Gossip King

Chapter 824: In the bag!

"Then I'm going to wash, and I'm ready to rest." Seeing that everyone was gone, Mu Xiaoleng closed the door and opened the window, bit her lip, and said embarrassedly and shyly: "It's just the two of us. It's like living at home. It."

"It's not that I haven't stayed in the same room before." Gao Leng withdrew his thoughts. It was normal for Jian Xiaodan to be chased. He didn't care much about her not thinking about that aspect. He felt warm when he saw Xiao Leng's appearance. Smiled.

"That's different." Mu Xiao Leng walked to the bedroom as she said, and Gao Leng followed in. She opened the closet to select pajamas and said while picking: "Before, we stayed overnight in the hotel, or My house, but this is different. You rented this place, and my parents..."

Xiao Leng's hand holding the clothes paused: "My parents are not here anymore. I'm relying on you. Now I live in your house and people are yours. Of course it's different."

The perspectives of women and men are really different.

From Gao Leng's opinion, Mu Xiao Leng was his person long ago, and he slept, so where is there so much attention? But women just want to live under one roof, just like a family. It's no wonder that nowadays women want a house, and their concept of home is more specific.

"President Lu awarded me a suite. You have cleaned up these days. Your own room is better than rented." Gao Leng walked to the cabinet and looked at the pajamas inside. There are lace, suspenders, and short silks. Mu Xiaolen's suspender skirt, and Mu Xiaolen was holding a set of short shorts.

Gao Leng shook his head and threw her shorts and shorts in the closet. After a glance, he took out a short satin suspender skirt, white, and handed it to Mu Xiao Leng: "Wear this, this feels good."

The satin pajamas feel the best, and they are very comfortable to touch with the soft body.

"Oh." Mu Xiaoleng nodded obediently, then looked for **** in the closet.

"Don't wear underwear." Gao Lengxie smiled, "I have to take it off anyway."

Mu Xiaolian's face flushed sullenly, and she gave a shy blow, still picked up her underwear, turned and walked to the bathroom, and said as she walked, "No, hooligan..."

Xiao Leng went into the bathroom, and Gao Leng turned on the computer to get busy. Since becoming the general manager of Xingsheng Magazine, even if Jian Xiaoshan is a right-hand man who solves most work matters, the emails in the mailbox are like snowflakes. You must check your mailbox every day. This is what a media person does every day.

If this is missing any important email, such as which broke the news, which big boss’s invitation letter, etc., it is a big deal.

"Why did Professor Zhang come to the email?" Gao Leng's gaze fell on a new email. It was sent in the morning. After the electric shock treatment of Internet addiction was exposed, Gao Leng had only dealt with Professor Zhang at CCBV and then CCBV. According to the method given by Gao Leng, another report was sent to Professor Zhang, a positive report that was completely different from the previous negative report.

One media, two diametrically opposed reports, only big media like CCBV can hold the ground, opening up the Empire’s reporting mode on dilemma: When a new thing emerges, there are pros and cons, the reporter’s personal judgment will be The truth is affected by the facts, and what does the reporter do? Speak out the different voices and let the higher-ups and ordinary people see it. As for how to solve it, other departments will follow up and have their own conclusions.

According to the cold method, after returning to the local area, Professor Zhang changed the name of the "Professor Zhang Internet Addiction Treatment Center." exist. This is the performance project of the local government department, and it is normal for them to come out to guarantee it. In addition, there is nowhere to go for severe Internet addiction patients in China, which is better than Professor Zhang, and it should be kept.

The matter has settled down, why did Professor Zhang email me?

Gao Leng murmured a little in his heart, clicked on it and looked at it with a sigh of relief: People are here to thank.

The email wrote: Mr. Gao came to make an unannounced visit and exposed that day. I thought that our Internet Addiction Center would definitely be out of help. I was also anxious for the more than 200 patients who had not been treated. The electric shock treatment itself was controversial. Only Gao Leng not only pointed out this controversy, but also reported the truth about patients with severe Internet addiction. In particular, CCBV filmed the team of reporters again and spoke highly of our Internet addiction treatment. After the positive reports were exposed, Many patients with severe Internet addiction come here, and the government has stepped in to standardize our treatment. Thank you Mr. Gao.

At the end, Professor Zhang has an attachment.

Gao Lengdian opened it and it took more than a minute to download.

It is a few hundred photos of scanned documents, and the documents are all thank you letters from Professor Zhang’s family of Internet addiction patients who have been successfully treated and addressed to Mr. Gao.

"President Gao, thank you for your comprehensive report. My daughter is 16 years old, a severe Internet addiction patient. She thought she would definitely be ruined in her life, but under Professor Zhang's treatment, although the electric shock was brutal, her bones were too strong!... Now I am studying in a key high school, preparing for the college entrance examination. I am the director of the college office in XX province, thank you."

"Mr. Gao, thank you for your complete unannounced visit. Although it has caused a great impact on the Internet Addiction Center, the follow-up comprehensive and true reports have restored the truth. Together with the positive reports of CCBV, we have finally made families of severe Internet addiction patients. I can speak up, our family is a child with severe internet addiction! Severe! Thanks to your report, the country has begun to pay attention to this aspect, thank you!"


Hundreds of personal letters were scanned and sent to Gao Leng's mailbox.

Each letter is full of blood, tears and gratitude.

As a parent, the saddest thing is that the child is ruined, and the most grateful is the return of the prodigal son.

Is electric shock treatment of Internet addiction good or bad? How to report? It should follow the high-cold thinking: Okay, report it out. Don’t hide it in pursuit of ratings, click-through rates, and advertising fees. The good side must resist the pressure to burst out; the bad side must not add anything. Personally exposed emotionally.

The media is the middleman who reflects the facts.

At the end of the email, Professor Zhang wrote: Knowing that you have a lot of opportunities, I am afraid that there will be no time to come to us for guidance and guidance. This is the contact list of the family members of patients who have been successfully treated for many years. If you need it, you can find them, especially in unannounced visits. Or other things. You can find them, they are very grateful to you.

Another attachment opens at one point, and the contact information and positions of about 100 people are immediately in sight.

There are the bosses of prefecture-level cities, the director of a certain tax bureau in prefecture-level cities, the principals of colleges and universities in provincial capital cities, and many hospitals, law firms, and elites from all walks of life. Professor Zhang sent them all from local capable people.

Also, many children can get to this point because they are too busy with their parents, and workaholics cannot take care of them. It is not surprising that Professor Zhang has been in medicine for more than ten years and has accumulated so many capable people in such places.

What a big network of people! In the bag.

"Brother Gao Leng, I'm ready to wash." Mu Xiao Leng stood behind her, gently crawling onto the bed.

Gao Leng turned his head and saw that she was wearing a white satin skirt, which was very short. The white satin was tightly attached to her bumpy body, and her fair skin was fascinating. Sitting on the bed, such a short nightdress can't block the scenery under the skirt.

Seeing Gao Leng staring at him, Mu Xiao Leng hurriedly pulled the quilt over his lower body, pouting embarrassedly.

"You are not obedient." Gao Leng frowned: "Didn't you tell me to stop wearing pants?"

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