Gossip King

Chapter 1471: It went so well!

Going to sweep the stall the next day was even more familiar, Fang Ya and Niang Pao walked straight to Sister Sao.

"Oh! Boss, how's it going? My goods are good, right?" From a distance, seeing Fang Fang and Niang Pao approaching, the eyes of Sister Sao and Eight Sisters lit up.

A boss with a unique shop came here to buy goods. This is a fixed source of customers, and with the lavish arms of yesterday, this goods sells very well.

This kind of stall sells personalized products and earns a fixed source of customers. The kind of individual tourists who come together to watch the excitement and buy one or two can't make the climate.

"Not bad." Fang smiled with a squiggle in his mouth, "It just gave me a higher price."

"How can it be! What's the relationship with us? I sell it to others at this price!" Sister Sao is a veteran of business, and she said it is true, but she subsequently quoted a few prices that were indeed real prices: stable Regular customers are far more important than making a few more dollars in one single or two orders.

After bargaining, Fang waved his hand, once again emptied the stalls of Sister Sao and Bamei, and booked several of them for the next time.

"Thank you, thank you!" Sister Sao laughed and trembled. The stall was empty again at the beginning, and she also talked about the quantity of other long-term supplies, which made the surrounding stallholders very envious and jealous.

"I'll take a call." Niang Pao's cell phone rang, and he picked up the phone and said loudly, "What? I can't hear you clearly in the ghost market, speak louder! Oh...children, I know, your brother I want 20,000 children’s books. I’m working on this. I just saw a few of them. The prices are average. If that’s the case, I’ll give you an answer the day after tomorrow. Uh, I promise to complete the task, don’t worry!"

Niang Pao covered one ear with one hand and was on the phone while holding her throat. She stopped working in her hand and listened with her ears erected when she was standing next to Sister Sao who was counting on her fangs.

"Brother, we still have to run tomorrow. President Pang has to be in a hurry. This month I will need seven sets of children's books, each of which will cost 5,000 copies. Next month, we will have six sets of 5,000 copies. It's big." Mother Pao hung up the phone and looked anxious: "Tomorrow, we will come to another store in Laoxiang to talk?"

"Two masters." Sister Sao leaned over: "You want to buy children's books? Is it the kind of children's book from this old alley?"

Sister Sao doesn't know what children's books are in public edition. She only knows that all books are published in this old alley, not only children's books, but also other books. And the Confucian merchant Jia mainly made children's books.

Fang Fang and Niang Pao looked at each other.

Sister Sao took the bait.

"Well, a few shops in the old alley are talking to us." Fang rolled down his sleeves calmly, frowned and shook his head: "We haven't talked about it yet. We want a larger amount. They have studio stalls. too small!"

"I know, I know the big stall, I know the biggest boss in the old alley, he can definitely be satisfied with your amount!" Sister Sao's eyes flashed.

This month is really a visit from the God of Fortune. What do you want? The stall was swept away in two days. If you want to start a children's book business, there is no way to worry about it. This way is here!

"The boss you are talking about is Brother Jia of Confucian Businessmen."


If you don’t know Confucian Shang Jia in the old alley for children’s book business, there must be a problem. If you don’t give priority to the Confucian Shang Jia in large quantities of children’s books, it would be absolutely weird. Therefore Fang Ya and Niang Pao simply took the initiative to bring it up.

"No show." Niang Pao lowered her voice and pulled Sister Sao aside, and stretched out her hand to make a gesture of counting money: "We talked about it before, and the price is too high for their second master. We don't have any money..."

Niang Pao is talking about the oil and water she earns from it, that is, the dark spot, the private commission. To put it bluntly, the price of 20 yuan a copy is collected, and 21 yuan is reported to the boss, and each book earns one and fifty cents. But the contract says 20 yuan.

"Tsk, I'm familiar with the boss, why do you want to go to the second boss? I will definitely give you some low pressure." Sister Sao patted her chest as soon as she heard, "Well, what book do you want and how much does it cost? One, give me a list, tomorrow I will talk to Brother Confucianism, you look at the price, if appropriate, we will cooperate, how about?"

Fang Ya and Niang Pao looked at Sister Sao in disbelief.

"Your price is lower than the second master's price?" Fang Ya looked unbelievable, really.

"Don't you just hide the above and make some money in the middle of this matter? I promise, if you take the order from me, the money you made will be the most end?" Sister Sao is a thorough and sophisticated.

Fang Ya and Niang Pao glanced at them, and nodded without any harm in their faces: "That's OK, I will ask someone to send you the order at night, and you will answer me tomorrow. Sister Sao, we are both. I hope that every instinct can make a dollar, if we can do this, we can cooperate."

According to the order, there are seven to eighty thousand books before and after, and one piece is seven to eighty thousand yuan. Sister Sao figured it out and nodded.

She is sure.

