation and said To be honest, it's not as ridiculous as the nine guides, but it is also not optimistic.

"They drink too much, let's talk about it."

"Well, I guess it's going to be exciting and happy to drink. Come, let's drink too."

The others didn't care, nor did they worry about Gao Leng and Kong Dao. Today, all the people who came here, especially the film and television companies, came to a dozen. Which one is not bigger than Starlight Group?

Not to mention that the director thinks Gao Leng can't be played well, the film and television companies are even more sneer at it.

After drinking for another half an hour, Lao Kong was obviously too strong to drink, and the more he drank, the more excited he became.

"Have a turnaround, come, drink!" Lao Kong raised his neck, didn't even touch his cup, and touched the air.

"Chinese drama can be waited for, look at me Lao Kong! Drink!" Lao Kong smiled at the other people as a flower, another cup.

"Welcome to Lao Kong, the award-winning director of the best TV series of the year, to come up to accept the award! Drink!" Lao Kong stood up, learning the way the host spoke, and another cup.

"Langbang is the number one in ratings. It's an honor to stand here, uh..." Lao Kong hiccuped and laughed like he was accepting the award.


The whole dinner echoed with the Shandong guy like Old Kong.


I didn't expect to get him drunk. I didn't expect that this man was too strong to drink, and he couldn't hold back after drinking too much. No wonder his assistant dragged him off when he was about to start drinking.

After this guide Kong was drunk, he was a little exaggerated...

Although Gao Leng around him was a little dazed, he was happy for Lao Kong. Lao Kong was really happy. Others would definitely laugh at him like this.

I want to be red, crazy.

I want to make a high-quality film crazy.

But Gao's cooling didn't stop him. These illusions must have appeared many times over the years. He has been relying on these beliefs to shoot fine products for so many years. It is understandable to relax.

They laughed at them, Gao Leng didn't care, and stood up to accompany Lao Kong crazy.

Drunk lying on the battlefield, Lord Grim smiled, and the king and iron horse will return with pride in the future.

"Guide Kong is here, and the national drama is waiting!" Lao Kong put one hand on his hips, and raised the wine glass with the other. There was another earth-shattering laughter from the Shandong guy...

"It's high, it's really high." The director beside him couldn't help but laughed.

"Guide Kong is here, the national drama is waiting!" Old Kong said these words repeatedly in the dinner later, and no one took his words to heart.

If you drink, you can't take it seriously.

At the end of the banquet, Gao Leng carried the door that Lao Kong had left and threw him up. He was just put in the car to take him back to the hotel. Lao Kong suddenly hugged Gao Leng and buried his head in his arms.

"Lao Kong, you drank too much, I'll send you back to the hotel." Gao Leng tried to reach out and press Lao Kong to the back seat of the car, but Lao Kong's hand hugged Gao Leng like pliers.

Hey, suddenly, he started to cry.

The assistant beside him sighed sadly and looked at Gao Leng with embarrassment: "I'm so sorry, he was drunk and just like that...drinking."

There was a crisp sound.

The old Kong turned around and slapped the assistant. Before anyone could respond, he hugged Gao Leng and buried his head in his arms and continued to cry...

The assistant covered his face and was slapped.

"Sp... drink crazy..." The assistant sighed helplessly.

"Okay, Lao Kong, I'll take you back." Gao Leng said again.

"Guide Kong is here, and the national drama is waiting." Old Kong's voice came out from Gao Leng's arms dull, and he was shaking and crying.

"Guide is here, the national drama can be waited..." He firmly grasped Gao Leng, and sniffed: "This is my dream. It is my dream to make national dramas produce fine products. As long as I am in Chinese drama is always waiting. It is my dream, my dream...Finally, there are investors who are willing to truly invest in high-quality goods, and finally some people are willing to believe me, I believe that I am a ninth-rate director who has made several films without making money Now! Finally..."

Old Kong wailed loudly.

Over the years, I must have been the director of the best quality shoots, and only the best quality shoots have suffered a lot. These years have not achieved results, and Lao Kong’s last point of pride is gone. It is supported by the belief in his heart.

Director Kong is here, and the national drama is waiting.

I can’t get used to the prevalence of junk movies in Chinese TV dramas, but I can’t do anything. I want to save the TV dramas, but I can’t keep it. I want to make a high-quality movie. During the filming process, the investors say that it’s okay to make do with it, but there is a dilemma when they say that they can add somebody. After all, it became empty.

Director Kong is here, the national drama is waiting, I am afraid that he can only say it if he is drunk.

This is his dream, a dream that is more precious than having gold under his knees.

Now, he clutched Gao Leng like a straw, crying like a child.

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