Gossip King

Chapter 1416: Hometown and Gentle Hometown

"Yeah." Gao Leng replied vaguely.

In the two months since I have been in contact with President Li, I have said that there are many right and wrong in front of the widow. This sentence is not false, especially in front of the beautiful widow, there must be some gossip. Needless to say, there have been more scandals about Gao. .

Compared with Lin Zhi, President Li was easier to be conquered. After all, she was more independent and more casual than Lin Zhi in terms of financial and strength. Lin Zhi also has a celebrity halo. He is always worried about what will happen if he is exposed, and he is also worried about his own economic company finding trouble with this matter, but Mr. Li is different. These years, he has gone north and south to make the company bigger and stronger. , I have stayed overseas for a long time, and my mind is much more open.

It’s just that Mr. Lek is a little bit indifferent to the group of men around her. They are handsome, they don’t deserve their status and status. Most of them are the kind of little white faces that noble ladies like to raise; right? Most of them are in their 40s or 50s, or are they bald or big belly, and finally have a gentleman, most of them get married and have wives, and become juniors? That's not Mr. Lek's style.

So, don't you think Mr. Lek has many suitors, there are really few that make her attractive.

Furthermore, Mr. Lek doesn't really want to enter into marriage again now. The company is so big and the economic benefits involved in entering into marriage are also too great. Unless he is really tempted, this is not necessary.

But after all, she is a 28-year-old widow, a young woman, and a woman who has tasted the extreme numbness is an adult, and an adult who has lost her husband for many years. It is natural to have needs and desires.

She chose to use certain adult toys to make herself happy.

But how can adult toys come with real men? After all, much worse.

To Li, Gao Leng’s appearance is like a cat seeing meat. The two people understand in their hearts that they have good feelings for each other and will not be entangled. Although Gao Leng is young, he belongs to his younger brothers. , But in terms of assets, it is not worse than Mr. Lek, and it has a higher value than the little white face raised by a lady, and looks stronger. Regardless of status or appearance, plus the fact that the other party is not married, he will not entangle himself.

They are all adults. After two months of dealing with each other, President Li also has ideas in his heart.

"Boss, there is a problem with our artist's promotion of the company's venture capital project, and our team can't figure it out." After Gao Leng hung up the phone, Lao Diao Fatty and Gao Leng continued to discuss.

For things that cannot be resolved, you still have to follow Mr. Gao's policies.

"By the way, old hanging, you take annual leave tomorrow?"

The old man smiled and nodded: "That's right, my mother's 80th birthday, I haven't gone back for a long time, thinking about taking two days of annual leave to go back."

"Eighty birthday." Gao Leng thought for a while and said, "In this way, I will ask the chief financial officer to pay your bonus for this quarter in advance, and then you will take five days of annual leave, plus Saturday and Sunday, Go home for seven or eight days to accompany the elderly. But it can’t be more. You can’t do anything without you hanging out.”

"It won't take seven or eight days, the subsidiary is busy now!" The old crane laughed.

"It is estimated that we have a lot of bonuses this quarter, Master Diao!" The fat man winked his eyes: "I heard from the Finance Department that the bonus for this quarter alone is almost 10 million. Master Diao, you are now a grandfather!"

"You also have a lot of bonuses. This season, our artists promoted the company's bumper harvest. In fact, we rely on the boss to operate. Otherwise, how can we operate the artist to buy and sell the company's money without letting the Securities Regulatory Bureau look at it?" Old Hang and Fatty Smiled and squinted.

This quarter is indeed a season of high spirits for the artist promotion company. All the money invested in the artist has been earned back. The two-month income is almost equal to the annual income of the two companies of Xingsheng Magazine and Fengyun Magazine. The profit is as high as 7.8 billion.

Although Gao Leng said that this kind of thing cannot be played often, he will end up with a few votes, but the money of this kind of big ticket is really good. Gao Leng will naturally not treat his brothers badly. The bonus alone is a great reward, not to mention. Dividends at the end of the year.

"Old lady, go to the bank to get the money, um, the bonus is here, you can change part of it to a fixed deposit, then pack your things, and go back to your hometown tomorrow. No, no, no, no, no, what are you doing to pack those broken clothes? I bought a new car later, I Take you to buy new clothes, you look at you stingy, what kind of money do you save? Is your man not making money or what?! Buy new ones!" The old hanger returned to his office and said to his wife in a rough voice. .

This man, with money in his hands, speaks more rudely than ever.

When Diao Sao stood at the ATM to check the balance, she was stunned for several minutes without getting back to her senses. Master Diao was talking rough, and Sao Diao panting.

I saw the balance display: 10200667.


Diao's wife rubbed her eyes countless times, and counted countless times with her fingers.

More than ten million? ! Sister-in-law Diao was breathing quickly, and she immediately called Lao Diao: "Old man, it's terrible! Someone made a mistake! One... one... one... more than ten million!"