"Sister Sao, our price may not be lower than that of the second boss, right?" After the arranger moved the goods of Fang Ya and Niang Pao to the car, Bamei was a little nervous.

"Our price may not be as low as that of the second boss. After all, the cost is stuck with them. But the dark spot we give to these two people is definitely higher than the second boss. The second boss has to give a commission to the salesman, and the two of us don’t make money. , Give all our commission to these two people. Just promote this order!"

Sister Sao has a long-term vision, and the performance delivered to her door allows her to enter this very lucrative industry.

When Brother Confucian businessman saw that she had pulled such a big order so quickly, he would definitely be impressed. He was sure to give her a commission according to the rules. No matter how good she was on the bed, she could get more money, and all the money earned would be given to Li. Ya and Niang Cannon.

Once you have completed the order, you will enter the door. The days to make money are in the future, so don't rush for the first order.

"I hope I don't make a penny, but I have to take down this order, take it down, and do it slowly. In the future, we will also be cultural people." Sister Sao's eyes were shrewd.

Setting up a stall in a night market for a lifetime is not an issue. It would be nice if you could open a studio like those people.

The threshold of public edition books is very low, and there are many people who are doing this thing like Sister Sao.

"It's going well today." Niang Pao and Fang got out of the car after smoking two cigarettes, glanced at the back seat full of goods: "Go to explore the way again, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow at the latest start work."

The two entered the night market again. This time they pretended to stroll around and check the goods. In fact, they recognized people and looked at the faces of these security guards, just in case they were foolproof.

"Big brother!" While strolling, a little girl in overalls stood up, her eyes turned into crescents with a smile: "Are you here to buy things again? I... I did a lot today!"

It's the little girl in overalls who sold handmade cloth dolls yesterday.

Bubu, Fang thought.

"Oh...you, you are...you are..."

"Bubu, my name is Bubu. Yesterday you emptied my stall." Bubu smiled. Like yesterday, she was wearing a pair of overalls. It really seemed to be light blue yesterday and light pink today. It looks youthful. It is estimated to be a sophomore at most.

"Yeah." Fang actually knew her name was Bubu in his heart. His face was a little red, and his voice prolonged: "Yes, Bubu. You brought so many more today."

Looking at the booth, there are five small dolls on top, which shows that they were just made today.

"Well, I sold out mine. I have been doing it after class today, and only made five."

"That's it, I want it." Fang drew it out in his pocket: "How much?"

"Really!" Bubu jumped up with excitement, and his two little pigtails huffed, very clever: "You are an old customer, I will give you the membership price... Um... how much discount is the membership price? 20% off! 20% off is good."

It seems that this is a temporary membership price. Fang felt a little funny, so he made a few broken dolls by himself and learned from the shop to get members. He glanced at Bobo and saw that she smiled and the two pears on her face were very cute.

"A total of...four hundred and five." Bubu said.

"Here." Fang took out five hundred and handed it to her: "No need to look for it."

Such a biased stall is really a small mess. No wonder only the stall in the middle makes money, and the other stalls are popular.

"Brother, what's your name? Can we leave a phone number? So next time you come, call me in advance." Bubu asked with a smile.

"My name is Fang Ya. Phone..." Fang hesitated and shook his head: "The phone is no longer necessary. I have your business card. I will call you when I need a doll."

This will take care of business. Although Fang has several spare telephones, it is better to be safe before finishing the business. Even though Fang likes this girl a lot, now is the best time to pick up girls, he still turned and left ably.

Bubu was so happy, thank you for watching Fang Fang leave.


The next afternoon, the sun was shining brightly and Niang Pao Na received good news.

"The fish is on the bait." Niang Pao rushed into the fat man's office, and the front and back feet of the fangs also came in, and the two of them were in good spirits.

"Sister Sao came to the news. She talked with Brother Confucianist Jia and gave us this price." Fang Ya handed a copy of the information to Fatty.

"Sister Sao just called me, and the dark spots for us came out. Each one is three cents." Niang Pao clicked on the phone and placed the text message on the table.

"Sister Sao is really a **** book. Each book gives you a dark spot of nine yuan and three hairs... This fish bites very hard." The fat man couldn't help laughing.

"It's ruthless, I can't shake the hook." Niang Pao smiled triumphantly: "Benefits, she wants to get into this business. This time, we are right in time and place."

Fangs also laughed.

Make unannounced visits, pay attention to a smooth, this thing is smooth, there is a feeling, in all likelihood, will not run. This time it went smoothly, very smoothly, very smoothly. It's almost as if God is helping. From the first time Fangs, they got the material to explore the road in Laoxiang, and they went to the night market to sweep the goods and successfully took down Sister Sao.

As smooth as you want, there is so smooth.

This feels great, this is the feeling of victory.

The fat man only felt that his heartbeat had quickened, and he seemed to see the dawn of victory.

"It's made an appointment to have dinner tonight, and tomorrow I will go to Laoxiang for a site inspection." Fang said.

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