Gossip King

Chapter 1422: A glass of wine under the osmanthus tree

Two more months passed.

These two months have been busy as before. It’s midsummer, and Gao Leng has been flying around all the year round and tanned. After the film and television policy came down, Gao Leng has been blooming everywhere in TV dramas, and I have looked for it again. Several good directors of spy war films are preparing to shoot three anti-Japanese war films, all of which are strongly supported by radio and television policies.

Right now, when it comes to national gift films, nothing else is going to happen except Starlight Group.

This is true for TV dramas, and so are movies.

Several films of Gao Leng's layout have been designated as gift films by the radio and television. They enjoy a very good policy. The film arrangement must be crushing. Two of them are filming heroes of the War of Resistance, one filming Tibet, and one filming. The police.

As for the movie, apart from the ones promoted by Guangdian Power, Gao Leng only has two films that have been planned long ago. One is a literary and artistic film that agreed with Director Zhang a long time ago. This film was shot in a sensitive period. It's hard to tell if it can't be released in China, so it's definitely a loss.

The other is a film about missing children for Qiu Jian. Qiu Jian, who has lost his son, has been following Director Zhang and followed for almost a year. He was born after learning this from Gao Leng. His task of shooting this film suggested that he use his own case to shoot, which would also help him find the child.

Gao Leng read the copy that Qiu Jian handed over, and thought it was very good, especially one sentence: Only when I was looking for a child, I could feel that I was a father.

"Mr. Gao, thank you." Qiu Jian was wearing a short-sleeved shirt standing in the cold office. He was dyed black because of the anxiety of looking for children and gave birth to Huafa. After saying this, he didn't say much, just A hand hidden behind him clenched his fist tightly.

Qiu Jian knew that in addition to the TV shows, Gao Leng also invested in his own and Zhang's. Investing in Zhang Daoqing is excusable. After all, he is a great director, can he invest in himself?

A person who has never made a movie, has not even brought a penny to Starlight Group, and has been studying with Director Zhang for so long, holding a fixed salary every month, such a person who is not a relative, Gao Leng Neng In order to help him find children and directly invest in a film.

Qiu Jian knew that once the film was released, his chances of finding his son would greatly increase.

"Thank me, as long as this film is well made, it will definitely be a big seller. I believe my vision is just that, don't think too much." Gao Leng saw Qiu Jian's thoughts and glanced at him: "Tell me, You are a very talented person. I will ask an experienced old director to follow along. The film, in fact, special effects are not important, it is important to hit people's hearts. I am afraid that you are the only one who makes children lost films in China."

Qiu Jian nodded heavily, and when he turned and left the cold office, his eyes were red again. He looked deeply at the cold office door, without a word, but his chest was up and down, and a line of tears fell.

"Son, we have met a good person. Dad will definitely find you. Dad will come on and take a good photo. The more popular this movie, the more likely it is that Dad will find you." Qiu Jian thought.

He must not miss this opportunity.

You know, in the next two years, Starlight Group did not invest much in the movie.

As for the movie, Gao Leng didn’t plan to lay out on a large scale like Su Su. He invested in seven or eight films every year. It costs money to play movies. Even though the Starlight Group that he watched has exploded, it’s true. It is extremely risky to invest as many films as Su Su in a year. After all, it's hard to tell the box office of the movie. Once a few loses, it will still be hit hard according to the current foundation of the Star Group.

Therefore, in addition to the movies promoted by Guangdong Electric Power, Gao Leng only took two risks to invest in it. After all, the films recommended by the radio and television will not lose money. This is almost certain. After all, the box office is guaranteed, and there is no need to brush the box office to fight for large-scale filming. This in itself saves huge costs. Today's box office is only Don't mention it, everyone is hydrated, and you have to spend your money on the box office to get the high-ranking movies.

The broadcasting and television support is different. There are policies here, and filming is indispensable.

Director Yin's "I will support you" is really worth a thousand dollars every word.

In the past two months, Mr. Lek came twice, and every time it was a full moon, Gao Leng and her became more and more in a tacit understanding. This sister is very funny, she cleans herself up every time she comes. , I like to tease Gao Leng like a sister every time I come, especially when the moon is full, of course, every time I die.

Almost didn't get killed.

"I won't regret if I die on the bed," Mr. Li said.

Obviously, President Li was infatuated with this feeling, and even once Gao Leng encountered something annoying while on the phone, and casually scolded "I'm grass". As a result, the sister immediately got on the ground when she heard it, and sullied. high.

The speed of getting down is staggering.

In Xia Ye, after some time, some guys were free. Fatty found a place for a few people to gather together. Old man, Xiaodan, Gao Leng and Fatty, just four of them.

"Don't bring your family, just a few of us have a drink and celebrate." The fat man said.

"Okay." Gao Leng responded. It's been a long time since the brothers got together. It was too busy this year, so they made an appointment to a farm with a small family and rented the farm. The fat guy who can play brings it in. After the barbecue rack, there are green agriculture's own ingredients as the base, and it is served with beer, and it is cooked under the big osmanthus tree in the evening.

Gao Leng, fat man, Lao Diao came long ago, and the meat has been roasting on the shelf, but I haven't seen the small order.

