Gossip King

Chapter 1371: Cold woman

"Um..." Mu Xiaolian hesitated.

"Say, go try some mirrors." Gao Leng became more serious. In the relationship between men and women, he has long been accustomed to the state of being in the upper hand, especially in front of Mu Xiao Leng. This advantage is not only emotional. The upper hand is more to protect the existence of the protective cover above her.

The high cold of investing in film and television, knowing the depth of this business, he does not allow Xiao Leng to have any accidents.

"I went to the Huxiang TV station for an interview in the Imperial City district. Our school has cooperated with them. They recruited an entertainment broadcast group host. My classmates and I went there. I have gone through two rounds of interviews. The last round of interviews tomorrow morning. "

When Mu Xiaoling heard that her high cold tone changed, she immediately recruited everything. She muttered aggrievedly: "I was thinking about waiting for the interview and I will tell you and give you a surprise."

It turns out that Huxiang TV Station will come to Mu Xiaolen’s school every year to recruit students. This time there is an opportunity to host the entertainment program internship to face junior students. Good schools always have more opportunities.

The entertainment broadcast is just before the start of the news at 7:30, each satellite TV will have a dedicated section to broadcast entertainment news. It takes about 30 minutes to string together the entertainment news that happened that day. What movies, TV series, which artists have held a press conference today, who have some scandals with whom, etc. Usually the scenes collected by entertainment reporters at press conferences are put on the entertainment broadcast.

The star asked the reporter to come and join us. The reporter came to the interview and wrote the manuscript, took the video, and sent it to the TV station. According to the news registration, the TV station sent some tidbits to the entertainment broadcast column. The host of the entertainment broadcast column stringed the news together. Tell all the entertainment news today to the camera in ten minutes.

This is the job of the entertainment broadcast host.

It's easy to say, after all, there is no need for them to interview or write manuscripts, and there is a teleprompter at the entertainment broadcast scene, just watch the teleprompter read it out.

Mu Xiaolen's image is pleasant and pure. In terms of image and articulation, she is indeed competent enough, and her age is also very suitable. She is a junior, at the same age, not too big or too young, just to cope with the entertainment news that has already prepared the manuscript. , And not too immature.

Most of the people who watch this kind of entertainment news are young high school students and junior high school students. According to the style that Huxiang TV likes to make stars, they often choose young and beautiful female hosts.

This column is a small column, and it is also a relatively simple column. You don’t need to run outside, you don’t need to go to interviews. Naturally, you don’t need to socialize much. Every day you dress up nicely and tell the news to the teleprompter in the greenhouse. .

After listening to Gao Leng, I felt relaxed.

Gao Leng is a bit machismo. Even if he pushes Mu Xiao Leng casually, Xiao Leng has a good foundation and can easily enter the entertainment circle. But he didn't want to. He couldn't bear the love story or the lingering kiss between his girlfriend and other actors.

Even if you don't kiss each other, just shoot normally. Such a young actor has to act for many years, and the role is always ambiguous, right? Always need to promote, right? Always fry CP, right?

These are also unacceptable to high cold.

You don’t need to tell him anything. These are all jobs. Please look at it from a professional perspective. If he is straight with cancer, he just can’t look at it from a professional perspective. What's wrong?

My own girlfriend can't do it.

Just as he sees Murong Yuyan’s intimate scenes with other actors on the screen, even if he sees only one poster, he feels uncomfortable. But Murong transformed and took a lot of similar romantic dramas, although later There is no more passionate kiss, but when Gao Leng sees the kind of posters taken on loan, she will feel that she is no longer the Murong of the past, and is no longer the goddess he used to dream of.

It seems to have suddenly fallen from the sky.

Are men fickle? The goddess who had liked her for so long changed after seeing her passionate scenes.

Be fickle, maybe.

Therefore, when he heard that Mu Xiao Leng was only going to interview the entertainment broadcast intern host, Gao Leng was in a lot of joy. He didn't want to see Xiao Leng scrutinize CP with other people, and he didn't like auditions. The director posted a special comment. A feast for the eyes from close shots to special parts.

"Why don't you tell me that I can find relationships for you. My scenes are all shown on Huxiang TV, and I am familiar with them." Gao Leng restarted the vehicle and said, "Although it is only an intern host, I guess There must be a lot of them."

Don't look at it as an entertainment broadcast, but after all, it is Huxiang TV. Huxiang TV is the best TV in domestic entertainment. The competition is very fierce. It is not impossible for Mu Xiaoling to interview internship host by his own efforts, but It's really difficult.

Although the intern host only stood next to the host to talk to each other, and she went up several times a month, it was not Huxiang 2, 3, or 4 that she was going to, but Huxiang TV, which was the main station.

Mu Xiaolen's ability to go to the final audition shows that she is capable.

"No, I want to rely on my own efforts." Mu Xiaoleng mumbled, "Don't interfere."

"Okay, I won't intervene. Tomorrow I will let Starlight's driver pick you up." Gao Leng didn't say more about this, but hung up the phone after giving a few words.

