Gossip King

Chapter 1451: Lu Yajun is embarrassed

Because Gao Leng's plan is to run four publications at the same time, this means that Starlight Group will once again expand the recruitment of literati. The previous five-story office building is no longer enough, and the printing line is not enough. I have been very busy this month. Lao Diao is in charge of talking about printing outsourcing. I heard that two pairs of leather shoes have run out. Not to mention, his health has improved a lot after such a toss.

Early in the morning, some senior officials of the Starlight Group gathered in the office, and it was obvious that there was something important.

"I heard that I wanted to buy a piece of land to build a starlight building." An office girl said in the pantry.

"It's no wonder that so many high-level leaders are here, and Mr. Lu is also here."

"I have built a building, how can I have money to run a journal? Isn't it enough money?"

"If you build the building, it's probably in the outer ring. Isn't that far away from where we work? Then..."

"You don't want to resign because it's so far away. Now it is so difficult for us to enter the Starlight Group! The salary in the industry is high and the bonuses are high. This is well known. Mr. Gao just moved his headquarters to outer space, and I will follow!"

Starlight Group wants to build a building on a plot of land farther away from the ring road. This matter has been passed on by the employees for a long time. Now the artist promotion company managed by the old hanging has a lot of staff, taking up half a floor of the building, and it is crowded; Not to mention the variety entertainment company that President Jian is in charge of. It occupies a whole floor. After getting the venture capital, three variety shows are launched at the same time, and one floor is crowded to death; fortunately, the office headquarters of green agriculture are in other provinces. , Houzi Village, otherwise it would really be too crowded. But now the director department is getting bigger and bigger, and it’s not enough to take up a whole floor. After all, there are several small studios to audition. Director Zhang and the others have complained several times.

Now I plan to start five books, five books! Everyone has a magazine with one magazine, let alone five.

The land is not enough, it must be expanded.

Can you really build a building? This is the imperial capital. Every inch of land is money. Many big companies have large-scale land, and most of them have been stocked more than ten years ago. The new company bought more land and built more buildings, but it has sufficient funds.

At the moment, if Starlight Group does not start a publication, the funds are still sufficient, and it will take a loan or something. But to start a publication, five magazines have to be operated, and Mr. Gao is a high-end magazine, which is very expensive.

The lack of money seems to have been surrounding the growth of the entire Starlight Group.

"Money is not simple. If we, Starlight Group, apply for venture capital, a bunch of venture capital companies have to come?" An old employee said.

Everyone nodded.

The veteran artist company received venture capital, green agriculture received venture capital, variety show company received venture capital, and even the director's studio several venture capital companies wanted to invest.

So, isn't it a matter of minutes for Starlight Group to take venture capital?

Xingguang has grown stronger. This sense of honor makes the employees more sticky. They always say: "When Xingguang hasn't been established, I will follow Mr. Gao!"

The executives started talking as soon as they arrived in the conference room. The fact before them was that there was not enough space. I heard that the proposal to build the building was still made by Mr. Lu.

"Mr Gao wants to expand, right? Get a plot of land or something. Mr. Lu, isn't it?" an executive asked.

"He has to take this big idea. I made this suggestion." Lu Yajun smiled.

"Building a building... it's okay to be farther away, but closer... the money is not enough, not enough."

"I don't think there is any need to build this building. If several of the companies under it become bigger, just start anew and rent it elsewhere. There is no need to squeeze a block. Now that the money is not enough, the capital chain is a big problem."

"I think several companies have to get together. Although we have several companies, except for green agriculture, the other companies are all media companies. Here the artist company pushes artists to the director department, and the director department uses our artists to shoot. The movie, immediately after our magazine, began to promote, and then when the movie was released, we went to several variety shows that we cast. This is a one-stop service!"

"Yes, I also think that we have to be together, a one-stop industry, separated, and troublesome. Being together is much more efficient, right, if you have a meeting, just shout upstairs and downstairs."

The discussion in the conference room became more and more heated, and several executives were thirsty for chatting before the meeting.

All the sounds came in with the high cold pushing the door and stopped abruptly.

"Master Gao."

"Master Gao."

Some executives in the room instinctively stood up and slightly bent over. Perhaps it was a move that the company where they worked for before was used to, and this move also drove others to stand up.

They got up one after another, Lu Yajun took a look, stood up, and said, "General Manager Gao."

"Sit down, sit down. Say it ten thousand times, no need to do that." Gao Leng waved his palms down quickly. He didn't have much to do with him. A bunch of people got up after a meeting. They were very uncomfortable. Still not used to it. In his eyes, these are colleagues, working together and striving together, not employees, and he is not superior. They all make money by their ability, and there is no need to engage in such formalism.

"Yes. Mr. Gao."

"Okay, Mr. Gao."

Unexpectedly, some people still bowed, polite and polite, as if what Gao Leng said was an order.

