Gossip King

Chapter 1483: Hot search crisis

The business card still needs to be picked up. Gao Leng looked at it. It is estimated that other companies have cooperated with the Confucian businessman Jia brother. I am afraid that he will be exposed, so come and say hello in advance.

It is common for a bunch of people to mediate after an unannounced visit, but the previous unannounced visits did not stimulate the nerves of so many people, but today's unannounced visits are like thunder on the ground, which is also related to Gao Leng's current strength is not comparable to the past. .

Everyone knows that if Gao Leng wants to focus on this unannounced visit, he can dig deeper. After all, he has two magazines in his hand. He has just annexed three paper media and deployed 62 sites across the country. The sites were all won at a low price. Before making children's books, Gao Leng personally led the team to kill and annex them all over the country.

No one is afraid of such a powerful media network.

What can be encountered is that in the days to come, Gao Leng is obviously going to be the boss of paper media, and Lao Hang has been doing the work of annexing several other paper media companies, killing fiercely.

Gao Leng looked at this group of people with eager eyes and fear, and his expression relaxed and said with relief: "Go back, we will dig deeper into the shady part of the public children's book. You and the scholars If Brother A cooperates or doesn't cooperate, he won't dig deeper."

After making a statement like this, the group of people remained motionless.

No one believes, nor dare to believe. In short, you don't want to drink this morning tea with me, you don't call me brothers and sisters.

It is a good thing for this company to do charity. If it is revealed that the charity is sending garbage books, it will be a bad thing. They still know the stakes.

"Really, companies don't dig deeper in this aspect. After all, many of you don't know the number of public children's books, and it doesn't make sense for me to dig." Gao Leng said that everyone was still not moving, and immediately said more clearly.

This group of people remained motionless.

If Gao Leng is not carried in front of his boss for a cup of tea, this group of people will not withdraw.

Gao Leng raised his wrist to check the time. He was busy today, got up early at six o'clock specially, and made an appointment with the villa to watch the house and sign the contract at seven o'clock. After buying, he would go to Starlight Group. These people are really blocking here...

"Okay, I'll go first." Gao Leng frowned, pulling Xiao Leng and walking out.

"Mr. Gao, I'll be here waiting for you at four in the morning, you..."

"Mr. Gao, you...I came here after four o'clock in the morning. Anyway, you are going to have breakfast, or else..."

Several people gathered around again.

Gao Lengtie didn’t speak, and Xiao Leng on the side had never seen such a posture. He felt relieved when she heard that someone had come so early. She looked at Gao Leng, and there was something in her eyes. Gao Leng took a look and stopped. Hold your feet.

"Well, in the afternoon, let's have afternoon tea with Li Yi, Orr and Zhang." Gao Leng said.


Li Yi, Orr, Zhang's three parties, look at me and I will look at you...

"As you go, at 2:30 in the afternoon, I will spare forty minutes. If your boss has time, come to my company downstairs. If you don't have time, just let it go. I don't plan to cheat on you." Gao After Leng said he didn't listen to what they said anymore, and went downstairs by pressing the elevator.

"They worked so hard. They were waiting outside the door at three or four o'clock. Have you had something to explode lately? I haven't had time to watch." Mu Xiaoling has never paid much attention to Gao Leng's specific work. In her world, Gao Brother Leng didn't need her to worry about anything. He was like a god. And this kind of absolute trust and worship is Gao Leng's favorite.

Gao Leng did not speak and turned on the car radio...

"Yesterday, Starlight Group's popular magazine broke the shady scene in the children's book industry. It is shocking that children's books have become poisonous books. The president Gao Leng and Gao who presided over this unannounced visit was the reporter who exposed the carrion case. Please listen to the detailed report. ..."

Gao Leng listened to it and changed the channel, which was also reporting this news.

"Tune me to the ccbv radio channel." Gao Leng said.

Mu Xiao Leng hurriedly pressed the past one by one. It was the time for the morning news. The hottest and latest information was broadcast at the first time. Naturally, it was the children's book case of the newspaper. In just one night, this unannounced visit Fermented rapidly in all media.

Also includes ccbv.

"You are amazing." Xiao Leng said softly, leaning over and kissing him on the arm: "I told my colleagues on Huxiang TV that you are my boyfriend. They all envied him."

Envy is not only her colleagues, but also the sales lady.

Early in the morning, Gao Leng drove to the sales center and directly passed away a few so-called "special offer" villas, directly choosing among the best units.

"The head of the household wrote her name." Gao Leng said.

"Miss Mu, you are so fate. Your boyfriend treats you so well, so envious." The sales lady looked at Mu Xiaolen with envy, such an expensive villa, and immediately wrote the name of his girlfriend as soon as she shot it. Rarely.

Mu Xiao Leng pursed his mouth and held his head slightly. I have to say that this girl film has become more and more fascinating in the past two years. She used to say a few words humbly before, but now she just doesn’t say anything, and calmly accepts the envy of others. Vision.

Not everyone has such good luck with her, she can be loved and loved by Gao Leng.

