Gossip King

Chapter 1318: Soup, is it delicious

In the imperial capital, the first satellite TV to go to did not choose the satellite TV of the imperial capital. This plate is too big. Generally, they have more anti-Japanese war films before, and there are too many backgrounds in the imperial capital. Can't keep up with the number.

"Go to the Jiangshi on the coast, it's big, and you also like to buy this kind of film. If they buy it, it will be easy to catch on." Jiangshi is one of the several popular satellite TVs in the mainland.

In the mainland, TV stations are roughly divided into three types according to their levels. One is local stations, which are divided into prefecture-level cities, county TV stations, or provincial capital city TV stations; the other is the satellite TV we often call, such as Hunan Satellite TV, Zhejiang Satellite TV, and Shanghai Satellite TV. . In Hunan, there is Hunan Satellite TV and Changsha TV. Changsha TV is a local TV, and Hunan TV is a TV.

What is the concept of satellite TV? In layman's terms, satellite TV is available nationwide. You can't see Changsha TV and Hunan 2 TV in Beijing, but you can watch Hunan TV.

Therefore, the satellite TV is on the front line. If you want a big fire, you must go to the satellite TV: people all over the country can see it.

On the other hand, there are so many satellite TVs on the mainland, and each provincial capital has a satellite TV. Satellite TV has its own characteristics. Several of them are prosperous. Even their hosts are comparable to big stars. They have many fans and are not prosperous. Satellite TV is like a bird not shit. Except for the local audience, few people from other places know them well.

The polarization is extremely serious.

In the past, Huxiang Satellite TV was the dominant one (Imperial is not China, Huxiang Satellite TV, and Hunan Satellite TV. Any similarity is purely coincidental. This is a novel and hereby declares). At first, Huxiang Satellite TV defined all aspects of development. Good fellow, This group of people is so awesome, whether it is entertainment programs or news programs, they rushed to the top three. Especially the news, it did a really good job.

Later, I talked about it, you did a good job in entertainment, okay, you do so well in news...

Where to put CCTV's face?

At that time, Huxiang Satellite TV was a domestic TV that changed the traditional news broadcast. The broadcasts in the morning, 7:30 and evening, the host changed the old-fashioned image, exquisite makeup, exquisite clothing, and even the broadcast was very lively, even Five shots were used to switch the weather forecast, which brought out the liveliness of entertainment news and refreshed the audience. Coupled with several trivial news columns focusing on ordinary people, it even swept the empire.

But it’s up to the head to talk, that can’t help, so Huxiang Satellite TV removed the news from the satellite TV, and defined the satellite TV as an entertainment platform.

The news section is dedicated to 2, 3, and 3 stations, so the people in Huxiang are very blessed. The content of their sub-stations is also very beautiful.

After defining it as an entertainment platform, Huxiang TV will concentrate on entertainment. What is entertainment? To put it plainly, entertainment is to create stars and attract stars to Huxiang Station for publicity, so that all directors want to come to Huxiang Station for publicity as long as they have a film. This is the entertainment platform.

Just as we think of Hollywood when we think of which entertainment company is the most powerful, when we think of which promotion star in the mainland, which promotes the most powerful publicity, we think of Huxiang TV.

It is defined this way, and it is done in this way. In the following ten years, there have been countless excellent entertainment programs, from common people’s blind date shows, Rose’s Date is the first big fire blind date show, to survival replacement show, to celebrity participation. Variety shows, as far as possible on the road of entertainment.

It was on fire, and until a few years ago, the inland variety show entertainment big stage, the boss is none other than Huxiang Station.

Especially in the years when the Empire and South Korea had good relations, the first choice for Korean and Japanese stars to promote in the mainland was Huxiang Station. The mainland’s Xiangtai stars came to the mainland to develop, and the watershed was to board the Huxiang Station program. Not to mention the blockbuster, the main stop is definitely Huxiang Station.

Even the entire Xiang city has been defined as the entertainment capital.

In those years, it was a peaceful and prosperous age in Huxiangtai.

Later, the head spoke again.

It’s no good to have a big family, your family is big, what do other TVs eat? After all, the hosts of other satellite TVs have sharpened their heads and ran towards you. Several CCTV hosts have also come. How can this work? Monopoly of one family is absolutely impossible!

Need to drive other TVs to grow together.

A few years after the speech, Huxiang TV was cut down on several prepared programs, many of the big fire programs were cut off, and other satellite TVs, including this Jiang TV, were made by them. Among them, there have also been many entertainment storms. The investment was too entertaining, and it was offensive. After being heavily fined a few times, the road of Huxiangtai became conservative. (Jiang Shi is virtual. Any similarity is purely coincidental. Please make a detour.)

The situation of a dominant one has changed, and several satellite TVs have grown up. Especially the relationship between Emperor and South Korea has collapsed. In the past few years, Huxiang Satellite TV, which first introduced Korean artists from South Korea, suffered a loss. Today, the satellite TV in the Empire belongs to the three pillars. One is Huxiang, the other is Jiangshi, and the other is Guangshi.

