Gossip King

Chapter 1343: The violent high cold!

"You dare to mess around, I, I, and I." Su Su swallowed the phrase "then I will call someone" alive.

It's even more embarrassing to walk in arrogantly, and then yell for help. Su Su thought to himself, a set of data popped up in his mind: If I shout, this thing will be spread ten to ten, maybe it will be spread to me that I am pregnant. This is a big trouble, if it is caused by ulterior motives. Human use can affect the stock price, and a bunch of news is here.


"My uncle is the chief of the Shanghai **** police station, and he is in charge of this area. My iron girlfriend’s husband is the Imperial City **** police station, which is in charge of your Xingguang Group area, and he has a good relationship with me in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. Also, if you dare to move me today, my Huantai Group is taken out to make a fuss. If the stock market fluctuates, I will count this account on you. Your profit growth last year was 110%, so dare you I, I set up a special department to work against you. I will reduce your quota to 10% this year, and I will be able to reduce it to..."

Su Su's mouth was da, da da, da da da, the speed of his speech was jaw-dropping, and he threw out a long list of people and a long list of data at once, and some were almost too cold to hear.

It seems to be able to relieve a little bit of helplessness by keeping talking.

Blame for quick thinking, this girl.

The mouth is very hard, but the person is counseled, and at first glance, it is counseled. It is more wise, tossing the names of friends and the data. It is almost a ppt for a presentation. I saw her legs keep moving back. When he reached the head of the bed, he didn't know whether he stretched out his hand to block the high cold, covered his chest, or pulled the skirt.

"The Huantai Group is more than twenty times that of the Starlight Group..." Su Su was still reading, but the speed of his speech was too fast, and the high cold muttering behind him didn't even hear clearly.

"I'm more than 18cm." Gao Leng went to bed and grabbed one of Su Su's legs and dragged him under him. Su Su would naturally resist, but her little bird arms and thin legs are for Gao Leng. Rebellion was in vain, and immediately pressed this wise and chattering under his body.

It has to be said that although Yang Guanguan’s sensuality is surging, and Su Sujiao’s good figure also brings joy that Yang Guanguan and his like cannot bring. The sense of conquest is difficult to conquer from body to mind. Words.

A man must sleep the best woman.

Gao Leng lowered her head and looked at Su Su under her body. She was so nervous that she was shaking all over, her face flushed to the base of her neck, her hands covering her face, as if nothing happened without looking at Gao Leng.

"Rape...rape, force... yes yes yes... is an illegal means of using violence against the wishes of the victim... in most countries in the world, except Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic of the Congo..."


This meeting can still be defined by memorization, it is probably Su Su...

"No, you raped me, you opened the door yourself, and you opened the door forcibly. Everyone outside the door was watching. You broke in and threw your clothes and bags on my bed. Then Say you want to sleep here, I want you to go out and you don't do it, and use the entire ring to press me."


Su Su blinked.


That's it...

Su Su looked at Gao Leng, and saw that the blood vessels in his exposed neck and arms were black and black, and the expression on his face seemed extremely depressed, as if he was holding back something. This kind of forbearance also made him use it instinctively. The body was pressed tightly on himself, and the hot body temperature made people suffocate.

But the high-cold white eyes are full of red blood, even black blood.

Unlike a normal person, Su Su's hand touched his arm, and the iron-hard muscles seemed to burst at any time.

"You, you, you, you, are you sick?"

"Yes, I'm sick." Gao Leng closed his eyes and smelled Su Su, the fragrance of a woman's hair, Su Su's body scent, and her trembling lips. Everything made Gao Leng uncontrollable, he even He made the uncontrollable growl that a man would make.

Su Su was even more confused.

"Sheng...sheng... sick, I, I, I, I will call you a doctor...you, you, you, calm down." The smart Su Su realized that Gao Leng must have been given that kind of medicine, otherwise It won't be so, and the portion must be generous.

"Hyperactivity, I can't calm down." Gao Leng approached her ear and bit gently: "Ding Ding ADHD, so moving..." Then, he moved more than a dozen times: "You haven't felt it yet?"

Although separated by the clothes, Su Su’s last mental straw was shattered at once, and it could not be broken again. The dozens of times her body shook with the high-cold body made her understand a truth: on the bed, Put away your arrogance, don't fight with a man, especially an impulsive man like Gao Leng, otherwise you will only be stabbed.

"You ask the doctor? No, just need to be on you, just come in and out, go out and in..." The high cold voice showed desire, and Su Su still didn't move his hand, but it pressed her tighter.