Gao Leng was speechless and helpless.

"You see that they are colleagues rather than employees, but your current identity is the boss. They see you as the boss who has shaped the myth from above. How can they be casual?" Jian Xiaodan lowered his voice and said.

With the growth of Starlight Group, employees have become more and more respectful to Mr. Gao. The colleagues who ran paparazzi together used to joking about the embarrassment of Gao Leng at that time. It's not that the relationship is alienated, but that there are classes in this society, even if Gao Leng doesn't want to admit it, this class also exists.

Even when the elevator meets the bosses of other companies, they just nodded with a smile before, but now they also hand over their business cards with bright eyes: to meet a media tycoon, no company boss would refuse such a good thing.

"Okay, okay." Gao Leng stopped talking, no matter how much he said, I'm afraid these executives will think he is going to criticize.

"Today we are convening everyone to come over, mainly to talk about two things. The first thing is that our Starlight Group is currently very tight. This is just a matter of need and it can be solved. Let’s talk about this first. The second thing is more important. To innovate publications, about five books. This is a big move. Everyone makes some suggestions."

Yang Guanguan put the information in front of everyone one by one.

When I heard that starting a publication is more important than changing venues, everyone was a little surprised: Hearing this, Mr. Gao didn't plan to enclose land and build buildings.

"Let's talk about the first thing first. Now that the venue is tight, each company will talk about how tight it is." Gao Leng raised his eyes to look at the old man.

"Let’s talk about it first." Old Diao took out the materials and handed them to Yang Guanguan. Yang Guanguan immediately distributed the materials to everyone: "I am in charge of the artist promotion company and green agriculture. Green agriculture has been established in the Imperial Capital. Not big, just two offices, but our artist promotion company is a bit nervous, after all, so many artists, their accommodation is not in the Star Group, which is a bit inconvenient, and after we got the venture capital, we added five more artists The venue is indeed not enough."

"We don't have enough here. Although the director's studio has a small number of people, it occupies a lot of space. It needs to be auditioned. In addition, when the actors come here, it is usually..."

The executives report one by one, and the information submitted is also very detailed. Nowadays, they use data to speak. The data shows that Starlight Group has a tight site area, green agriculture, artist promotion, variety show company, Xingsheng magazine, popular The magazine, the director's studio, these are six companies, and the six companies are crowded on five floors.

"This time we are going to start five publications, each of which requires office space. Whether the five publications are owned by one company or five separate companies, like Xingshengfengxing, a large amount of space is needed, and it has to be expanded. "Jian Xiaodan made a concluding statement.

A smile appeared on Lu Yajun's face, also full of pride.

When Xingsheng Magazine rented a five-story building, how many people envied it. Today, it has actually grown to six companies. If you add the newly-launched companies, it will be at least seven.

The rise is unstoppable.

"Going outside the city to find a piece of land for expansion is my suggestion." Lu Yajun slowly said: "The land is expensive and not expensive, so don't worry. The government supports the cultural industry. We can rent land at low prices. Besides, now we are also a well-known media group, and the government welcomes us to take root in the imperial capital. As far as the money is concerned, I have friends on the bank, which is not a problem."

When everyone heard this, they were relieved.

"Mr. Lu, he is the old **** who has been in the imperial capital for a lifetime. You can take down the land policy."

"If this land can be rented cheaply, it would be a good idea, then we have the Starlight Building."

"What Starlight Building? It’s called Starlight Building. It feels more mighty. We don’t have enough money now. Just build a seven-story building. It’s a large area. It’s better than the first floor of this building. The seven-story building has one company. Layer, enough."

"How can the seventh floor be enough? Our Starlight Group has to grow, not enough, not enough."

Hahahaha, everyone laughed.

Being able to grow with the stars, this kind of pride is hard to say, and if one's own group grows out of nothing and has its own building, that is also a matter of great face.

The company that rents an office building is different from the company that owns a building in the Imperial City.

"It's too crowded now. If you start a publication and squeeze it together, the employees will be uncomfortable. It will be much better if you have a building." Lu Yajun laughed.

Gao Leng didn't speak, but listened to them as they discussed.

After hearing this, the executives felt something was wrong. Seeing that Mr. Gao hadn't spoken all the time, they stopped talking and the meeting room became quiet.

"Let's do this, I think so." Gao Leng shook his head: "I don't agree to build a building now, even if the land is rented to us without money, I don't agree."

In a word, the audience was stunned.

Including Lu Yajun.

"The building will definitely be built in the future, but not now, especially at this moment." Gao Leng glanced at Lu Yajun, and saw that the shock on his face turned into disbelief, and then turned into a little embarrassment.

This is the first time that Lu Yajun has carefully proposed a general direction after he retired. It was proposed at the meeting and was unanimously approved by others, but he did not expect to be rejected by Gao Leng.

Lu Yajun squeezed out a smile awkwardly.

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