Gossip King

Chapter 1316: Gambling agreement

The net of the TV series has been around for half a year, and both "Lang Bang" filmed by Tao Kong and "Wei Wei" filmed by Tao Lin have begun to place advertisements. The filming of "Weiwei" started much earlier, so now the advertising placement cooperation has almost been shot, plus it is a modern drama, there are still a lot of placements.

"Director Lin, would it be too much to plant fifty advertisements?" Gao Leng was a little worried when he saw the advertising partner's payment form submitted by his supervisor. I saw nearly fifty advertisers impressively listed.

Product placement is a common way to make a profit for a TV series. Advertisers are optimistic about the TV series and invest money. The actors take their products or use their products when acting, or in some businesses and tourist attractions that have invested in advertisements. Take a shot, and so on.

"How can there be more than fifty? You are filming a modern drama, and I made it." The veteran Lin Dao smiled faintly, her waist was not good, and she was worried about Gao Leng but didn't even get up. Filming a TV series is a tiring job with both personal and mental power. She even closed her eyes and the assistant hurriedly massaged her temples gently.

Modern dramas always have better placement of advertisements than ancient dramas, ranging from mobile phones, the clothes of the heroine and the heroine, a sip of water to the real estate where the heroine and the heroine live, the kitchen appliances used at home, etc. It can be implanted, and it is a seamless implant.

"Originally there were more than two hundred, but I still rejected most of them." Lin said that it was very regrettable: "Your standard is to create high-quality goods, not too many advertisements, so just put 50 advertisements, you can also give You make more than 40 million."

Gao Leng saw that Director Lin was very sure. Although he was a little worried, he couldn’t say much. After all, the 65-year-old Lin Director was more experienced than Gao Leng in this business. He looked at the advertisers earnestly. The three expensive ones, one is a private university, the other is a laptop, and the other is an online game. The total cost of implantation of these three is 30 million.

"Your heroine is expensive. I chose the popular little flower, and she also asked the popular little flower to stay on the crew and filming honestly. She can't take other tasks. She only costs more than 60 million yuan. Is it possible to enter the point of advertising?" Director Lin said and sighed slightly: "She has allocated more than 60 million people alone. The popular actors these days are really making money. Our Star Group is also cultivating artists. A few of these can make a lot of money."

"As long as you don't think it will affect the quality of the TV series, you can listen to your suggestions. Teacher Lin, after working hard, how long will it take to finish the filming?" Although Gao Leng is Director Lin's boss, he has always said respectfully in front of her. After Lin joined the Starlight Group, the level of the directors of the group has been greatly improved. If she did not enter the Starlight Group, the directors of the Starlight Group would be a group of unknown directors, and she would not be the same. The big directors of China have different grades.

This is the same reason that the high price of web-text websites invites great gods to settle in, and it is a facade. Director Lin is the face of Starlight Group.

"I feel more and more that, Mr. Gao, you really have a broad vision. You are not like other producers, and you are completely different from them. The current consensus is that the producer always intervenes in the director's shooting, even if it does not interfere. He will definitely interfere with the placement of advertisements." Director Lin gave Gao Leng a thumbs up. As a director, what he fears most is that the producer requires a large number of advertisements to be implanted, adding some lines and plots for advertisements inexplicably. And if she decides what advertisement to shoot, it will be profitable and will not affect the overall plot.

"I am not interested in consensus."

Director Lin's advertising placement in this drama has a total of 40 million yuan, which is quite satisfactory for the placement of modern urban drama plots, and it is not a big profit. When watching a TV series, viewers will see the implants in the show, but more of them are segments of advertisements inserted during the screening process. Those advertising costs are not related to the producer, and those costs are earned by the TV station. Unless you have signed a gambling agreement with the TV station.

The gambling agreement is a new cooperation model between the producer and the TV station that has become popular in the past few years. The previous cooperation model was that the TV station bought the exclusive broadcasting rights or carousel rights of the TV series and bought them all at once. Before the start of the TV series and during the screening process, the profit of the inserted advertising expenses has nothing to do with the TV series. The TV series earns copyright fees.

For example, a TV station has watched a certain TV series and bought it for the exclusive broadcasting rights of 1.8 million episodes. There are 20 episodes in total, which is 21.6 million yuan. Sole broadcast rights means that this TV station exclusively broadcasts. If other TV stations want to broadcast, they have to find this TV station to buy broadcast rights. And the right of carousel means that several TV stations buy the right to show the TV show together and show it back and forth.

For the TV drama party, this is a one-off sale. After the copyright is sold, the ratings are good or not, how much your TV station’s advertising profit is, I don’t care, I don’t care, you give me money, I give you the TV series .

In this way, a few are happy and a few are worried. If the TV station has a good vision and aims at a very promising TV series and buys it at a very low price, the result is a big hit, and other TV stations broadcast it. Then buy the exclusive rights. The TV station made a lot of money. According to legend, a TV series titled "Wushu Waizhuan" has been broadcast continuously for nearly ten years, and almost all major TV stations have broadcast it, but this TV series has not made much money. Back then, it was sold to Imperial TV Station for a price of tens of thousands of yuan. It's a one-shot deal.

Naturally, it is not that TV stations will always take advantage. There are also some TV stations who have a wrong vision and bought some garbage dramas at high prices. As a result, the ratings are low, advertisers have abandoned them, and the pants are lost everywhere. However, no matter how to compensate for this situation, the TV drama party will not compensate, because they have already got the money.

Therefore, in order to avoid these two situations, a new cooperation model has now emerged: a gambling agreement.

As the name implies, the word gambling is to bet.

What are you betting on?

Betting on ratings.

For example, the drama "Weiwei" is now going to be sold to TV stations. The TV station thinks that Starlight Group is a rookie, so it will give you 400,000 episodes of TV series at most, but Starlight Group thinks it is wrong. After all, this drama is a boutique drama. A lot of cost, 400,000 episodes will definitely lose money, at least 1.2 million episodes, so that, the negotiation between the two parties is invalid, so a "ratings bet" was conducted.

If your ratings can reach 3 points, then I will give you 1.2 million episodes. If your ratings don’t reach this point, then I’m sorry, 400,000 episodes.

This is the gambling agreement.

"Will you sell to the TV station's exclusive broadcasting rights, or carousel, or sign a gambling agreement?" Director Lin asked.

These three directions determine the bulk of the profit of "Weiwei": selling copyrights.

A TV series was filmed in the late stage, and it was time to close the net. Sometimes the big fire of the TV series does not mean that the film is making a lot of money. The big fire of "Flower Thousand Bones", the film is so bad, the water is deep inside.

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