"I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I, I, I..." Su Suto completely became a counselor, Gao Leng said that he has a sense of picture, mainly not that he has a sense of picture, but he is really on him. cover up……

Su Su's body softened instantly, and he didn't know if it was scared or what.

Being pressed by a man from verbal to physical provocation was enough to shock Su Su, and what shocked her even more was how her tightest pants...


"Baba Baba..." Su Su shivered.

father? !

Gao Leng looked at the woman below, was she too scared?

"Papillary gland fluid..." Su Su mumbled. As soon as these words came out, she immediately closed her mouth and wished to slap herself.

Why speak up! so awkward! Su Su closed his eyes tightly, hoping Gao Leng could not understand the meaning of these words.

"Papillary gland fluid, a viscous white or transparent liquid, can play a lubricating effect. It is composed of the vestibular glands, cervical glands, endometrial secretions and vaginal mucosal exudate, It is a mixture of shed vaginal epithelial cells." Su Su meditated on the detailed theoretical knowledge he had mastered, and his body twisted.

"Papian gland fluid, you are wet and want it." Gao Leng took a deep breath, his hoarse voice became more impulsive.


This man actually knows this knowledge? ! Su Su looked at the door with a help-saving expression. She moved her throat and wanted to scream, regretting it, why did she fall into the wolf's den with pride! This man's blood spurted, and he was drugged!

Although she is a daughter, she has heard of those things that are difficult to control after being drugged. Many such parties in the entertainment circle are very messy. I have never heard that people can control them after being drugged. Live your own.

Su Su got the answer to Gao Leng's reason for not having an interview with her, for not allowing her to enter the door, and for being so vicious.

She suddenly understood why Gao Leng kept calling her out, not wanting to move her. But what she didn't know was that what Gao Leng was going through at this time was purgatory, a purgatory that was a hundred times more painful than she had imagined being drugged.

Gao Leng looked at the stunner under him.

Has instinctively secreted the stunner of Pap's gland fluid...

He only felt a blast of air rushing through his body, he even started to move subconsciously, and he instinctively pulled her clothes with one hand.

Suddenly, a trace of sanity surged up, a high and cold growl and a punch hit the bed on Su Su's head. After a muffled noise, he suddenly stood up and then returned to the corner again, lowering his head and not looking at her again, with a speed. Let Su Su think it is an illusion.

It was Gao Leng's decision to release Su Su based on his own consciousness, but he himself didn't know how long this trace of reason could last. After all, the temptation exuded by Su Su who was trembling on the bed at this time was a hundred times that of Yang Guanguan. More than. Su Su, Gao Leng had been thinking about it for a long, long time. It was as difficult as having a person who had been hungry for seven days and seven nights without moving his chopsticks against a piece of fat.

But obviously this woman is unwilling, and this unwilling woman, Gao Leng likes her.

"Go away." The voice like a beast, the original command tone is not to be violated.

"I, I, I..." Su Su tremblingly stretched out his hand to grab the bag and clothes on the bed. He walked towards Gao Leng and wanted to put on shoes: "I, I, I, I will call you a doctor. ."

"Get out!" Gao Leng raised her head and shouted angrily, and stopped her walking towards her side: "Don't call a doctor, get out now!"

Gao Leng almost couldn't restrain himself from wanting to rush to tear up this woman's heart of joyous words. Since Su Sujin came to the present, he has done her countless times in his mind, in various postures and crazy.

"Good, good..." Su Su **** barefoot, and ran to the door with the bag at hand. Just about to open the door, the lady suddenly stopped and opened the bag.

"Zhuangzhuangzhuangzhuangzhuang... They see me like this, very very, very shameless, when the time comes, people talk nonsense, send news, people with ulterior motives send news, I, I, I Look in the mirror..."

How could Huantai's boss go out so shaky and shivering? And I'm still bombed out, so I have to pretend that everything is in my hands! At the door, Su Suwo tried to make her movements a little bit smaller. His hands were shaking, his legs were shaking, and his chest was shaking.

This dead girl is really wordy, there is no end to it!

Gao Leng raised his eyes, and his eyes were instantly black and violent!


Mu Xiaolian got on the plane and checked the time. He was lucky. There were suitable flights as soon as he arrived at the airport. Also, there were a lot of flights from the Imperial Capital to Shanghai, but the way to the airport was blocked for half an hour.

It is estimated that after flying for two hours and then from the airport to Zhizhou Winery, if there is no traffic jam, it will arrive in three hours in one hour.

Why does Brother Gao Leng think so strongly every time in the middle of the month? I... I feel so tired, I can't hold it at all, what should I do... Xiao Leng with tears in his eyes, glanced at the mobile browser, and there was a question from her Baidu: what to do if she can't satisfy her husband.

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