Gossip King

Chapter 1414: Mr. Lek’s femininity...

In the early morning, Gao Leng drove while listening to the morning news, and the host of the news broadcast came out with a full-hearted voice: Yesterday, the Securities Regulatory Bureau investigated the situation of **** company, **** company has many star holdings, and now star holdings listed companies are commonplace. , To remind investors not to follow suit, most of the star holding companies will not bring much promotion to the management of the company. For the company management, many celebrities are mostly laymen, and holding companies are more The most direct way to enhance corporate visibility and corporate image is to attract market attention.

Hearing this, Gao sneered.

The news is correct. Star Holdings is actually only attracting market attention, which is often not helpful to company management. What can really drive stock rises and performance growth is the management ability of the company’s executives, just as if the Xingguang Group goes public, it can drive performance. It is nothing more than the performance of Gao Zong and his group of talented people. What can the celebrities who participate in the shares drive?

Can drive the market's attention, and because of this attention caused by a period of stock rise.

"For the star stocks, whether they will rise sharply or not, the risks are great. Democrats can pay attention to it, but don't follow blindly. The Securities Regulatory Bureau will increase its crackdown on this aspect to ensure..."

A high-tech company invited Yao Ming, a sports giant, to come to endorsement. Unlike my previous endorsements, you use a different way of cooperation. The business-minded Yao Ming offered to use endorsement fees to buy shares in this high-tech company ten years ago.

Because of his star effect, the stock price of this company has the potential to soar. Yao Ming bought it at a low price. Two years later, he sold it at a yield of ninety times and made a lot of money.

"For the star stocks, whether they will rise sharply or not, the risks are great. Democrats can pay attention to it, but don't follow blindly. The Securities Regulatory Bureau will increase its crackdown on this aspect to ensure..."

The radio reports continued, reminding the public not to follow blindly.

This kind of reminder is available almost every day, but it is not very useful: who knows which celebrity holdings are hyped, and the upper level is just to make a fortune, and who knows which celebrities really want to hold stocks for a long time and develop stably? What if you buy the latter? Don't you just post it?

Unfortunately, there are relatively few people who buy the latter. After all, artists speculate on new companies to sell to listed companies, or directly control shares of listed companies. Nine out of ten are just for short-term profits. They make a fortune. You are stuck.

People are greedy, and being cut with leeks is also something that poor people must hate.

At 8:30 in the morning, Mr. Li brought the team over. Today, she wore a cheongsam. Although it was a long dress, it didn't reveal anything, but it was the most flavorful woman Gao Leng had ever seen.

Introverted, reserved and full of feminine sexiness, it perfectly interprets the femininity of oriental women. In comparison, Lin Zhi's cheongsam is too **** and a bit vulgar, Yu Zhi's dress is a bit stiff, and Xiao Leng also wears cheongsam, deducing the pure student style of the Republic of China.

And Mr. Li is dressed differently. Although she is not the most beautiful, her face is round and round and has the charm of a young woman. The cheongsam seems to have a soul on her body, and she sings a dignified young woman as she twists and turns. Song of loneliness on the bed.

The man couldn't help but look over.

"President Gao, your office is very comfortable." Mr. Li looked around, his eyes fell on the bookcase behind him: "You also like to watch "The Fifteen Years of Wanli"."

"Well, it's okay." Gao Leng drew out this book that many people know now and laughed: "This book is very popular now. When it was drafted in 1976, it was very miserable. It was in the era when the Gang of Four was in power. Imperial publishing is impossible, and overseas publishing has actually gone through countless setbacks. Fortunately, there is a big fire now. It can be seen that as long as it is gold, it will always shine."

"Oh? It was definitely difficult to publish this book in Chinese, so why is it difficult to publish abroad?" Mr. Li became interested in the story behind this book. This book is always mentioned at dinner. Follow the trend. The recent hit of an anti-corruption blockbuster has brought about the prosperity of this book. It seems that this book is not good enough if you haven’t read it. Some entrepreneurs have not read it at all. They just turned it over, and the same is true for Mr. Lek. .

If you can know some of the stories behind this book like Gao Leng, Mr. Lek hasn't heard it during the dinner.

"You think, the American publishing industry is extremely harsh on the commercial and academic aspects of books. At that time, commercial publishing in the United States was similar to our current publishing, requiring large-scale sales in a short period of time and the purpose of ending in a short time. "Gao Leng said.

That's why a fire book is instantly on fire, and you can see it everywhere, such as books written by celebrities, what kind of parenting books, beauty books of a certain beauty king, etc. Which celebrity does not write books? Write all. It sells as soon as it is launched, and disappears when it is sold out.

After all, there is no gold content, and it is impossible to live forever.

