Gossip King

Chapter 820: Ahem... This is sour...

"What's the matter with you?" Gao Leng asked quickly with his consciousness, only to feel that the goose bumps on his body were all up, and the high little tail ghost cried and howled in his consciousness.

"Help, help!" The voices one after another, suddenly disappeared.

what happened? Gao Leng's heart picked up at once, and once again he used his consciousness to talk to her, but couldn't get in touch. Usually when the little witch talks with Gao Leng consciousness, Gao Leng can sense her consciousness, and when Gao Xiaowei does not actively contact Gao Leng, Gao Leng's ability is simply not enough to enter Gao Xiaowei's consciousness.

Something happened? The first idea that came out of Gao Leng at this moment was an instinctive idea.


Ten minutes ago, in the room that had just been settled recently, Mu Xiaolen and Xiaowei were lying on the sofa, each holding a pile of snacks in his hand and smiling like a flower while looking at the TV screen. There was a hit on the screen. TV series.

Ahahahahaha, Gao Xiaowei spouted out a mouthful of potato chips, and Mu Xiaolen was all over his body like a fountain.

"You, you, you." Mu Xiaolen stretched out his hand to wipe the potato chips from his face, looking at Gao Xiaowei looking funny and pointing to the TV again: "It's not so funny, is it? Do you watch TV shows less?"

In Xiao Leng's eyes, it was just a funny piece, but Gao Xiaowei's reaction was the most funny.

"It's the first time I watched it, so good! I used to watch island videos, but I didn't watch others." Gao Xiaowei squatted on the sofa, squeaked his buttocks while eating, almost excited. The tail came out: "It's much better than the small island movie!"


Now it was Mu Xiaolen's turn to spit out a soda.

"Ouch, my mother, kiss me!" Gao Xiaowei watched the heroes and heroines in the TV series get closer and closer, the common wall-dong plot, the actor is not kissing when he is holding his hands on the wall. Xiaowei wanted to roll up his sleeves and stomped anxiously: "What are you doing with your mouth long? Dear! Oh, let me go, if you're not, I just rushed in!"

Mu Xiaolen shook his head speechlessly, and for the first time saw a master who was so excited about watching a TV series.

"What are you eating?" Gao Xiaowei turned his head and saw that Mu Xiaolen was eating a long red thing, so he blinked, "Whip?"


Mu Xiaolen almost choked to death without a word, and reluctantly lifted it up: "Duck neck, spicy duck neck."

"No wonder it's so fine. If this is a whip, it would be really pitiful."


Mu Xiaolen was completely defeated.

"I'll eat it." Gao Xiaowei immediately took the whole bag of spicy duck necks from the coffee table into his arms and said thiefly: "It looks like Ding Ding, I definitely love it."


What is a complete defeat? Mu Xiaolen is already gone, she is a little puzzled, eat Tintin? Don't understand...

"Oh, it's so spicy." Gao Xiaowei took a bite and shook his tongue, his eyes were about to come out, and he took another one and squeaked in his mouth.

"Duck neck is going to spit bones!" Mu Xiaolen quickly took the trash can and looked at Gao Xiaowei very suspiciously. They had only lived together for one day, and Xiao Leng felt that many things were wrong. For example, the one showing that the paper towel is here, suddenly came to Gao Xiaowei's hand; she didn't even know the soymilk machine; she didn't wear underwear, and she didn't have underwear.

and many more.

Now I found two abnormalities: I have never watched a TV show, I don’t know how to spit bones when eating duck necks, and the bone scum bites cleanly and swallows it so naturally.

"There are a lot of people in the city, I don't understand it in the country." Gao Xiaowei saw that he might be missing, he quickly spit out some scum on his bones, explained weakly, and madly moved the duck neck to his mouth while explaining. Rissey: "It's the first time I have eaten this. It's delicious or delicious! Why are the snacks you bought so delicious! I bought it casually below, it's not delicious at all!"

Girls like to eat snacks, and those who eat snacks often know that they are delicious. Obviously Gao Xiaowei is a layman in this respect, and now she and Mu Xiaoling are a good place to live.

"Duck necks are very spicy, eat slowly." Mu Xiaolen couldn't help but feel a little worried after seeing that a large bag of duck necks had entered her belly in just a few minutes. This way of eating would cause stomach pain. And it's very spicy.

"It's so spicy, so spicy, so refreshing, so refreshing!" Gao Xiaowei threw the empty bag on the ground, spitting out his tongue and sweating profusely. When eating, he didn't feel it, only spicy. When he stopped, it was sour and refreshing. Her face became pig liver all at once.

"No way, it's too spicy, too spicy." Gao Xiaowei stood up and jumped all over the floor. He seemed to be able to spit out fire: "What should I do, it's too spicy, too spicy!" He said, tears and nose. Streamed down together.

What Mu Xiaolen bought was very spicy. She ate it with scum on the bones, can it not be spicy?

"Drink water." Xiao Leng saw her sweating more and more, and her red face, nervous and distressed, and quickly handed her water.

"I can't do it, I can't do it." Gao Xiaowei began to twist her butt. The intense spicy taste made her wonder what to do, feeling that her tail was about to rush out, stepping back a few steps and accidentally sitting on the coffee table. All of a sudden she bounced.

There is a cup of coffee on the coffee table, hot, but it's not hot. It soaked her underwear, mixed with a pile of potato chips, dirty.

"Ah! Hurry up, wash quickly, don't get infected." Mu Xiaoleng rushed into the bathroom and quickly took out a small clean basin, and rushed to the kitchen to pour boiling water and cold water. Girls are most susceptible to infection. Washing **** is a daily behavior. In this case, it must be washed.

Gao Xiaowei only felt so hot that all his blood was going up, and his tail was ready to move. Without a word, she lifted the basin and went into the bathroom. As soon as she entered the bathroom, she stuck her tongue out and stuck it on the bathroom tile.


The coolness spread to the tip of her tongue, as if she felt a little more comfortable. She twisted her skin. The wet and dirty underneath was extremely uncomfortable. Without thinking, she took off her pants and squatted down, poured some water onto her hands and started washing there. .

After washing, she felt that something was wrong.

Lots of chili oil on hand...

With the hand underneath, the chili oil touched all the vitals.

what! ~

A scream that could destroy the world came.

That sour...

That's so spicy...

Gao Xiaowei opened her swollen mouth, full of despair, but fortunately she was witty, and immediately rushed her hand and washed it again.

That sour...

That's so spicy...

How can the chili oil on this duck neck be so easy to wash off? Has gone deep into it.

"Help..." Gao Xiaowei's tail popped out, and she quickly used her consciousness to ask for help Gao Leng: "I'm going to die of pain, help..."

"Xiaowei, are you okay?" Mu Xiaolen's voice came from outside the door: "What's wrong with you? You call it so miserable?! Did you fall?"

Gao Xiaowei squatted there, his tail was all active, his mouth was extremely swollen, and he was so hot that he gasped, and the mouth below...

But it's not as easy as the above. After all, I can't inhale, and it suddenly swells.

At this moment, Gao Xiaowei hates the chili, trying hard to get his tail in, but the person is so hot that he is dizzy, his eyes are golden, his hands want to grasp the bottom but he dare not grasp, the bottom is extremely spicy The bathroom jumped straight.

Ahhhhh! Gao Xiaowei's screams are endless.

Spicy! Spicy! The tail raised high, it is impossible to take it back right now.

"What's the matter? I'm here." The door began to turn, and Mu Xiaolen's nervous voice came.

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