Gossip King

Chapter 685: Startling every step!

What is cold hair standing upright? Jian Xiaodan understood this time, her pores all over her body were just as open. As the footsteps approached the door faster and faster, getting closer and closer, her heart almost came from her throat. Jumped out. She looked at Gao Leng curled up on the ground and trembling ceaselessly, panic filled her.

But reason also instantly prevailed.

Get a good fight, block the door, buy time for Gao Leng, and buy time for him to wake up. Although Jian Xiaoshan didn't know what would be the use if Gao Leng wakes up.

With so many people outside, this is a psychiatric hospital with high walls!

However, as long as Gao Leng stands up, Jian Xiao Shan will feel at ease. How can you come out to fight, there is no reason for the leader?

Jian Xiaodan stood up suddenly, and couldn't find anything to protect from where she could see. She stretched out her hand to push the operating bed to block the door, but found that the operating bed was welded to the ground.

Also, during the electric shock, the bed must be fixed, otherwise the person will be out of control in extreme pain.

This **** place doesn't even have anything that can hurt people! Even if it hurts myself! The tip of Jian Xiaodan's nose was sweaty, and her eyes became fierce.

It's good to find something that can hurt yourself! she thinks.

Suddenly, her gaze fell under the table on the left, and a sterile potion bottle was quietly placed in the corner, glass. Jian Xiaoshan hurriedly ran over, only to hear a bang, she slammed the disinfectant bottle to the ground.

The pungent smell of the disinfectant immediately filled the room, and Jian Xiao simply picked up the sharpest piece of glass slag, and pointed the sharp end at his neck.

Aim at the thickest vein on your neck.

There are so many people, outnumbered and outnumbered. To break through, you can only use this method. If you dare to catch, I'll die, and let you die!

Has the undercover reporter died? Yes, every year. It's just very sad that the undercover reporter with almost no deaths was named a martyr. The country has very high requirements for chasing martyrs. It was the turn of the undercover reporter to be found and killed. Most of these cases were not successfully filmed, not to mention, they died silently.

Undercover reporters are unsung heroes. Most of them come and leave quietly. How long can you remember a manuscript?

For example, the melamine milk powder incident, the Sanlu milk powder incident, you can definitely remember that the whole empire knows this news. Jian Guangzhou, the first reporter to expose melamine, was nominated as a national outstanding reporter and moved by the empire when he exposed this case. Now, do you remember him?

Do you know that there is such a reporter as Jian Guangzhou?

Did you know that he risked his life and was the first to name Sanlu milk powder by name?

You do not know.

What you don't even know is that this reporter quit the journalist industry a few years later and left the XX newspaper office. Even he cried and reluctantly left the journalist industry.

Even his new X Weibo account with hundreds of thousands of fans on his big V account disappeared silently.

At this moment, Jian Xiaodan, she is an undercover reporter. She wants to protect herself and the unconscious coldness at this time. This is the only way to kill her.

This is a psychiatric hospital with surveillance. It might be easy to kill Xiaoxiao. To kill Gao Leng, he is a celebrity at any rate. He is really dead. There is no end to this. What about living sin?

It's hard to say.

The footsteps at the door were getting closer and closer, but in just ten seconds, it was a shock for Jian Xiaoshan. She stood in front of the high cold, facing the door frontally, pressing the glass shards against her. Neck.

"What are you doing." Suddenly, she reached out her hand and heard a familiar voice, and then a big hand grabbed her hand holding the glass, and slammed the glass.

You don't have to look back to know that it is high cold.

Jian Xiaodan's stiff and tense body suddenly softened, and his eyes became red. When Jian Xiaoshan wanted to be alone, although she was afraid, she was extremely strong, and when she had to rely on it, it was like taking off her armor.

Women, after all, are fragile.

"You have to suffer a bit." Before Jian Xiaodan turned her head, the cold voice fell, she only felt that someone had hit her neck, and her eyes went dark and she fainted.

Gao Leng's eyes were all black, the breath in his body was surging, and the blood in his hands was all black, which looked terrifying. He put Jian Xiaodan on his back with one hand, bent slightly, and opened the window directly with the other hand, reaching the steel protective window outside the door.

"Who! Who is inside!" The nurse and a few family members heard the sound of horror and indignation.

The sound of footsteps was behind him.

"Dare to come to the motor room! And pry open the safe! Who is so courageous!"

The voice has reached the door.

Suddenly, all sounds stopped abruptly.

Everyone was stunned at the scene that happened before them. The safe was pried open, the electrical equipment was energized and placed on the cabinet, and the window was opened, and the protective window outside the window was abruptly broken by a big hole. Some of them were even broken directly and dropped to the ground.

And a pool of disinfectant on the ground, the whole space is filled with the smell of disinfectant, which is even more creepy.

"What...what's going on?"

"where is the guy?!"

"The lock at the door is also broken, how come no one hears it?"

"Don't say it's locked, how did you pry the safe? Didn't you see the tools?"

"This... how did you open this protective window? With bare hands? How could it be possible!"

After a brief consternation, everyone checked the room. Several people rushed to the window and looked out. This is the third floor. They instinctively look up to see if they hide on the air-conditioning shelf next to it.

You know, it's impossible to jump down on the third floor, and this jump won't die or be disabled.

But the air conditioning shelf next to it was empty.

"Hey, look at that! What is that?!" Suddenly, a female family member cried out in horror. Under the night sky, the bright moon was bright, with a person behind a dark shadow, leaping rapidly between the buildings and galloping.

In a blink of an eye, it fell on the road, and the Mercedes was gone.

It's like a knight who walks in the night watching a costume movie.

"What? Nothing, bird?" Several people looked around, but didn't see anything.

"What should I do? The head nurse." A family member looked around, eyes full of horror: "This is obviously for the treatment device. Look, it's still powered on."

"Has this person left the room long ago?"

"Maybe Professor Zhang didn't find out that the safe was pryed open for the first time. It is most likely that he would have left a long time ago."

Several people started talking, and a family member suddenly ran in behind the door and shouted in horror: "The ally who guarded the door fainted! I think it was knocked out."

"What?! Has the fingerprint door been destroyed?" When the head nurse heard it, cold sweat broke out.

"There is no fingerprint door."

"Then still indoors, check! Ask everyone to get up and check!" The head nurse gave an order, and the parents nodded one after another. The entire Internet addiction agency was filled with tension and panic.

It's been ten years since the Internet addiction agency. This is the first time that someone has sneaked into the door of the shock room. It's not a big deal. The safe was opened and no one was seen.

Damn it! The head nurse looked furious.

"Professor Zhang will be here in a while, and he is already on the road now." A little nurse hurriedly walked over.

Internet addiction agencies have raised the highest alert and are startling every step!

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