Gossip King

Chapter 1466: Two sisters in the ghost city...

To put it bluntly, this is a good stall for two girls from other places who want to do business in the ghost market and take off their pants. You don’t think the ghost market seems to be a small business. You can’t do this small business. At most you can earn a snack money, you can do it, and you can earn seventy to eighty thousand a month.

Many of these people who came here on electric vehicles bought houses near Beijing's sixth ring road. Some of them were bought a few years earlier, which is cheaper, but they are also homeowners.

A small business, a huge profit, makes a lot of money.

Clang clang clang! The iron door opened after knocking four times, and the crowd rushed in.

It's amazing. Five minutes ago, the ghost market was still dark. Five minutes later, it was filled with more than 500 large and small stalls, occupying the entire Daping. The lights came on and shouts.

Suddenly, the whole Daping was full of life.

As soon as the door on the other side opened, some students from nearby swarmed in, and there were some businessmen who came to Taobao from afar. It was so lively if you came to me.

The ghost market opens at 10 o’clock in the evening and closes at 5 in the morning. This unique and lively culture is called a ghost market only late at night. It is estimated that this large area will be developed in a few years, but it is currently a Confucian businessman. territory.

There are government security guards patrolling the ghost city, which doesn't matter. The men in charge are men with black short sleeves walking back and forth, with the word "Confucianism" printed on the outside: they are all from the Confucian businessman, a ghost city with a lot of people and chores, there are two patrols every fifty meters. people.

There are many people patrolling the ghost market, mainly to guard against two, one is thieves, and the other is conflicts between vendors. If there are more thieves, fewer guests will come, which will affect popularity; conflicts between vendors will also affect business. Both of these are called police, and neither of them work well.

After all, it was a business in the middle of the night.

"Go." Fang checked the equipment before pushing the door and getting out of the car.

"Yeah." Niang Pao followed, just to find out first, and to the ghost market again, with less equipment, just a miniature camera.

After walking around, the camera scanned the patrols once, and after a while, I had to remember the faces of these people in case of emergency. After looking around, he walked to the booth of Bamei and Sao.

There are hundreds of stalls. The best and largest stalls are about fifty. These fifty stalls are in the most conspicuous position, and the largest ones are occupied by some old people in the ghost market. It can be said that the most profitable stalls in the entire ghost market are gathered in these fifty.

Among the other hundreds of stalls, some can earn five or six thousand a month, and some can only earn snack money. First, the location is not good, second, the goods are not so good, and third, the experience is insufficient. Buy this thing and see who sells it.

However, this does not prevent some college students from coming to set up a stall enthusiastically. Some of the small things on the outermost periphery belonged to college students from nearby college students. Fangs wandered around there. Most of them were stalls set up by female college students, selling some gadgets.

They couldn't go straight to Bamei and the others, it was too fake, so Fang and Niang Pao stopped in front of a college student-like girl's booth, took a look, and sold some very cute handmade dolls.

"Brother, this is made by hand. I made it myself. I bought it for my girlfriend. It's unique." The girl in overalls looked up and looked pretty.

"Buy a few, it's cheap anyway, I'll buy a few over there, and then go to Bamei and Sao." Niang Pao whispered, and walked forward.

"How much?" Fang nodded, pretending to be interested in these dolls, squatted down and picked up one and asked.

"This is a piglet made of pure cotton. Twenty or twenty yuan." The girl with the strap seemed to be very excited with a smile: "If you buy it, that's my first customer."

"Are you here to set up the stall on the first day of the day?" Fang glanced at the girl with the strap.

"No, it’s the third day today, but I haven’t squeezed into the stalls in the first two days...no...it’s not set up. What? If you like this little pig, it’s 15 yuan. I really made it by hand. , You know the turner, and the cotton inside..."

"That's fine, wrap it all up." Fang saw that the little girl was not easy, and he was a novice at first, and there were less than ten little dolls on the whole piece of rag.

"Everything... wrap it up?!" The girl with the strap thought she had heard it wrong, and pointed to the little dolls and said, "These? All wrap it up?!"

Fang looked at the girl in the strap and couldn't help laughing.

The mother cannon not far away waved at him, suggesting that he was faster. So he nodded, took out his wallet from his pocket and asked, "How much?"

"Uh, uh... I, I, I, I count. A twenty yuan, I count you fifteen, this is thirty-five, I count you thirty, this is eighteen, I count you..."

"That's all right, this is one thousand yuan, is it enough?" Fang took one thousand from his pocket and handed it to the girl in the harness.

"Enough, enough, I have to find you..."

"Wrap it up." Fang looked at the surprise look of the girl with the strap. An indescribable feeling filled him with the power of a man. He was very lavish and stuffed the money into the girl's hands: "No need to find it."

The stall next door looked at the girl enviously.

The stalls in this corner are all students, and they do business with a cost of no more than 3,000 yuan. Fang Fang glanced at the girl next door and saw that her booth was full of hairpins made by herself.

