Gossip King

Chapter 1331: It should be slapped

After Gao Leng said a sentence, he went back to the room to wash.

During this period, Su Su should be busy in Europe. His film and television company invested in so many TV series, and one of them was squeezed out of the prime time by Gao Leng. This is a trivial matter for her. I guess the boss did not follow her. Reporting, as long as the people below do not make a serious loss, they usually report good news but not bad news.

I called Xiao Leng, who was a little timid.

"Why not come back, I won't move you tonight." Gao Leng said.

"You said the same a few days ago...When I fell asleep, you would..." Xiao Leng was obviously scared, and his voice was like a mosquito. After saying this, he said introspectively: "But I am you Girlfriend, it should be sex..."

It's not bad to have this enlightenment. Although Gao Leng is a little depressed, she also thinks she is so cute.

"Understanding." Gao Leng said heartily.

Near the night of the full moon, Gao Leng knew himself that Xiao Leng really couldn't hold it. This thing was just right for the wishful thinking, too many times, and women were uncomfortable.

"Or, I'll come here now?" Xiao Leng was a little bit self-blame and a little scared, and finally said weakly: "Then I'll come here..."

"Forget it." Gao Leng lay on the bed.

"Then I'll come over, I'll come here." Xiao Leng thought he was angry when he heard him say forget it, and said quickly: "It's right to be slapped, I'll come here."

"No need." Gao Leng felt a little distressed, distressed her, and despised herself a little. He comforted a few words, and hung up the phone after seeing her mood stabilized.

How come you look like an animal when the moon is full?

Gao Leng frowned somewhat contemptuously. Thinking back to the scene with Lin Zhi, it seemed that as long as he was really ignited, he had no self-control ability at all. It was indeed like a beast, purely venting.

This made Gao Leng a little uneasy. He felt sorry for Xiao Leng, but he was helpless. He fell asleep with a sense of frustration and self-blame. He did not go to Xiaowei. Xiaowei now lives alone. He is strictly forbidden to disturb. Sometimes he sneaks. When I went, I saw Xiaowei sleeping every time, and I was very relieved to see her body getting better.

As long as she is in good health, it is worthwhile to spend more money on diamonds.

At this time at 3 o'clock in the morning, Gao Leng sat up from the bed extremely anxiously, lowered his head and looked at his lower body, then looked at the time, it was the 10th, and only five days before the full moon.

Just get through it.

Gao Leng couldn't sleep, and after taking a cold shower, he simply read the information about the network broadcasting rights.

Compared with TV broadcasting rights, the choice of network broadcasting rights is much narrower. Nowadays, in the Empire, there are only a few large online video platforms, and they can be counted with five fingers. Although the numbers vary by thousands of miles, the Internet ratings have been increasingly valued by major producers in recent years.

Sometimes, the price of network broadcast rights is higher than the price given by satellite TV. If satellite TV is popularized by aunts who spend more time at home, then the battle for network broadcast rights is the territory of young people. After the development of the imperial network, the place became a battleground for military strategists.

Three of the five large-scale online video platforms are in Shanghai. Fortunately, the imperial capital is near Shanghai, and the plane will arrive. Xiaodan has several important cooperations to discuss in the past few days, so this time it was Yangguanguan who accompanied him to go.

"General Manager Gao, are you in a bad mood?" As the car drove to the airport, Yang Guan felt that the cold mood seemed wrong as soon as he got on the car and asked.

Gao Leng glanced at Yang Guanguan, and saw that she was wearing a small suit and a-line skirt suit as always. This time she was wearing a black-gray jacket with a vertical striped shirt inside, but her chest was too big. The vertical stripes are a little deformed.

"I'm not in a bad mood, I'll read the information." Gao Leng no longer looks at Yang Guanguan. Now, although he is not excited when he sees a woman, he just looks at Yang Guanguan's uniform before he gets there. After watching the temptation for a long time, it is to find excitement for myself, after all, it is indeed very temptation.

Don't joke that a man loves **** because it is superficial. You also grew up drinking milk. This is called thinking of drinking water, which is instinct.

"Oh." Yang Guanguan closed his mouth quickly and obediently.

Arriving at the airport, on the way to land, Yang Guanguan caught the eyes of many men. She had long been accustomed to it. She held her head slightly behind Gao Leng, dragged a small suitcase in her hand and stepped on high heels. It's called enchanting.

It's really not that Yang Guanguan wants to be enchanting, she really isn't the kind of rumor **** in her bones. Based on the understanding that Gao Leng has worked with her for so long, Yang Guanguan is really not the kind of open person, but she is too big to wear It's easy to get imaginative when you wear this clothes, and it's even more so when you walk around.

This is probably the depressing place of a woman with big breasts. What kind of clothes she wears will make people feel tempted.

And Gao Leng was used to seeing those men coming from Yang Guanguan, and seeing the enviable eyes on him. He had a plane on his black face. Yang Guanguan was right. He was in a bad mood. I was panicked.

An anxiety surged up from time to time. Several times he regretted not wanting Xiao Leng to come over at night, but every time he thought about it, he felt that Xiao Leng was overwhelmed. The contradictory mood made him feel low during the whole flight. Zhongdu looked down at the information.