After hanging up the phone, he immediately called a friend of Huxiang TV station. His play is being broadcasted on Hunan TV station. Now he is very familiar with it. He did not call the administrative leader, but directly called Huxiang. A call from a well-known male host.

"Brother Wang, it's me."

"Mr. Gao, hello, what's the matter?" This host Wang is an old man on Huxiang TV. Both the host strength and the personal connections are first-rate. Just one internship host does not need to be moved to the head of any big leader at all, saying that host Wang will use a sledgehammer.

Gao Leng briefly said about Xiao Leng.

"Oh, this, isn't it? No problem." Host Wang readily agreed, haha ​​smiled: "Actually, there are three of the four intern host positions that are set by default, and one will be released. The four are settled."

Nowadays, if it’s okay to play in the media, it’s hard for a newcomer to get ahead, especially the host. The host is not like an actor. There are many actors. There are so many actors. There are so many hosts and there are few posts. Huxiang TV. There are fewer host positions.

Fortunately, Gao Leng now has the ability to fight for Mu Xiao Leng's opportunity, not to mention the internship host, he can also get her off the official host.

If Mu Xiaoling becomes an entertainment broadcaster or a host of weather forecasts in the future, he still likes this position very cold, simple, easy and simple, just read it to the teleprompter.

It is known in the industry that basically in TV stations, these two positions are related to the households.

"Then ask Brother Wang to teach her more." Gao sneered.

"Is this your friend?" Host Wang looked at Gao Leng so eagerly, and tentatively asked, he himself didn't pay much attention to the gossip of the people in the imperial capital circle, and Gao Leng rarely showed up with Xiao Leng. I really don't know the relationship between Mu Xiaolen and Gao Leng.

"Yes, my girlfriend." Gao Leng said without concealment.

"Your girlfriend!" Host Wang patted his thigh as soon as he heard it: "That's okay, that's okay, then I will accept her as a closed disciple. If I want to be a host on Huxiang TV in the future, I will take care of it."

"That's great." Gao Leng was very happy when he heard it. Host Wang is well-known in the industry. If Xiao Leng could learn from him, he would be very happy, but I think of Mu Zhengtang...

"My girlfriend is Mu Zhengtang's daughter." Gao Leng still chose to tell the truth, he couldn't keep it away anyway.

Host Wang was stunned for a moment. Although he was not very familiar with the imperial chaebol circles, Mu Zhengtang's affairs were very clear, but after a few seconds of stunned laughter, "Mu Zhengtang is Mu Zhengtang, he is dead, and I listened. It is said that the project funds he delayed have been filled up, several hundred million. It should be the hole that you made up for Mr. Gao? You have a good confession attitude, the money has been made up, and a large wave of corrupt officials have been recruited, which will definitely reduce the sentence. It’s coming out in 2017. It’s just an internship host for an entertainment broadcast, and it’s just one sentence to mention the host directly. I only know that this little girl is your girlfriend of Mr. Gao, it’s okay!"

Today is different.

In today’s high cold, Starlight Group can be at any time if it wants to go public. If you don’t want to go public, it also has billions of assets. The media assets are different from traditional enterprises, and they grow very fast. It is foreseeable that soon, a few boutiques After the TV series, Starlight Group will enter the tens of billions of enterprises.

After all, he now has a firm foothold in the field of fine TV dramas. These years, it is not easy to get down the hill. Once it is done, it will be the harvest season.

In this capacity, who would say that Mu Xiao Leng is Mu Zhengtang's daughter?

I can only say, you think this little girl has a very good life, she is a cold woman from the Star Group.

In this capacity, Gao Leng can open a magazine for her as the director, let alone an entertainment broadcast host. Host Wang is a very visionary person. He immediately accepted Mu Xiao Leng as a closed disciple. He knew that there was no opportunity to come back.

My disciple is the woman of the CEO of Starlight Group. I am the master of the girlfriend of Gao Leng, the CEO of Starlight Group. This level is enough to help him walk the rivers and lakes. If you offend anyone, don’t offend the big coffee. The big coffee asks you for help. , I quickly got things done.

Ding Ding Ding, Mu Xiao Leng's call came again. As soon as I answered the phone, she heard her worriedly saying, "I thought about it, you will definitely find a relationship for me. If you don't want to find a relationship, I can definitely rely on myself. Yes, this interview is very transparent. There are four internship places!"

"If you don't find a relationship, I'm not looking for a relationship. I'm busy. Keep working hard. Don't be sad if you don't have an interview. You are still a year away from graduation." Gao Leng was too easy to coax Mu Xiao Leng into a few words. Let her hang up.

Don't tell her, let her be beautiful for a while when she receives the admission notice. Otherwise, with her identity and her head, she will only make people say: This is a cold woman...

Don't talk about her, it's just a small one. Now, someone introduces Mr. Jian, and there is a sentence afterwards: Mr. Gao's right arm...

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