Gossip King

Chapter 1333: The team is not easy to bring...

Gao Leng was right. If the network ratings are determined according to the satellite TV ratings, then what do you need to pay him 3 million a year? It can be done by an ordinary person, and no vision is needed.

"Mr. Gao, this drama is not popular. Satellite TV's ratings must be an indicator. This low opening is affirmative. You also admit that it is hard to say if you go high or go high." Ju Wei looked at Gao Leng, very calm. .

"Then, what price can this premiere offer?" Yang Guanguan interjected.

"I think..." Just as Ju Wei was about to speak, Gao Leng reached out and stopped him.

"Manager Ju, this play will go low and go high. It will definitely be a big fire. You said how much money does not count. Let me tell you a price I want to sell. If you think it is suitable, we will cooperate. Do you think it is inappropriate , We will cooperate with the cloud company." Gao Leng stood up and looked at Yang Guanguan and hinted that she was packing things. Yang Guanguan hurriedly packed things, but his heart was nervous and his hands trembled.

She knew that Mr. Gao was an anti-general. He didn't ask the seller how much money you could pay, but directly said how much money I need to sell.

Originally, I wanted to come to Aiyi to negotiate a good price. Gao Leng is passive, but now he is taking the initiative. If you like to buy or not, I will pay for it.

"How much?" Ju Wei asked.

"The package price of domestic network first broadcast rights is 30 million yuan, and the package price of network independent broadcast rights is 100 million yuan." Gao said coldly.

With a click, the pen in Ju Wei's hand fell off. He suddenly laughed and asked, "I heard it right, Mr. Gao, Langbang's exclusive broadcast rights are 100 million?! One billion is too much, you This is a sky-high price!"

"Only this price, no second price, you think about it, call me, goodbye." Gao Leng smiled calmly, turned and left, Yang Guanguan also held his head and followed behind his ass, his high heels stomped on. Oh, my chest shrugged.

As soon as she arrived in the car, Yang Guan closed her chest, picked up a magazine in the car and slapped it. She quickly took off her coat and broke into a cold sweat.

"Mr. Gao, your price is too terrible! The first broadcast rights of 30 million are very high, and the exclusive broadcast rights are 100 million! One billion! Our investment is only more than one billion! This is a sky-high price! He certainly won't Agree!" Yang Guan fanned the wind, and the wind drifted towards Gao Leng with her light perfume smell. Gao Leng couldn't hide from her raised chest.

Fanning, another button loosened.

She was wearing black underwear, Gao Leng saw...

"The price is too high! It's too high." Yang Guanguan stretched out his hand and unlocked the top button on his chest. He didn't notice that the button in the middle was loosened. He looked at it from this angle. Two **** can be seen, which is extremely attractive.

"But you can also be so angry with him. This manager is really too much. He doesn't even give you a glass of water. It takes five minutes to watch our samples. What? I am so angry!" Yang Guan Guan Dian'er For a moment.

The ball went up a bit...

Gao Leng only felt anxiousness inside his body. He coughed to suggest Yang Guanguan, but she didn't notice it at all, so he coughed again.

"Mr. Gao, have you caught a cold?" Yang Guanguan approached instead with concern...


Gao Leng swallowed hard, and looked below her: "Your clothes..."

what! Only then did Yang Guanguan react, and quickly buttoned the button, his blush reached the base of his neck, and his body became hotter.

"Um... this... uh... let's go back to the hotel for a break now, and go to the cloud company at 4:30... I guess Aiyi company is out of play." Yang Guanguan tried to find the topic awkwardly.

"It won't be out of play, he will definitely agree." Gao coldly smiled.

"Really? Your price is the real price? I thought you were in a bad mood and **** him off." Yang Guanguan saw Gao Leng so sure, staring at him with wide eyes: "This time you negotiate, you are much fiercer than before. Up!"

"It's the real price. The online copyright of this play is worth this price. I think this veteran manager must know it in his heart, and in the end he also exposed his idea of ​​buying it."

"Is it exposed?" Yang Guanguan didn't know where it was exposed, she unscrewed a bottle of mineral water.

"Well, it's exposed." Gao Leng nodded and patiently taught Yang Guanguan: "After we finished talking about the price, what he said was'The exclusive broadcast rights cost one hundred million?' It can be seen that he wanted to buy the exclusive broadcast rights. Not the first broadcast rights."

Yang Guanguan took a sip, still a little confused: "If you want to buy exclusive broadcasting rights, it doesn't mean that he is willing to pay the price."

"No, you have to know that Aiyi companies generally buy the premiere rights, and only for very promising films will they buy the exclusive rights." Gao Leng smiled confidently and looked at the secretary Yang Guanguan.

It is true that Aiyi Company usually buys the first broadcast rights. It is the first to broadcast on the Internet to earn enough clicks and membership money. Only the very promising films will buy the exclusive broadcast rights at a high price. The very promising films become popular. , Other video companies will definitely buy the rights to play the film from Aiyi, and they can make a fortune.

This point is the same as when a TV station buys the exclusive broadcast rights. I bought the exclusive broadcast. If you want to broadcast the film, you have to give me money.

