Gossip King

Chapter 646: A simple single who was shocked, a simple hero!

This is an instrument about the size of a shoe box. It is white and has two long lines. The end of the line is something like a round iron sheet. The words on it are shocking: electric shock instrument.

Electric shock? !

Jian Xiaodan only feels that his scalp is exploded when he sees these words. Do you know what it feels like to have a scalp? It's as if there is static electricity all over my body, my scalp is full of goose bumps, my hair is exploded, and my whole body's fear can't stop rising up and up.

It rushes to the throat and seems to be vomiting.

What is an electroshock instrument? Where is it used? Jian Xiaodan thought, but she is not a medical staff after all, and she does not have this medical knowledge. Or is this not a medical instrument?

Whether or not it is electroshock, this is not electrotherapy, but it can electroshock people into shock.

How many milliamps does this have?

What made Jian Xiaodan's scalp explode even more was that these two pieces of iron-skin-like objects were pinched by Professor Zhang in his hand and placed beside her ear, one on each side, aimed at her temple.

Temple? !

It's not an electric baton or an electric plug. It's not what she thinks. It's not an electric hand or an electric body. Actually... the electricity is the location of the temple.

Jian Xiaodan's body trembled. When people were frightened, she really couldn't control her body. Her body trembled like a sieve, and it shook the operating bed creaking. .

"Okay, now I ask you a question, and the answer is good. You don't need to receive this treatment. Let's go out and receive other treatments properly." Professor Zhang turned around, clicked, and turned on the electroshock device. .

Jian Xiaoshan turned his head, and after seeing the pointer jump frantically for a while, he stopped at 1 mA.

"The first question, do you have internet addiction?" Professor Zhang asked in a very gentle tone, with his head just above Jian Xiao Shan's head, and the small iron pieces in his hands were close to Jian Xiao Shan's temples.

Jian Xiaodan struggled instinctively, and desperately struggled: "Let go of me! Let go of me! You are perverted, let me go!"

"Don't move, you may accidentally turn on the power when you move." Professor Zhang's hand moved closer to his temples: "Quiet, child."

As soon as the voice fell, Jian Xiaodan's frantically struggling body stopped abruptly. Yes, the iron sheet was right next to her ear. When she moved like this, she hit her at once. She stopped moving and fell silent.

"Answer the first question, do you have internet addiction?" Professor Zhang asked again.

If the answer is yes, will it be electrified or not? Jian Xiaodan thought about it in her heart, her mind wanted to be electrocuted, but her body instinctively stiffly wanted to shrink up and avoid it.

"No." After thinking about it, Jian Xiao Shan said softly, his voice trembling, and his shoulders shrugged instinctively.

"Think about it, is there any internet addiction? What did you get when you spent five days and five nights in an internet cafe? Is this internet addiction? What made your brother send you so helplessly. Is there an internet addiction?" Professor Zhang whispered. Smiled: "Lying, but to be punished."

This is a psychological hint, Jian Xiao understands it briefly.

The first step in electroshock therapy is to allow these children who feel that they are not addicted to Internet to admit that they have Internet addiction, and only if they do, will they receive treatment.

But is it useful to admit it so forced?

Jian Xiaodan raised his eyes and looked at Professor Zhang. This is the face she saw from the nearest distance. She was in her early thirties with a kind smile, but her hair was gray, and there seemed to be a lot of dandruff, and she was faint. The smell of disinfectant water.

She knew that if she answered yes, she would not be shocked, and if she still answered that there was no internet addiction, she would be shocked.

"Think about it, kid, tell me if you have any internet addiction." Professor Zhang's voice floated gently again, and her hand was getting closer to her temple, she could almost feel it, just a little bit. Tilt your head and the temple will be electrocuted.

Simple tears flowed down.

Fear, fear, and wanting to shrink filled her mind.

A voice said: Forget it, you have seen the treatment device, and you can write a manuscript, so be it, this is an electric temple! When I was young, I was accidentally electrocuted...

A voice said: How can it be enough to see the therapeutic device? How can one know what mode of his treatment is without personal experience? There should be his reason for such a high cure rate.

Professor Zhang's hand came closer again, and she could almost feel the temperature of his hand.

The strong mental pressure under the electric shock device is beyond words.

If the treatment is really useful, you must experience the whole process. Such a manuscript is a fair and fact-considered report, not only for standing firm in the workplace, not only for the high cold, but also for the domestic 60 million Internet addiction. Patient, as a reporter, this is what I should do, fight it! Jian Xiao snapped his teeth and closed his eyes suddenly.

"You **** have internet addiction, I don't!" she roared.

what! ! ! ! A miserable wailing that life is worse than death passed through the wall, flooding the entire Internet addiction treatment facility, whirling in this small house.

Before she finished her words, Jian Xiaodan struggled with all fours, her body instinctively wanted to escape from the operating table, she opened her eyes suddenly, and the whites of her eyes were covered with red blood.

Two iron sheets pressed on her temples, but for a second.

One second is enough to destroy everything.

How does it feel to be shocked? It is like a thousand needles penetrating the brain, passing from one side of the temple to the other side, stirring the brains needle by needle, making you want to die but not to die, and to live but not to live.

The sweat all over my body burst out at once, but the tears did not flow out.

Pain, nausea, and nausea came up all at once, and the tears that most represent human suffering cannot be reflected in this short second.

When it is really painful, there are no tears.

Jian Xiaodan's body shook quickly, and it shook again, much more violent than the fear of not being shocked, the pain disappeared. But fear swept through again, this time surging like a tsunami, drowning Jian Xiaodan, drowning her courage and determination.

Help, help, mom, mom, help. Jian Xiaodan's tears finally welled up, and instinctively whispered for mercy.

"Okay, I'll ask you again, do you have internet addiction." Professor Zhang's voice came over. He took a piece of paper and wiped Xiao Shan's tears, as well as a big one on his forehead. Sweat: "If you answer me dishonestly, you will have to increase the amount."

He pointed to the treatment device: "You were at level 1 just now, we have a total of 5 levels, you can answer me after you think about it."

Jian Xiao Shan was panting with big mouths, the pain and nausea that had just lasted continued and had not disappeared, but he had clearly extracted a message in his mind, an important message: treatment is divided into five levels.

She just saw it, it was one milliamp.

People on the outside know that if they don’t obey, the punishment will increase, but they don’t know how much it will increase. For news reports, data is very, very important.

You describe what it's like to be shocked, it's too emotional, if you add data...

This is truly a professional news report.

For level five, is one milliamp added for every additional level? Simply thought.

Do you want to continue? Jian Xiaoshan closed his eyes and cried bitterly. He whimpered and said: Mom, Mom, it hurts...I'm so scared...

"Answer me." Professor Zhang turned around and twisted the current button to increase the amplitude. Then, with the iron sheet between his hands, he approached the temple of Jian Xiao Shan again: "Xiao Shan, answer me after thinking about it. Without internet addiction, is it right? This time, it's the second level."

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