Gossip King

Chapter 1385: Sweep

Gao Leng didn't make such a decision at a glance.

Mergers and acquisitions are extremely popular in today's media industry. How popular are they? Empire shocked the industry as soon as the latest media acquisition data was released last year.

According to Wind statistics, there were 278 mergers and acquisitions of listed media companies in the Empire last year. What is the concept of 278 mergers and acquisitions? 365 days a year, that is equivalent to a merger every 32 hours.

So many mergers and acquisitions show the fierce competition in this business and the fierce competition in this business.

An industry that can rise rapidly must also be an industry that is easily crushed by others. The winner is the king and the loser is the invader, which is vividly demonstrated.

"So many." Jian Xiaodan glanced at it and then stepped back to take a look.

I saw some old newspapers and magazines that had been well-known for a long time but had declined recently, some were small newspapers and periodicals that I hadn't heard of, and a few were big publications that were gaining momentum.

"General Manager Gao, I haven't heard of such tabloids. Is it worth buying?" A negotiator pointed to a dozen publications in prefecture-level cities.

I have never heard of these local publications. Many of them were small publications created by some state-owned enterprises in the early years. They published one and two publications all year round, and they seemed to go bankrupt.

What is this kind of publication?

No one on the list, don’t say, what can prefecture-level city newspapers and magazines buy?

"Business is not small." Gao Leng shook his head solemnly: "Do you know why Wenzhou sent merchants are so good? They do not distinguish between big business or small business, as small as buttons and sewing machine needles, and they do business in a down-to-earth manner. Do it. Don’t think it’s too small for business.

As he said, Gao Leng stretched out his hand and swept towards a dozen of them: "This wave of small newspapers and periodicals are all taken down."

"Cash merger or share merger?" one of them asked.

There are many types of mergers and acquisitions. There are mergers and mergers that we often hear about. Mergers are cash mergers and acquisitions. To put it simply, you will use money to buy 100% of your shares and pay the company with one hand. You take the money and the company will follow you from now on It's ok;

Another kind of annexation is share annexation. My company is bigger than you. Then I acquired you and you are actually making money, because you were going to go bankrupt, and now a big company is willing to annex you, so you can take advantage of the big tree with your back. Thing. But my big group annexed your small company without giving you money.

If you don’t give money, you can get someone’s company

Naturally, it will always benefit you. I will give you shares in the group.

You hold a few shares of the group and then merge the company into the group. Regardless of the number of shares in the group, the group makes money, and the dividends are often more than that of starting a company. Therefore, this type of merger and acquisition is very common and very popular.

"Don't talk to them about share mergers for this kind of leek." Gao Leng sneered and pointed to the companies: "Cash mergers and acquisitions."

In the eyes of the other party, he is a newspaper, but in Gao Leng's view, it is just a foothold. How can there be any reason to divide the shares into the foothold?

It is more appropriate to buy directly with the money.

"Yes, I also think cash mergers and acquisitions are more appropriate. We don't have any money now, we just buy them all. This kind of small business also divides the shares of Starlight Group, which is not worth it." Jian Xiaodan nodded and took out The computer flicks and flicks: "It's not expensive, it can be done with tens of millions."

It's really cheap. Most of the tabloids in some prefecture-level cities are dead or alive, sweeping by tens of millions.

"What do you buy these newspapers for?" Yang Guanguan asked.

"As a footing stone, we have too few footing stones, so we need to stock up more footing stones." Gao Leng said.

Everyone understands it right away. The foundation stone is in jargon. To put it bluntly, it is a branch that is smaller than the branches of the provincial capitals. Each provincial capital city has branches of Xingsheng Magazine and Fengxing Magazine, but prefecture-level cities under the provincial capital. But not.

The footing stone is the small branch in the city underneath.

Hearing this, everyone's faces showed excitement and pride, one by one gearing up.

"Zong Gao's ability to buy so many footholds shows that we are not only doing celebrities or financial interviews, but also starting to do people's livelihood news."

"Yes, those press conferences are all in provincial capital cities. One branch is more than enough, but now they still buy some newspapers from prefecture-level cities as a foothold. Obviously, they are going to grow quickly. I guess it's not just people's livelihood news."

Everyone in the industry understands what a footing stone represents.

A newspaper and magazine dominated by entertainment does not need to set up a prefecture-level city. No celebrity press conference will be held in the city. They are all provincial capital cities.

Only the media that report on news from all walks of life, especially those that report news the size of ordinary people, will spend a lot of money to buy a foothold. In the whole country, the media that covers the top officials and the nobles to the common people, except for CCTV, are large-scale network media.

Gao Leng has great ambitions.

This is a very big game. It is by no means just a publication, but allows news made by the group to reach anywhere in the empire.

When news comes out anywhere, even in a small village, the publications that have settled down can quickly react to it and rush to it as soon as possible. Moreover, the footstones of prefecture-level cities have a lot of personal connections. The empire is like this. There are many kings in the county, and there are dragon kings everywhere. Don't underestimate these kings and eight pretending to be dragon kings. Indeed, their relationships are compared to the upper-level relationship of Gao Leng It is scum, but these relationships can be relied on when activities in the county and prefecture-level cities.

