Gossip King

Chapter 1366: It's good for us

"I'll go out for a while." Jian Xiaodan stood up and pointed to the information: "These are here. I'll be back later. By the way, I will eat in the office at noon?"

"Aren't you going to have dinner with Ouyang?" Gao Leng asked.

"No, I'll go, I'll buy something to eat here in a while, so let's go with you." Jian Xiaodan said, putting the diary in his bag and getting up and leaving, but when he went out, he put on sunglasses to block the red Eye circles.

Ouyang was still waiting for her in his friend's boutique restaurant, the old room, when Xiao Shan pushed the door in, Ouyang smiled and stood up.

"They are all ordered, they are all the dishes you liked to eat when you were young." There was a table of hot dishes on the table, and Ou Yang pointed to one of the dishes: "I don't have this dish here. I came here last time. Saying you like to eat, my friend made it for me."

He pointed to a plate of wild vegetables that Xiaodan liked to eat when he was a child. They had them locally, and it was really rare to eat them in the Imperial City.

"Yeah." Xiao Shan sat down opposite Ouyang without taking off his sunglasses.

"Why did you leave that night? Didn't you get used to sleeping?" Ouyang put the chopsticks next to Xiaodan: "You liked this bed when you were a kid. I took a lot of effort to get the room from my hometown to the Imperial Capital. Isn’t it the same as when I was a kid?

"Yeah." Xiao Shan nodded lightly, and reached into his bag to hold the diary.

"When you were a kid, you liked coming to my house most on weekends. Whenever you came, you would sleep in my bed. Every time I went to sleep on the sofa. After shaking, so many years have passed." Ou Yang counted with his fingers: "We know... sixteen years, seventeen years, well, seventeen years."

"Yeah." Xiao Shan's hand repeatedly touched the diary in his bag, with three words of sorry written on it, and refused Ou Yang.

She looked at Ouyang. At this time, Ouyang smiled. This man is a top actor in China. He has too much applause and fans, but he doesn't dislike simple and simple, and even thinks that he can be with Xiaodan in this life. Knowing, knowing from a young age, is a particularly lucky thing.

"By the way, my mother asked me to give it to you." Ouyang took out a small box from his pocket, and opened it up with a jade bracelet: "My mother has brought this thing for many years. She said last time you Just stare at her jade bracelet, thinking you like it, take it."

Ouyang's parents often go to the orphanage to pick her up for the weekend, allowing her to experience the warmth of the family.

After speaking, Ou Yang put the box in her hand and looked at Jian Xiaodan’s current appearance. He couldn’t help but smile from his heart: "You were actually very cute and beautiful when you were a child, and now you are also very beautiful. I have always felt that You are a second-sighted beauty, but it is not amazing at first glance, but as time goes by, the better you look, the better."

Xiao Shan remained silent. She put a hand in her bag and gently took out the diary. Ou Yang saw it at once, and the expression on his face became a little nervous.

"You...you brought the diary. Did you get the answer so soon?" Ouyang, who had always been fluent in front of the camera, stuttered a bit. He even took a deep breath in nervousness, not knowing how to move his hand. Where to put it.

"Unexpectedly, I'm so nervous, I've never been so nervous in front of a girl." Ou Yang's face flushed slightly, he took a sip of water from the water glass, and wanted to see Xiao Shan's expression, but Xiao Shan was wearing sunglasses , He couldn't see her eyes.

"I'll show you this." Ouyang took out his wallet from his pocket, opened it, and pulled out a photo from it. Under a big sweet-scented osmanthus tree, a small single and a small Ouyang stood side by side. Sitting together, a book was placed on Xiao Shan's lap, and the two read together, smiling brightly.

"There are three more." Ouyang drew out four small photos, brand new: "I'm looking for someone to renovate and reduce the size of the photo, and it happened to be in the wallet. Look at this, this is the first time you went to the playground with me. Let's eat ice cream together."

"This one, my mother and you."

"This is a family portrait. My dad was very thin at the time. It's not like now. You see, the baby on your face was fat and heavy at that time, very cute."

The past, with Ou Yang's narrative and photos, unfolded clearly before his eyes.

Xiao Shan remained silent, sweating on the palm of her diary in her hand. She took off her sunglasses, her eyes were red with tears in her eyes, she seemed to dare not look at Ouyang and lowered her head.

Faintly, Ouyang felt that something was wrong.

He looked at Xiao Shan’s expression, instantly understood, smiled awkwardly, and quickly said: “You don’t need to give the answer now, you can think about it again. By the way, I’m going to communicate with them on Seventh Sister, you Don't worry, I won't come to you again. I have also inquired about your father's uncle's cemetery. When the time comes..."

"Ouyang." Xiao Shan took a deep breath and raised his eyes to look at him. She looked at him, and Xiao Shan's tears flowed down: "Thank you very much, since I was little, for everything you have done for me, Really, I..."

Xiao Shan gently placed the diary on the table, touched it with his hand, reluctant to leave it.

"Did you know, after I reunited with you, I was very happy. In these years, whenever I can't make it, I will think about you, about your family, your parents, except for my own mother, I will be with you? My family has felt the warmth of family. Seven sisters, although I have been adopted by them for a while, there is really no warmth of family, only you give me."

