Gossip King

Chapter 1453: The upper half of the bar

"Boss, I think it's a good idea to start publications for several other magazines. We already have a star and popularity close to the public. It's okay to make a few more essay magazines, and it will also establish our status as a paper media. High-end can’t set high prices, and paying such a good cost is definitely a loss-making magazine. Why do you want to do it?” After the meeting, Jian Xiaoshan was puzzled and followed the high-cold, chattering, holding a calculator. press.

Having been a business for so long, Jian Xiaodan is still the same as before, and he is careful with his calculations.

"Yeah, and if we don't make that high-end magazine for the outside world, the other magazines don't need to hold this meeting to do it, and we can slowly recruit suitable scholars to do it. Why do we have to make that loss-making magazine? What?" The fat man also took the conversation.

"This magazine is not for making money, not for profit." Gao Leng said.

"Isn't starting a company just for profit? Isn't it for Jiangshan Sheji..." the fat man muttered.

"We have too many channels to make money, and there are one or a few that don't make money. It won't hurt your muscles." He glanced at the fat man and said, "Yes, for Jiangshan Sheji."

The fat man stuck his tongue out and dangled his ears like a pig, causing Xiao Shan to laugh.

"Prepare well. This conference is the largest conference we have ever held. The gathering of first-class scholars at home and abroad, and under the name of the Propaganda Department, although there are so many departments in the Propaganda Department, meetings held in cooperation with enterprises are also There are many, but it is boss Yin's job after all. His department is an important department and cannot be broken." Gao Leng said sternly.

Xiao Shan and Fatty listened carefully, sweating in their hearts.

"Will ccbv come? The 7:30 news?" the fat man asked.

"That's not going to be the news at 7:30. ccbv can't be on the ccbv channel, but the evening news on the other channels can be displayed. It depends on the strength of the boss. After all, we are convening a discussion meeting of scholars to discuss serious matters. It’s not that I just discuss about a magazine."

The discussion is about the development direction of domestic paper media, not a magazine. It is just that many business opportunities can be explored during the conference and several magazines can be produced.

"Also, everyone's life index should not be less than two thousand per person per day. In this regard, money cannot be saved, but it should not be too much. There are too many gossips." Gao Leng said.

The side hall of the Great Hall of the People of the Empire can be rented. This time, the Starlight Group paid for it, and Boss Yin contributed the money. Naturally, the money was too cold. There are dozens of conference rooms that can be rented in the Great Hall of the People, large and small, and the price varies.

For the small order, there are about a hundred people who came to the meeting this time. The small ones are definitely not good. The big ones are not good enough. The medium ones are about the same. There are more than one hundred scholars. They have to leave two rows for the media. The staff are not waiting. , There are more than 400 seats in the seven-seven-eights.

The price is not bad, renting 300,000 yuan a day, plus meals, less than 1.2 million yuan a day. It's okay.

On weekdays, many companies develop conferences there, which cost about 70,000 to 80,000. After all, the conference time is short, and it takes one or two hours to complete. Most of the meals are not eaten in the Great Hall of the People, but eat in the hotel next to it. The standard of eating in the hall is a bit high, the worst is 2000 per person.

Of course, the auditorium, the lobby and catering that meet the standards of this conference, will eat at noon, and withdraw after one afternoon tea. It is about 1.2 million to 1.8 million, which is a bit tight but it is also passable.

"In fact, if we ask Boss Yin to talk about it, we don't need to rent the conference hall by ourselves. The meeting rules of the conference hall we rent are not that high." Xiao Shan suggested.

The conference halls leased to the outside world have something to do with money, and they can come. There are also many people who offer full moon drinks for their children there. Naturally, they are not high-end.

"No, this is the first time this kind of meeting has been held, and it has a commercial nature. Boss Yin has already made a lot of face when he can come to the meeting. If he wants to use the internal meeting room, it is not appropriate." Gao Leng shook decisively. Shook his head.

The Imperial Great Hall of the People has some conference rooms that can be rented out, and many big companies will run it here, especially the dining hall, which has a particularly high rental rate. Conference rooms that are not rented out are often used to hold national meetings, and the gold content is naturally different.

Although this meeting has the title of the Propaganda Department, there are many meetings with this kind of title. If you don’t believe me, look at some of the meetings that have emerged. Some important leaders will attend, but they are also for business. The purpose is similar to that of Gao Leng.

If there is any difference between Gao Lengrong’s meeting and those, it is that Boss Yin is not only attending like those meetings, he directly invited scholars to participate in his name, as long as he invited, then all scholars You have to give face and will come.

Everyone will come, and the gold content of this meeting will go up. The important people who come can not be neglected. After thinking about it, Gao Leng said: "This way, the food standard will be raised, and the gift level of each scholar will also increase."

"Okay, for the evening dinner, we rented a Huantai Group hotel. It is medium and high-end, not luxurious but not degrading. If you add accommodation, it will cost more than 1.5 million yuan." Calculate: "Other media have invited more than fifty companies. The journalists’ carriage fees and media facilitation fees can be settled with a seven-to-eight-eight-to-three million yuan. After all, we have cooperated with those media before. It costs money. In two days..."

