Gossip King

Chapter 1469: Sound...

After Confucian businessman Jia got dressed with some pride, he took out a comb and combed his big back, raised his wrist to check the time: "I have to go back, and I will go to Jiangxi to participate in the children's book exhibition tomorrow."

Eight sisters went downstairs and looked enviously at the cultural person who participated in this book fair today and tomorrow.

Confucianist A glanced at Sister Sao.

"Okay, I'll be faster." Sister Sao has a lot of eyesight. She quickly put on her clothes and put aside the books that hadn't been finished, and put them in the pile of books.

This pile of books will be shipped to big cities in the next few days, followed by a company’s charity to the countryside, and then transported to the hands of impoverished children who are expecting to have children’s books to read. They will receive unanimous praise from the public.

The other piles of books are samples and real high-quality books. The packaging is not as good as those of Confucian Businessmen and Brothers. This pile of books is a model of the public edition books they will make this month. He published a pile of children's books with these books, and sold them to thousands of families in the empire who looked forward to their sons and daughters.

Mother Pao picked up the recorder and flashed to the side, turning on the night vision camera. He was a little nervous. He could see this alley at a glance, hiding behind the stone lion, and it was easy to expose, but he also thought about what good things might be captured. After all, the conversation just recorded was good.

If you record the person coming out of the door again and record this picture with his voice, then the voice inside the door will match the person himself.

Break the news, pay attention to evidence. You have to compare the conversations you recorded with the characters. If you can’t compare them, people can sue you for defamation.

This shot must be taken, and the voice of the Confucian businessman Jia Jia talking in the shot is the upper level.

The door opened, and Niang Pao was nestled in a stone lion that was so far away from their three shops. She stretched out her hand and pointed the camera in the direction of the door. He kept an eye on him. In addition to the camera’s radio, there was also a place at the door. The voice recorder ensures foolproof.

"Have you taken the medicine?" When he went out, Confucianist A asked. He didn't like any protective measures. He was unhappy. He still knew that if the two sisters wanted to continue in the ghost market for a long time, they could not recite Tell him to steal a man. It wasn't that he had to dominate, he was just for fun, but he was afraid that they would get sick from other men.

No children, this is basic.

"Take it, we are all taking it for a month now, don't worry." That kind of medicine is more harmful to women, but it is convenient, so there is no need to take emergency contraceptives for a month.

When the eighth sister said this, there was a trace of loneliness in her eyes. Although they chose to benefit in front of their interests and their bodies, they were always worried in their hearts, fearing that it would be more difficult to have children after taking too much of this medicine. But when I think about it, now that so many infertility in obstetrics and gynecology have been cured, my heart has become more relaxed.

"Brother Rujia, if we can get the business of buying children's books, can we also find you? Give us a middle price so that we can also make a fortune." Sister Sao asked again when she saw the opportunity. It’s been a long time to figure it out. It’s not a long-term solution to set up night stalls in the ghost market. If you can think of ideas to make the publishing business more secure, it’s just that this business belongs to a single-family business, which means if no one leads the way, you can’t enter To go. After all, publishing requires a serial number, and you have to establish a good relationship with bookstores, kindergartens or other companies before the book can be sold.

If you understand these avenues and have the relationship between these avenues, then you can also open a children’s book studio. There are so many children’s book studios here, even if some of them are not doing very well, they can earn dozens of hundreds each year. Ten thousand, much better than the night market.

"If you can get the business, I will give you a higher commission than the salesman." How could the Confucian businessman Jia's doorway tell two guns?

Brother Confucian merchant Jia said it painlessly.

Sister Sao and Bamei showed a depressed look on their faces. They just have a bit more commission than the salesman. What is it?

"Thank you, brother." Sister Sao still smiled, and leaned on him delicately: "You are so kind to us."

Niang Pao breathed a sigh of relief. This wave of recordings was very successful, and their recordings in the room, as well as their recordings outside, are also about children's books. This wave of tidbits is considered complete.

Seeing the Confucian merchants and the others walk away, Niang Pao ran all the way to the door to pick up the recorder, and stuffed her camera into her pocket.

"Who!" Suddenly, there was a roar behind him, and the light came directly after the flashlight was turned on. Originally, the lights in this alley were sparse and dim. When the flashlight was turned on, it seemed that the whole alley was bright in the night.

Niang Pao only felt a blast of cold air rising up, and looking back, it was the security guard on patrol.

"What are you doing sneakily!" The security yelled fiercely. The black lights were blazing. The two alleys had no facades open at night. The cats and cats came here so late, which made the security nervous.

In the distance, Confucian businessman Jia heard the voice and stopped and looked back.

Niang Pao was afraid that Brother Rujia would see her in front, so she turned to face the security guard, pretending to smile calmly, and quickly thought about it.

The security guard walked in, the lights shone in the distance, and saw that the back of the Confucian businessman Jia became more solemn: "Who are you! What are you doing with Brother Jia to this room?!"

The sound itself was there, and it was even louder in this quiet alley. Although the Confucian businessman Jia in the distance did not come over, he frowned and looked over here. He stretched out his hand and beckoned in the other direction, and immediately ran over to a few younger brothers.

