Gossip King

Chapter 1387: Focus on Mu Qing!

House prices in Paris are very expensive, and the rooms are naturally very expensive, but Mu Qing is not short of money, she directly ordered the presidential suite, and it is a luxurious version.

Although the luxury version is expensive, it has a high safety factor. Mu Qing is not the kind of person who does things carelessly. She hasn't eaten it stealthily when she was in China, but she has been with the fat man for half a year. To be honest, Mu Qing is concerned about the fat man. Not very satisfied.

Have enjoyed the better, naturally there is contrast.

Mu Qing didn't dare to do anything wrong in China. After all, he was a young artist who climbed up with a fat man. Now the foundation is not stable. The most important thing is that it is not a good thing to offend a big guy. Mu Qing knows this in his heart. Although she doesn't love Fatty, Fatty treats her so well, and this person has a long heart. She Mu Qing has never met someone who treats her so well, and it is impossible not to be moved.

But even though people's hearts are long, Mu Qing understands the pros and cons, but he can't hold back the itch...

Before I came to Paris, I had been filming in northern Shaanxi. The crew, as everyone knows, many crew couples, crew couples, wilderness and celebrities can’t play on the street, so they gather in the hotel to play together. Coupled with the needs of adults, many people will fall in love. This is the couple in the crew. They sleep at night and usually have a partner together. When the drama is over, they will separate.

The husband and wife of the crew said that they have a partner, and they read the script in the middle of the night with their partner, and so on.

But Mu Qing can’t do it. She doesn’t dare to mess with men in the crew. After all, her resource comes in from the Starlight Group. The director is very familiar with Fatty. There is no impenetrable wall for this kind of thing. Smart Mu Qing would not do this. This kind of thing, and what if it gets photographed?

But it’s not the same when you go abroad. Few followers will come abroad. Even if they come abroad, they are definitely the biggest names. She Mu Qing is not worth the huge cost of the follower group Wanli to follow.

This time I came to Paris to shoot fashion magazines. The fashion magazine circle is a bit messy. For fashion, the staff are more open. It is the photographer Mick who got together with Mu Qing.

Mick's English is average, and he can speak a little bit of Chinese, but Mu Qing's English is not very good. It is still a bit troublesome for two people to communicate with each other, but what kind of verbal communication does this thing require? The eyes were focused, and the two of them knew even better when they were drinking and drinking. No, they soon got to the bed.

Mick enjoys it very much. In fact, many Europeans are very fond of Asian women. Although Asian women are not protruding, they have no body odor. Many European women have heavy body odor and hair, and their skin is not as good as Asian women. When Asian women reach their 40s or 50s, the skin on their bodies is tender and smooth, while the skin of whites is already a bit rough at that time.

What's more enjoyable is that Asian women are easily satisfied. Mu Qing is so satisfied that he doesn't know what his surname is. Women are satisfied, men are more comfortable, and two people are like a fish in water.

"Do you want more?" Mick fell on Mu Qing's body.

"Come back tonight." Mu Qing was satisfied.

"Don't do it." Mick grinned.

Mu Qing shook her head firmly. This is her principle. It is not good to have a big belly because it is easy to be found, and it is safest to be just enough.

After Mick left, Mu Qing lay in bed and slept deeply. She likes to take over work assignments for filming abroad. How good is it to come abroad? It's impossible to be photographed, and foreigners won't pester you. Just leave when you're done. It's not too good.


"If she wants to improve her image, she has to be in more fashion magazines, so recently she always shoots abroad, which is quite tiring." Fatty sighed very distressedly: "I can actually arrange for her fewer foreign shootings. But she said that she wanted to make more profit for the group. If she wants to improve her position, there is no need for it. Recently, she has taken a lot of them. After shooting in Paris, she has to go to the UK.

When shooting abroad, Gao Leng had a thought in his mind: Paris is so far away, and the camera crew will definitely not go. I don't know if Mu Qing will have a moth.

"Boss, don't find someone to investigate Mu Qing in the future. She is my girlfriend. Although she is an artist of the company, the artist must investigate clearly in this respect, but I don't like others to investigate her."

The fat man looked cold, and after thinking about it for a while, he said his thoughts: "Anyway, I have the resources to upload to her, and I want her to receive more ads to ensure that the company is profitable. Don't ask about the others. My girlfriend was investigated for this, it’s weird, I believe her, really, she is a good girl, it is absolutely impossible to have any kind of photos or scandals with people."

When the fat man said this, he was full of happiness. This kind of happiness cannot be pretended. From the inside out, the kind of happiness that is tired and worth it belongs to the happiness that a man hopes to give a woman.

Gao Leng nodded, but a rope was stretched in his heart.

It can be seen that the fat man is very disgusted with Gao Leng sending people to check Muqing, even if it is a legitimate job, he is also disgusted, if the fat man knows that the old man is still taking pictures, I am afraid it is even more serious.

"Okay, I won't investigate." Gao Leng smiled and said to the fat man.

