Gossip King

Chapter 1305: Soft sister's bedroom

Star Group rented the first floor of a hotel for a long time, with a total of six rooms for them to live in, under unified management, and the brokers lived together.

But not everyone has an agent. Now there are only four agents, one is Diba, there are rice grains and boxes, and another actor, Lee Hsien Hyun, who has a fairly good push. The other five or six have not yet reached the level of having an agent.

The brokers have to spend money every month, and the brokers are of different levels and the money is also different. Now the four of them are allocated to the most basic brokers, that is, they are responsible for food, clothing, housing, transportation, food, drink and Lhasa, and help with things. , Suntian helping with umbrellas, etc., belongs to the job of running errands. This kind of agent will be equipped with one as long as it is a little famous, but it has nothing to do with playing big bowls. After all, artists pay attention to image, and as long as they go out, they have a lot of clothes. They can't carry a box alone, let alone go out to help buy food. Yes, the artist has the inconvenience of the artist.

This little star, if you go out casually and get photographed, it doesn't matter if the big star goes out casually and gets photographed. The problem is that there will be people watching.

Although the brokers of Diba and the twin rice boxes are both bottom-level brokers, they also have some experience. The salary is about 7,000 a month. When the vehicle arrives in the hotel garage, Diba’s broker is Waiting there, really dedicated.

"President Gao, do you want to go up and have a look?" the driver asked.

Gao Leng shook his head. The fat man was in charge of this area, but it was just a place where a few artists lived, and he had nothing to worry about.

"Boss, come up and have a look!" As soon as Diba got out of the car, the fat man's voice came over. He drank some wine and his face was red: "I happen to be socializing around here, thinking you must give it away. When Diba came back, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. Let’s go, lead, go up and check my work? These rooms have been rented for a long time, and they have been reopened and renovated. It took me a lot of effort."

The fat man looked like he was asking for credit.

Gao Leng saw the rise of the fat man, it was not easy to save his face, anyway, nothing happened, go up and have a look, go up and have a look, so he smiled and got out of the car and followed the fat man to the elevator. Both floors were wrapped up, the 6th and 7th floors. Fifteen people are on the 6th floor, the grades are almost a little bit, ask for a 66 Dashun auspicious, Diba, twins and Li Xianxian to live on the 7th floor, the same room, naturally according to the level, the more popular you live, the more you live. it is good.

"Go straight to the seventh floor. The four people on the seventh floor will be able to catch fire in the future. They will go up and down, and the seventh floor will definitely go up red!" The fat man opened his mouth and was very alcoholic, and it seemed that he drank more than Gao Leng.

"You drink so much, be careful not to go back for a while." Gao Leng said when he saw his Jiujin coming up.

"Red wine, the stamina is quite good, but not to the point where I am drunk. Besides, if I get drunk, I will sleep here." The fat man walked out of the elevator and pointed to the end of the corridor: "There is a presidential suite left there. It is convenient to sleep in this situation. If you are tired, you will sleep here too. There are three rooms in the presidential suite."

The arrangement was really good. The whole floor was divided into six rooms, Diba, the twins, and Li Xianxian each had three rooms. There was also a presidential suite and an agent room. The spaciousness is not a waste.

"Where are the people? They are all here, Mr. Gao is here!" The fat man just fell out of his voice, only to hear the door of each room open, and the rice grains and the boxes were wearing the same cute pink pajamas. It is obvious that they are young. The original 18-year-old looked like 15 or 16 years old. Had they not developed their chests, Gao Leng would really think they were underage.

Li Xianxian is relatively quiet and gentle. She is also an actor promoted by Starlight. She takes some small supporting characters from the Anti-Japanese War. She walks a dignified path. She wears a plaid nightdress and stands shy and nervous at the door. .

"Good for Mr. Gao."

"Good evening, Mr. Gao."

Several people didn't expect the high cold to come up, and their faces were surprised and nervous. After all, they were about to go to bed, all of them were pure makeup.

This is the first time that Gao Leng came to the girls’ dormitory at 11 o’clock in the evening. Although it is different from the girls’ dormitory in the school, after all, these are all girls and they are in pajamas. He accidentally found rice grains and boxes. There was no time to wear underwear.

"Come in and take a look." Obviously, the fat man came in a lot. He walked directly in front of the rice grains and the two of them. Gao Leng stood at the door and looked at the two of them and asked: "Is it convenient to get in? ?"

The twins nodded shyly: "As long as Mr. Gao wants to, you can enter at any time."

When I went in, I found that the decoration was very matte, in line with girls’ aesthetics. There were pink and pink everywhere, and the wardrobe was very large. There was a special bookcase filled with fashion magazines. When an artist, I always follow the trend. You don't need to read other books, but fashion magazines must be read. There were also some of their close-fitting clothes on the bed.

"Look, although the sparrow is small and has everything available, there is also a microwave oven. Sometimes things can be hot when it is cold." The fat man laughed.

"It's not bad. Are the other rooms decorated in the same way?" Gao Leng walked into the bathroom and took a look. The bathroom is quite large and really comfortable. It's really good for young girls to live in such a place in Beijing.

