Gossip King

Chapter 1497: Bad game

"Bring a driver to extend the time in Japan for a few days. At least seven days in this country. This is the top priority of our inspection of early childhood education in several countries."

"Yes." Yang Guanguan nodded, and walked out quickly to make arrangements.

Gao Leng put Japan as the most important country of investigation, rather than European countries or the United States, which seems a bit strange, after all, the early education courses from many countries have been introduced in China, almost all of them are courses in European and American countries.

European and American countries advocate learning while playing, and it is more to let children be exposed to nature, but they have certain prerequisites for doing so: fewer people, good social welfare, and more universities. The social division of labor allows them to do this in their education, part of which is for business education, and the vast majority of people enter blue-collar education, which is really not possible, and the state supports it.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is unrealistic for this kind of education to move to the empire. Our education resources are too scarce. To put it bluntly, we have too many people, so the chance of going to a good university is too good. The chance is too small. Cross the single-plank bridge, and those who can go.

This environment is very similar to Japan.

Like our country, Japan is also a big test-taking country, but unlike us, their extracurricular tutoring is what we often call tutoring classes, which are far more developed and popular than ours.

Let's talk about transparency. 85% of junior high school students and high school students in Japan participate in cram schools.

In Japan, this kind of cram school is called "Juku". "If you don’t participate in the cram school, you can’t get into a good university." This is the current situation in Japan’s education field. After the Japanese government has adopted a policy of "burden reduction", students are very excited every afternoon. School is over long ago, but in this high-stress island of Japan, parents often enroll their children for cram school after school in order for their children to enter university. In this way, Japanese cram schools have developed in an environment of "burden reduction". More and more, better and better.

The scale of its cram schools far exceeds our empire.

Does it look familiar? After all, the Empire has been calling "burden reduction" for many years. Elementary school students changed from five o'clock to three thirty. Most of the parents were still working and could not take care of their children, so they put their children in cram schools.

In the Empire, it is very common for elementary school students to participate in cram school after school. The purpose of this type of cram school is also very simple: the tutor takes the child to complete the homework, corrects the homework mistakes and teaches the mistakes.

It can be said that the current "burden reduction" of the empire is the path that Japan has taken more than a decade ago. It is foreseeable that the future empire will be like Japan now. The tutoring industry is extremely developed, and finally goes hand in hand with full-time teaching. .

Burden reduction will never be achieved in countries where educational resources are scarce or job competition is fierce, including developed countries, Japan.

Investment in education is a very promising project.

And Gao Leng took the lead in early childhood education. Japan’s early childhood education is completely different from the education of elementary and middle school students. If you say that high-stress Japanese elementary and middle school students are under great learning pressure and tutoring madmen, then Japanese children in kindergarten are particularly happy. : Parents of Chinese children who have stayed in Japan will find that they don’t seem to learn anything in kindergarten in Japan. Teachers will never teach anything. Every day is pure play.

It is said that when the kindergarten starts, mothers have to prepare a dozen bags, one for quilt, one for books, one for shoes, and one for kettle;

Let the children organize a dozen bags by themselves, and naturally they develop the habit of summarizing things. The Japanese are very meticulous about storing things and doing things.

It is said that three or four sets of clothes should be prepared, one for outdoor, one for indoor, one for eating, and one for sleeping.

The children wear their own clothes, what to wear on what occasions, and have a certain sense of ritual, and cultivate their attitude towards life.

It is said that children in Japan will take off their clothes for the school sports meeting during the coldest part of winter. Parents are not afraid of their children being frozen.

It is said that...

So much is said to be only said, is it true?

Gao Leng wanted to take a look at it with his own eyes and see this country with a bigger bird, but no matter in the fields of automobiles, heavy machinery, cameras, printers, and even tea art, rice paper, writing brushes, etc., which the empire was far ahead, they were overtaken.

What kind of education has made Japan today.

Gao Leng must go take a look.

Not only have to take a look, but also hire their parenting experts with high salaries to come to their team. The parenting experience that can be learned in this big test country like your own country is not less than that of European and American countries, and the practical application may be even worse. It is better than the parenting concept of European and American countries.

"We got in touch with a kindergarten in Tokyo. Ms. Shibasaki Masami met us over there. She was a graduate student in the Empire, she studied journalism, and she had an internship in Starlight Magazine before. I really admire you. By the way, also There is Mr. Keiring Eguchi, you know two well-known tuition companies in Yokohama that he has contacted."

"Jiangkou Kuiling..." Gao Leng read it and laughed: "Oh, I see, he became the CEO of the submarine cable company in the Empire, and we had a drink at the dinner party."

"Yes, that's him. He will accompany you throughout Yokohama. Due to the time of the tuition company, we first go to Yokohama and then to Tokyo."

Yang Guanguan was okay, and he handled the reception work properly before he set off, which made Gao Leng very satisfied.

When the plane landed in Haneda, Japan, it was already more than eight o'clock in the evening. The moon was very good, almost full moon, and there was still a way to go to Yokohama, not far.

