Gossip King

Chapter 1393: Mu Qing was hanged and beaten

Gao Leng spent the entire afternoon on the phone in the office. At first, he used his mobile phone. Later, when the mobile phone was hot, he switched to landline.

It’s not a matter of banning Mu Qing to help the fat man utter bad anger. It’s too cold to wipe his butt. If you really lose so much money, it’s not good. You can also.

"Hey, Mr. Miao, yes, yes, I'm really sorry, yes, we hope to erase the role of Mu Qing in your play, yes, the email from Fatty said that the situation is correct, and our Star Group wants to block her. Uh, yes, yes, yes, you’re right, this really embarrass you, so, my director team remakes Mu Qing’s part, remakes according to your book and your format, and asks Diba How about taking pictures for her?"

Gao Leng smiled. The scenes that have been filmed, Mu Qing's role have all been played. This is not something that the other party will do if they lose money. Fortunately, there are directors and filming teams under him, plus the hard work of Diba. , It can be solved, and the cost is low.

When the other party heard that Diba came to shoot, they were naturally very willing. Although Diba and Mu Qing are both newcomers who came out at the same time, Diba’s reputation is much better than Mu Qing, and the audience is much better, and the price is naturally different. This Miu finally took advantage.

"Hey, godmother, I have something here that I want to trouble you. Do you know Mr. Qiu from Yiyang Film and Television? Well, yes, I hope you can help sell your personal feelings. I have something to discuss with him."

Blocking Mu Qing wouldn't mean Gao Leng was licking his face, and it was the same as his favors, and he didn't lose much. Besides, in Gao Leng's view, the relationship with the fat man is priceless, and it is not measurable by this idea.

If this matter is placed high on Leng's body, the fat man will definitely be willing to stab him.

Brother, when the other party is in trouble or in need, if you say you want me to shoot to death, I will shoot to death. If you say how to shoot to death, I will shoot to death.


Besides, even if the fat guy didn't speak, he would definitely let Mu Qing be in the imperial showbiz circle with his cold temper.


After getting off the plane, Mu Qing came out of the first-class class leisurely. Except for the broker, the other assistants and staff were all in economy class.

"Oh, I put my sunglasses in my blue box." Mu Qing stopped and frowned: "Go, hurry up and go to the baggage place. Show me the butterfly style in the blue box. sunglasses."

"You look good with sunglasses now." The agent looked a little embarrassed: "You have about ten suitcases, and it will be messed up by then."

"What do you know?! Now these sunglasses don't match my bag! What if there are fans? What if there are paparazzi?" Mu Qing sternly scolded: "If you ask you to go, you go quickly!"

This agent is different from other celebrity agents. She doesn't care about Mu Qing's resources, but she has more financial powers than her assistants. The money for Mu Qinghua is only passed through her hands. It is a layman, a personal nanny. Mu Qing made a speech, and the agent ran to the front quickly because he was unwilling.

After running dozens of steps, the agent's phone rang, and she quickly picked it up. Ten seconds later, the agent instinctively turned his head to look at Mu Qing in a daze.

"What?! Really?!" The agent's voice changed in surprise.

"Go! It's a long time." Mu Qing behind him called out angrily when he saw the agent standing to answer the phone.

"Huh?!" The agent was holding his mobile phone, his chin was almost astonished. He glanced at Mu Qing again and ran to the airport lobby quickly.

In the airport lobby, more than a dozen staff members with the same jaws were shocked. Obviously, they all received calls.

"Really?! Mu Qing was fired?!"

"It must be true, it's just too unexpected, let me go! Who did she offend? It's still the top configuration in the UK."

"That's it, look at her going to the UK to take a few hard photos. A dozen of us are waiting. Who did she offend? Fat brother will protect her, so how can she be expelled?"

"I heard that Fatty was the one who offended, and Gao always supported him. I see, Mu Qing is blind here!"

The staff was talking, and several people ran in: "Quickly, pack your luggage, Mu Qing's puts a box alone, as long as things related to our Starlight Group, we take away, hurry up."

A department manager came here with a serious face. The staff knew that this was a big problem, and they quickly arranged the boxes in a row. They were all Mu Qing's things, with a dozen boxes.

Flicking from east to west, Mu Qing’s own clothes are just two pieces, and the others are related to the company. The brand-name clothing shot outside belongs to the company, but they usually belong to Mu Qing after the filming, and the fat man defaults. No one else said anything. But this time is different.

At the last time, the two clothes belonging to Mu Qing were packed in a plastic bag, and it was done.