"Yes, the decoration is almost the same, Diba's room is the largest one, do you want to check it out?" the fat man asked.

"No!" Unexpectedly, without waiting for Gao Leng to speak, Diba ran to his room and stretched out his hand to block it: "Can't see!"

The fat man frowned and said, "Dibba, are you too courageous? I used to not be able to enter your bedroom, even if Mr. Gao came, you still blocked it? You..."

"Forget it." Gao Leng waved his hand: "The girl's bedroom shouldn't be entered casually, Fatty, your choice of this place is very good, then I will go back first, or you can rest here. "

"That's it for you to sleep in, inside the presidential suite." The fat man saw that Gao Leng was about to leave and hurriedly reached out and held his hand: "My presidential suite is well designed and very comfortable. You can see how I'm doing.

"No, no, no." Gao Leng shook his head decisively: "I have to go back."

"Stay and sleep! In the morning you will see their training. They start to do body shape training from early in the morning. I hired a new dance teacher from Taiwan. I have a sense of identity! The professionalism is very good, and the dance is really amazing. What about the dance moves she designed for a lot of big singers, don’t you take a look?" Fatty has recently devoted most of his mind to cultivating artists, and after plunged into it, he does things very seriously, just like a primary school student hopes to be praised by his teacher. , He impatiently hoped that Gao Leng could see what he was doing, and wanted him to see any item.

"The dance teacher has something to go out tonight. You will come early tomorrow morning. You will not see you? You have also drunk a lot of alcohol. You can sleep here. This is far from the Starlight Group." The fat man slapped his head: "If you feel good I didn’t feel comfortable sleeping in the presidential suite, so I went to sleep downstairs. There is also a room on the 6th floor."

"I haven't seen Xiao Leng for a week. She will be waiting for me at home now." Gao Leng almost became begging when he saw the fat man keep inviting him, so he said in a low voice.

The fat man suddenly realized that he hadn't seen him for a week, and the boss was rushing back to relieve his fire.

"There is no way to accompany his girlfriend, this peerless good man." The fat man gave a thumbs up, this situation could not be kept, and the girl in the room showed a very enviable expression on his face.

"Does Gao always have a girlfriend? Who is it? So happy..."

"I heard that I have a girlfriend, but I don't know who it is. I'm so envious... handsome and capable." The twins whispered, and Li Xianxian, who took the gentle route, also smiled enviously.

Why is it eager to go back, tacitly.

Unfortunately, not all girls are so shy.

"Hahaha, Mr. Gao is anxious to go back and slap..." Diba laughed so much that his throat was thrown out, his voice was so loud...


The fat man looked at Diba silently, and looked at Diba silently.

Powerless to refute...

Being embarrassed, Gao Leng's call came, and it was Xiao Leng's call: "Brother Gao Leng, there is a classmate in the dormitory who has appendicitis and rushed to the hospital. I have to rush over now and will not be home at night."

The fat man saw that it was Xiao Leng calling, and when he heard Gao Leng's cell phone, he opened his eyebrows and took the cell phone in his hand: "It's okay, I am your fat brother. Your dear brother Gao Leng is here tonight. Sleep here, don't worry."

Without waiting for Gao Leng to speak, the fat man hung up his cell phone for him, stretched out his hand and pushed him into the suite: "Walk around, just look at my suite. I have changed a lot. The presidential suite is too rigid, look at my changes!"

Xiao Leng is not there. It’s too late now. If you have a room, go to sleep here. Gao Leng followed the fat man’s heart to the suite. The girls watched him enter the door and he was relieved.

"So nervous, Mr. Gao actually came to our dormitory."

"Yeah, I'm more nervous than when I saw him in the office last time. Today is without makeup!"

"I also think Su Yan is a little emboldened. Fortunately, Mr. Gao didn't say anything." A few girls huddled together and whispered, but Diba didn't speak, but just turned around in the lobby of the room.

"What are you looking for?" Rice grain asked.

"Shhh..." Diba lowered his voice mysteriously: "I'm hungry, I'll add another meal. I've hidden the food here. Do you want to eat it?"

"Dibba, you weighed more than a pound, and you still ate. Be careful if you are seen by Fatty Brother and punished you." Li Xianxian reached out two steps to take away the snacks in Diba's hand. Dibana called an agile figure. , Directly lowered down and dodged, and then turned over with one hand on the sofa and turned to the other side, squeaking with snacks and ran to his room.

Bang, the door closed.

"Huh, I can't let people in in my room. The snack bag I finished today hasn't been lost. It was just too dangerous. They almost took the snack away. I was so hungry and started to move!" Diba bent over. With a sudden jump, he jumped onto the bed like a high jump, threw the snacks on the bed, took off his clothes in a thunderous manner, put on underwear, sat on the bed, and took a pack of potato chips. Tear open and eat.


The potato chips fell on her chest, she stretched out her hand and pinched it out of the ditch, threw it directly into her mouth, eating very happily.

Fatty was also happy. He opened the door of the presidential suite in a purely complimentary tone: "Boss, what do you think of this presidential suite? It is well furnished and well-structured, especially the soundproofing!"

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