Gossip King

Chapter 1436: Help me in, wife...

However, this husband Jian Xiaodan shouted more naturally than before.

Pour a glass of wine brewed by my father, take a bite of fried pork with peppers copied by my sister-in-law, and have a drink with the uncle who is still very cautious sitting at the side, and give a gesture with the uncle who is sitting at the other table with the village chief drinking.

At the wine table, Gao Leng was the one who helped them. Although it seems that this happened because of Xiao Shan’s classmates, Gao Leng also has the surname Gao. In this little patriarchal village, the Gao family naturally treats them. The heart of this matter rested on Gao Leng's body.

Everyone understands the small orders in the early days and the coldness of the operation.

"Thank you Mr. Shan, Mr. Gao." Gao Cong still touched the simple glass first and then the cold one. After drinking for so long, Gao Leng never said where he is from, where he is tall, and hide. With his own identity. When it comes to helping the Gao family, he is said to be a classmate of his wife.

Everyone knew that the man in front of him would not reveal his identity, and it would be inappropriate to ask too much. Therefore, Communist Party Gao first respected Gao Leng's classmate, President Shan, and then thanked President Gao, who has the same name.

"No thanks, I should be my own person." The cold wine is in my stomach, just like the summer night, and the mosquito blood that bites and slaps from time to time, Gao Leng feels dizzy and dizzy. It really is not intoxicating. People are drunk, sad and happy in their hearts.

Sadly, how much he hopes his uncle can recognize himself, so he doesn't need to raise his glass to thank him, but says aloud: This is my nephew Gao Leng! He is the boss of Star Group! The glory of our Gao family!

But no, no, this life experience can only be buried in the ground like the high cold of death.

What's fun is that I can make some contribution to the family. With this exchange, I will have an excuse to come back later, and there will be a reason to help them again.

What's fun is that I can still sit in the Gao family's room, hold the wine brewed by his dead father, and drink it all in one go.

The happy thing is that now that I have returned, I have the ability to keep my bloodline safe. Even if they don't know themselves, even if they can only use the identity of an outsider.

But the family is safe, what is the sadness in these hearts?

Unconsciously, it was eight thirty in the evening.

The eight-thirty in the countryside is not as brightly lit as the eight-thirty in the city. The sky is all dark, leaving only the lights of the stars and the sky full of stars.

Eat early, and now the wine is in the second half, it's time to go.

"Mr. Gao, thank you for taking you to our side tomorrow. Our side is like a sea of ​​bamboo forests." The county magistrate shook Gao Leng's hand and said, "Come on, I have some wine. Drink it."

"Yes, we are Zhuhai. Both of us are from the north. Haven't we met Zhuhai?" the office director asked.

"What does Zhuhai mean?" Jian Xiaodan was a little curious.

"Bamboo is just like the sea. You can't see the edge. When you climb high and look into the distance, the green bamboo forest is like the waves of the ocean." The high cold voice said, full of memories.

"Ah, you know, Mr. Gao, it is indeed very knowledgeable. Yes, we not only have a view of the bamboo terrace, but also a shame mountain. The water of the shame mountain is top-notch. Our Taojiang women are beautiful like clouds. It is closely related to this water! Good place! Minger will take the two of you around!"

Everyone laughed, there was not much wine and enough food, it was time to go after drinking.

Gao Leng's heart was overwhelmed. He looked at the hall and saw that the meal was eaten at the uncle’s side. He wanted to look upstairs. The wicker chair he played at his uncle’s house was still there, and he wanted to go to himself. Take a look at his house. It's the red brick one-story house next to the uncle, the one that is the most dilapidated.

There, the tablets for the parents should also have their own photos.

I haven't gone to the cemetery yet, I have to go and see.

Just leave like this?

Gao Leng is really reluctant.

After drinking Gao's wine, I still want to sleep in Gao's bed.

He tapped his hand in his trouser pocket two or three times, but two or three times, an idea bloomed with a smile, and he picked up a full glass of wine: "Come on, drink, drink!"

Jian Xiaodan glanced at him and saw that he was drinking so hard when he was about to end, although he was puzzled, she didn't stop it. She knew the high and cold drink volume. Besides, he only drank the wine made by the farmer himself, so he couldn't get drunk. .

Drunk, who can stop a man from getting drunk? Especially when he deliberately pretended to be drunk.

When the dinner was over, Gao Leng was already shaking with his wine glass... Jian Xiaodan looked at him strangely from the side.

Strange, drunk? How can it be. Simply thought.

She was drunk, and when everyone was about to leave, Gao Leng stood up and put one hand on Jian Xiaodan's shoulder, and half of his body pressed against her, making Jian Xiaodan grinning.

"You're not mistaken, are you drunk?!" Jian Xiaodan raised her eyes and looked at Gao Leng. She is smart and sensitive. After only five seconds of judging Gao Leng, everyone feels high cold. When he was drunk, Jian Xiaoshan found something was wrong.

