Gossip King

Chapter 1491: The beast always walks alone

The month after the unannounced visit was undoubtedly a busy month for Starlight Group, but the employees are also used to it, and no month is not busy this year.

Overtime is common. No one seems to like to work overtime. But if you don’t say that the three times the overtime salary is paid, there will be more quarterly bonuses in a quarter than a quarter. It is expected that the year-end bonus will also be very impressive. It's just a pleasure.

Xiao Li from the Materials Department has just arrived at Starlight Group for less than five months, and his monthly basic salary is 6,000. This quarter, a bonus of 8,000 yuan has been given. The year-end bonus has already scored seven points, that is, the year-end bonus except for two months In addition to the salary, there can be an increase of seven thousand. But now there is still half a year before the Chinese New Year. If this continues, you can get 20,000 to 30,000 home during the New Year.

The manager of the photography department, Lao Wu, has a monthly salary of 18,000. This quarter, he has given out a bonus of 30,000. The original annual bonus of 50,000 has increased to 80,000.

Many people who are struggling outside feel tired, but in fact they are more heart-tired. Obviously there is a dream but there is no way to the dream. Confusion and helplessness are the most tiring. If you have a dream, you can realize it. Following Mr. Gao's work, you can make your career better and better, with more and more income, a tangible future, and no matter how much overtime you work, you won’t be tired.

When the Empire Doll Publication officially launched, every Starlight Man’s face was filled with pride and happiness, whether it was an employee of Empire Doll Publications or not, as long as it was a Starlight People.

Everyone forwarded the news of the opening: Our company is going to be the best children's magazine in China, ha, it is officially opened today!

This must be forwarded. Dear friends, if you have children, you can subscribe to our magazine, Empire Doll. We visited inferior children's books a few days ago. Do you remember? Mr. Gao has made the best children's magazine in China!

As long as it is a Starlight person, even an employee of the company next door to Starlight Group, everyone forwards it.

Show off in this pride.

And the reply will make every starlight person have light on his face:

You are so lucky. You entered the Starlight. Hey, they asked me to go for an interview. I didn't go there. I chose Seaside Film and Television. Now I regret it.

Dude, you are well developed now. See celebrities and local tyrants all day long.

Brother, Gou Fugui...

The fast-growing Starlight Group’s turnover rate is also the lowest in history. Almost no one will be so stupid that they will now switch to another company. Even if another company offers a high price, who knows how long the high price will last? Xingguang Group is a tangible leap here.

"General Manager Gao, the Imperial Doll publication will begin ten minutes after the first meeting." Yang Guanguan came in to remind Gao Leng.

After the unannounced visit, the event "A big publishing house tells you what a good book list" was held as scheduled, which attracted the attention of parents, and the three book lists selected after the conference room were quickly promoted in various schools. .

The teachers told the parents that the books published by which publishing house are still good books. The three book lists contain nearly 500 books, among which are mainly books for infants and children. There are only 60 domestic high-quality public children’s books. Fifty books are original children's books.

Elementary, junior high, and high school book lists are also densely packed. The book lists called by the General Administration of Publishing are naturally low in moisture and are truly good books.

The book was published only, and the General Administration of Publication was highly praised on the Internet. Sometimes a few trolls would be instantly besieged. After all, they were able to deal with and deal with the matter in the first time, and also published a book list to let confused parents know What kind of book to choose, this is worthy of praise.

And even more praiseworthy is Starlight Group, because Starlight Group said in the media that if parents think it is too expensive to buy these books, then they can choose to subscribe to Empire Dolls. As long as there are books on the book list, Empire Dolls will Reprint copyright under purchase.

"Conscience enterprise! I want to buy so many good books for my children, but it's okay to buy one or two, so many, too expensive. Every issue of the magazine is published, and a few stories a month are just fine!"

"And the price is only 12 yuan, so cheap! This must be bought!"

"It is strongly recommended that those companies that send children's books to the countryside don't have to give other books, and give the empire dolls from Starlight Group!"

"I heard that the writers and painters they hired are all first-rate in the country! Conscience companies! Many conscience TV shows are made by them!"

The price is 12 yuan, and the content includes the book list, as well as a team of domestic first-class writers and painters, plus the reprinting of the domestic excellent book list, and the purchase of the copyright of foreign excellent books. This is destined to be an excellent children's magazine .

To put it bluntly, this is the best children's magazine in the country.

The price is the price of cabbage, 12 yuan.

A group of newcomers from Starlight Group sat in the conference room. The Imperial Doll publication recruited nearly a hundred people, which is extremely high in children's magazines.

Half of the children’s magazine is about 20 people, and a team of 100 people is really rare.

The price of 12 yuan, a high-quality team of 100 people, except for their own original content, are all high-quality content. The strong contrast of low price and high quality makes people in the industry wonder: How long can this loss-making business last?

As for the employees with the same muttering Imperial Dolls, when they saw Gao Leng coming in, everyone's eyes were shining: the legendary head of the Starlight Group is so young and handsome.

It’s no wonder that these employees met Gao Leng for the first time. Now that the Starlight Group is big and the speed of rise is too fast, it’s almost time for Gao Leng to see many Starlight employees feeling face-to-face and flying everywhere. For this project and that project, come later. It’s difficult for new employees to meet the cold side.

Everyone stood up.

"Good for Mr. Gao!"

