Gossip King

Chapter 1376: The agency

"Mu Qing, you are so good-looking." The fat man drank a little, and drunkly pulled Mu Qing to the side to rest, looking at Mu Qing without blinking.

"White, tender, long hair, everything is what I imagined." The fat man reached out his hand and touched Mu Qing's hair: "My woman."

"So many people." Mu Qing hid slightly.

"You're so good-looking." The fat man murmured, his face flushed red: "It's so good-looking, so good-looking." As he said, he hiccuped and Mu Qing turned his face away.

This kind of dinner is a good place to establish contacts. Sister Cai has the heart and brought some friends to support him. Gao Leng put some contacts with the fat man. The fat man did his best and drank a lot of wine. It's just that it's not as good as the cold drink, this will be planted.

"How much did you drink? So drunk." Mu Qing frowned and asked.

"Not much, not drunk." Fatty Jiujin just came up, smiling.

"It's still a big drink. The fat drink is actually good. But today he did drink a little too much. Waiter, help him to the room to rest." Xiao Shan walked over and took a look, shook his head helplessly and smiled. Xiang Gao Leng and Mu Qing also looked over, only to see Gao Leng still holding a wine glass, talking and laughing.

Mu Qing looked at Gao Leng, then at Fatty with disgust.

"My family Mu Qing likes that I can't drink enough, she said." The fat man leaned forward to Mu Qing's side happily, with a strong drink, more of a love from the heart.

Mu Qing did say that when she first became a fat girlfriend, she saw him get drunk again. The next day she said: "If you don't know how to drink, drink less. I don't like those who are good at drinking. I hate the man who controls the audience the most."

Mu Qing forced a smile.

"I'm happy today, not drunk or going back, not in the way. Mu Qing, or you accompany him to rest." Jian Xiaodan felt relieved when he saw that the fat man was drinking a little high.

"Mr. Jane, go ahead, I'll ask the waiter to take him to the room to rest." Mu Qing stood up and smiled decently: "There is still a lot of socializing here, I will be busy again."

Jian Xiaodan nodded, just when someone was talking to her, she hurried away.

"You accompany me to the room, let's..." The fat man leaned next to Mu Qing and said fascinatingly.

"There are so many things here, Mr. Gao and Mr. Jian are busy, how can I leave?" Mu Qing said with a cold face. At this moment, she saw Gao Leng coming over, so she stood up: "Mr. Gao. "

"Yeah." Gao Leng nodded at Mu Qing and looked at Fatty. He stretched out his foot and kicked his foot: "Fatty, it's too high to drink."

"No...not drunk!" Fatty couldn't walk smoothly, and smiled into a flower after drinking.

"The amount of alcohol you drink is just to mess around with your little circle, and it was poured so quickly." Gao sneered and stretched out his hand to take off his coat: "I'll take you up to rest, just as I am going to change clothes. "

I saw that Gao Leng's coat was covered with wine. When he was drinking, he was accidentally caught by Old Zhao Po. After Gao Leng took off his coat, his hands and feet became much smoother, and he bent over and hugged the fat man.

"I'll take it for you." Mu Qing quickly reached out and took Gao Leng's coat, and quickly reached out to hold the fat man, looked at Gao Leng and said: "Then, Mr. Gao, I will trouble you. I was still watching. How can I get him up there myself."

"What is the trouble, my brother. Let's go, you can just hold me the clothes, and I can get him away by myself." Gao Leng held the fat man with one hand: "How many floors are you living here?"

"On the 28th floor, Fatty lives on the 28th floor. Your room is also arranged on the 28th floor, right next to it." Mu Qing said, following Gao Leng's back towards the elevator, and the two waiters followed.

"You don't need to follow." Mu Qing said to the waiter, and quickly followed Gao Leng into the elevator.

"Hey hey, boss, my girlfriend looks good." Fatty Jiujin came up, looked at Mu Qing from left to right, and said with joy in his heart.

"Pretty." Gao Leng answered casually.

Mu Qing pursed his mouth, a smile on his face.

"Match me." The fat man asked again.

They all said that seeing the truth after drinking, Gao Leng shook his head helplessly when he saw Fatty falling in love. He saw Fatty playing with little girls a lot. This was the first time he saw him like a girl so much.

"Very good," Gao Leng said.

Mu Qing pursed his mouth again, and the smile on his face became somewhat inexplicable.

"I don't feel fit." The fat man burped and sighed after looking at Mu Qing: "It's so good-looking, I am a little bit unworthy of Mu Qing. I can find her as a girlfriend. It's really true..."

The fat man burped again.

"Okay, don't say a few words." Mu Qing interrupted the fat man.

"I'm not drunk..." The fat man laughed again and looked at Mu Qing: "Boss, my girlfriend is so beautiful, my life is so good..."

Seeing that the fat man was happy, Gao Leng laughed.

Mu Qing was a little depressed and laughed with her. What she hates to hear at this time is that she is a fat girlfriend.

"Fatty really likes you." Gao Leng looked at Mu Qing: "He has never done this to a girl. Don't worry, the old man is very good. If you are in Xingguang Group, all resources will be directed towards you. ."

