Gossip King

Chapter 1425: The most beautiful scenery in this life

Gao Leng looked at Xiao Shan's back and couldn't tell what it was like.

When a man knows that a woman admires himself, as long as the woman is not the type he hates, he is always happy.

Gao Leng was also a little happy, but more surprised.

He and Jian Xiaoshan fought side by side for two years, running carrion together, submerging electric shocks, pioneering the world together, and experiencing troughs together. In the concept of high coldness, all future honors or difficulties of the Star Group will definitely be by your side.

How could his best assistant and friend not be around?

But Gao Leng never thought that Jian Xiaodan would become his own woman. Although he was more or less unhappy when he saw Ouyang pursuing Jian Xiaodan, the unhappiness did not seem to be the unhappiness between men and women. In short, it doesn't seem to be that strong.

And more importantly, Gao Leng has no heartbeat for Jian Xiaodan, no heartbeat, just like when facing Xiao Leng. Seeing her smile, he can’t help but feel happy, even without facing it. The impulse when President Li was.

Seeing a woman, a man will have a physiological primitive impulse or a psychological primitive possessiveness. This is probably the most typical situation in which a man likes a woman.

But this situation did not exist when Gao Leng faced Xiaolan, or it was not so strong.

Before that, Gao Leng occasionally found that Jian Xiaoshan's eyes seemed wrong when looking at him. He had doubts before, but this doubt quickly disappeared.

Because Jian Xiaoshan didn't show any behavior of a woman admiring a man, except for occasional eyesight.

She is not jealous.

When the actress hooks up, she will decide whether to arrange a room according to Gao Leng's willingness. She is very good to Xiao Leng, just like her own sister.

Like a man, women are often jealous, aren't they? But Jian Xiaodan showed no signs of being jealous, not at all.

She is not close.

Sometimes when discussing issues, Gao Leng approached her unconsciously, she would quickly step aside to keep her distance, and even stretched out her hand to pat her on the shoulder. It took a year before she became more natural. She seems to resist close contact with people.

Like a man, women often like to lean on this man, don't they? Even standing next to this man would feel happy, and gentle physical touch is even more exciting and expectant. But Jian Xiaodan showed no signs of longing for physical contact, not a trace.

She did not explain.

When Ouyang appeared, Gao Leng asked her more than once what Ouyang was with her. She always said, "This is my personal business." Especially Ouyang invited him to dinner all day long. They all said Ouyang was there. In the case of chasing her, in the face of Gao Leng's inquiry, she only said, "Friend, this is my business, please don't ask me, please?"

Like a man, what a woman fears most is that this man misunderstands herself, right? Especially when this man doesn’t belong to him, it stands to reason that if Xiao Shan likes high cold, she should explain clearly after Ouyang appears to prevent high cold from getting misunderstood, but Jian Xiao Shan didn’t explain a word, she seems He didn't worry about how Gao Leng looked at her or would misunderstand her. He didn't explain at all.

Too many places and too many details, Jian Xiaodan doesn’t seem to have a crush on Gao Leng. She never shares her personal affairs with Gao Leng. She always keeps a distance. This distance is psychological, and it seems that the vast gap cannot be crossed. She is not dependent, and never has the kind of joy, excitement, and admiration in the eyes that Xiao Leng looked at when she was cold.

Such a simple one would actually kiss himself secretly, which surprised Gao Leng.

After being surprised, he had to consider how to face it.

Jian Xiaoshan is not Mr. Li, not those women who he can want when the moon is full. If he is that kind of woman, then he will be scornful and enjoy the night when Xiao Leng can’t handle the full moon. That's it.

But in Gao Leng's heart, although Xiao Shan is not his tempted woman, she is definitely a very important person to him and must not be desecrated.

Unlike the women outside, he must treat the simple feelings carefully.

How can it be treated?

What should I do if I break her layer of paper?

Jian Xiaodan returned to the room with the same expression on her face. She stretched out her hand and threw the coat on the bed, then took the bathrobe out of the bag and put it on the bed.

She took off her clothes, slightly bent over and put her hands behind her back, took off her underwear, and walked into the bathroom like this wearing little pants. After standing under the shower head, she stretched out her hand and put her little pants on the table.

She washed the water carefully, and after a while, she washed it and walked out, took the bath towel and wiped it, her face flushed, she raised her head and looked at herself in the mirror.

Just watched quietly.

Regarding her appearance, she can't talk about stunning beauty. She can only say that she is above average. Her facial features are very attractive, but she is stubborn and not soft like an ordinary girl. She seems to be ready to fight at any time.