Network exclusive broadcasting rights have always been more expensive than first broadcasting rights, and it is common for them to be two or three times more expensive.

"Yeah! Wow! Mr. Gao, you are too good! This negotiation is really a warfare!" Only then did Yang Guanguan understand, opening his mouth wide and looking at Gao Leng in admiration.


The car braked sharply.

"What's going on." Gao Leng frowned.

"The kid is crossing the road, sorry, Mr. Gao." The driver quickly apologized.

As soon as I turned my head, I saw half a bottle of mineral water splashed directly on Yang Guanguan's face, flowing from the face to the neck and to the chest.

This thin shirt is a bit translucent, so it gets even more soaked in water...

Oops, Yang Guanguan called out, and quickly covered the water, and stretched out his hand to pull on his chest. This time, a button opened again.

Gao Leng only felt his head buzzing, he wanted to turn his eyes away, but it was really... hard to turn away.

Finally turned away with difficulty, he was embarrassed.

The second brother underneath stood up... Straight, this was sitting in the back seat with nowhere to hide or hide, so I can only hope that Yang Guanguan won't see it.

But how could I not see it? So big...

Yang Guanguan saw it immediately, his face turned red, and Gao Leng coughed awkwardly.

"The team is not easy to bring recently..." he said...

The team is not easy to lead, the second brother is not obedient...

Yang Guanguan hurriedly turned his back to button up the button, took the jacket and put it on again, but the unbelievable button suddenly collapsed...

Not only is the team difficult to bring, but this button is also not obedient...

Gao Leng's hand clenched into a fist, and his body became more surging. He quickly put his fist into his pocket, and Yang Guanguan saw this scene in his eyes.

She thought for a while, took off her coat, gently covered her waist, blushing, took the magazine to cover her chest, lowered her voice and said, "Gao, don't feel embarrassed, you... I can understand..."

To understand is to understand, but it is too embarrassing...

The hotel is finally arriving. Yang Guanguan quickly got out of the car and walked in. He ran to the elevator with small steps and went upstairs first, blushing terribly, Gao Leng had her clothes in his hands to block him, otherwise he would be afraid of passing along. It is about to be regarded as a hooligan.


Just so embarrassing! Yang Guanguan murmured, entered his room and closed the door, stretched out his hand to take off his wet clothes, opened the box and took out another piece of clothing, walked to the full-length mirror, and saw that his blush was completely red, even his chest famous.

The underwear was wet, Yang Guanguan stretched out his hand and took off his underwear.

What appeared in front of the mirror was an extremely attractive body, especially the chest, white and round.

Few imperial women have a figure like Yang Guanguan, with a real breast and thin waist, but Yang Guanguan is not very satisfied with his figure because the **** are too big.

Big **** and big chest troubles, the first thing to do is to wear clothes that don’t look good, and you can’t wear the temperament. Let’s take the suit she often wears. If the girl with a breast shape is a b-cup, it will be very temperamental. Also improvised.

But Yang Guanguan's d+ won't work. Wearing a temperament suit will not make people feel temperamental, but will only make men want to go.

Not to mention the suit, no matter what kind of clothes, it will make a man think about it, and it will look like a tiger if it is not worn.

In many novels, the e-cup and d-cup of YY women have become standard. In fact, there are very few e-cups for empire women. It is a big fat woman who really gets an e-cup. There is no aesthetic feeling at all. Yang Guanguan has a d+ At the extreme of oriental women, although Lin Zhi is a model, with a famous big breasts, he really takes off, not as attractive as Yang Guanguan.

However, Lin Zhibi's overall image is tall and tall, and Yang Guanguan 168's height is generally shorter than Lin Zhi.

Wearing clothes has no pure temperament and fashion sense. Wearing a shirt button always breaks, let alone underwear. It is never possible to wear cute underwear. Once the underwear is taken out, it is so big that it is scary. This is for Yang Guanguan upset.

But although it’s not easy to wear clothes, it’s different if you take off your clothes. Yang Guanguan has a big chest, but a thin waist. Fortunately, her waist and thin legs are long. The uniform is still beautiful to hold. Very tacky, so she wears a similar uniform all year round.

Yang Guanguan turned around in front of the mirror to look at himself, stretched out his hand and squeezed himself, grinning with a satisfied smile on his face, good-looking chest, and comfortable to pinch. Girls themselves like to pinch themselves, Yang Guan Guan often pinches one's own pinch to play, is it comfortable.

Soft, unique feel.

"General Manager Gao is actually hard..." Yang Guanguan pursed her mouth with some complacency. She saw that there were a lot of hard men. When she went to the swimming pool, all the men who were swimming stood up, and she was used to it. .

But Gao Leng was like this, and those people were like this, giving Yang Guanguan a different mood.

Yang Guanguan poked himself with a shyly stretched out his hand, smiled and put on his clothes in front of the mirror. After a while, he had to go to the suite to help Gao Leng look up the information. The meeting with the NetCloud company was only an hour and a half at five o'clock.

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