"Tell you, talk less and do more. The car is outside. Everyone packs up and gets on the car." The manager reminded.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Mu Qing walked over to see if he was angry and pointed at a pair of shoes: "Oh, you! Ouch! Can you put those shoes like this?! Can you do anything!"

Several staff members looked at each other and then at the manager. They dared not say a word, lowered their heads and quickly closed all the boxes, then ran out of the door at a flying speed, and got into the car.

"Oh, ah, ah." Mu Qing was confused and full of anger: "How do you do it!" Then she walked quickly to the door, and saw five commercial vehicles parked in the door, she instinctively went to The front car walked.

"Sorry, Miss Mu." The manager reached out and stopped her.

"What...what's wrong?" Mu Qing vaguely felt that something was wrong, because the staff who got in the car were all looking at him, and the few people who were still carrying their luggage without getting in the car also secretly looked at this side.

"This car is here to pick up our employees, you can't go up." said the manager.

"Oh...then...then pick up my car? Is the fat guy here?" Mu Qing thought he was a separate car and didn't make one with ordinary employees, so he looked around.

"No, you have been fired by the Starlight Group, so there is no car to pick you up. By the way, the taxi is here." The manager also pointed a gentlemanly to the distance, then turned around and got into the car with a bang. Closed the car door.

"Ah?!" Mu Qing opened his mouth wide, completely unaware of what happened.

"Wait!" the agent said suddenly, opened the door and got out of the car and ran to Mu Qing's side.

"What's the matter?" Mu Qing quickly grabbed the agent and asked.

"Then what..." The agent showed a look of embarrassment and wanting to laugh. She stretched out her hand and took off the sunglasses directly from Mu Qing's face: "These sunglasses are for shooting and belong to the company..."

"Huh?" Mu Qing didn't react, the agent turned around and ran to the car.

"Oh right..." The agent ran over again, reached out and shook her mobile phone directly from Mu Qing's hand: "This is also company...Your cards are all company-owned, sorry. ...I have to take it..."

Mu Qing panicked. Although she didn't know what happened, the current situation made her panic.

"This is your clothes." The agent put the plastic bag containing two underwears in Samuel's hands, turned around and got into the car. Just about to get into the car, a fat girl got out of the car, panicking.

"Shoes! High heels! That's from the sponsor!" As she said, she picked up Mu Qing without a word, took off her high heels, ran into the car numbly, and the door closed...

Four commercial vehicles drove away...

"Hey hey hey, what... what... what's going on..." Mu Qing ran a few steps barefoot, and a group of people looked over. She hurriedly covered her face for fear of being recognized. This was embarrassing. The look is too embarrassing.

Although she didn't have a cell phone, it was fortunate that Mu Qing had some money. She was a little panicked, took a taxi, and borrowed the cell phone from the driver to call the fat man as soon as she got on the bus.

"Hey, fat guy...what...what's going on, they..." Mu Qing said hurriedly, crying as soon as the call was connected.

"What's the matter? I'm busy." The fat man snapped and hung up the phone.

"Damn it!" Mu Qing scolded, and immediately called again. This time she did not cry, but was angry from the inside out, shouting in her throat: "Fatty, what's the matter with you! My phone! You dare to hang up! You..."

Pop, the phone hung up again.

"You... did this fat man eat the leopard's guts?!" Mu Qing became more and more angry and dialed the phone again, his hands shaking with anger. Don't say that Fatty hung up her phone. In the past six months with Fatty, only Mu Qing had hanged up Fatty's phone. Which time was it that Fatty was bent over to coax? !

"Sorry, the call you are calling is currently on a call..."

After that, Mu Qing called countless times, and every time there was a woman’s dying voice: Sorry, the call you are calling is in progress...

"What! Who is calling for so long!" Mu Qing was shaking with anger.

The driver on one side took a look. It has been two hours after driving from the airport to the city center. The phone is still on the phone. The driver couldn't help but say: "This should be the other party's blacking you."

Mu Qing raised his head: "Pull... black me?"

"Yes, the state of being free from harassment is always on the phone, girl, please call me first. Now it is the third ring road, you just said to go to the Star Group, right?" the driver asked.

Mu Qing looked at her bare feet, she was completely panicked, the fat guy actually blackened her, and the people in the Starlight Group were like this. This was not a good sign.

So he shook his head: "No, go to my house, in the **** community."

She said it was her home, but it was Fatty's home, but she and Fatty had been living together a long time ago.

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