Gossip King

Chapter 1448: Another shortcut

In the evening, the hotel not far from the Propaganda Department building is the designated hotel of the Propaganda Department. After all, it is a hotel that is very experienced in receiving government departments. Even the waiters have a kind of noble temperament, not hurried, not humble or overbearing. Also, I have received too many powerful and powerful people here, and I have seen a lot of them, so the waiters are naturally calm.

"Hi, Mr. Gao, I live in Qiuyuan." Gao Leng went in and reported his name. The waiter immediately led the way, showing that Mr. Yin had arrived early.

"Director Yin was still very good to us, but fortunately you had a foresight at the time, and Yin Xiang's affairs were handled well with all my best," Xiao Shan said.

"Remember, don't call Director Yin, now you call him Boss Yin, and you have to call that way." Gao Leng stopped and said solemnly, "This officialdom is different from ours. They have a lot of knowledge, not because of him. If it’s good to us, we lose respect, and we have to keep the distance well, not too close or far away."

Dealing with officials requires vision, but also IQ. Too close, there is a deliberate feeling of infatuation, offensive, too far away, there is not enough respect. Besides, Mr. Lu repeatedly explained that he should not involve too much politics in business, but now it seems that it has reached a certain height without involving politics.

Just see how it is involved.

The current Gao Leng is also very experienced in this area. The relationship with Wang Hui, the vice chairman of the business association, has been good. The Star Group has also benefited a lot from this relationship, but he has also controlled the degree. The business association has When needed, it's incumbent.

Always thinking about how to do things for the country, this big principle can never be wrong.

"Yeah, I see." Jian Xiaoshan obviously has no experience with Gao Leng in this field. After all, she is only watching Wang Hui. She can only watch today.

"Boss, do you say that Boss Yin knows about your trouble with Jingtian?" Xiao Shan asked before entering the room.

"He definitely didn't know before, he has a lot of things, who cares about this? But since I took the initiative to invite him to dinner, he will definitely investigate, and now I guess I know it." Gao Leng judged.

"Xiao Gao, here it is." As soon as he entered the door, seeing Boss Yin already sitting inside, he stood up with a smile and stretched out his hand.

"Oh, you have already arrived, I..." Gao Leng raised his wrist to check the time, and quickly held Boss Yin's hand: "I'll fine myself three cups in a while."

"You're not late, it's because I arrived early. I won't meet today. Come and rest early." Boss Yin laughed and patted his shoulder: "I heard that Yin Xiang's film has started shooting, and you donated 30%. The profit goes to the Cataract Children’s Fund, not bad, not bad."

Before Gao Leng invested in Yin Xiang's film, he told the public that 30% of the film's profit was donated. After all, Yin Xiang is the son of Boss Yin. One is doing charity, and the other is blocking those leisurely mouths.

This is very visionary, and Boss Yin is very satisfied.

"It should be, it should be." Gao Leng sat down: "As a business, we should make donations to the society."

Boss Yin gave a thumbs up.

After ordering the meal, Boss Yin said not to drink, Gao Leng did not order. After eating and chatting for a while, Boss Yin's eyes changed. He looked at Gao Leng, put his chopsticks down and said, "You invite me to eat. It's not just about making things happen, is there anything?"

"It's something." Gao Leng nodded truthfully.

"Just say something, don't hide it." Boss Yin's eyes were somewhat invisible to Gao Leng. When he said this, he moved his eyes away, took a mouthful of food and put it in his mouth and continued: "Especially if you want to shoot some positive gift films, just say, these other...I can't speak, this is fine."

Gao Leng heard it and understood.

It seems that Boss Yin has understood it in advance. The meaning of this statement is to tell Gao Leng: I will help except for shooting positive energy gift films. Please stop talking about other things.

Xiao Shan didn't say a word, but looked at Gao Leng secretly with frustration in his eyes, but saw Gao Leng not rushing.

"It's not about shooting a positive gift film, but what I will report to you this time is more valuable than the gift film." Gao Leng said.

"Oh?" Boss Yin smiled, his eyes a little unhappy. He naturally thought that Gao Leng didn't understand what he said, so he still wanted to mention Jingtian.

"It's not Jingtian's business, it's something else." Gao sneered: "I have a project. I want to report to you and let you help as a staff member."

Boss Yin's brows loosened and nodded: "It's not Jingtian's business. It's your business that you compete with Jingtian. The government is not easy to intervene. Then, what project do you think?"

Jian Xiaodan, like Boss Yin, looked at Gao Leng. She knew Gao Leng was going to interview a bunch of top scholars, but she didn't know what project Gao Leng had.

But no matter what the project is, it is to annex Jingtian, isn't it?

Jian Xiaodan is a little confused.

"Now there are several major financial magazines in China, the largest one is Jing Tian. I have studied them during this period, and you must have seen the report. I want to annex them." Gao Leng said this, seeing Boss Yin locked up. He lowered his brows and his face was gloomy.

Why are you still mentioning Jingtian? No eyesight. Boss Yin thought.

Jian Xiaoshan hurriedly touched Gao Leng with his feet under the table. What he just said had nothing to do with Jing Tian, ​​so why did he mention it again? She also felt strange.

