Gossip King

Chapter 1411: Open your eyes

In the Imperial City, this Japanese restaurant is very famous. It is said that their ingredients are delivered by air, and the chefs in the restaurant are also first-class.

The price is expensive and there are many diners.

It’s just that Gao Leng looked at so many cuisines, but was not very interested. He said that he was not influential, or that he had no taste. He was true to this kind of Japanese food with three small slices of salmon on top of ice cubes. Of not much interest.

But inviting people to eat Japanese food is a very popular thing in the business district of the imperial capital. Drink tea first, then eat some food, and have a chat. After all, Japanese tea ceremony is internationally renowned. I ate at least ten times, every time there was socializing.

"Do you like Japanese food?" Diba asked Diba before sitting in the room.


"I don't like it either. I can't get enough to eat a lot. I still like to eat meat." Diba nodded in agreement and touched his belly. Needless to say, she must be too full to eat tonight. It's impossible to eat too much on occasion, after all, it's about business.

While chatting, the door opened slightly.

"It's just embarrassment, traffic jam on the road." A gentle and confident voice came over, Gao Leng turned her head and saw a woman with a young woman's posture that seemed to have her hair pulled up at random but just right, and she was dressed in dark green. Her simple waist skirt made her fair skin more white, and the limited edition bag she carried on her hand and the seemingly simple but extremely expensive thin strap watch she wore on her wrist revealed this person’s financial resources. .

One opening, sexy.

The gentle voice is not as sweet and greasy as Lin Zhi. It is an unspeakable kind of sexiness. It may be because of the self-confidence or domineering in the gentleness. This domineering has the experience of life. Feel the charm of women.

"Wow, President Li really lives up to his reputation." Diba couldn't help but admire.

As soon as Mr. Li turned around, her breasts, fat buttocks and thin waist were perfectly interpreted by her. His appearance was not particularly stunning, but it was charming at first glance.

The beauty of women, not the beauty of girls.

She was sexy, Gao Leng thought to herself, smiled and stood up and stretched out her hand and said, "I just came too."

Mr. Li's hands are much softer than ordinary people, probably because she has that kind of fleshy hands, and they feel great to the touch.

"Really young." Mr. Li looked into Gao Leng's eyes and grinned. The two small pear vortices on her face made her feminine a bit more naughty. As she said, she reached out to Diba: "Diba Hello, so beautiful. The little girl now looks so beautiful. You look so beautiful on TV. I didn't expect it to be more beautiful in reality."

The experienced woman with high EQ can't feel her water chestnut, and she speaks softly and thoughtfully.

After chatting in twos and threes for a while, the atmosphere became a lot more familiar. Compared with many women's twitching when drinking, Mr. Lek always drank refreshingly, and unlike Diba who only knew that a toast is a dullness, Mr. Lek Each bite will say a few words gently, or rely on business, or praise each other.

"This hand roll is very good, and the cold rice inside is great." Li always pointed to one of the foods. Generally, we eat sushi outside, which is tightly wrapped. In Japan, many people eat hand rolls at home, which are loosely wrapped. , Like a mat rolled up, the opening is large, and there are more ingredients inside.

With that, Mr. Li clamped a hand roll, opened her mouth and took a bite. Something spilled onto her finger, and she sucked.

This action is always done by Diba who is next to Gao Leng, but he will not make Gao Leng want to be crooked, but as soon as Mr. Lei, who has his own **** attributes, does this action, Gao Leng actually becomes hard.

No wonder people in the circle say: Lei is always a young woman who a man can think of.

Gao Leng quickly rolled his eyes and calmed himself down.

Talk about business.

"President Gao, Diba's bakery is yours, right." After eating for a while, Mr. Li directly asked the question.

"Yes." Gao Leng answered quickly.

"Is it because I changed hands to make money." Mr. Li asked.

"Yes." Gao Leng made no secret of it.

Diba watched from the side and thought to himself: This is just playing cards. After all, they are all masters, and they already know what the other party is going to do. It turned out that Mr. Gao wanted to buy the bread chain not to make the company bigger, but to resell it and make a difference.

"I like you to go straight and not bend around." President Li smiled, Gao Leng reached out his hand to take a dish next to her, and President Li immediately picked it up and handed it to her.

Talking to a smart and mature woman is fun, knowing what you want without much words.

"You want to sell, I want to buy, Mr. Gao, you have a price." Mr. Li asked straight into the subject.

Gao sneered without answering.

"Why, Mr. Gao, you use artists to hype up the company's operations. Don't you just want to buy it from a listed company like us? Don't talk about the price?" Mr. Li saw Gao Leng not talking, smiled, and the vortex on his face revealed When she came out, she straightened up and took a little dish from a distance. The women who ate Japanese dishes were kneeling, and leaned over, pressing her chest on a small dessert.

She has full breasts, fat hips and slender waist.