This is why when I was in the Northwest, the famous Cai Jie could only eat the local people in the Northwest: You have a big relationship, but when you are in the county seat, you don’t have much energy. The little ghosts are very difficult to entangle. If you don't face you in the face, it is very annoying to put a kick in the back.

Buying small newspapers is equivalent to buying some local contacts. If there are footholds all over the country, this is equivalent to a huge and terrifying public opinion network.

"Okay." Jian Xiaodan nodded and recorded it.

"After swallowing the foundation stone, these are the ones." Gao Leng's eyes fell on several major newspapers, two financial newspapers, three sports newspapers, five entertainment newspapers and one knowledge publication.

"It is impossible for these companies to acquire in cash. They are too expensive to buy, especially financial magazines. Their market value is similar to that of Xingsheng Magazine, so many of them are bought for tens of billions." Jian Xiaodan frowned. , She looked at Gao Leng with some uncertainty: "Boss, are you sure you are going to swallow them?"

It's easy to swallow small fish and shrimp. Just open your mouth and swallow big fish and prawns. Then you have to fight a bit. With so many big fish and prawns, the assets of tens of billions of dollars are worth tens of billions.

How easy is it?

"Step by step." Gao Leng's eyes were full of killing. He raised the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly: "Swallow the small ones first, then the big ones, Yang Guanguan, you immediately make a schedule, whether it's small leeks or big ones. I cut the fish myself."

"You go in person? It's not necessary, I'll go for Xiaolee." Jian Xiaodan felt a little distressed by the cold and busyness, and he was spinning during this period.

"No, I'll go in person, and I want to have a lot of momentum, you, the delegation, and some reporters."

"So many people?" Jian Xiaodan was a little surprised.

In this wave, there are more than 30 people in the mighty...

"There are too many people... The bosses of those small newspapers might be scared to pee, thinking that something big has happened." Several negotiators made up for it, and couldn't help but laugh.

Good guy, a bunch of people came in the small newspapers... don't you scare people to pee?

"This is fast, and we must build momentum, and the news must keep up." Gao Leng glanced at Yang Guanguan: "Immediately set the schedule."

"Yes." Yang Guanguan was a little nervous. So many set off together. The work was cumbersome. With so many people eating and drinking, it would be a big project to transfer cars from provincial capitals to prefecture-level cities.

"Start tomorrow." Gao Leng said.

Everyone raised their heads.

"Everyone, today everyone will take a break and go home to make preparations. Tomorrow, we will set off immediately to cheer up and we will start cutting leeks."

Gao Leng finished speaking and left the meeting room.

"I'm going, Mr. Gao is so fast, and I will leave tomorrow? It feels like we are not going to buy a business, but to buy vegetables at the vegetable market!"

"There are so many, which one should I go to first? A lot of materials need to be prepared, and we will hold a meeting to divide the work." The meeting room became busy instantly.

There are more than a dozen newspapers and periodicals, although they are small newspapers, but every one must know it well, at least have a suitable quotation, and the high-cold attitude is clear: take it as soon as you go, and make a quick decision.


In front of a brand-new bus was an Audi a8. It was said to be low-key and low-key. After arriving in Hebei Province, the bus and Audi cars were transferred from the Hebei branch, and a dozen cars were not driven to the prefecture-level cities below.

It can be said to be high-profile, but also high-profile.

After all, I got off the bus and crushed more than 30 people...

There are also a few carrying cameras, and some holding large lenses like long guns and short cannons...

Gao Leng got off the trolley, and his first destination was a newspaper in a certain city below Hebei, which is the closest to the imperial capital.

This prefecture-level city is a prefecture-level city that is mainly engaged in fur business. It is known as the largest fur producing area in the empire. It is economically very good. A local newspaper and magazine is a decent local newspaper, but it runs just so. To the extent that it can feed a group of people but cannot fatten a group of people.

"Oh, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, and you..." The newspaper is located in a small courtyard, and the uncle at the door tremblingly took out a notebook, wanting them Register and dare not let them register.

Haven't seen this posture...

Especially a bunch of cameras and cameras focused on the uncle’s face...

The muscles on the uncle's face twitched.

"Tell you Mr. Chen, his chance to make a fortune is here. He will be here within 30 minutes. Mr. Gao will be here waiting for a big drive." Yang Guanguan handed Gao Leng's business card over. It was naturally not a personal business card. Leek doesn't need a personal business card, it says Yang Guanguan's office landline number.

"General Manager Gao?" The uncle took the business card with both hands. He couldn't understand what the Star Group was, but the one who could understand it must be the boss.

Not a big man, it is impossible to be followed by more than 30 people...

"You, you, you, wait a minute..." The uncle hurriedly called the boss: "Hey, Mr. Chen, then what, Mr. Gao of the Emperor Star Group..."

"Who?!" A shocked voice came from inside.

"Star... Mr. Gao from the Starlight Group also brought a lot of people with him, as well as a lot of reporters... right at our gate." The doorman lowered his voice and hid in the doorman room, looking out timidly. People: "They said they want you to be here in 30 minutes, saying that your chance to make a fortune is here."

"You tell them, it doesn't take 30 minutes, I will come here! I, I, I, I know, I saw the email yesterday, and I thought it was a liar! I will come here!" Mr. Chen was very excited. sound.

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