All in unison.

Gao Leng still didn't like the state of standing up all at the meeting, but now he gave up the struggle reluctantly, so he just smiled and sat down, stretched out his hand and pressed it down, and everyone sat down.

Looking around, the people who make children's publications are still different from those who make entertainment magazines. They are a lot more calm and less impetuous. Everyone looks a little heavier when they look at books and children.

"General Manager Gao, this is the first issue of the sample magazine. Take a look." The editor-in-chief of Imperial Doll, Wu Li, handed the sample magazine to Gao Leng.

The light-weight paper is used and lightly held in the hand. Moms who are used to the exquisite packaging may think that this kind of paper seems to be very cheap. In fact, this kind of paper is qualified for children's books abroad.

"A total of 30 pages, five columns, each issue will have an excellent short story abroad, an excellent long story abroad, the long story takes the form of serialization; two original stories of our own, one intelligence improvement game, yes, this A small page can be torn off. It is a stack of small books."

Wa Li picked up the sample magazine in her hand and began to explain. The audience was silent. Except for Wa Li's voice, she could hear her breathing, especially the writers and painters of the original group, looking at the high cold with grim expressions.

Original works are difficult, and children’s original works are even more difficult. It is necessary to truly understand children to make works that children like.

The books for young children in Japan are very good, even if it is the same to read pictures and objects, their books will be loved by more than one-year-old dolls, and they are full of skills and deep child research.

Gao Leng flipped over, and said nothing.

He read this children's book very well, but he is not a children's expert, so he can't draw any conclusions, so he glanced at the deputy editor: "Data."

"Here, here you are." Li Yi, deputy editor-in-chief of Empire Doll, quickly handed over a piece of information: "We selected a hundred children for testing. This is the test data."

Since it is a children's book, children are experts in this area.

Gao Leng chose the old Auli who is full of culture to be the editor-in-chief, responsible for the entire creative context of the magazine, but chose to come out of the data analysis company with the smell of copper and Mr. Li, the deputy editor-in-chief who has also worked as an executive in the retail industry. Served as deputy editor.

One article, one vulgar, seems to be a strange collocation to others, but in Gao Leng's eyes it is just right.

On how to test this magazine, Mr. Li proposed that the method of letting children test is just in the cold heart.

"Children between 24 months and 40 months old prefer the previous content. Children between 40 and 68 months old like the second half, and the 30-page content is a bit less for older children to read in one month, but It's just right for young children." Li Yi said.

"Our monthly magazine will not only have this set. This set will be defined as intellectual publications. In the future, we will publish manual publications and art publications. Older children can subscribe to several types." Gao Leng said.

The eyes of all present here brightened.

Wa Li breathed a sigh of relief: “If you do content in several directions and subscribe to four or five publications in different directions every month, you can make a profit.”

Gao sneered and glanced at this veteran in the children’s book industry, even if he repeatedly told her that you only need to create, you don’t need to consider the economic aspect. He said so many times, but this veteran took the older generation. The gene of duty has never put the matter of profit in mind.

Intelligence magazine, mainly in the direction of fairy tales, improves children's intelligence and language skills by reading picture books.

The drawing journals mainly focus on low-children's drawing direction, introducing internationally good fairy tale drawings, so that domestic children who like drawing but don't like some organization drawing can truly be in line with international standards in how to draw.

Hand-made magazines are the favorite of children who like to do it. Each book will have a variety of hand-mades, which makes it easy for parents who don’t know how to do it.

English journals, from six months to five years old, are in line with American kindergarten textbooks, and they have negotiated a cooperation with them to create a set of the best English children's journals in China.

"These publications must be done well, and I will also invite people from the front line in China to do it, especially the painting magazines, which introduce world-class paintings, and the reprint rights must be purchased. Many children do not have the educational resources of the Imperial City children, and there is nowhere to read them. For the exhibition, look at it through our publications. By the way, we will introduce more contemporary paintings."

As soon as Gao Leng said this, Wu Li's smile disappeared instantly.

Sounds like...

Several other publications are also expensive...

"Then...how much do you order for a copy?" Li Yi asked.

"No more than 15 yuan." Gao Leng's head didn't raise his head either, and he lowered his head and flipped through the first issue of the intellectual magazine that came out of his hand.

"Not more than 15 yuan?! Isn't it more than that in painting journals? International paintings are very expensive to reprint! Especially contemporary ones." Wa Li almost cried out: "This will lose money! It will cost you a lot!"

I thought there were a few more magazines, and if the conditions at home were better, I would subscribe, then it would be 50 or 60 yuan a month. This calculation would definitely make a profit, although it is not a big profit, at least it is not a loss.

Unexpectedly, several other publications are also going to be fine-quality products. Isn't this the more you do, the more you lose? !

"You won't lose, you will make a lot of money." Gao Leng smiled slightly and put the magazine on the desk.

"Mr. Gao, this...this...this children’s magazine, children’s magazines, you don’t do this. They are all fine products. We are also very expensive. Not to mention the low price. I also don’t allow advertisements in magazines. They've been in this industry for so long, and they don't do this!" Auli is from Shanghai. Putonghua is very standard when she is calm on weekdays, but the Shanghai accent has come out and she can't stop her.

"They all do that?" Gao Leng smiled lightly: "Beasts always walk alone, cattle and sheep are in groups."

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