Pretending to be drunk, he's pretending to be drunk, what the **** is he doing?

"No...not drunk...I...I'll walk a straight line to show you!" Gao Leng's acting was very good, and the people around laughed.

"Mr Gao is drunk."

"Haha, drank happily, Mr. Shan, we have arranged the hotel, these few have not drunk, they drive it." The office pointed to the young men behind. The arrangement was very thoughtful, and the county magistrate smiled with satisfaction.

Damn it, what are you doing so well? Gao Leng cursed inwardly.

"Okay." Jian Xiaodan helped Gao Leng walk to the car and whispered: "Okay, they don't dare to drink you, so what do you pretend to be drunk?"


Gao Leng looked at Jian Xiao with a single eye. This woman really understood his mind. I used to think it was a great thing for her to understand her mind.

"They asked the driver to go to the hotel to rest." Jian Xiaodan said, opening the back seat door and pointing: "Go up."


Gao Leng glanced at Jian Xiao again with a single eye, and, apart from anything else, pushed her aside and walked two steps towards the door of the house, retching...

Which one did this play? Jian Xiaoshan rolled his eyes in his heart.

"President Gao, Mr. Gao." Gao Gong hurried over to help, and said anxiously to his wife: "Quickly, get some boiled water to rinse your mouth."

"General Manager Gao, are you okay?" the county magistrate asked, rolling down the window.

"You go first, he'll be fine in a while." Jian Xiaodan said loudly, knowing that Gao Leng's pretence is naturally not hurried. The county magistrate did not go first, but waited.

Naturally, waiting for Gao Leng to go together before sending it to the hotel is the way to entertain guests, especially VIPs.

He retched violently...

Just vomiting for a long time, nothing came out...

"Oh, oh, vomiting so badly, then, that, then Mr. Gao lives here, right?" Sister-in-law said hurriedly when she saw Gao Leng's posture.

"What are you talking about, the National People's Congress can always live with us?" Gao Gong said in a low voice.

"That's OK, I..." Gao Leng raised his head, unable to take care of that much, the doubts of Xiao Shan behind him, and the curiosity of the county chief's group of people, he wanted to live here.

I want to live in the place where I grew up, sleep for one night, kowtow with my parents' tablets, and then go to the grave in Houshan in the early morning when there is no one to tell my parents that everything is fine.

"Then I will live here." Gao Leng said.

Gao Gong's eyes widened. Although it is a rural area, it is only 20 minutes drive from the county center. How could such a background figure sleep in the country? He never expected it.

"Ok...well, well, well, well," Gao Gong said repeatedly after the reaction.

"What?!" Jian Xiaodan supported Gao Leng. She did not expect Gao Leng to take the initiative to say that she wanted to sleep here. At this moment, she understood the reason Gao Leng pretended to be drunk: she just wanted to sleep here.

"Then...then I will clean up the house, we have a lot of rooms in the country, as long as you don't dislike it." The auntie stretched out her hand and patted the cold back, and handed over a glass of warm water: "I shouldn't drink so much just now."

There was a hint of blame in this tone, just the kind of blame that the elders felt sorry for the younger ones.

The high-cold tears that were bent over and pretended to be vomiting came out at once, but fortunately, the night was blocking, and no one saw the red eyes.

The aunt's tone of speech was exactly the same as before, and the strength of the back shot was the same.

"Gao Leng, you have a cold. You don't want to listen to you when you say you want to add a piece of clothing. Let's vomit like this." Before, the auntie patted his back gently.

In the air, there was the smell of soap on my auntie, exactly the same as before.

"What's the matter?" the head of the office ran off the car and asked.

"Gao said to sleep with us tonight." Gao said.

The office director looked at Jian Xiaodan. What can Xiaodan say? Gao Leng spoke, then smiled and nodded.

"That's all right, then I trouble you to clean up a room for these two people." This sentence in the office reminded Jian Xiao Shan: she and Gao Leng are now married, and the couple have to sleep in the same room. One bed.

Jian Xiaodan's face changed instantly.

"Then what, I, I, I go to the hotel..."

Before Jian Xiao's words were finished, the office director looked at her very understandingly: "You are going to the county town to buy some makeup remover, right? What do you need to buy, tell me, I will send it now People will buy it for you."


"No, I..." Jian Xiaodan faced such a sympathetic office director, a bit poor, and when she thought of sleeping in a room, and as a wife, she blushed.

"You are his patron, that must be taken care of. I will bring you some anti-drinking medicine. Don't worry, this home-brewed wine is not hurtful. Don't be nervous. Don't worry, you are drunk. It won't hurt your body." The director of the office gave Jian Xiaodan a thumbs up very appreciatively: "It's such a good patron, my face is blushing with anxiety, she is so envious of others!"


"I...I...I..." Jian Xiaodan couldn't find an excuse.

"Help me in, wife." Seeing her drowsy, Gao Leng put one hand on her shoulder, and half of his body pressed against her: "I'm drunk... drunk... drunk..."

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