"How can a book like "Wanli Fifteen Years" sell quickly in the short term? Even if there is a sense of history, even if it contains some imperial life, it also involves Ming Dynasty finances. To understand this requires certain imperial thoughts. Because of the cultural heritage of the empire, the fire is impossible, and commercial publishing cannot be followed."

"What about going to academia?" President Li looked at Gao Leng with doubts, hoping that he would be able to resolve his confusion.

"Academia is even more impossible." Gao Leng shook his head: "The books in the academic world of American publishing houses are often the responsibility of the publishing houses of various universities. They usually publish books by some experts in their own universities, and they exist in terms of funding. Because of the difficulties, and the detailed division of labor between the experts of various universities, this book does not meet their academic circles' emphasis on analysis. Academic publishing that looks like wearing a microscope is what they want."

"Yes, yes, this book is not academic enough, and not commercial enough. It seems that it was really difficult back then. I will know after you explain it this way. It turns out that this book still has so many stories." Looking at Gao Leng appreciatively: "I didn't expect you to be so talented."

Before getting in touch with Gao Leng, in the view of President Li, Gao Leng was just a young little brother, but only after dealing with him yesterday and today did he discover that this person is talented.

"Then how did it start publishing later?" Mr. Li asked.

"I'll tell you next time, let's talk about the contract now." Gao Leng left a tail and smiled meaningfully: "Anyway, we should be seeing each other recently."

Since Mr. He Li is not a cash trading company, but is taking a share in her catering business in the form of a company as a share, then it is a long-term play. There are too many details. It is inevitable to communicate frequently in the past two months.

After a two-hour meeting, Mr. Gao Leng and Mr. Li settled on the general direction. The general direction is nothing more than a matter of money. The remaining details need to be communicated and revised repeatedly by the teams from both sides.

"Please have a tea and rest." Gao Leng stood up and led Mr. Li out of the meeting room door, leaving the two teams in the meeting room to continue communicating.

"I don't want to drink tea." Mr. Lek twisted his neck and looked at his shoulder tiredly: "I am not familiar with this one, and I want to go for a massage. I want that kind of Chinese massage, physiotherapy, not that kind. Just press the spa."

"Let me ask the secretary." Gao Leng asked Yang Guanguan and said, "Let's go, I'll take you there. There is a massage shop run by an old Chinese doctor nearby. It's not big, but the masters there are very good at using physical therapy. ."

Not far from the Star Group, President Li just wanted to walk, so the two of them walked.

On the road, Mr. Li attracted almost all the men who passed by her. Gao Leng, who was also a man, could see what the light in those men’s eyes meant, and moved from Mr. Li to Gao Leng’s eyes. With deep jealousy.

The uncoquettish style accompanies her with a faint scent, and the sound of her high heels makes the men's hearts beat faster.

The young woman's style is shown to the extreme by Mr. Li.

Especially the twisting of the hips when walking.

After arriving at this prestigious massage specialist shop for massage, Gao Leng suddenly regretted that Mr. Li came here. You shouldn’t have a massage with Mr. Li when you come. It’s better to wait outside for a room with her. .

"Um... um... ah... ah, yes yes yes, that's it... hard... uh..." Mr. Li's shoulder blades did seem to be a bit tired. If it doesn't work, it hurts. It can be seen that it doesn't work, so when the masseur pressed it, she screamed in pain.

A depressed, painful and enjoyable cry.

The cry is really drunk.

Gao Leng looked helplessly under his lower abdomen, and the masseur standing beside him also looked embarrassed...

"Well... this is this... this is... um..." President Li couldn't see Gao Leng, but gave him a thumbs up: "This place you introduced is great, um...um... …Oh oh oh, yes, that’s it. So what, this place is really professional, my shoulder blades are always tired and I can’t find a good masseur. The spas that bloom all over are actually three-legged cat kung fu, or our ancestors’ The massage technique is good, ah...ah...comfortable..."


Gao Leng really regretted it.

Why in the middle of the month, take Mr. Lek, who is always wanted by a well-known man in the circle, to come to this massage shop for a massage.

He took a deep breath and exhaled it.

"I don't like pressing very much. I'll go out and wait for you." Gao Leng said and sat up.

"No need, this kind of massage doesn't need to take off your clothes. It happens that you tell me the story behind "Wanli Fifteen Years". Knowing this, I feel talented when talking at dinner, Mr. Gao, ah... Ah...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Gao Leng was blushing with the scream of the lady, and he took a sip of water from the water glass placed aside.

"You are so talented, Mr. Gao, you continue to say that, continue... uhhhhhhh, yes, yes, this is... Mr. Gao, you continue... uh uh... continue to say..."


Gao Leng only felt that he was short of breath. He took a deep breath again, took the blanket to block under him, and took the water glass on the side and drank in one breath.

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