"Okay, don't forget it, a few million things, a small amount of money." Gao Leng waved his hand: "Go and work, prepare gifts well, prepare according to the standard of 6,000 per capita, and you must be polite."

I still bring a commercial nature, whether it’s eating or lodging, the standard is naturally higher.

"It costs so much money..." Xiaodan felt a little painful. She knew that the money was still to be spent. To create such a foreign high-end magazine would be a pure money-burning project.

Time flies quickly, especially when it's so busy, and soon, there will be a meeting the next day.

In the afternoon, Gao Leng received a call from Boss Yin.

"Xiao Gao, how are you preparing?"

"Everything is ready, don't worry, some scholars have already moved in now, and I will go there tonight." Gao Leng said.

"At a meeting tomorrow, listen carefully to everyone's opinions and see if the magazine you mentioned is feasible. I think it would be good if the Empire had such a magazine." Boss Yin said slowly.

Gao Leng knew what Boss Yin meant, and the hint was obvious enough: He wanted this magazine to come out, but he also knew in his heart that this was a loss-making business.

"Don't worry, as long as these scholars can contribute articles, the magazine will definitely run." Gao Leng gave a positive answer.

Scholars can naturally contribute. There are so many scholars in a monthly magazine, and if it is a high-end magazine under the instruction of Boss Yin, it will not drop in price. Manuscript is definitely not a problem, the key is price.

Loss is ironclad.

"Did you count the cost? This...will you lose?" Boss Yin said.

"Forget it, you can do it at a loss. I think the media people should have this awareness. You said, how can such a big empire not have a high-end magazine that really introduces the empire? Others are afraid of losing money, I am not afraid, and I think you If you make this magazine for me, it will be very honorable."

Gao Leng knew that if this magazine came out, it would be considered boss Yin’s political achievements, it would not be considered a big political achievement, but it would still have face.

There is an entrepreneur who is willing to pay at least 20 to 30 million yuan every year to publish a low-selling and extremely expensive magazine, which is very good.

Boss Yin heard the affirmative reply, with a smile on his face, and said, "That's fine, then I will come early tomorrow and talk to those scholars before the meeting."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Leng sat down at his desk to check the materials for the last time, especially the materials of several other magazines, which should be put into the scholars' bags as gifts. I don’t talk about magazines at meetings, I have materials in my bags, and talk at dinner parties.

"Boss, Mr. Wu is here." Jian Xiaodan made Gao Leng put down the information in his hand with a call.

With so many experts in various fields, Mr. Wu is naturally on the list, and he is the top three.

"Haosheng is taking care of it, and I will come right away." Gao Leng quickly stood up.

"Jing Tian came with him too." Jian Xiaodan said again, with some worries in his words.

Gao Leng paused and hesitated.

Jing Tian is Wu Lao's grandson, and Wu Dao has grown old. It is not wrong for him to accompany him to the meeting, but Jing Tian is also the boss of Jingtian Magazine. It didn't take long for Gao Leng to respond positively. This meeting might be embarrassing.

The most important thing is that a discerning person knows at a glance that Gao Leng's conference must have ambitions to annex Jingtian Magazine.

"You entertain first, and I'll be here soon." Gao Leng walked out quickly and went straight to the elevator. When the garage started the car, the simple phone call came again.

"I said hello to Mr. Wu. He was very polite. I said you would come later and invite a cup of tea. He said he was a little tired, so he didn't need the tea. He declined. Boss, I feel Mr. Wu treats us. There are opinions." Xiao Shan's voice was tense.

"It's normal to have opinions. When I meet someone there, someone must have told him about my confrontation with Jing Tian. An old scholar like him can see at a glance what medicine I sell behind this conference. We think Swallowing his grandson's magazine, this magazine was founded by him alone, can you be happy?" Gao Leng was rather calm: "Don't be afraid, I'll come in a while."

"That... that... Mr. Wu has a high reputation in the academic world. If he votes against at the meeting, or raises objections to your launch, we will be busy." Xiao Shan panicked: "We The magazine itself is an entertainment magazine. Once he doubts that our quality is not enough, these scholars will not buy our orders. Don’t you still want to recruit a few university scholars to serve as editors at the meeting? Offending Mr. Wu is tantamount to Offended half of the academic world."

Let's put it this way, among the active scholars today, as long as they are 50 years old, most of them were students of Mr. Wu or his wife. Mr. Wu, the former principal of a prestigious top university in the empire, has been returning to teach even though he has retired.

His students, from the vice minister of the Ministry of Culture, to the teachers of major universities, include the papers published by the imperial experts of foreign first-class academic journals on the left, and the editor-in-chief of the top five magazines on the right. All of them are his students.

He said that your publication is not good, and that represents a denial of authority.

Taking Wu Lao on the bar is equivalent to taking the top scholars of the empire, especially half of the liberal arts scholars.

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