Gossip King

Chapter 1403: Diba got into trouble

Diba nodded with a weeping face: "I will try my best, I really don't want to shoot, I... you don't know, I..."

She seems to have secrets, but no secrets can delay work.

This is the crew, not a place where little girls can cry.

At the moment, her job is to complete the play well with Yin Xiang, a popular young student on the opposite side, in the early morning when all the staff have worked hard for three hours, and finally play it out to give the audience an immersive feeling. The feeling of beauty.

This is what a professional actor does.

"Yin Xiang, you have to rush out and press her against the wall and kiss her hard. Remember, you must have that kind of distressing, uncontrollable, and out of control feeling." The director told Yin Xiang the play, right. Very detailed and professional.

"Is that so?" Yin Xiang posed a pose, and the lights moved over and adjusted slightly, trying to make the actors look beautiful when they appeared on the screen.

Diba walked over. She was very nervous at this time, who was always carefree. She felt her face stretched tight and was about to burst, and she grabbed the corner of her clothes with her hands.

"Dibba, come here, and Joe will take a position." When the director saw Diba, she pulled her to the designated position.

Qiao Wei, is the most common way in the shooting process, especially in the kiss scene, even the smallest detail can not be mistaken. Do you think that the actor is so gentle when you make a kiss?


In order to make the kiss scene perfect in the camera, there are requirements for how to kiss, what position to kiss, and what angle to kiss. Of course, whether the kiss scene is good or not is not only the actors, but also the director. A highly skilled director can make the kiss scene bloated or feel full of first love, while the director who can't shoot the kiss scene will be very dry. .

Actors are also very important. Actors who can make kiss scenes can always be in perfect condition under the camera.

"You're very nervous," the director said, seeing Diba sticking there like a wood.

"It's okay, I'll take her. Diba, are you the first kiss on the screen?" Yin Xiang glanced at Diba, squinted slightly and patted her shoulder gently: "Don't be nervous, I'll take you later."

"Yes, you don't need to be nervous, you just need to remember the position. The other Yin Xiang takes you, he is very good at it," the director said.

Yin Xiang is a boy who is very good at making kiss scenes with his fingers in the empire. His kiss scenes are not greasy, and the people who watch them smash into each other. There are collections of kiss scenes made by his fans everywhere on the Internet.

Diba took a deep breath, pulling a polite smile on his face as much as possible.

"When the machine walks to the fifth position, Yin Xiang will rush over, and then pounce you to the third position. At this time, he will kiss you forcibly. You remember that your face should look towards the seventh position. Come here. Lights! Lights! Remember, this time you have to shake it a bit and leave it blank!" The director and Diba repeatedly emphasized a few positions and then exited the venue.

All the staff are ready, for the scene of this scene, they are tired all night, everyone's face is tired, and they are all looking forward.

When the actors come on stage, it is the artistic burst that they have worked so hard for, and every scene behind it is the hard work of all the staff.

Diba looked at the tired panda staff around her, took a deep breath, with some tears in her eyes, she quickly wiped it over, trying to make herself professional.

"I am an actor, I want to act well." Dibba said silently.

"Come on, let's go again." The director sat down on the computer screen and walked around the camera before the filming started.

"Don't be nervous." Yin Xiang patted Diba's shoulder gently: "Remember the position of the camera. Let's go through it. We will just get one when we start shooting."

Diba took a deep breath again.

"Start!" The assistant director clapped the board.

"I am a professional actor, a professional actor, a professional actor." Diba told himself repeatedly in his heart.


Gao Leng and the twins got out of the car, and they were still holding him into the hotel.

"Isn't that rice grains and boxes? I like to listen to their songs. Who is the man in the middle? What a blessing!" As soon as you enter the hotel's door, you will be allowed to rest in the hotel lobby or check out and check in. The guests saw this scene.

The discussion is affirmative.

Although the rice grains and boxes are not first-line, they are newly emerging florets, and they still have a certain degree of popularity. In addition, the empire is just a pair of twin rap artists who are packed ruthlessly and highly recognizable.

"This is Mr. Gao, Zhanxing Gao, tsk tsk." A middle-aged man swallowed his saliva enviously, his eyes drifted away from the rice grains and boxes, and finally said disdainfully: "This little girl is too tender. I'm not interested."

It's just that his Adam's apple moving up and down sold him.

The rice grains and box boxes were a little red, but they still maintained their demeanor. They didn't release the hand holding Gao Leng's arm until they entered the elevator.

"Well, you can rest in a while. When the paparazzi comes out tomorrow, I will come out again in the afternoon to help you explain."

The twins nodded obediently. They were not worried that this was not going to be done, because they were not in that relationship with Mr. Gao. Besides, they were prepared for it. What were they afraid of?

It's just to stir up one party, and it's good to cause a blast.

After returning to the room, the rice grains and the box box took off their outer dresses and began to remove their makeup and bathe. The two of them were together when they were young, so they didn't distinguish each other at all. The box first removes the makeup and takes a shower, and the rice grains walk in and wash together.

To say that the twins are really amazing, they are almost carved out of the same mold, whether it is the eyes and nose, the small lips, and even the size and shape of the chest.

