Gossip King

Chapter 1348: Real hunter

"The 14th is the birthday of the second head of the Liu Brothers Film and Television Company, one of the three major domestic film and television companies." After Gao Leng finished speaking, he saw Diba staring at Gao Leng dumbfounded.

"The 19th is the birthday of the CEO of Shanshan Film and Television Company."

Diba continued to look at Gao Leng blankly.

"Have you never remembered this?" Gao Leng asked.

Diba nodded honestly: "I even forgot my birthday."

"Don't you know what to remember?"

Diba nodded blankly again.

"You are not very popular now, never become popular. In addition to the company's resources and the packaging of the team, you also have to pay attention to yourself. Remember the birthdays of the bosses of these film and television companies. It's good. I read the report that Fatty gave me. You actually offended President Liu's son at the last dinner." Gao Leng glanced at Diba.

A few days ago, she had an accident. At a dinner party, the only son of the boss of Dongzhou Youyu Film and Television Company took the initiative to raise a glass to Diba and invited her to dance with her, but Diba refused. This makes this young man very shameless. You must know that Dongzhou Youyu Film and Television Company is also well-known in the industry. The boss’s only son is also handsome, not to mention how many artists want to get on the pole, at least people invite you to share Dance, you can't refuse.

In this circle, you should not offend any boss who is a film and television company. Without them, your agent will be useless. After all, these people are responsible for investing in film and television, and even the directors have to rely on these people to invest, let alone the artists. .

Gao Leng looked at Diba seriously. Don’t look at this incident, which made the boss of the film and television company lose face. Offending one is equivalent to the loss of his resources in the future. For this, Gao Leng personally gave the other party. It's hard to forget it after calling.

Diba naturally knew about it, and the fat man remembered it for her and deducted some bonuses.

"He invited you to dance, why did you refuse?"

"I wanted to **** at the time, I couldn't hold it anymore." Diba spread his hands and said "What can I do?"


I couldn’t talk anymore. The answer made Gao Leng almost choked with a sip of tea. He glanced at Diba helplessly. This girl was really beautiful and beautiful, and Gao Leng was also bright when he saw her. Talent, it's easy to become popular after pushing it out, but I didn't expect this girl to easily say the word "shit" and say it in front of her own face.

"Then I can't hold back the **** and dance with him? It will come out, and it will be worse if I spray him all over."


Gao Leng took a sip of tea...

He stretched out his hand to stop what she continued to say, this style of painting turned so fast that he had to slow him down.

"The name of the boss of the film and television company in the circle, and the people around him, you have to know them, don't sin, this is the most basic." The coldness that eased over held himself and watched Diba seriously and continued to teach her: "Not only do you have to know, you also have to remember their birthdays, I will show you."

Gao Leng took out his mobile phone and saw 378 unread text messages. Diba leaned over, blinking with big eyes and looked at the short conviction: "Hello, Mr. Gao, I am xx, you will have your birthday next month. I am now..."

Gao Leng pulled down the short message, at least hundreds of similar messages.

"Did you see? Other artists will come to me in advance to tell me about my birthday. This is a kind of emotional intelligence to behave in this circle." Gao Leng handed her the phone and asked her to slowly reflect on it.

"So it's useless if you post it, you don't see it at all..." Diba pointed to the unread text messages.


Gao Leng was speechless for a while.

"Mr. Gao, my room number is 6509. I brought the best red wine and the most tempting black silk. Will you come in? You are welcome to come in... Well... You just read this one..."


Gao Leng stretched out his hand, and Diba quickly handed him the phone, sticking out his tongue with gossip.

"In short, you have to give a snack to the bosses of other film and television companies, and you can't offend others in the future." Gao Lenghu said.

Diba nodded obediently: "Anyway, I didn't even think about quitting. I have been working under your hands. It's the best thing to be red, and it can give you money. If it is not red, then you will lose money, so I think I am good. Just filming, the artists who come to cheat you want to change jobs, right?"

These words, Diba said casually, but it made Gao Leng a little relieved.

The most taboo thing is to terminate the contract with the company after the artist becomes popular. After all, the company will spend a lot of money to launch you, and Diba obviously has no such thoughts.

"I asked you to come here today to take you to a social gathering, and you will be more atmospheric in the future."

"Zhifu Film and Television, this name sounds like a long time ago, isn't it famous in China? I don't know." Diba asked.

Zhifu Films does not have a big name in the mainland. This is a Taiwanese film and television company. It has declined in Taiwan in recent years. But it was famous ten years ago. It was the first film and television company to do Taiwan variety shows. The rise of inland variety shows killed Taiwan in that year, and Taiwan’s variety shows entered the most difficult years. Zhifu Film and Television, a film and television company that specializes in variety shows in Taiwan, was also hit hard.