"I want all yours." Fang took out another thousand yuan and handed it to the girl next door: "Wrap it all up."

"Wow..." The stall owner nearby looked over with envy.

The stalls in this outer area are no better than the stalls in the prime location. They are all a little trouble. It was the first time I saw such a proud buyer and swept away both stalls in one go.

"Pretending to be forceful in front of the beautiful women, pretending to forget about business?" Mother Cannon squeezed over, grinning.

"We are here today, isn't it just to pretend to be?" Fang said in a low voice, winking.

The two girls quickly took out the largest bag and handed it to Fang.

"Thank you boss, thank you!" The girl with the straps was so happy that she jumped up with joy. This time she set up the stall and was swept out of the stall in less than ten minutes, which was enough for her to be happy for a while. She touched her body and handed over a business card: "This is my phone number. Please call me next time you come. I will tell you where my booth is and give you a discount."

Fang took a look, the girl's signboard was written on the upper part, the Boob family puppet, and the WeChat ID and mobile phone number were written on the lower part. Also, for this kind of small vendors who are not covered, it is not certain which booth will be set up tomorrow. It is a smart way to leave a WeChat account for buyers.

"Your name is Bubu?" Fang asked.

"Okay, let's go." Niang Pao pushed her fangs away, and walked to Sister Bamei Sao.

"Yes, my name is Bubu. Remember to find me when you buy a doll in the future!" Bubu's voice was crisp and pleasant, and his fangs glanced back, only to see Bubu's short hair and her ears, smiling very youthful, wearing overalls more It was lovely and couldn't help laughing.

Niang Pao also swept away the contents of the two stalls. After the two people walked in the middle of the stall with their bags, the other stall owners became more enthusiastic: they looked like buyers who came to buy things, not spectators.

"Come and take a look, boss." As soon as she walked to the stall near Sister Sao, Sister Sao's long voice came over with a touch of style: "I have something interesting here that appeals to men!"

When I looked at Sister Sao from a distance, I only felt that this person was amorous, and when I walked in, it was more than amorous, and that stop was full of feminine seduction, especially the twisting of the waist and the plump tremor of the body. , It is easy to lift up a man's instinct.

Seeing two full-loaded men, the enthusiasm of the stall owners can be seen. Fang Ya and Niang Pao headed towards Sister Sao's booth.

"What's interesting? It's still a man's appetite." Fang smirked all his life, looked up and down Sister Sao, and asked.

"I think the boss has the most flavor." Niang Pao cooperated very well.

It is normal for a buyer to see such a charming seller in a ghost market. It is normal to make a bit of a joke, not to mention that Sister Sao’s booth is full of adult toys...

"Is this smelly?" Sister Sao took out a long artificial feather: "It's used for flirting...boy, if you are not obedient, the girl can use this to flirt you and punish you!"

Then, Sister Sao blew the feather: "It's cheap, one hundred yuan a piece."

"It's just such a feather duster, one hundred?" Niang Pao pretended to be very interested, but she thought it was very expensive.

"Tsk tusk tusk... Expert!" Sister Sao took out a small bottle, shook the potion inside, and said something near the mother gun.

"Wow, I have this kind of medicine!" Niang Pao's eyes flashed.

"Sister, I have everything! This is imported from India. This way, you are so handsome. If we make friends and sell it to others, the feather plus potion will cost at least 600, but you will get 500!"

Then, she glanced at Fang Ya and Niang Pao's bag, saw many small dolls and hairpins in it, and sneered: "I bought these for my girlfriend, and I have to buy these, otherwise, what's the use of buying a doll? "

Then, she took out five sets of sets from the inside: "American, British, German, and Italian, and the sets from different countries are all experienced. It's cheap. If you buy all of these, it will cost a thousand. Enough. These are all imported. Go to the drugstore and take a look. There is no such thing as me!"

I really know how to do business, and the things I sell are bold and unique. I am afraid that I will sell adult toys here, and I have also imported sets from all over the world.

"It's all over." Fang said.

"Be refreshed!" Sister Sao took out the bag quickly and packed all these things, frowning and sighed: "It's sold at a loss, making friends, I'm just bringing you goods!"

The most profitable is the set, which can be purchased for five yuan, and at least 40 yuan. These are indeed imported sets. After all, many of the ghost markets are repeat customers. The purchase is actually ten yuan, but they sell for 120 boxes.

Very profitable.

If you don’t know how to do it, you can earn at least 500 yuan per thousand. It is easy to buy this kind of gold stalls for one thousand yuan. Earning 30,000 or 40,000 per month is common for veterans like Sister Sao. In the fifty gold stalls, basically every month they earn 30,000 or 40,000 upwards.

Sister Sao calmly packed her things, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she put the things in the bag and handed them to the fangs, but the fangs did not pick them up, and shook her head.

"I mean, these kinds of things, these kinds of things, and these kinds of things, all are needed," Fang said.

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