“It’s better to go to Huxiang Station. They have been restructuring in the past two years. Last year, the United Nations Ministry of Defense filmed a program to promote conscription. All of the big fire dramas in China are all inland dramas. I think they are definitely interested in national dramas." Xiaodan listened to Gao Leng to buy plane tickets to Jiang TV. After thinking about it for a while, he said his own view.

Even if the three pillars stand today, Huxiang Station is still the mainland's unstoppable platform. Now the Korean style is unstable. They began to transform when they smelled it two years ago. The fire dramas are basically national dramas and variety shows. Being able to cooperate with the Ministry of National Defense is also the first one. Looking at the direction of the wind, it is not wrong to go to Huxiangtai.

"Go to Jiangshi first. After all, we are a newcomer. Huxiangtai has too deep roots. I don't have any personal connections there, but Jiangshi can still pull people out. A friend of Godmother Cai is there. Let’s go bye. Mountain, explore the way." Gao Leng naturally recognized Xiao Shan's judgment, but he was more aware of his own strength: "I asked Fatty to contact the Huxiang station, first establish a connection, and then we will go there."

Although Jiangshi and Huxiang TV are advancing side by side, the water on the big brother is too deep and there is no personal relationship. Moreover, Huxiang TV is now focusing on TV shows invested by its own TV station. Going there is 100% closed-door. .

First go to see Jiang Shi, who has some connections, because it's a good idea.

At least you won't lose sight of the leader, so you just keep your door behind, right?


"Oh, I'm so sorry, the leader went abroad to study and study! You said it was a coincidence... By the way, how is Teacher Cai? I haven't seen him for many years!"

Yan Yunzhi, the leader of Jiang Wei’s monitoring department, smiled and gave Gao Leng the first cup of closed doors...

Gao Leng and Xiaodan came to Jiangshi early in the morning. On the phone, the leader Yan was very enthusiastic and polite, but he didn't expect to be a smiling tiger. Before saying anything, he ran out of the ball without the leader.

"My godmother is in good health." Gao Leng took Cha and continued, "You don't need to meet the leader at the head, just meet the leader selling the copyright. We want to broadcast this drama here..."

"He, he's there." Yan Yunzhi nodded when he heard it. He walked to the table and wrote a phone number with a pen and handed it to Gao Leng: "This is his private number."

Gao Leng quickly took it over.

"Wait, I'll give him a call first." This Yan Yunzhi is not bad. After all he knows Cai sister and sold her face: "Hey, Lao Chai, ah, hello, Lao Yanzi..."

Old Yanzi, this name is really pink.

"This guy is a friend who helped my old sister before. Now he has a movie he wants to play here. I don't understand this business aspect. Are you here? Well, then you come back soon, I want them to go. Your office is waiting for you."

Yan Yunzhi called the Lao Chai who was in charge of purchasing the broadcast rights. An acquaintance said that it would be better to have a call. Xiao Shan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Gao Leng.

Changed from Yan Yunzhi’s office to Lao Chai’s office. After waiting for about forty minutes, a forty-year-old man entered the door with a smile. As soon as he entered the door, he enthusiastically reached out his hand towards Gao Leng: "Oh no I'm sorry, there is a traffic jam on the road. Are you a friend of Old Yanzi? Come on, let's just talk about business. We are all friends. Don't be cautious. I will have a meeting later."

Jiang Wei's people are very nice, all of them are smiling.

"That's right, I have a movie here that I want to come to Guitai..." Gao Leng passed the information, and Old Chai turned over.

"Costume dramas? I'm not familiar with this piece of business... why don't you look for Lao Qing? He is quite familiar with the costume drama business. When I look at it, she brought me out." Lao Chai watched. Eyes probably handed the book to Gao Leng, and gave him a second cup of closed doors.

"Oh...that...that's OK." Gao Leng said with some support.

"Hey, Lao Qing, what are you doing? It's like this, Lao Yanzi's former friend of an old friend, now brought a notebook to our station, um, yes, then, are they all friends! Uh, this The book, it was made by Lao Kong...Yes, yes, that Lao Kong... is a conspiracy movie, or else, you are familiar with this costume drama business, come and see? That's OK, I want them to go to you The office is waiting for you!"

From Yan Yunzhi’s office to Lao Chai’s office, my buttocks were not hot, and I went to Lao Qing’s office again...

After waiting for about an hour, it was almost noon, and the office door opened.

"Oh, I'm really sorry, traffic jam, traffic jam! This car is jammed!" A woman in her forties smiled and enthusiastically reached out to Gao Leng: "Gao always, all friends, don't be cautious. what!"

Gao sneered and stretched out his hand, his face stiffened with laughter this morning.

"Lao Kong's film is great!" After Lao Qing took the book, he watched it seriously for ten minutes, and gave a thumbs up on the last shot.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Gao Leng's always calm face, and Xiao Shan beside him was even more pleased.

"It's this fine film...I'm not very good at this business, or do you look for Lao Yang? He has a good eye for fine films!"

Unprepared, the third cup closed the door to Gao Leng.

Xiao Shan's face collapsed at once, and she hurriedly laughed, thinking that at most it was embarrassing in terms of price, but she did not expect that they would not even talk about the price at all, or even have the intention to buy.

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