"Well, this time the bonus is estimated to be more than 9 million, plus the previous one, it is more than 10 million, you see if you want to buy some funds or something, if you can't get a fund, just deposit it directly, keep a few million For the current one, take out more than two hundred thousand and use it when you return to your hometown." Master Diao's voice is very calm.

"My mother! Mr. Gao pays you so much salary?! Isn't it that you make the entire company's money!" The sister-in-law covered her face and looked around instinctively: "No way, no, this money is too much. There are too many, I'm afraid of snatching, you, you, you, go home quickly, I will come to the bank with you later."

"Snatch? You just take out hundreds of thousands, and the rest is reserved, who can grab it?" Master Diao became impatient.

"No way, no, too much money! There is too much money in this card! I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I am scared!" How long have you seen so much money? She looked around again and decided: "I still don't want to go home and wait for you. I'll just wait in the bank. What if someone snatches my bag as soon as I leave the house? No way, man, you have to come back."

"It's all right, it's really a bitch, a **** is a bitch, it's really..." Master Hang looked at the time impatiently, but fortunately it was almost time for get off work, so he stood up Get up and say, "Then your bank is waiting for me."

"Look at your unpromising appearance! Isn't it ten million?" Master Diao and Sister Diao squeezed beside the ATM, Master Diao inserted the bank card into it, speaking with a rough voice while checking the balance.

After that, Master Hang stared and stopped talking.

"Hey, you...hey..." The sister-in-law tugged at his clothes.

I thought of ten million in my heart, and when I really saw so much money appearing on my bank card, it felt different, completely different, and unimaginable.

It’s not that the old man has never seen money. Since doing things with Gao Leng, he has often used Gao Leng’s card to help him deal with the funds from time to time. He has also seen more 0s afterwards. After seeing this, he will only sigh that the boss is really rich. , I don’t think it has much to do with me.

But now the money, 10200667, this string of numbers appeared in front of Lao Diao, this has something to do with Lao Diao, it has too much to do, this is his money.


Lao Diao's breathing started quickly, and he was immediately stunned. His keen eyeballs swept around and looked around, just like the previous sister-in-law.

"Look at you..." Diao's wife laughed.

"You bitch, you know what a shit! What if someone sees my money robbed!" The old hanging tiger gave her a face.

The sister-in-law looked helplessly at the ceiling...

"The money is in the bank card, who can grab it?" said the lady in a long voice.

"You have a quieter voice!" Old Diao growled: "There are so many people in this bank, I, I, I, don't reveal the rich, do you understand? Okay, you girl don't understand."

As he said, Lao Hang waved his hand and took the card out immediately. After taking a deep breath, the tension on his face turned into joy and confidence. He pulled the card tightly in his hand and put his hand in the bag. Inside, and then out of the cash withdrawal cabinet with the arm of the hanging wife in one hand.

"Let's go, let's go directly to the VIP room to handle business." Old Diao raised his head.

If you have money, you have enough foundation. This is true. Some people say that although Lao Diao is now Master Diao, he always has a peasant's class consciousness. Yes, although he is Master Diao now, he always has the temperament of a peasant.

He is a farmer, why? Just like to save money, just get a fixed deposit instead of investing, so what? When the family has money, there is grain in the warehouse, and there is a lady in the house who does things, and it feels safe today.

Master Diao walked towards the VIP room with his head held high, and his wife's neck was held high behind him.

"My man is really prosperous! I knew it, when I followed you to the imperial capital, I knew that my man was the most prosperous!" The sister-in-law's voice was crying.

A cry of joy.

From when Lao Diao was still a mud-leg planting rice seedlings in the field, from when he was still driving a broken boat to transport sand, from when he was carrying the most dilapidated bag, and walking beside the white-collar workers in suits and shoes in the Imperial Capital, the sister-in-law knew , She knew from her heart: her man is the most promising man.

More than 10 million, which is a number that the peasant old hanger and the peasant wife's wife could not even think of. They all say that they will not return to their hometowns if they are not rich. Tomorrow, they will be able to return to their hometowns with prosperity!


Compared with Lao Diao's homecoming, today's Gao Leng rushes to Gentle Township.

It's the 13th again, Xiao Leng's body can't stand the toss of Gao Leng, although a group of paparazzi have been staring at Gao Zhanxing to see if they can get any laces this month, but I am afraid that this group of people disappointed.

Gao Leng didn't even plan to cut the stars today.

"Gao Leng, eat some of this." President Li pointed to the mutton, and said with a smile: "Young people should eat more and make up."

"I don't need to make up." Gao sneered.

"Oh, don't look at you young and strong. Sister I know 30 or 40 years old. Many of the bodies are no longer good. I should take more supplements now." Mr. Lek dragged his voice and stretched out his chopsticks. Gao Leng sandwiched a piece of lamb with a weird tone.

I've been ambiguous for two months, and now I have to puncture the window paper.

If you don't cut the stars, you will cut the young woman Chief Li.

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