Xiao Shan's hand opened Ouyang's childhood diary, and the paper inside was crumpled by her tears: "Sorry, I made the diary like this."

"It's okay, we can write new together in the future." Ou Yang reached out to hold Xiao Shan's hand, but Xiao Shan immediately put his hand on his lap.

Ouyang's expression changed.

"We have known each other for 17 years, Xiao Shan, I know very well, what's wrong with you? If you feel pressured, you can relax." Ou Yang said.

"Well, we have known each other when we were young, and we haven't seen each other for such a long time, but you know how I was in the beginning, and... those things."

"Xiao Shan, I don't care about those things at all. Do you remember when we were little..."

Ou Yang stopped suddenly when he said that, he found Jian Xiaoshan put on sunglasses again, and his expression became very strange.

"I stayed in that house for more than an hour yesterday, and I cried for more than an hour, Ouyang, I'm so sad, I can't stay there, everything around reminds me of the past."

Thinking of everything in the past, this made Xiao Shan unable to breathe.

Ouyang didn't know what to say for a while.

In the past, for Ouyang, it was a very beautiful thing that he and Xiaodan had known each other since they were young. He never thought how much Jian Xiaodan hated her past.

"I have struggled so hard over the years to make myself look like a normal person, not abandoned, without experiencing those nasty things, your diary is so detailed, bit by bit, the past seems to be in my life again. It usually happens once, every time I look at it, I suffer once."

Xiao Shan's tears flowed slowly behind her sunglasses. She did not look at the direction of the diary, but looked outside.

Ouyang's diary made her sink into the sea in the past, unable to breathe. Seeing him is like seeing her own past, seeing everything she experienced in that bad uncle's car.

In the past, it was what Jian Xiaoshan wanted to discard most.

Ouyang was a little confused.

He quickly took the diary on the table and put it on his side, and said in a panic: "It's okay, we lost the diary, but if you don’t like to remember the past, we won’t remember, sorry, me, me, and me. Let’s not talk about the past."

Xiao Shan's gaze fell on the dishes on the table, and she smiled helplessly: "You know, after so many years, I have never ordered this wild vegetable. Once the wine bureau had this dish, that night I I didn’t eat a bite of rice. I thought about the past when I saw this dish, which made me breathless. I don’t eat the dishes I liked before, let alone eat it. I will feel uncomfortable when I see it."


Ou Yang was even more confused. He looked at the table full of dishes. He made all the small orders that he liked most when he was a kid.

"Serve, serve, waiter, take this dish away." Ou Yang hurriedly called to the waiter, and the waiter hurriedly came over and took the dish away.

"But when I see you now, I think of the past." Xiao Shan closed his eyes.


Ouyang had no idea what to say.

He thought his advantage was that he knew everything about Xiao Shan, but he didn't expect this to become his biggest disadvantage.

"Do you know that before Seventh Sister came, my happiest time was when you took me to the orphanage and pressed the file of the obscene case to the bottom, which made people want to find it but couldn’t find it. I am very happy, as if I hid the past. Actually, I don’t remember the past in such detail. I deliberately didn’t think about it over the years, and slowly forget it, and it’s okay..."

Xiao Shan smiled helplessly.

"But the appearance of the diary made me think of everything. Really, I remember everything so clearly, especially when he was in the car that day...." At this point, Jian Xiaodan turned his head. Go to the side and stop looking at Ouyang.

Ouyang didn't know what to say.

The simple and simple in front of him, when you see him, you will think of the past, and you will be painful when you think of the past, not to mention love, even friendship is enough.

"I'm leaving first. I have to be quiet." Jian Xiaodan stood up after speaking. She was shaking a little. Ouyang is a very important and important person to her. She has no friends of the opposite **** in her life, Ou Yang is the most precious friend of the opposite sex.

But what to do, it was simply bad luck. After finally having such a friend, it turned out to be like this. When I saw Ou Yang, I thought of those painful years and she was about to collapse.

"Xiaodan." Ouyang stretched out her hand to hold Jian Xiaodan.

"Thank you for everything, Seventh Sister, thank you, you don’t have to worry about this, I will deal with it. I’m sorry, I messed up. When my mood stabilizes, I will find you again, my friendship with you I cherish it, but I’m really...I’m feeling a little...I can’t see you now, I can’t stand it.” While talking, Xiao Shan glanced at Ou Yang, and his eyes flowed down. Quickly let go of his hand.

"Also, you and I can't be in love. I have someone I like, so that's it." Xiao Shan finished speaking, and left without looking back.

In a hurry, keep away from the past, the farther away the better.

If there is no past, it is best, but unfortunately, it happened, and there is no way to reverse it.

Then the best thing is to live in a place where no one knows her past.

In the Star Group, the best, fat man, old hanging, they only know that she came out of the orphanage, and they don't know anything else, especially Gao Leng. They don't know what bitterness she has suffered, or what nasty things she has experienced.

So simple is simple, no one mentions those things, as if they never happened, this is the best.

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