Now almost all first-line artists will participate in the operation of the company. Artists invest in all walks of life. Some buy small companies and wait for high-priced acquisitions by listed companies. Some join listed companies to drive stock prices through their own fame. Whether it is the company or the person holding shares, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

The company uses this to increase its attention and influence, and drive the stock price to rise, and the celebrities increase their worth and increase the number of people. Small companies in their hands realize huge sums of money, or the stocks of listed companies that they hold have soared and made a fortune. Some small investors were cut leek to increase their wealth.

Everyone is a winner.

Not to mention the entertainers of the entertainment industry. Nowadays, there are many people who play this set in the writing circle. Some of the earliest popular gods in China have long since made money by writing books. They use their own public account fans and Weibo fans. , And the copyright of the novel was bought into a small company and then bought by a listed company. The price difference earned from it was far more than passers-by imagined. In this way, it would be excusable to find someone to write.

Shrimps have shrimp roads, crabs have crab roads. People with a certain reputation can benefit from playing their reputations, and these benefits are much more than those from filming or writing. This is why there are so many scumbags in the showbiz today. The most fundamental reason why artists love hype: money.

"Since you bought the company and used your subordinate artists to make money, then we are just working together." Seeing Gao Leng didn't speak, he was not in a hurry, and took a bite again without hurriedness. Then he licked his fingers again.

Gao Leng saw in his eyes, his apple moved up and down.

"Indeed, it happens to be a cooperation. The listed company should like our company the most." Gao Leng said.

"Of course, especially for you. At first glance, you are a company that will fully promote its artists. With two media in hand, the cost of hype is very low." Mr. Lek said optimistically.

Artists use their own enthusiasm to hype companies, listed companies buy, and then promote listed company stocks, this is a win-win game for artists and listed companies.

Artists are just artists. They need to find some topics to hype themselves, and they need to spend their own money. The intensity is not as big as Gao Leng. After all, Gao Leng is the boss of the media company. All articles are fine.

This heat is naturally different.

"The heat is different, and the price is naturally different." Mr. Li smiled and looked at Gao Leng: "This bakery chain was going to close down. You bought it at a low price. I heard that it only cost more than 30 million. Now, how about selling me a hundred million?"

Diba opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time.

This bakery is poorly managed. Many shops around the country have to expire. The bakery chain is worth a small amount of 1.778 small machines and brands, and there is no shop of its own. Before he died, Gao Leng sold 30 million in cash. Although the boss was a bit painful, it was better to have so much money than to have it in his hands, so he sold it immediately.

It has only been a week since the completion of the procedures after the sale, and the hype only started yesterday.

Yesterday it was still 30 million, and today it has become 100 million, making a total of 70 million! Diba was stunned, 70 million, how many films she had to shoot, how many nights she had to stay up, how many lines she had to recite, how many press conferences she had to run to earn...

No wonder he said that he would make a fortune if he talked well today, my God, it is so easy to make money at the top! People are more dead than people, they are about the same age, how can their earning power be so much worse! Diba looked at Gao Leng admiringly again, and instantly felt that he was really weak.

"One hundred million?" Gao Leng laughed and shook his head: "I won't do this kind of loss-making business."

Make 70 million overnight or a loss-making business? ! Not yet? ! Diba almost squirted out a sip of tea, and she immediately thought of Xiao Jiujiu in her heart. Yesterday, the media followed up with the hype and didn't have a lot of money. Two million died. This shows that it is a waste of money.

Compared to Diba's surprise, President Li seemed to have expected it. She bit her lip: "Then add 50 million, 200 million, no more."

Diba forgot to bite in one bite of rice, and it went up by 50 million in a few words.


Gao sneered.

"This is the final price, Mr. Gao, I am a person who does things very quickly. If it does not work, we will be friends." Mr. Li said lightly, looking at Gao Leng.

It seems that Mr. Lek’s reserve price is here, 200 million yuan.

The first time I saw this kind of market, Diba had forgotten to eat for the first time. She looked at Gao Leng and then at Mr. Li. She felt that she couldn’t be friends with this kind of people. The money she made was seen by passers-by. Big money, when she first became popular, there were millions of dollars in filming movies. According to her current popularity, the salary allocated to her for filming movies is at least 8 million yuan, plus advertising expenses, although the company Most of them are divided, but she can earn tens of millions of dollars a year without saying anything.

Diba has always been proud that he can make tens of millions for his family every year as soon as he graduated from school. He can earn so much at the age of 22, and he will make more in the future. This makes his parents show off to the sky.

There are few popular stars, which means that stars make money easily, and that is not groundless.

But now it seems...

Dibba felt deeply that he was a scum.

The scum can't be scum.

"President Li, are you kidding at this price? Do you think this price is appropriate?" Gao sneered and shook his head.

Diba's eyes were about to come out, looking at Gao Leng.

It seems that Diba thought he was a scum, but he still overestimated himself.

"Two billion is a sky-high price, Mr. Gao." Mr. Li stopped giving in.

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