The fat man walked out with a sense of happiness and continued to work energetically. Gao Leng called Lao Diao: "Lao Diao, do you have any news about you looking for someone to follow Mu Qing?"

"No, it's not messy. This is really unexpected. Am I wrong?" The old man suppressed his voice extremely low.

"Fatty just told me that I should stop investigating Mu Qing."

"Fat man knows we followed the film?!" Lao Diao was a little nervous when he heard the high cold words, and asked someone to follow the brother's woman. This did not sound very good.

"He doesn't know. I asked someone to fill in Mu Qing's personal information. This is official and he is very disgusted. If he knows that we are following the shoot, he might be able to lift the table. You know the fat man, he is very loyal to his friends. I have a special affection for my own woman." Gao Leng's hand knocked on the table, and according to the fat man’s care for Mu Qing, even the company's registration information sent someone to investigate, so he could specialize in such things. Come to express his opinion seriously, if you let him know what evidence has been caught by taking pictures of people and taking pictures of Mu Qing, it would be okay. If no evidence has been caught, the unbalanced fat man can turn his face.

"What to do then." Lao Diao was a little annoyed: "I really think Mu Qing is not very authentic. I can't tell, but there is no evidence. But if the fat guy knows that we will shoot him, I think it will turn his face."

"If you turn your face, continue to follow." Gao Lengxin made a firm decision: "Old man, you think something is wrong with her, and I also think she is not right, why not follow? Fatty has to follow me when he turns, it's better than my brother being cheated. It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s a big deal that I will be beaten by him."

Fatty's temperament, if he didn't find any evidence for Mu Qing, and then let him know the woman who was taking pictures of him, Mu Qing would make trouble again, and the insecurity would really happen. This Gao Leng knew, and he also knew that he was not authentic with the woman who was taking pictures of his buddies without any evidence, but at the hotel that day, Mu Qing was really too deliberate.

"By the way, now that Mu Qing is overseas, I always feel something is wrong. You secretly send a follow-up team to take a photo. If you find out, you will say that I let someone follow the photo. It's none of your business." Gao Leng went down decisively. After making the decision, he chose to believe in his own judgment, even if there is no evidence for this judgment.

Even if you are misunderstood by your own brother and go crazy, it is better than watching your brother get pitted, that is, Mu Qing is overseas now, otherwise Gao Leng will not hesitate to use mind-reading to test, peep into the heart of the brother and girlfriend. The pot is high and cold.

"Well, if you find out at that time, I will persuade him, and we will cooperate." Lao Diao and Gao Leng were the same.

The next day, it was another whole day of filming. This time Mu Qing wore a **** and charming clothes. Looking through the camera and Mick who was holding the camera, it looked like an official business. Mick turned to her several times. Blinking his eyes, Mu Qing pretended not to see it.

The assistants around him, the agent didn't even notice.

Street photography is a very important aspect for an artist to upgrade his grade. Good street photography can improve the perception of passersby, and also feel that the artist is very fashionable, high-grade, and tasteful.

For example, Gao Yuanyuan has always been extremely clever in her hard photos, and won a large number of boys, and Yan Ni is also a master of street photography and has a lot of fans. Behind a beautiful hard photo is the work of the whole team. Taking street shots in domestic fake scenes is definitely not as natural and tall as taking pictures on the streets of Paris. The cameraman is also different. You must take a good hard photo. It is necessary to spend a lot of money.

Fatty has invested a lot of money in this aspect. Otherwise, if Mu Qing's coffee position is not enough to move, he will come overseas to shoot, and he still invites a good team to cooperate.

"Thank you, happy cooperation." After the last photo was taken, the sun was almost down. Mu Qing shook Mick's hand and kept his distance.

"Thanks, go back and rest." The assistant helped Mu Qing get into the nanny car and handed her a cup of coffee.

"I'm going around." Mu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and stretched out in the back seat exhaustedly: "I will go out to the hotel to wash up and buy something."

"Okay, do you want me to follow?" It's common for artists to go abroad to make films. After all, there are not many people who know them overseas, unless they are particularly famous artists, they will be recognized by many Chinese, like Mu Qing This is rarely known in Paris.

"No, you've been tired for a day too, let's rest. By the way, tomorrow I will go to England to prepare something." Mu Qing said, closing his eyes to rest.


"Oh my god... my god... Mick, you are great." Mu Qing was intoxicated again. This time she came to Mick's house and stood in the kitchen. Mick was exposed behind him. A confident smile.

At this time, the team that followed the filming had just arrived at the airport after flying for a whole day. The old man sent the three most capable people, all of whom were in their early twenties, who had already experienced battles. Two of them were reporters, one of whom was studying in France. Accompanying reporters for two years.

"I will go to the UK to continue shooting tomorrow, or you...you...you...shoot...shoot...shoot?" Mu Qing grabbed her hair out of control.

Mick didn't hear her, closed his eyes and enjoyed it completely.

The phone rang, the fat man called.

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