Gossip King

Chapter 827: What kind of snake, so arrogant!

It seems that things are not that simple.

Immediately arranged for Yang Guanguan to book the ticket. After giving Jian Xiaodan a few words, Gao Leng left the imperial capital and flew directly to Wuchuan Province. Xingsheng handed Jian Xiaodan 10,000. Don’t worry, he saw Zhang Xuelong driving when he got off the plane. The car is coming to pick you up.

"What's wrong with your face?" Gao Leng got in the car. This car was not the car of the branch of Xingsheng Magazine in Wuchuan Province. He silently praised the old man in his heart. This trip is a private job, driving the company car back. It's not impossible. The high-cold rank is here. It's just that driving the bus privately can sometimes cause trouble. The outside of the bus can be printed with the words: Xingsheng Magazine interviewing the car. Lao Diao has trained a general driver team in Wuchuan Province, and now the branch's cars are under his control. He borrows a private car to drive with his colleagues, which is simple.

With a bandage on top of Zhang Xuelong's head, his skull seemed to be smashed, and the bandaged place was bleeding.

"You got beaten up, those grandchildren!" Zhang Xuelong first replied angrily. After a second or two, he realized that it was the general manager of Xingsheng who was asking him. He used to dig a sewer and talk casually. I’m used to it, I’m not so particular about doing things with the old hanging. I blurted out that I was not respectful or respectful, and I also showed some impatience after being beaten. I immediately bent over and said, "Going back to the boss, when conflicts with others Hurt."

Seeing Zhang Xuelong's respectful look, Gao Leng couldn't help but smile.

"Lao Zhang." Gao Leng prolonged his voice and teased: "You just turned twenty, right? Why do you call you Lao Zhang?"

"I got out of society earlier. I came out when I was in junior high school. I kept digging the sewers with people. This thing also has technical content. Of course, it's not as good as being a reporter, but I can also bring my brothers to take care of the work. After a long time, they will call me Lao Zhang." When he talked about his origin of "Lao Zhang", Zhang Xuelong's face was full of triumphant expression.

When I was fifteen or sixteen years old, I left society. When I was twenty, I had to bring a group of thirty-forty old workers to dig the waterway.

"I'm two or three years older than you. You can call me Brother Gao or Boss. Don't be a boss or boss, see outside." Gao Leng said, took out his business card from his pocket and gently placed it on the window of the car. Point: "My private number, keep it, call me directly if you have anything to do."

Zhang Xuelong nodded in excitement, he laughed: "I didn't expect Mr. Gao, oh no, the boss is so approachable, you are the first celebrity I know!"

In Zhang Xuelong’s eyes, Gao Leng is a god-like existence, his size, graduated from a prestigious school, a house and a car in the Imperial City, and a boss of a magazine, especially during this period of time with him. Zhang Xuelong admired and envied the fact that so many branches had to listen to the work of the branch.

"You are the hero in my heart!" Zhang Xuelong was obviously a little excited, and the admiring light in his eyes made people feel youthful at a glance: "I'm so lucky, the boss, actually participated in the carrion case with you! This is CCBV. , A case known all over the country! Do you know? My village knew that I and Brother Diao did such a major event, and firecrackers were set off for several times!"

Young Zhang Xuelong, with blood flowing in his bones that only young people have, he wants to be a hero.

He had a dream of a hero since he was a child, but it was a pity that he didn't enter high school and didn't like to read. He went out of the society to dig the sewers. But that night, he ambushed the Caesars Group's main warehouse with the old crane. It was thrilling and exciting, which ignited his dream. And entering Xingsheng was like a godsend to him.

If he could actually work in a magazine before letting go, he couldn't even think about it. Even if he was just running errands with the old hanging and driving him, that would be the envy of all ten miles and eight villages.

"Boss, you didn't come from the countryside. You may not be clear. I have made a lot of money outside, and my old mother has been able to grow rice at home. This is the first dry season for my family this year! You know before, my family was the last on the team. One who releases water." Zhang Xuelong's words were full of gratitude, and he smiled embarrassedly after speaking, "Boss, you may not know the situation in the countryside. In short, I am very grateful to you."

"I know." Gao sneered, "Now the countryside is not as simple as before. In the dry season, rice fields need water. There are just one or two canals and so much water. Whose rice field gets the water? Whose rice grows? Well. Whose family gets the water? Naturally, it is the family of the village cadre, or the family with a little relationship in the city, or the family with many sons. The fight is fierce enough. Every year in the dry season, there will be a fight for flooding. Just like you, you are a son who is still working outside, and parents at home will definitely suffer."

Zhang Xuelong thought he was born in Gao Leng city and didn't understand the survival rules of the countryside, but he didn't know that he was born again. His previous family was a family similar to Zhang Xuelong, and even more unfortunately, he was bullied by the villagers every year.

Gao Leng knows that Zhang Xuelong is now a reporter in a big city. Although he is only a driver, it is enough to show off the old man in the country, and others dare not bully him.

"Boss, how do you know everything?" As soon as Zhang Xuelong heard that he admired the coldness more and more, he chatted for a while, Lao Zhang obviously lost the initial cautiousness, it seems that even the wound on his head is not so painful.

"Then tell me, how did you get beaten? Why did you conflict with others?" Gao Leng asked when Zhang Xuelong relaxed.

"The grandson!" Zhang Xuelong was angry when he mentioned it, and he took a sip from the window: "I don't understand the matter of their cooperation. Anyway, Jianzong and Lao Diao have taken a fancy to that place, so they went to the village chief's house to negotiate. I went, I didn’t follow, but I didn’t wait in the car at the time. I went to the back mountain and wandered around. Don’t tell me, the scenery in that place is really good. I walked in for half an hour and there was a large lake called one Beautiful! Do you know? The most beautiful thing is that there is a lake in the ravine. It is the kind of long lake surrounded by bamboo forests. It is so beautiful. I just sat by the lake and played for a while, I wanted to walk in it, but you guessed it What's the matter?"

"what happened?"

"Oh, **** me! Two big wolfhounds came to face each other, they yelled at me, they would bite directly." Zhang Xuelong raised his arm, Gao Leng was shocked, and saw a big hole in his arm, it seems I was bitten unclearly: "I was afraid of getting rabies after I was vaccinated. Fortunately, I was clever and immediately climbed up the tree. Otherwise, there are two large wolfhounds, I won't be bitten to death?! After a few minutes, here comes. A villager, I was trembling when I was frightened when I was bitten and crawling on the tree with blood. I don’t need to take his two dogs away, but I’m going to **** go!"

"What?! Want you to get off quickly?!" Gao Leng was surprised.

"Yes, it is said that I ran into a private house. I was bitten and deserved it. Get out of here." Zhang Xuelong twisted his neck with anger and snorted: "If it wasn't for the two wolfhounds, I would definitely go and **** him!"

"Then how did this injury on your head come from."

"How come, huh." Zhang Xuelong sneered: "After the two wolfhounds were taken away by the villager, two more people came. I argued with them. I said that your dog bit me. Do you not pay for the medicine? Even if it is paid out, the vaccine fee will always be paid out?"

"That's the truth, then?"

"No." Zhang Xuelong said: "After I finished speaking, they said that I had eaten a bear heart and leopard courage, and I was so arrogant when I broke into a private house. They beat me directly! Then that was it."

Private house?

Gao Leng was silent for a while, did he encounter a ground snake?

What kind of snake in a ravine is so arrogant? The old hanger can't figure this out?

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