Buddy's woman, Gao Leng will not treat me badly. What's more, my buddy's woman is in the acting business. The Starlight Group itself has resources. If you tilt it, tilt it.

After getting the fat man on the bed, Gao Leng turned to Mu Qing and stretched out his hand: "Give me the clothes."

"I'll dry it for you before sending it over." Mu Qing turned around and put the clothes in the cabinet, and then walked to the door without giving Gao Leng a chance to refuse.

Gao Leng didn't think too much, he didn't care about such trivial things, so he nodded: "That's OK, you can stay here and take care of him. I have been tired for a day, and have a sleep."

"No, no, I..." Mu Qing walked out of the room quickly, her eyes flickered, her hand fiddled with her ear, and suddenly she lowered her head and whispered: "Ah, where are my earrings? Oops, me Earrings!"

Gao Leng looked around quickly.

"What to do? I lost an earring. I was here just now." Mu Qing looked anxiously, lowering his head and looking everywhere. As he searched, his voice changed and he cried: "These are the earrings of the sponsor. Expensive...Where did you go. It was there when you first walked in."

"Don't worry." Gao Leng hurriedly entered the door again and looked around: "Since you were still there when you entered, you must have fallen into the room."

"It's expensive, this is going to be lost, Fatty... Fatty... Fatty will..." Mu Qing's tears fell out. Gao Leng heard something in the words, he raised his head to look at Mu Qing, and saw Mu Qing look at the fat man who was sleeping soundly in bed with a look of fear.

"Here." Gao Leng found the earrings from the ground and handed them to Mu Qing.

"That's great... Great... Otherwise, otherwise..." Mu Qing looked at the fat man again.

"It's okay if you lose it. There is not much money. The company will not blame you, let alone the fat man. Don't be so careful." Gao Leng said.

"Hey..." Mu Qing was about to say something and stopped: "Then let's go out."

With that said, she walked quickly to the lounge and looked around. There was a waiter in the distance. She beckoned and the waiter came over quickly.

"Open me another room," Mu Qing said.

Gao Leng was stunned.

"Then what..." Mu Qing turned around a little embarrassed, and seemed a little embarrassed. In short, it was just right to be aggrieved, and said: "I sleep better by myself, and I and Fatty...I and Fatty..."

Mu Qing looked like a child at a loss and helplessness.

"Actually, I told you the fat man, he..." As she talked, tears flowed down her eyes, and she quickly reached out her hand to wipe and turned around: "Look at me, Mr. Gao is really embarrassed, I made you laugh. I'm just a little sad...Anyway, anyway...You don't know, the fat man actually treats me..."

With that, Mu Qing burst into tears when she turned around again, lowered her head and squeezed the earrings in her hands, and let out a long sigh of relief: "Fortunately, the earrings are found..."

Gao Leng looked at Mu Qing, and had to say that the woman in front of him was indeed beautiful. He had seen too many women, and there were not many women who could be called beautiful, but a beautiful woman. The aggrieved appearance of women makes men feel more compassionate.

The first step is to make Mr. Gao feel that I and Fatty are not so good. Even if Mr. Gao doesn't like me, I have to get away from Fatty, otherwise I will be stuck on him for a lifetime, Mu Qing thought.

"Mr. Gao, I can open another room, okay?" Mu Qing raised his eyes, and saw her in a green dress, oval face, and fair skin. I felt aggrieved, but the tone of voice was tolerant and helpless.

Mu Qing knows how to make a man's heart beat. She knew when she was in junior high school that the man she wanted to fall in love with had never been there. What I said to Gao Leng is also very good: I didn't say specific things, but it just let you vaguely know that she and the fat man are not affectionate.

From the nervousness after losing the earrings to the restless hope not to sleep in a room, coupled with the poignant appearance of the man who can escape her palm, Mu Qing hasn’t seen him yet, especially when she was young. After becoming famous, from the little brother who delivered the meal to the director, from the producer to the cameraman, as long as it is a man, which one does not praise her much?

Mu Qing likes to drag big names, but after dragging with the little brother or the group, she sleekly asks the agent to send a little thing over, and can get a star to send something, and no resentment is gone. In front of the reporter, I could say something seriously: Well, the little brother who gave me food last time also kept a copy of this thing. I came from the bottom. I saw him as if I saw my brother.

You have to slowly disconnect from the fat guy. This is something that Mu Qing has become more and more like to do after he became popular, but will he affect his acting career after breaking the relationship? Will Starlight Group still give itself resources? This is what Mu Qing is worried about.

However, if Mr. Gao turned towards himself, everything would be different.

Mu Qing stopped talking, and didn't say anything further. It was enough if he meant it, but it was too late. Anyway, Gao Leng's clothes are still with him. The next time he returns the clothes, he will act by chance.

She looked at Gao Leng with teary eyes, and seemed to have a thousand words, but these thousand words could not tell.

The tears of the beauty, but the snakes and scorpions reveal innocent light, always make men more compassionate.

Fuck her mother, Gao Leng cursed in his heart.

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