"Why isn't Xiao Shan coming?" The fat man murmured.

"She still has a meeting. You don't know that she is a workaholic, she will be here in a while." Old Diao glanced at the phone.

"When was the last time the four of us drank together?" The fat man squinted his eyes and thought: "Oh, it's been two years, and the days are so fast. The last time was when we were shooting unannounced visits together, in August. Right?"

"Yes, it was August the year before last." Lao Diao lit a cigarette: "At that time I was still a driver, but the boss lighted me a few times. It's so fast, it's been two years."

The three opened beer and drank after touching them.

The scent of the meat came out. Fatty, a foodie, cooked really well. The meat was roasted to be plump and delicious.

"Why isn't Xiaodan coming?" The fat man looked at the courtyard again and frowned: "It's really hard to ask Mr. Jane now. I haven't seen her for almost two months. The variety company she runs has opened three networks. Variety show, oh tee tee, boss, you haven't seen it. When the group of male colleagues in the company talked about Mr. Jian, their eyes shined..."

Jian Xiaodan is terrible now. She started the variety company in her hand. Gao Leng didn't intervene much during the whole process. She actually did it, and it did a big job.

This made Gao Leng a little surprised, and she should be surprised as well.

Human potential is indeed unlimited.

"I'll give her a call." Gao Leng was a little worried. As soon as he picked up his mobile phone, he heard a thumping throttle coming from the courtyard door. It didn't sound like a car, so several people looked over.

"Hey! It's cool!" Fatty's eyes were about to fall out, and he ran out.

I saw Jian Xiaoshan wore a formal suit and walked off a huge black motorcycle with a helmet. It was the kind of midnight rich second-generation drag racing motorcycle. Xiaodan walked from above with a small body. When I came down, don't mention the expression: it was a self-confidence from the inside out, which was completely different from the simple one that Gao Leng saw two years ago.

She took off the helmet, with a little sweat on the delicate makeup on her face, threw the helmet on the fat man, patted and said: "The traffic jam, or this thing is fast, I just finished the meeting."

"Oh, oh, why are you thinking about buying a motorcycle! That's cool! How much is it?" The fat man climbed onto the motorcycle, eager to try, and Jian Xiaodan held out his hand and raised his hand back. A bunch of keys were lost to the fat man.

The action is handsome and crisp.

The corner of Gao Leng's mouth hooked up, and the simple and domineering and bold at this time made people couldn't help but look at it more.

"It's not expensive. How much is it? Two hundred and fifty thousand or two hundred and seventy thousand. Anyway, it's quite cheap. Sometimes I drive this in traffic jams on the road. Hurry up." Xiao Shan said as he walked under the big tree.

Two hundred thousand yuan, although not a huge sum of money for the small order two years ago, after all, her work ability was excellent at that time, but it was definitely not a small amount of money, but now the two hundred thousand yuan in her mouth seems to be Just bought a small toy.

It is Mr. Jian now, not what he used to be.

After Jian Xiaodan twisted his neck uncomfortably, he stretched out his hand and took off his jacket, revealing a short sleeve inside. He picked up the chopsticks and caught a piece of meat. After looking at Gao Leng, he said, "Boss, your recent scandal is Isn't it more? I saw in some tabloids in Hong Kong that you were photographed many times."

"Look at you, man...what's so strange." Old Hang grabbed the conversation and handed Jian Xiaodan beer.

"You can do it, you will tease me now." Gao Leng raised his cup: "You a boss actually cares about my scandal?"

"Who pays attention to your scandal? I...I saw it occasionally in the Hong Kong tabloid that day, I am busy, who pays attention to you." Jian Xiaodan turned back, his eyes flickered, but the words did not reveal it. She was a little flustered, it was Mr. Jane after all, and the little secret in her heart was almost seen through, but she remained calm.

No matter how busy the scandal is, Jian Xiaoshan will pay attention to it.

Ding Ding Ding, her cell phone rang.

After listening to it for a while, Jian Xiaodan frowned and said sharply: "I said Manager Li, how many times have you been on this small order of 20 million? Isn't it 20 million?! This is the point. If you don't have any courage, you can pack up and leave!"

He hung up the phone.

"Twenty million projects like this. This guy hasn't gotten it done for a month. I can see him off." Xiao Shan raised his head and took a sip of wine, his brows furrowed, his neck was raised again, and a can of beer was gone. .

She reached out her hand and wiped the remaining wine at the corner of her mouth, and she nodded: "Well, I will open him tomorrow. You can't keep any useless soldiers."

"Mr. Jian, you are really different now from two years ago. The tone of speaking is really domineering and courageous." Lao Hao sighed and raised his glass: "Come on, I will push Ming'er's work for a while, and I won't be drunk today. Not return."

"I can't push the job, I'll still..." Jian Xiaodan immediately shook his head, she didn't want to be delayed in business, work made her happy.

"It's all pushed, not drunk or returning." Gao Leng interrupted Jian Xiaodan and said.

Jian Xiaodan took a cold look.

"That's all right." Xiao Shan's voice regained her previous obedience, she licked her lips and looked at Gao Leng secretly.

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