"You said, tomorrow the paparazzi will release our scandal, and many people will come and scold us, and then everyone knows, it must be ours the top one or two in the hot search. Does our Weibo fan focus increase or decrease?" Hehe Moved the wet hair to one side, stretched out his hand and pressed some shower gel, crossed his hands and grabbed his chest and slowly stroked it.

"It must have increased, but there must be a lot of people scolding us, so don’t worry about it. Didn’t Mr. Gao say it? He will clarify in the afternoon, and this thing should be clarified. We were originally at the dinner party, but nothing happened. What's wrong with sleeping in the same hotel? It's not the same room." Mi Li also stretched out her hand to press the shower gel and wiped it underneath, and washed it carefully.

The two young girls were washing in the bathroom carelessly, with happy smiles on their faces.

Being able to be taken to the dinner by Mr. Gao gave them a sense of what it means to be a master.

"I just don’t understand. What is the benefit of Mr. Gao's public hype that we talked about the company? Is it selling underwear? But the things we endorse are big sellers. If it is an underwear company controlled by ourselves, it will definitely be a big seller. of."

"Who knows, I don’t think it should be selling underwear. I feel that Mr. Gao is going to make a fortune. Hey, he’s so amazing. I heard him talk to other people today. There are tens of millions and one billion at every turn. We say it's like a few hundred dollars."

After washing, the two girls wore a style of small suspenders, and a style of underwear lay on the bed, and their faces flushed.

"Too great for him."

"Well, super awesome."

"Hey, it would be nice if it was my boyfriend..."

"Are you ashamed? He has a girlfriend... but I think so too, hehe, handsome and gold, but he is so serious, I am a little scared."

Needless to say, it is indispensable for the girl's boudoir to have a good chat about every detail of Mr. Gao that they saw tonight and was respected at the dinner party.


At three o'clock in the morning, the moon was sparsely stark, Gao Leng was sleeping deep, and suddenly his cell phone rang.

He bounced off the bed coldly. I'm afraid it's not a good thing to call at this point. He immediately picked up the phone.

"Not good!" The fat man's voice was anxious and correct: "The egg has exploded!"

"W...what...what burst?" Gao Leng's expression was grim: "Speak briefly!"

"Yin Xiang's egg was kicked and exploded by Diba! It really exploded! The egg exploded!" The voice from the fat man seemed empty, it seemed to be coming from the parking lot, and then the sound of the car starting. Confirmed Gao Leng's conjecture.

"The egg... the egg burst?" Gao Leng was really a little confused.

This is one of the few embarrassing situations in his life. At three o'clock in the morning, he heard the news that a popular young egg was kicked and exploded, and it was also kicked by his own artist.

"Yeah, Yin Xiang's egg! Fuck me! I want someone to hurry and work overtime now. This is a big deal. Yin Xiang is the second generation of officials! Ouch, I go!" The fat man was a little incoherent and hurriedly panicked. Drive to the Starlight Group in the car: "Boss, you can tell me about this. This is a major event. Now a bunch of reporters are rushing to the hospital! Diba is in a disaster!"

Some employees of Starlight Group rushed to the company to hold an emergency meeting late at night, and Gao Leng immediately bought a ticket to the crew.

This is not a trivial matter, Yin Xiang is the one who was injured, but he has a background. If the injury is a broken arm or hand, it is easy to discuss.

But the egg burst...

Gao Leng subconsciously pinched his leg...

This injured area is very important for men.

How could the egg explode?


With a muffled noise, Yin Xiang rolled directly off the steps. The moment he rolled down, he howled, and screamed in extreme pain for less than five seconds before fainting.

"Oh my God!"

"what happened!"

"Call the doctor! Quickly!"

Almost the entire crew rushed over, and the section where Yin Xiang rolled down the steps was seriously injured. The pressure he dangled made him crooked, and he was strangled until he was hung and hit the wall below. There was a loud bang.

Not to mention, everyone saw Diba raising his foot and hitting Yin Xiang's knee directly with his knee. As far as the pain of Yin Xiang's howling was, he knew where he was kicked.

Unfortunately, Yin Xiang's coercion crooked when he rolled down the steps, and once again injured his most important place, but this time he passed out and lost his voice.

"Dibba, what's the matter with you!" The agent grabbed Diba abruptly and panicked.

"I...I...I..." Diba started to cry in fright: "He...he...why does he touch me!"

"Where did he touch you! It's just that his hand is symbolically in front of you... You..."

"When he was about to kiss me, his hand came up! I...I...I didn't say to touch it in the script! I...I...I instinctively...then how about the kiss, I still touch it! It's not a pornographic scene!" Diba mumbled anxiously and cried. She also knew that she was in a disaster.

The agent no longer controlled Diba and ran towards the crowd surrounding Yin Xiang.

Yin Xiang, a popular first-line student, was injured, and he was directly kicked and injured by Diba. Although he was severely injured again by pressure after falling down, these were all caused by Diba.

But this is not a small matter, it is a big one.

Especially after he was sent to the hospital, the doctor said that one of his eggs might have to be removed.

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