Gossip King

Chapter 1340: Unable to control

Yang Guanguan leaned softly on Gao Leng's body, and he couldn't even stand still when he was only a few steps away from the room. Gao Leng was only supporting her arm, so he had to stretch his hand to support her waist.

She didn't bring her legs out today. The legs were just styling things, supporting her waist with one hand and the other arm, almost being carried away by Gao Leng.

Suddenly, Gao Leng felt the resistance from his right hand, a big soft thing...

This kind of temptation is enough for a man to make people excited, and the high cold at this time is fatal, his breathing heavier, seeing the door of the room is only a dozen steps, slightly bent over and hugged Yang Off.

"I'll hold you in." Gao Leng said, holding it better than resting his chest with one hand.

Yang Guanguan leaned on the cold chest and raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

A man’s chest is very attractive to a woman, especially a good figure like Gao Leng. Leaning against his chest and listening to the strong heartbeat, the most intuitive feeling of the man’s power makes Yang Guanguan’s heart. very excited.

She quietly raised her eyes and looked at Gao Leng, her heart beating harder.

Can alcohol be messy? In many cases, alcohol is not messy, but it can be bold. At this time, Yang Guanguan took the courage of wine. If it can capture the president's heart, it is the best. If not, then pretend to be drunk, drink drunk, and know nothing.

Hearing the door opening and hearing the sound of the door closing again, Yang Guan closed his eyes and his heartbeat became faster. Once the door was closed, the world of the two was born.

Gao Leng gently put her on the bed and whispered: "You rest here, I'll go socializing." He looked at her legs, the shoes were still on, shouldn't they take them off?

So he reached out and touched her feet.

"Yeah..." Yang Guanguan turned over and made a fascinating sound. He kicked off his shoes and sat up danglingly. He half-squinted his eyes and looked at Gao Leng dimly, his clothes were unknown. When did the two buttons on my chest loosen, and spring is rippling.

Gao Leng swallowed hard.

It's really hard for this day, really, especially from last night to now, I have burned all the way in my body. I had known that I would not bring Yangguan Pass. This was like bringing an oil barrel with me, pouring some oil from time to time, and getting out of control sooner or later.

"Uncomfortable..." Yang Guanguan muttered and took off the skirt instantly. The speed was so fast that she was jaw-dropping. She immediately lay down and twisted her waist, reaching out her hand to try to unbutton her body: " Uncomfortable wearing clothes..."


Gao Leng swallowed again with difficulty, his legs moved back a few steps, and the reason in his mind made him turn around instantly.

This scene can’t be seen again. The seductiveness of Yang Guanguan, who has taken off his clothes, exceeds Gao Leng’s expectations. He is wearing a shirt with two unbuttoned buttons on his body, and a wet thong under his body, with such a plump chest. Yang Guanguan actually still had a vest line, but Gao Leng couldn't see the vest line at this time. All he saw was an extremely attractive body, twisting.

The blood spurting surging was crazy and tormented, but the blood spurting controlled his sanity, which was extremely difficult.

"Nah, nah, then you rest first, I...I...I'm going out first." Gao Leng's voice trembled, his hand even touched his nose uncontrollably, and a layer appeared on his body. The fine sweat suffocated from controlling myself.

With that said, Gao Leng walked towards the door like an escape.

Yang Guan bit his teeth.

Hearing a muffled thump, Gao Leng stopped and turned his head to take a look.

Where is Yang Guanguan? Yang Guanguan disappeared on the bed.

gosh! Gao Leng screamed and hurried to the bed. As expected, Yang Guanguan actually rolled to the ground, so he hurriedly bent over and picked her up.

"Hmm..." Yang Guanguan let out a painful and depressed cry...

After hearing this voice, Gao Leng trembled all over, his eyes turned black for an instant, and his arms tightened when he hugged Yang Guanguan, and he gently put her on the bed.

Yang Guanguan opened his eyes slightly, and suddenly raised his long white legs to wrap around his waist, and the button on his chest was unbuttoned.

"Yang Guanguan, you..." The veins in Gao Leng's arm turned black.

"I want..." Yang Guanguan showed a look of eagerness.

"You are drunk." Gao Leng gritted his teeth, controlling the last trace of reason.

"I'm not drunk, Mr. Gao, I won't pester you, love between men and women is normal, I want...please, I want, please, please." Yang Guan Guan Yi looked drunk and twisted his waist.

Gao Leng let out an uncontrollable, suppressed growl.

"You are drunk." Accompanied by the low growl is the last trace of reason from the high cold, under him is his secretary and colleague, he can't move. But he also felt his own powerlessness, the kind of out-of-control that could not be controlled at all, the powerlessness that could not be controlled out of control.

Gao Leng doesn't seem to be Gao Leng anymore, it doesn't seem to be an individual anymore, the pain that is uncontrollable because of inhibition swept through, just like Xiaowei at the beginning.