Especially her eyes, as if she was in a dangerous forest infested with beasts, she needed to be vigilant all the time, and she was always vigilant.

Although the skin is also white, it is not as white as Xiao Leng, not soft, from head to toe, this is probably the most difficult appearance for a man to have a desire to protect.

It has nothing to do with appearance, but with temperament.

The simple one in the mirror looked like a fighter, the general in front of him in armor, seeing through all the worldliness and brutality.

She stretched out her hand and touched her hair. The hair was much thicker than ordinary girls, and it was a little self-curling. It didn't think about Asian hair, it was a bit like European hair. Men always like women with soft hair, especially Asian men.

Xiao Shan is envious of Xiao Leng's soft hair, which is as pleasing as her character.

Xiao Shan dried her body carefully. The rest of her body was OK. She couldn't hold the overflowing chest with one hand, waist with vest line, and strong buttocks. If her eyes were softer, then the man would look. She will be fascinated by her appearance at this moment.

But Xiao Shan's gaze is too far away, this distance is completely different from Su Su, Su Su's sense of distance is arrogant, high above, confident and domineering. But the simple distance is hidden. She will not be as high as Su Su, but smiling, very polite and thoughtful, but the desolation in her eyes is not like a little girl.

The eyes are not pure enough.

It is said that to look at a person is to look at her eyes, because the eyes cannot be faked, this is true.

Xiao Shan has gone through too many hardships, and there is no purity in his eyes, let alone innocence.

Xiao Shan's gaze fell on his lips.

Just kissed high cold lips.

Suddenly, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and she laughed. At this moment, the desolation in her eyes disappeared and was replaced by shyness.

Shiny, sheer shyness, more innocent than a junior high school girl who had just started her love, and more innocent than Mu Xiaoleng at the beginning.

When she kissed her cold lips softly, her mind appeared, and her blush reached the base of her neck.

That's enough, Jian Xiaodan lowered his eyes and said softly, his face was as pleasant as the blooming sunset and the breeze.

"That's just right." Xiao Shan said to himself.


She sighed softly and lowered her head with low self-esteem.

"Just now, it was the most beautiful scenery in my life. It was the moonlight I wanted, the wind I wanted, the person I wanted, and I gave my first kiss. That scene was the most beautiful scenery in my life, with me and She, but he doesn’t like me, and I don’t deserve him. A kiss is enough, it’s enough. Simple, remember, don’t think too much if you don’t get it, just a secret kiss is enough That's enough." Xiao Shan raised her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror. Finally, she bit her lip, revealing a determined expression.

Going out naked, putting on his clothes, and drying his hair again, everything is as usual.

The most beautiful scenery is enough to be missed, but the scenery is not to be possessed and can only be missed.

Boom boom boom, half an hour later, Gao Leng knocked on her door.

"Come here." Jian Xiaoshan opened the door, without seeing Gao Leng, turned around and picked up the information from the table and handed it to him: "Just this information, boss, take a look, I'll wait for you to get it. An idea, this project is urgent."

"Oh, um." Gao Leng felt a little nervous. He quickly picked up the information and looked at it. After looking at Jian Xiaodan, she saw that she had just dried her hair and picked up the hair rope to tie her hair. Her face was very calm.

"What are you looking at me doing, I'm in a hurry to ask for this information." Jian Xiaodan said without raising his eyelids.

The tone is also the same as usual, casual, like a friend, without a slight ripple.

Gao Leng quickly looked down at the information. These are some specific details of the backdoor listing. She drew red lines in several simple places that required high cold policies.

"This is an email from Hong Kong in the afternoon. You can check this to see if my plan is suitable." Jian Xiaoshan sat at the table and opened his notebook, beckoning to Gao Leng.

Gao Leng walked over, stood behind Xiao Shan, bent over and took the mouse from her.

"I'll stand by." As usual, Xiao Shan seemed to be disgusted with Gao Leng's close contact. She stood aside, took a pen and pointed at the screen: "On these five terms, the premium price Several models, I think their price curve is..."

Jian Xiao's calm voice echoed in the room.

Everything is as usual, making Gao Leng almost think that the kiss under the tree just now is fake.

"Xiaodan, you..." Gao Leng looked at Jian Xiaodan.

"What's wrong? Isn't this project right?" Jian Xiaodan's face became serious. She took the information from Gao Leng's hand and flipped through it, and then bent down and looked at the screen.

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