Compared with the heavy losses from the market, Zhifu Film and Television suffered even more severe losses last year. Its founder, Qi, died suddenly, and a precarious film and television company lost its boss, and fell into trouble for a while. Four of its five programs have been suspended, and one program is still on hold.

Qi Dazhao's only son, Qi Zhuangnan, took over the entire company, but this Qi Zhuangnan has never managed the company before. It is impossible to turn things around at once. At this time, it is the time when other film and television companies are moving. Up.

If you can annex an established Taiwanese variety show company, this time is the most suitable time.

"It used to be very powerful, now is the weakest time." Yang Guanguan looked a little excited, needless to say, she also knew Gao Leng's thoughts.

"Mr. Gao, you want to swallow this company, right." Diba rolled up his sleeves: "Okay, **** him!"


"Girls speak, don't be like this..." Gao Leng glared at her.

"Fuck him." Diba quickly rounded it up.

"I heard that Huantai Group is also following up on this project." Yang Guanguan looked at Gao Leng with some worry: "Not only Huantai, other film and television companies also want to win Zhifu Film and Television, I am afraid that this will not happen. It's so easy. We can't win the price war, and the human relationship is not as deep as that of Zhifu."


"President Su, Zhifu Film and Television has made an appointment to meet tomorrow night, and I will see them at night." Huantai Film and Television Company's old office reported: "We have talked about four rounds, this President Qi is a bit..."

"Why, he wants to increase the price?" Su Su moved his eyes and sneered: "I will definitely get them if I swallow them. They are not worth a lot of money now. What price Qi Zhuangnan will offer, we agreed That's it, other companies want to swallow, don't bargain." Su Su confessed a few words, in the end the wealth is strong and confident, anyway, what price other companies offer, she just raised the price on it, other film and television companies Although powerful, the capital is far inferior to Huantai Group.

Su Su was not afraid of Kong Capital, and she did not lift her head.

There are too many companies that Su Su has annexed. She doesn't have to operate from start to finish in person at Zhifu Film and Television. She just meets at the last moment. The general manager underneath holds a high salary to perform his duties. This matter does not require her to come out in person.

"Okay, I really need to talk about the price, but this President Qi..." This person hesitated for a moment. When he talked about this President Qi seemed to be unspeakable, and finally he swallowed what he wanted to say, but turned around. Turning his head: "Mr. Gao just went over there. I heard people from Zhifu's side say that they had an appointment at 9:30. I'm afraid they just met right now."

Su Su raised his head: "He has a big appetite, and he wants to play variety shows?"

"How can you not do variety shows when you open a film and television company, but I didn't expect that he would come to grab Zhifu Film and Television. Although Zhifu Film and Television has declined, but the thin camel is bigger than Malaysia, and many film and television companies are staring at it." When the company's boss talks about high coldness, he doesn't get angry.

The films he invested in did not sell as well as those of Gao Leng Investment. No one compared it. It was still successful. A comparison with Gao Leng made President Su’s face and made his life difficult, so his words were harsh. .

But it is true that so many film and television companies want to annex Zhifu Film and Television, how old is Starlight Group? —————

"Mr. Gao, do you want to annex Bliss?" Yang Guanguan asked.

Gao Leng nodded, sure.

"Nowadays, many people are definitely grabbing the blessing. I heard that since last year, many film and television companies have negotiated with President Qi, and the prices have been very high, especially for Huantai. Huantai has said to Zhifu since last month. Good impression, he looks like he will definitely win the best." Yang Guanguan frowned, timidly: "Are you talking to him about annexation today?"

Gao Leng didn't speak, and tapped his hand on the table rhythmically.

"The Liu Brothers Film and Television Company contacted Mr. Qi in September last year. They were the first to follow Zhifu Film and Television. Mr. Qi hadn’t passed away yet. They have known each other for a long time, and they have taken advantage of the time, place and place. In February and March of this year, Huantai Film and Television, Spider Film and Yuhai Film and Television Company followed up, and they all talked to Mr. Qi for several rounds. The price of this annexation has also risen and risen. Now a bunch of people are looting. Mr. Qi is up for sale, and the price may be very high. To win, we don't have the economic strength, and we are too late to enter." Yang Guanguan analyzed.

"So many film and television companies are robbing..." Diba opened her mouth. This is the first time she has really come into contact with commercial warfare, and it feels much more difficult than she thought.

After hearing this, Gao Leng smiled and said: "Not only will we not talk about annexation today, we will not talk about annexation this year."

"Then...what shall we talk about? If we don't talk about it this year, then he will sell it to others." Yang Guanguan was stunned.

"When it's not time to talk, real hunters won't hunt in spring." A cold light flashed in Gao Leng's eyes.

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