Gossip King

Chapter 803: Ya good insider

When I walked into the courtyard, the moonlight was thick, and the air was a little up.

Naturally, it’s not suitable to eat pastries outside. It’s just a hastily eaten. Wang Hui never talks about Mu Zhengtang anymore, but talks about the romantic mood, and Yan Jiucheng is also poetic and charming. It seems that the three brothers are here to chant poems tonight. Happy.

Gao Leng is a sensible person, people don't want to talk, and don't ask more.

"That's it, it's so late. Excuse me." After drinking some tea and eating some snacks, Gao Leng got up and left. Wang Hui still didn't say anything, but looked at Yan Jiucheng deeply and smiled: "90%, give it away To Mr. Gao."

"No need, I drove the car, it was too late." Gao Leng thought Wang Hui said casually, and quickly declined.

"That won't work, your car won't drive into the alley, right? Ninety percent, send it all the way." Wang Hui understood a little bit in his heart after insisting on Gao Leng, and quickly nodded and turned around and went out first.

Mu Zhengtang is asking Yan Jiucheng to reveal something? Gao Leng thought, he looked around after he left the door. It was three o'clock in the morning, and the alley was quiet. Yan Jiucheng didn't follow him. It can be seen that Mu Zhengtang was explaining what he was saying.

Gao Leng waited. After about a minute or two, Yan Jiucheng walked out with a smile, holding a box of snacks in his hand: "I just took a snack from Rao Laona. I have lost some time, here."

With that, the two walked side by side, Gao Leng did not speak first, since Wang Hui so deliberately asked Yan Jiucheng to send it, if there is anything, Yan Jiucheng will speak by himself, and ask himself for fear of committing a bogey. Just like just now, just After saying "Secretary Fang", Wang Hui's expression changed.

Gao Leng was afraid of the relationship between this party secretary and Wang Hui.

Before, because of talking too much and speaking too bluntly, Gao Leng was a good student this time. They didn't talk all the way, and the two walked quietly.

"General Manager Gao." Seeing Gao Leng's calm appearance, Yan Jiucheng didn't calm down and spoke first: "Actually, everyone knows that Mu Zhengtang must not have so much corruption. This is a sea of ​​highs and lows."


"Furthermore, Mu Zhengtang has been the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection for several years. This has offended too many people." Yan Jiucheng stopped, looked around and continued, "You said, these countries where he was reported. He was not responsible for several of the projects, but the problem is that he was involved, and some people would be charged on him if they wanted to be charged."

"Yeah." Gao Leng Xi's words are like golden words. It seems that Wang Hui has long been aware of it. He just didn't pay attention to who it was, but he directly clicked on it as an expert.

Seeing Gao Leng's knowledgeable, Yan Jiucheng nodded and continued: "However, I really didn't expect you to analyze that Mu Zhengtang was detained at least 600 million yuan." Then, he stopped and handed the cakes. To Gao Leng: "But even if he was really detained so many black pots, he was corrupt. It's just a matter of how much."

Yan Jiucheng is right.

Mu Zhengtang was embezzled, but not so much.

"He can't get it out." Yan Jiucheng sighed, approaching Gao Leng and whispered: "But if the 600 million black pot is really cleared, plus all the embezzled money is handed in, the sentence will not be reduced. questionable."

Gao Leng took over the pastry.

So far, Yan Jiucheng has not revealed any important information, which makes Gao Leng a little disappointed.

"As for my teacher, I have retired. You see, the Carrion Case has already taken the Caesar Group away. He has also been assigned to the Business Association to find a good official position. It is really unnecessary to get involved in this muddy water. "Knowing that Gao Leng was disappointed, Yan Jiucheng explained: "Before, I thought that Mu Zhengtang was not embezzled. At any rate, it was a friend, and the teacher came to help. Now it must be embezzlement, then..."

"It is extremely righteous for Wang Zong to call me over when everyone is stepping on Muzheng Hall." Gao Leng said to his heart. He knew in his heart that Wang Hui had squeezed the Caesar Group out of the empire. Great work, the position of the business association today is the position that gives him well-being for the rest of his life. Regardless of politics, he lives without worry.

He didn't need to touch Mu Zhengtang's muddy water, but he did.

"Do you know why I call Mr. Wang as teacher?" Suddenly, Yan Jiucheng came up with such a thoughtless sentence and blinked at Gao Leng.

Gao Leng became alert for a moment. What does Yan Jiucheng mean?

"Why?" he asked quickly.

"I, actually don't love calligraphy." Yan Jiucheng leaned back against the wall of the Hutong Mansion, lit a cigarette, looked around and then took a sip and spit it out, and pointed his finger in the direction of the old house. But Wang Hui likes calligraphy, he likes it, and I have to like it too, don’t I? I have to learn from him, so it’s my teacher."

Yan Jiucheng took another cigarette: "That was all ten years ago. I just returned to China. My dad asked me to recognize him as a teacher. What are the four treasures of the study? What kind of pen, ink, paper and inkstone? I played with the teacher. Thoroughly, he had several students at the time, and now they are all assigned to various places to do well."

Gao Leng stood beside Yan Jiucheng, trying to figure out what he said.

In officialdom, there is a lot of relationship between teachers and students. Some officials who have had college teaching experience when they weren't very successful, often promote their own students. This is already a rule in officialdom. And without college experience, they often promote some of their own alumni. Promote relatives and friends? Really achieve a certain level, how can there be so many available relatives to promote? Among the excellent seeds, it is natural to promote those who are close to oneself.

When you are not the alumnus above, nor his students, let alone his other relationships, how can you draw that emotional line with others?

The elegance of officials has become a very good bridge in the eyes of those who want to climb up.

An official likes photography, okay! As long as you go out to take photos of small flowers and grass, I will help you hold the equipment before and after the horse. The nickname is: I also like photography, but I can't shoot well, so I come here to learn technology.

Yes, I basically like photography officials, even if he takes a lot of shit, there must be four or five apprentices behind his butt.

Therefore, there will always be one or two exhibitions of photographic works in various cities. The works are not very good, but they are extremely prosperous.

If you come across a similar photography exhibition, you don't have to guess, it must have been opened by an official "disciple" who likes photography. Of course, what is a photography exhibition? It is common to get expensive and good photographic equipment and give it to the teacher for fun, and let the teacher practice the lens first.

This is not about taking bribes, it's okay, it's just a game of fun, it's just not saying how long it will last...

"However, my teacher's calligraphy is not like others. He is a real cow." Yan Jiucheng's words are true. Wang Hui's hard pen is truly excellent, otherwise it is impossible to have a good relationship with Rao Lao.

You must know that Rao Lao is the most noble painter of the national treasure level. He can't look down on the pens, inks, papers and inkstones he plays with, showing that Wang Hui has real skills.

"Okay, it's too late, so be careful on the way." Yan Jiucheng closed his mouth when he said that.

Gao Leng nodded. He knew that Wang Hui had pointed the way to him, but he had to figure out what way he pointed.

Why do officials like to speak vaguely? Self-protection.

This guide can be said to be pointed or not pointed. If Gao Leng really stirred up the officialdom, Wang Hui could also say "I don't care about this" to protect himself.

But, what does Yan Jiucheng say? Gao Leng looked at Yan Jiucheng's back, darkened his eyes, and lowered his hair into a text message.

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