"The air in Japan is really good." Yang Guanguan took a deep breath and laughed: "Hide in the smog for a few days, Mr. Gao, please here."

Seeing that Yang Guanguan is very familiar with the airport, Gao Leng asked, "Have you been here many times?"

"Well, I switched to Waseda University for a few months when I was in college, and I often come after work. The skin care products here are pretty good, and the underwear is also... You... don't you think I am pro-Japanese?" , Yang Guanguan was a little embarrassed.

The imperial people have deep blood and blood against the Japanese. This hatred is deep-rooted. When the government needs the people to express some anger towards Japan, sometimes the media only needs a headline to instantly ignite the imperial people’s anger towards Japan. Hatred.

Nine out of ten large-scale demonstrations by the imperial people were due to Japan.

In the eyes of many extreme people who come to Japan for shopping, traveling, and reading, this is a traitor.

"Fortunately, many of their things are indeed better than us. Starlight Group needs employees who have studied in Japan like you. We need high-quality returnees from any country." Gao Leng said very rationally.

He never thought that to hate a country, he must reject everything in that country.

He came here to hire a Japanese childcare expert with a high salary, and then heavily invite a team of high-quality teachers who have retired from Japanese kindergartens to customize some plans for his institution. The money was made by the Japanese, but Gao Leng wanted to use the money to exchange experience from the Japanese, in exchange for experience that would benefit the children of the Empire in early childhood education.

The best way to hate a country is not to never meet each other, but to get to know the country, understand this country, and learn from this country.

Finally, use the knowledge learned to arm yourself and defeat this country.

"Japanese underwear is very good, you must buy underwear every time you come to Japan!" Another secretary said with a smile.

Yang Guanguan blushed, stretched out his hand and slapped the secretary shyly, and said in a low voice, "Say down!"

Gao Leng doesn't know anything about underwear. He only knows that Yang Guanguan has a big chest. Doesn't it mean that the Empire doesn't have a suitable size?

This is not true. The Empire also has large-size underwear, but even if it is the same size, Japanese underwear is far more comfortable and more ergonomic to wear than the Empire, and their sizes are also smaller. For example, the smallest size in the Empire is a code. They have a-codes, and large sizes are also divided into levels. In addition, the Japanese are very meticulous in doing things, and the comfort level is naturally higher than that of the Empire.

It is irritating to say that underwear is such a simple thing. There are so many large underwear companies in the Empire but no one really delves into the ergonomics. Expensive underwear is not comfortable. They all say that the most comfortable underwear should be like the two men holding the chest. One hand, after all, the most comfortable state of a woman’s breast is when it is held by a man, and the same is true for her underwear. If it can be as good as a man’s hand, it requires research and support. It requires countless experiments, not two A piece of cloth is as simple as that.

Frustratedly, such things as underwear have been compared to Japan, and they are also very aggrieved.

"General Manager Gao." From a distance, Jiangkou Kuiling's not-so-standard Mandarin came over, and there was another charming woman standing beside him, and the two greeted them together, very enthusiastic.

It is impossible not to be enthusiastic. Jiangkou has been working in the empire, and he can't ask for a chance to establish a good relationship with Mr. Gao.

"Thanks." Gao Leng smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Are you hungry? Let's take you to the most delicious Japanese restaurant in Yokohama." Quirin Eguchi smiled and led the way before he got in the car and galloped all the way.

Yokohama at night looks similar to the Imperial Capital. This kind of international metropolis is full of skyscrapers and lights, at least it looks similar at night. It's just that you can occasionally see old women walking in kimono on the side of the road.

The car drove directly to the bottom of a building, got down and got on the elevator and went straight to the 35th floor. As soon as you got out of the elevator, you saw the rich Japanese-style decorations, with wooden structures everywhere. A girl in a red kimono smiled deeply. Bend down and said a word in Japanese.

Gao Leng didn't understand Japanese, but he listened very nicely. He was just a little jogging, and there were always butterflies and the like in his mind.

After entering the room, it was decorated with typical solar eclipse. After sitting down, Gao Leng was able to order food even after taking the order. After all, there was a lot of Chinese in Japanese, so I was really hungry.

"You order, you can order whatever you want." Gao Leng handed it to Yang Guanguan, who took the order book with a smile, salivating.

After ordering a bunch, Yang Guanguan ordered a lot of meat dishes according to the high-cold diet. After all, every dish in Japanese food is so little, not enough.

"It's a waste." Gao sneered and raised a toast towards Jiangkou: "I eat meat, I have all the meat, this is a meat game."

Everyone laughed.

"It's my honor to receive you." Eguchi laughed and took the menu and ordered a few vegetarian dishes: "No, although it's all meat, it's not a meat game. For dinner, there is no girl, no more meat. Dishes are also vegetarian."

As he said, Eguchi raised his brows: "Mr. Gao, I have prepared a real meat game for you, and taste the tenderness of our Japanese women."

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