"General Manager Gao, do you want two buildings next to each other?" the sales lady confirmed.

"Yeah." Gao Leng nodded, and just after nodding, he shook his head again: "No."

"Oh?" The sales lady was a little nervous when she heard that, after all, she wanted to get a commission. The commission for the villa was pretty good. One house would be enough for her to eat for a year, and two houses would be pretty crooked.

No opening for three years, three years after opening.

"Three buildings. I want to buy three connected." Gao Leng knocked on the table: "Both units are good."

"Are you going to buy three buildings?" Xiao Leng's eyes widened.

"Well, write your name on one building, one for Sister Shan, and one for Gao Xiaowei." He hadn't thought about Gao Xiaowei before, maybe he felt that Xiaowei should live with him, and there was no need for another set. But then think about it, since Xiao Leng is a little scrupulous about living with Xiaodan, it is not suitable for the witch to live together.

Besides, it's the screaming energy of the witch on the bed...Although it can be used to block the sound, but the witch likes to walk naked at home, it is still a good deal to buy another building.

"Three buildings!" The sales lady opened her mouth in surprise, and she couldn't close her mouth in surprise...I have seen anyone who bought a villa, and I have never seen anyone who buys a villa like this...

Add another one...

Although this villa is located near the third ring road and the price is fair, this villa group is also a high-end villa group, which can add up to one or two billion. In terms of property fees, each building costs more than 900,000 yuan per year.

This rich world really doesn’t understand. The sales lady was so utterly uttered that she hurriedly took out the floor plan: “Some and some, Gao always has. These two buildings are connected together, and one is just opposite. It’s very close and convenient, then I’ll show you."

While chatting, Gao Leng's phone rang.

"Boss, it's not good, even the three hot searches are not good for us." The fat man's voice was very nervous.

"What hot search?" Gao Leng asked.

"It's all saying that the reason why we exposed the inside story of children's books is because we are doing the children's book business ourselves and using unannounced visits as a weapon for our own profit.

Gao Leng lowered his head and opened Weibo to take a look. Sure enough, three hot searches were on the list at the same time, which was very strong. At first glance, someone had paid a lot of money to get it up.

"Also, Jingtian Finance and Economics magazine published a front-page headline analysis of this matter. They analyzed how much Starlight Group would benefit from this wave of unannounced visits from a financial professional perspective. In short, our unannounced visits are not for justice, but for the sake of justice. Push our own children’s book magazine."

The fat man's voice is tense.

No wonder he was nervous. He did secretly visit the public version of children's books and smashed the basket of public version of children's books. Gao Leng had plans to enter the children's book world better for himself, and this was a factor.

But to say that the unannounced visits are all for making money for themselves, which is too much.

Most of the reason is that I hope to expose the tricky things and improve the children's book market. When I didn't decide to open a children's book magazine, I was preparing for this case, and I had prepared the materials for more than half a year.

But anyway, once the unannounced visit is linked to one's own interests, it is easy to make people think about it, making this matter a lot of black spots and a lot of slots.

Moreover, it is the front page headline of Jingtian Finance and Economics. I have to admit that Jingtian Finance and Economics is well-known in the industry. It is the Empire First Finance and Economics magazine. The interest chart they produced is remarkable and well-founded.

This was a slap, and it hit Gao Leng's face on the ground: You said you were for justice, I said you were for money.

"What to do, Boss." The fat man was extremely worried: "There are a lot of online screaming. Once it has a relationship with our interests, this group of people will be hilarious. If there is another Jingtian magazine fanning the flames, this is not fun."

"Wait a moment, I'll look at Jingtian's report." Gao Leng hung up the phone and searched with his head down.

"What's the matter?" Seeing his serious face, Mu Xiaolen said, "Otherwise you can go ahead and buy it in a few days. I will fly back in a few days."

"No, it's too hard for you to fly around, a little thing." Gao Leng put away his serious expression and said calmly, "Give me ten minutes."

After reading Jingtian’s report in three minutes, Gao Leng knew in his heart, and once again got through the fat man’s phone call: "Jingtian Finance and Economics Magazine is indeed a domestic first financial magazine. Their manuscript is well-founded and very good. ."


"Boss, what are you talking about! You still praise them, their report killed people!" The fat man screamed proudly.

"They are right. We have exposed the disorder of public children's books, which is of great benefit to the children's book magazines we want to publish, and we can push our magazines to the maximum."


"Boss! What are you talking about... Although it is indeed of great benefit to our magazine, but others will say that our unannounced visit is to promote our own magazine, it will be awful! Now the sprays are starting to spray!" The fat man wailed again.

Publications pay attention to reputation. If the reputation of a publication is not good, its sales will drop on a large scale, especially the publications that have unannounced visits. Once unannounced visits are made to the public that they are only for their own interests, future unannounced visits They will not trust.

Gao Leng, the golden sign of the unannounced king, will instantly collapse.

This hot search crisis should not be underestimated, and Jingtian Finance and Economics magazine immediately released the front page headline after the hot search, which shows that it came prepared.

Behind this, there are dangers everywhere.

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