Gossip King

Chapter 1475: Hold your throat!

"Hey! This trip went smoothly. Fangs, you still brought back a girl!" Fangs and Bubu got out of the car, and Fatty's eyes lit up instantly.

Bubu hid behind Fangs nervously, looking at Fatty and them curiously.

"Isn't this the little girl in the night market? Did you just meet her?" Niang Pao kicked her fangs meaningfully. After all, he is a brother who has been working together for a year and a half. The fangs meant something to this girl.

"She was by the side when her identity was exposed. I was afraid that it might hurt her, so..." Fang had a steady temperament, but her ears turned red when she said this.

He is not afraid of people making jokes when he speaks it out. He is born with buck teeth and does not look good, and his family conditions are even more average.

The 28-year-old Fang, who is introverted, has very little experience in love, let alone running with such a lovely girl by the hand.

"Come on, go up. Little girl, when we get it done, we will send you back to school. Are you still studying at school?" Fatty used to be a young girl who was very good at picking up girls. With the entire grassland on Qing's body, it is more than enough to deal with this kind of girl.

The brothers are in love with the little girl, and the fat man must help.

"Can't I go now?" Boob was a little timid.

"Of course you can't go. Before the manuscript is released, the safety of the reporters is the most important. Although there is not a mere Confucian businessman at the moment, it is always right to be careful. You and Fang Ya ran away with them. In the eyes of you and us, of course we have to ensure your safety." The fat man glanced at his fangs and said with a smile: "Then you must not leave!"

Bubu's eyes widened, and it sounded dangerous.

Although the fat man speaks with an exaggerated tone, what he can say is also true. In this case, it is best to pay attention to safety, after all, you don't know what the other party will do.

"I will go back to school when I'm done. You set up a stall at the night market. I'm afraid they will look for you." Fang said after thinking about it, "Boss, or let the cloth live in the dormitory of our company's artists? I live in a hotel. Don't worry."

"Fang Ya is one of the top reporters in our company. This unannounced visit is his pioneer. Girl, the most explosive news you will see tomorrow is made by the fangs." The fat man is righteous, it is rare to see the fangs right. A girl nodded without saying a word. In the short time she went up the elevator, she praised her fangs and gave all the credit to her brother.

The fangs were blushing, while Bubu pursed his lips and blushed, looking at the fangs in admiration.

A love adoration of a girl quietly unfolded on Bubu, who had the honor to meet the legendary reporter who had visited the reporter without having seen much of the world.

The 28-year-old Fang, who can get in and out of the top domestic media company's Fang, is many times more attractive than the blue-headed boy in the school. And this is the Star Group, and everyone who comes in is highly paid.

"Wow, your company is so big." Bubu walked behind Fang, his eyes widened.

Fang Ya was a little embarrassed, but he didn't know how to chat with girls, but he just answered very stubbornly: "Star Group is very big." He took Bobo to the artist promotion company floor and gave it to the manager over there. Ya confessed a few words.

"This is my business card. There is my phone number on it. I will write a personal phone number for you. If you have any inconvenience, please call me. I have to go to a meeting now. I have to produce a draft as soon as possible."

Fang wrote on his private phone, blushing and said, "I'm really sorry, I'm hurting you."

"No, I'm not involved." Bubu looked at Fang with adoration in his eyes, "Can take me to meet the world, it won't hurt at all, and you're an unannounced reporter, you can see you in the magazine tomorrow. Report it? This is my first visit to the magazine...Wow, there are so many artists..."

Bubu was very happy. For her, it was not an inconvenience. The sophomore girl suddenly entered the world of reporters and made her excited. She held the note on the phone with her fangs tightly in her palm, sweet With a sweet smile, he watched Fang Fang rush to the elevator.

Love is beginning.

The meeting room was filled with joy.

"Yes, very good." Gao Leng watched the first cut audio and video that he handed over, with a smile on his face, and secretly relieved, looking at the fat man with relief.

The fat man has really grown up, and he can stand alone.

The fat man who received the high-cold praise did not be as humble as the others, but had to shake his head triumphantly.

"The organization staff drove the manuscript out. Now that the other manuscripts on the topic are finished, you will report it online as soon as your remanuscript comes out. Then, the front page of the magazine will burst tomorrow. Therefore, the manuscript is best in two Coming out within an hour, it’s most appropriate to go to hot searches after eight o’clock at eight o’clock, and the network has the most traffic after eight o’clock. Our news online traffic is also the most people at this time.” Yang Guanguan knocked on the table and now she is doing things. She is also vigorous and resolute, and she is in charge of some small time arrangements.

Fangs and his party nodded.

"But..." Fang Ya said with some worry: "We are the media on the realm of the imperial capital, and it's a matter of the realm of the imperial capital again. I'm afraid this is..."

Negative reports are often broadcast across provinces, and no propaganda department in any region is willing to see the media on their own borders pick their own black frames to write.

"Fengxing Magazine will issue first." Gao Leng said.

Now that the stall is big, it’s good. The headquarters of Fengxing Magazine is located in the mainland. Although the main business is in the Imperial Capital, since the magazines of the Star Group began to make unannounced visits as a regular column, it has deliberately set Xingsheng and Fengxing. Arrived in two cities.