"However, what I want to report to you this time is not the same thing as I want to annex Jingtian." Gao Leng turned his face and said with a serious expression: "To annex Jingtian, I am expanding the company. This is one step of the first step, and the other is that during my preparations for the annexation of Jingtian, I discovered that our empire is in financial magazines. No, it should be in financial magazines and general magazines. , There is a place that makes me feel sorry, so I want to report to you on this matter."

It seems that he really didn't come to me for Jingtian's business, Boss Yin thought to himself, and smiled: "Oh? What regrets?"

"During the period when I wanted to annex Jingtian, I learned about all domestic financial magazines, and of course there are comprehensive magazines. I was rushing to become the leader of the paper media. At this time, I discovered that there are a total of records in the country. There are more than 1,000 magazines, large and small. There are many small newspapers and small publications. The large newspapers and magazines, in addition to the national ones, are distinguished by Jingtian and Liuyang. However, there is no magazine that promotes the empire. Magazine, no, not one."

Gao Leng's fingers knocked **** the table.

"Oh? Really?" The words made Boss Yin very surprised. He shook his head: "No, we have English version of the Imperial Journal for foreigners to read, and there are several copies."

"No, no, no." Gao Leng shook his head and took out a few English publications from his bag: "You see, although these magazines are in English, their writing skills are not very high, and they are not keeping up with the times. More is an introduction to the traditional culture of the empire. We currently don’t have one, neither, nor a comprehensive magazine that introduces the current state of the empire, monthly financial and social events, and academic masters. We don’t have one. "

Gao Leng repeatedly emphasized that "not a copy."

After turning through the magazine for a while, Boss Yin nodded. Gao Leng was right. Although there are several publications to the outside world, most of the content is to promote tourist attractions or historical and humanities, which is really not enough to keep up with the times.

"Information is information. Foreigners can get some fragmented consultations from the Internet, but you also know that it can't be compared with magazines." Gao Leng reminded Boss Yin. This is also the reason why print media has always existed. Fragmented reading on the Internet is far less valuable than magazines.

"If I am a foreigner and I want to understand the medicine of the Empire, I can only understand it through a few Chinese medical translation papers; I want to understand the current financial situation of the Empire’s enterprises, and I can only judge by the stock market; I want to understand the other humanities of the Empire, in general It's just a good understanding, you can't find such a magazine, unless you have a deep understanding to check the paper." Gao Leng leaned his stool to Boss Yin.

Boss Yin was lost in thought.

Gao Leng was right. The Empire didn't have such a comprehensive magazine for foreigners that was wonderful every month. There were a few foreign magazines, but they weren't exciting enough.

"You continue." Boss Yin looked at Gao Leng, and it was obvious that he was interested.

"I want to make such a magazine, which is different from these." Gao Leng pointed to the few books currently available: "These are all written by reporters, and they are not exciting enough or professional enough. I came up with an external one. The comprehensive magazine is published once a month, and 30% of the articles written in each issue are top scholars in the empire. Several top scholars are invited to open a few fixed columns to regularly update the medical, cultural, and financial status of the empire. Another 2% of the content, please come from overseas Chinese to pick up the manuscript, write some cases and precautions of the imperial people doing business overseas, so that domestic entrepreneurs can learn about it through the magazine. The other content is flexible." Gao Leng He patted the table: "In short, in a nutshell, when foreigners in any country want to learn about the empire, our magazine will become a must, especially when they want to invest in the empire, our magazine is more It is a high gold content that must be purchased. Unlike scientific research papers, it is a wonderful magazine written by top scholars."

Boss Yin was silent.

There was at least a full five minutes of silence.

"Yes, yes, very good." Boss Yin opened his mouth, his eyes gleaming. If such a magazine appeared, it would be a good thing, and it would be a great thing for propagating the empire.

"But..." Gao Leng frowned and shook his head.

"But what?"

"My idea is good, but I don't know if it's feasible." Gao Leng looked at Boss Yin embarrassedly: "Let's take the matter of scholar writing for example. Who is the right man to write? After all, it is not writing. Papers are more lively than papers. And, are these scholars able to contribute articles every month? If the manuscript content is high, you can’t rely on the reporters of our magazine. If you rely on the reporters of our magazine, you should talk to other magazines. It's the same."

When Gao Leng said so, Boss Yin nodded again.

"Yes, the feed...Is it really necessary to investigate whether you can achieve the feed you mentioned." Boss Yin said.

"I have an idea." Gao Leng slapped his thigh: "So, I will invest here, and you will call upon you to invite famous domestic scholars, these people who are suitable for writing articles, and some famous overseas Chinese to gather together. , For a meeting, we will ask each one individually, interview interviews, and see what they think, how?"

When Jian Xiaodan heard this, her heart jumped frantically, and her eyes were filled with tenderness and admiration to Gao Leng.

He said before that he would invite scholars and prestigious overseas Chinese, and the top leaders from all walks of life would invite interviews. Xiao Shan also said that it was impossible.

Unexpectedly, he actually took another shortcut and did it in this way.

Jian Xiaodan looked at Boss Yin nervously, and saw that Boss Yin frowned and thought about it, then slapped the table: "Xiao Gao, your proposal is very good! How can the Empire not have such a magazine? Now it is feasible. Question, in this way, my propaganda department will take the lead, I will take the lead, and Starlight Group will organize this meeting.

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