"Please, please, want me, want me, please." Yang Guanguan put a cold hand on his chest, the wine is really bold, Guan Guan swayed himself heartily with the wine Style.


When Su Su arrived in the private room, he squinted and rested for a few minutes, then looked at the time.

"President Su, Mr. Yang from Hailan has just arrived at the wine garden." The assistant hurried in and said after answering the phone.

"Then you have to talk about it, he can count as coming." Su Su said with a serious tone: "The cooperation with them should be refined. If you go to say hello, just say I will come in a while."

The assistant hurried away.

"Susu, the plum wine in your place is good, where did you get such a good plum wine." As soon as the door opened, U Zhixiao walked in haha, seeing that no outsider quickly lowered his voice and asked: " I heard that Gao Leng is here, where is it now?"

"Hey." Su Su glanced at Yu Yi with contempt: "Now I'm having a crackling with his secretary...Do you want this man?"

Yu Zhi's face changed slightly.

"You can find a man better than him? You want to be so disloyal?" Su Su shook his head.

"I didn't say that he must be my boyfriend. You, you don't understand the beauty of being a woman..." Yu Zhi sat next to Su Su, with an indescribable expression on his face, disappointed. , But it seems to be more longing: "No, you don't know how to be a cold woman, that kind of beauty, that kind of trembling..."

Mature women, the kind of desire that men only understand after experiencing.

Uzhi hadn't seen Gao Leng for a few months, and hadn't touched a man in several months. Although she was not a virgin before, she was completely conquered by Gao Leng.

"What film did you make recently?" Su Su changed the subject.

"Gao Leng planned for me and then took on several war films, and the roles were very good, and he also took on spy war films." Uzhimoto is a magnificent face, acting as a red female soldier in the anti-Japanese war film. A quasi, after Gao Leng planned for her, she was able to secure the top spot among the first female anti-Japanese films in China.

"Why did you say Gao Leng was with her secretary? It's impossible, I know him, he always talks about official affairs in such occasions, not to mention the secretary who gets along day and night."

"I just met him in the hallway. After about fifteen minutes with him, he went into the room with his secretary." Su Su raised his wrist to check the time.

"Fifteen minutes?" Yuzhi's expression eased, and she chuckled and laughed: "For such a moment, he is absolutely impossible to do with the secretary, Susu, you are too prejudiced against him. He is not the kind of man who doesn't care about the occasion. He is what he is, and it must be after the business is done."

"Huh." Su Su sneered, and the cold cannon that I saw at the entrance of the bathroom came to mind. He shook his head and said: "Is there any man who likes girls, but he doesn't think of **** when he sees her What's the matter? Just want to protect her and watch her laugh."

"Are you talking about your dad?" Yu Zhi countered.


Su Su rolled her Su-style eyes: "You are all rascals all the way."

"There are boys and teenagers like that, but there are absolutely no men like that. When a man matures, he must go! Otherwise, why would there be a word called'falling in love'? This is instinctive. The seeds are planted into the woman's body, allowing her offspring to blossom everywhere." Yuzhi rolled his eyes with a Yu-style that you, a virgin, didn't understand.

"In short, I think he will be a very good partner or a very smart investment friend, but he is not suitable for talking about friends, and he really does not understand your identity as a first-line actress. There is no shortage of men. Turn him around."

"Don't talk about this, you don't understand after you say it, by the way, which room is he in? I'll meet him." Uzhi took out the mirror and looked at his makeup.

"I'll be down in fifteen minutes, so what welcome? Besides, if he can't get down in fifteen minutes, then he must have done something with the secretary. Why are you going there?" Su Su looked at his watch again impatiently: " Are you here yet? If I don't come, I'll go down and do business."

"Which room?" Yuzhi poked Su Su: "I'm going to have a coincidence... or it seems that I'm too proactive."

Yuzhi, the dignified and dignified path that the first-line actresses of her empire have always taken is to save face.

Su Su rolled his eyes and told Uzhi's room number.

"I plan to cooperate with him on the green agriculture project. He is doing very well in that area. We have opened several luxury wine gardens in Huantai. If we can cooperate, it can solve some of my needs for ingredients. The road of the proposed ancient clock is very good. It used soilless cultivation before. After he made this ancient clock, the upper class liked his one. I temporarily went to find the ancient clock and plant it again. It was too slow. To be honest, he The vision is really good, but..." Su Suyi was very serious when he talked about business, and after a long chat, he turned his head and took a look. Yu Zhi left early...

"What's the matter? Sister Yuzhi used to be so dignified, how come she posted her after she met Gao Leng? Is it that important for men? How about I haven't seen a man for so long!" Su Su once again He shook his head and raised his wrist to check the time. Ten minutes have passed.

"President Su, Mr. Yang is here, and he is drinking with Mr. Xiao outside." The assistant walked in and reminded him.

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