Several younger brothers ran over quickly, Mother Pao lowered her hat quickly, and whispered badly.

"What the hell!" the leader asked viciously.

With so many people, there is nowhere to run.

"I... hehe, I..." Niang Pao was so anxious that he had a plan to make a living. He scratched his head embarrassedly, lowered his voice and smiled slyly: "I heard the rope... and said that Sister Sao called out. ...Uh...I just came over to listen to..."

The security guard was stunned for a few seconds, and his face showed a man-specific ambiguous smile, and the other boys also smiled intently.

"What do you call Sister Sao, what does it matter to you?" one of them said with a grimace, just a lot easier.

"I will never dare anymore..." Niang Pao quickly showed his weakness, and he hurriedly accompanied a smiley face: "I'm not sensible, a few big brothers are good, but don't get me in the game, I'm still in college. I just saw Sister Sao walking this way, and I heard a few people over there saying that Sister Sao was going to be shot again. I think this woman is in good shape, and there is also a woman. I don’t know what she is called, some people over there. Saying that two people get shot at the same time, I just...I just...I followed..."

"Nen Tou." All of these people have obviously heard of it, and some of their apples moved up and down.

"If it's not a thief, it's okay. I thought it was a thief. It's not allowed in the future." The security guard said when he heard it.

"Someone is listening at the door all day..." The younger brothers shook their heads helplessly: "Brother A doesn't care."

"What does Brother A care? He just wants the people in the ghost market to know that Sister Sao and Bamei are the ones he sleeps with. No one else is allowed to touch them. Just listen to them... However, Sister Sao is really... When I hear it once..."

The younger brothers are here to listen. I'm afraid they don't listen less on weekdays, but they don't worry about it. I never thought about being a reporter. After all, there has never been a reporter in this place. This is not like the kind of black workshop that makes snacks all day long. It makes books that comply with national regulations, not against reporters.

"Who?" Brother Confucian merchant Jia asked coldly.

The brothers blinked and pointed to Sister Sao.

"Oh..." Brother Jia of Confucian scholars understood at a glance, with a smile on his face, a little triumphantly stretched out his hand and squeezed Sister Sao's **** in front of these people: "I'm leaving now."

He doesn’t care if others hear the sound. Just like what the little brothers said, he wished everyone in the ghost market would know that he slept in the ghost city No. 1 Sao and the ghost city No. 1 beauty. Just listen to it, just listen. Envy.

Brother Confucian businessman Jia looked at Niang Pao from a distance. He never thought that Gao Leng would come to visit him unannounced as a children's book. How could there be any reason for him to eat before he had to eat other people's rice bowls?

There is no hatred and no complaint, and the water of the well does not violate the water of the river.

When Mother Pao turned and left, her legs trembled. Fortunately, these people didn't say "What's in the waist bag?". After all, his waist bag bulged so high that he was stuffed with something. There were three voice recorders inside, and A miniature camera.

If this is discovered, I don't know if I will kill him or not. A heavy beating is absolute. When the time comes, he will be said to be a thief, and then all the materials will be taken away.

That's really dumb eating Coptis.

"I just met his little brother, and I almost exposed my stuff." After arriving in the car, Niang Pao shook all over her body. She was afraid: "I can't shake my hands now. I controlled it at the time. It scared me to death. ."

"I'm looking at it." Fangs black face stared at the mother cannon: "You are too impatient, Brother Rujia hasn't left yet, you actually rushed over to get the recorder without looking behind."

On the technique of unannounced visits, Fang Fang is the master level of Niang Pao. Seeing that Niang Pao was shaking, he passed a cigarette: "Unannounced visits are to be careful about everything. If you don't pay attention to a little detail, you are likely to be killed."

"I'm scared to death. If this place is surrounded by people, I can't run. But fortunately, I got the material." As soon as the material was taken, a smile appeared on the face of the mother gun, although the hand was still in control. Shaking constantly, the ridiculous face is also unbearable.

I am afraid, this is the charm of unannounced visits. So many unannounced reporters clearly knew the dangers but still chose to do it. That was because at the moment they were photographed, they were full of blood. This kind of invisible blood and pride that justice will surely defeat evil.

The kind of righteousness that I destroy you on behalf of the moon is surging.

"Listen to the previous recording. When we were sweeping the alley, see what else they said." The two drove to a safe area and imported the information into their notebooks and began to listen.

The recorder was placed outside the door, and when they left, they heard a giggle inside.

"Why are you a fan?" Brother Confucian merchant Jia was surprised.

"There is a kind of cream, it will turn into powder after applying it, it looks good?" Bamei smiled.

"I'm going, there is this kind of operation?" Niang Pao had an expression of learning knowledge, and some subsequent voices made the straight man's blood boil, and Fang quickly moved forward with cold face.

"Listen, listen." Niang Pao squinted her eyes and didn't want to fast forward. The voice of the eight sisters was his favorite, soft and cute.

"Do business." Fang Fang took a serious look at Niang Pao: "I want to listen, hold it and listen slowly at night, now do business."

"Then I will make a copy...This is much more interesting than watching a small theater..." The triumphant mother gun is obviously not as nervous as her fangs, he said.

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