When I got off the plane, the Shanghai branch's car was waiting in the parking lot. A large group of people walked in front. Gao Leng saw Su Su at a glance. She was wearing a beige windbreaker walking in the middle of the crowd, and the people around reported to her as they walked. What's going on.

Su Su turned his head inadvertently and saw Gao Leng.

"It's such a coincidence." Su Su stopped, and she and the people around her looked towards Yang Guanguan uncontrollably. It was hard not to see, the woman's **** were so big.

"The secretary is very beautiful." Su Su's tone was ridiculous, and more of an indescribable taste. She stepped forward two steps closer to Gao Leng: "A pervert is a pervert. If you find a secretary, you will find a big breasted one. "

"I'm not a pervert." Gao Leng shot back.

"What do you think I don't know? Lin Zhi, Yuzhi, and..."

"Say that I am a pervert, then you underestimate me too much. I am a hungry wolf in pervert. If you don't believe me, you can try it." Gao Leng said and walked forward. It's okay to be provocative, maybe you can still laugh and joke with her, but today he was squeezed in anxiousness, and he didn't speak politely. Since you said I was a pervert, then he just looked at me with sorrow. Su Su glanced at the chest, then looked at Yang Guanguan, and finally gave Su Su an expression of "you are too young".

Su Suya gritted his teeth and wanted to refute her. Although she was not like Yang Guanguan's terrifying weapon, she was not incapable of taking it, okay!

At this time, an assistant handed over a document, Su Su frowned, and the assistant quickly took the document.

"How about your TV series? I heard that the first-line satellite TV is out of play. Is the second-line satellite TV settled? I suggest you talk about the third-line TV. What kind of terrestrial station will talk more about it is more suitable for your strength." Su Su's instinct told her that today's high cold seems to be a lot more irritable than before, and she poked at his pain with a sharp throat.

Gao Leng stopped and looked at Su Su.

Su Su also stopped and stared at Gao Leng with his head high.

It's like a cockfight.

"Strange, President Su always stared at President Gao before, and President Gao wouldn't stare at her like that."

"Yeah, Mr. Gao has always been relatively stable, but it feels weird today, just like getting angry."

The secretary who had been with Su Su for a long time started muttering.

"We are in the prime position of Dongzhifang TV. I'm really sorry to squeeze your Huantai scene away." Gao Leng smiled lightly.

Su Su’s face changed instantly. She didn’t seem to know about it. After only a second or two, Su Su confidently raised her head higher: “It’s just a play, let you Yes, the premiere of every drama that we want to promote under the Huantai Group is a prime time, first-line prime time, those that are not strongly promoted... It doesn’t matter if you have one or two, oh, yes, I Forget it, you have two in total."

With that, Su Sufei rolled his eyes with Gao Leng's contempt, and turned to leave.

"Mr. Su is naturally excellent in all aspects, not comparable." Gao sneered.

Su Su sneered and looked at Gao Leng.

"It's all a, a represents excellent, including the chest." Gao Leng approached Su Su and whispered in her ear.

"You..." Su Su grinned, "Dead pervert, who said I... who said I was a!"

"Correct a little, it's a hungry wolf in the color, you can also correct whether it is a, and prove it to me." After Gao Leng said, he blinked, an expression of whether you want to take it off to prove yourself, Su Su just about to have an attack. He turned around and got into the car.

Although the others did not hear what Gao Leng said, they felt the abnormality of Gao Leng.

What's the matter, why does Gao Leng seem to be very anxious this time, with a smile on his face before, why is his face calm this time? The secretary thought to himself, pulling at Su Su's clothes: "President Su, let's go, I think Mr. Gao seems very anxious this time."

"Of course the defeated general will be anxious. There will be a meeting at the Pearl Hotel tomorrow. I will see how I will treat him at that time!" Although Su Su fought against Gao Leng many times, every time he did not gain any advantage, but this time he did not. The same, this time Gao Leng seems to be in a bad mood, which is slightly different from the past. He seems to be full of thorns today, just like the secretary thought, even if he fights with Su Su before, he always smiles. Yes, and this time it is calm.

"It's good to be anxious, and it's easy to be countered by me." Su Su rolled his eyes towards the car going away from Gao Leng, raised his leg into his car, annoyed.

Every time I see Gao Leng, I feel angry.

"President Gao, you don't seem to have a good temper today. Is there something wrong?" Yang Guanguan, who was also sitting in the back seat, carefully looked at Gao Leng.

"It's okay." Gao Leng looked out the window, regretting repeatedly in his mind that he did not call Xiao Leng over in the evening. , Contradictions and depression are intertwined, so Gao Leng has lost the elegance of the past, and has always been black.

Today, the boss’s face was dark, Yang Guanguan clamped his legs and took the mobile phone to quickly confirm the room where he was staying, for fear of being imperfect.

"In the afternoon, the person in charge of Aiyi Company has time. Would you like to have a chat at three in the afternoon? The person in charge of NetCloud also has time after five in the afternoon." Yang Guanguan asked after reconfirming the itinerary with the other company.

"Give me the streaming data." Gao Leng stretched out his hand.

Yang Guanguan hurriedly bent over to find information from the bag on his feet, and said as he searched, "Some and some, the data network of the streaming media has been sorted out long ago, put it in the bag, wait a moment."

After bending over, Gao Leng took a deep breath and looked away.

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