Set up in other cities, the main work is still in the imperial capital. This is just a policy response strategy, and for unannounced visits, this strategy is indispensable.

"After the popular release, we will follow up, plus we are not targeting the workshops in the two lanes of the Imperial Capital. What is this workshop? We are targeting the disorder of the national public children's books. This is the topic we wrote. Get in the way." Gao Leng gave an affirmative answer, and the expressions of the people underneath were much more relaxed.

"There are... security issues." The fat man handed over a few documents: "Although this Confucian businessman Jia has no school, he has a night market in his hand, and there are a group of doll thugs in the night market. He must not dare to do anything to me. , But Fangs, Niang Pao, they may not be. I don’t know if the Confucian businessman is black or not, if you encounter a black one, I’m afraid you will get revenge."

"Yes, this is what I am very worried about." An old reporter nodded: "I live at the night market. They must be checking the video or something. After we report it, it would be bad if we retaliate. No matter what the law or illegality is, the doll thugs are a group of teenage hairy boys who continue to go online to Internet cafes after they have killed them."

Unannounced visits are dangerous, and I am most afraid of encountering such doll thugs. Because of ignorance, they are very cruel.

"Yes, we exposed in advance. Now I am afraid that Brother Jia of Confucian Businessmen will quickly move the warehouse, at least those cloth books will be moved as soon as possible. After all, the cloth books are illegal. Other children's books are not illegal."

"Exposure in advance, they are prepared, I am afraid it is not good."

Although the public version of children's books is now so disorderly, it's just that the public knows little about it. When Gao Leng's report comes out, it will definitely attract the attention of everyone, especially families with children.

But sensational and illegal are two different things.

Confucian businessman Jia's stall of business is ignorant of his conscience but not illegal. Nowadays, the state does not have very detailed regulations on public children’s books. Let’s put it this way, these public children’s books made by Brother Confucian Businessmen are not of good standard. Even if the people who write the books are illiterate, dozens of books are published a month. You can't say that the junk public children's book is illegal: people come in accordance with the laws and regulations, and the publication number has everything.

If it had to be said that he had violated the law, it was the strong-smelling doll cloth book, and the material test must have failed. However, his identity was exposed in advance, and now it is estimated that he is also madly transferring the book.

The pungent smell of the cloth book is a hot spot, which at least shows that the cloth is problematic. It is a pity that Fatty didn't come up with a cloth book, and there was no evidence that it could not be tested.

After all, there is no smell through the video.

Even if you say a disgusting smell in the camera, you can't prove that it is really heavy. Besides, this is not food. If it is food, it can be judged expired or dirty by smell and appearance. This is a book. It looks normal or even delicate. How can you prove the pungent smell through the screen?

The only person who can say that the Confucian businessman Jia is Bushu, and Bushu has insufficient evidence at present, and their identity has been exposed, they must have moved.

In other words, this report may only be condemned but not accountable.

The first Confucian businessman made money with ignorance, but not illegal money. Does it sound ridiculous? But the world itself has many ridiculous things that comply with laws and regulations. There are many businesses that make money by stepping on the sensitive lines of the law.

Once it is impossible to hold accountable, will Confucian Businessmen retaliate?

The Confucian businessman Jia who owns the night market and employs doll thugs is definitely not as elegant as his appearance. Gao Leng has no grievances with him in the past and has no enmity in the recent days. In addition, Xingguang Group has entered the children’s book industry and stepped on the Confucian businessman Jia’s The stall, presumably, the anger of the Confucian businessman Jia is bound to explode.

The explosion of anger is likely to attract revenge. They dare not retaliate against Gao Leng, and do not retaliate against Fatty. These two are senior executives of the Starlight Group. His Confucian businessmen can't get revenge. What about revenge on Fang Fang and Niang Pao?

After all, these two are wage earners with no background.

Do you want to retaliate blatantly and secretly use a doll to beat your men?

Unannounced visits, the most taboo is that you expose the other party, but did not overthrow them. Let the other party breathe, and give a black hand, unfortunately, it will always be the unannounced reporters at the bottom.

"Put out the manuscript, and publish it in two hours." Gao Leng put the information on the table: "Publish the manuscript, you don't have to worry about safety, I will choke his throat and spit in it."


"I checked the surveillance repeatedly, but I don't know what the two reporters next to him are. This President Pang is the fat guy of the Star Group, and is the right arm of President Gao!

"Fuck..." Brother Confucian merchant Jia paced back and forth, slanting his eyes and roared: "Has the cloth book moved?"

"All transferred."

"I have no grievances with him in the past, but now he has no enmity. He just marched into the children's book by himself, playing yin with Laozi? How can there be such a business in business? Fuck!" bad language.

In his view, you do your business and I do my business. Your business is going to be a lofty route. If you go, no one will stop you. Then I will take the road of the public version of children's books when I do business. What's wrong with you? You come to my site to tear down my money.

"I'm **** his mother!" Brother Confucian Shang Jia couldn't swallow this.

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