Gossip King

Chapter 830: Professor Zhang assists

Yiliang’s identity, let alone such a village head of the mountain gougou, the director of the prefecture-level city office immediately came over to accompany him. Everyone was afraid that the reporter Gao who had just dug up the carrion case would come to dig their foundation. It must be delicious and delicious. With.

For Jian Zong, Gao Leng's identity is simply Ling Jian.

Gao Cooling shook his head and said, "I am doing my own private work. Of course, I don't need my identity. My identity is sometimes a weapon, but it's a shortcoming at this time."

"Weakness? How could it be a weakness?"

"I use my identity to ask for this piece of land, even if I take it, it spreads out. People still say that I am Gao Leng as a reporter to corrupt the local government. The people I offended didn't hold on to the pigtails and blow?" With Gao Leng's explanation, Mr. Jian suddenly realized that he nodded. This is, he used the identity of a reporter to forcefully take the project. It would be ugly if someone grabbed the whip and stabbed it out. Maybe the press card would have to be revoked.

"That..." Mr. Jian scratched his head and got no idea.

"You don't have to ask the villagers. If you can't find out anything with them, you can go to bed early. Go to Gouzi Village tomorrow morning. Leave it to me. One day is enough to find out how deep the water is inside." and The difference between Mr. Jian is that Gao Lengdao patted Mr. Jian on the shoulder with ease: "Don't worry, leave it to me."

Jianzong stood up, nodded, and walked outside. When he opened the door, he looked back and saw Gao Leng smile at him calmly. I don’t know why, he felt that there must be no problem at all. It's not clear why I have been with Lao Diao these days, and Lao Diao always says "No matter how difficult things are, my boss can handle them."

After Jian Zong left, Gao Leng checked the time. At ten o'clock, he picked up the phone and made a call. He called Professor Zhang, who is an electric shock treatment for Internet addiction.

"Hey, Mr. Gao!" Professor Zhang's voice on the phone seemed particularly happy and surprised. He just invited Gao Leng to go back and have a look in his email. He scanned the letters of thanks from his allies and family members and sent them to Gao Leng. He kept the originals, and the voice came over with gratitude: "Thank you so much last time. After CCBV came to do a positive interview, our side..."

"Don't thank me so much, Uncle Zhang, I just did what I should do as a reporter." Before Professor Zhang's tirade thank you, Gao Leng called him Uncle Zhang like his allies in private. Needless to say.

He is controversial, but he really did a real thing. Now that the positive and negative reports have protected his Internet addiction center, he doesn’t care what others think of him. He and the families of severe patients are very grateful. cold.

"I want to ask you something." Gao Leng said bluntly.

"Please tell me, I will do my best to help." Professor Zhang answered the conversation without thinking.

"I think you sent me a list of some allies, including some officials from Wuchuan Province, including a director of the Planning Bureau of Gaozhou City. His son is a severe Internet addiction patient. I read his thank-you letter. Since the son was carried into the Internet Addiction Center, the 1.8-meter-old man played games in the Internet cafe and lost only 90 kilograms. He passed the treatment under the condition that his life was difficult to maintain. Now he is admitted to a two-level university, right? "

"Yes, this is a very typical case. His son almost lost his life when he was physically exhausted after playing games."

"I am in a village under a county seat under Gaozhou City and I am having some trouble. I want to ask the director of the Planning Bureau to inquire about it. Is it convenient?" Gao Leng said straight, asking, this kind of need to call Regarding the official status, it’s better to just say: "A friend of mine has taken a fancy to the land in a village here and wants to invest, but the water is deep. I want to find a safe person to inquire about it. He belongs to the Planning Bureau. Information."

The Planning Bureau knows the development of the land very well, and if you are still in the office to inquire about the planning bureau chief of this prefecture-level city, the key is whether people are willing to talk about it. Almost all the contacts that Professor Zhang has accumulated over the years can be used and used.

A huge network of people is almost densely distributed in most prefecture-level cities of the empire. Professor Zhang has ten years of experience in treating patients with severe Internet addiction. This is a job that saves people's families. It is closer than the relationship between teachers and students and can be mobilized. All walks of life are intricate.

Now, these people can speak as long as they want to use it, not to mention that these people are the main attackers when they encounter problems, and the assists are definitely no problem.

"Okay, I'll call him now." Professor Zhang said.

"Is it too late now? Ten o'clock."

"If Director Zhao knows that you are looking for his help, he will bounce up from the bed even at three o'clock in the morning. You must know that you are saving our internet addiction agency, and our internet addiction agency saved his family." Professor Zhang The words are very positive.

This is the love of the parents. Professor Zhang saved his son. This kind of affection is greater than the sky, and Xingsheng helped the Internet addiction agency to correct the name and report it fairly.

Sure enough, within five minutes, the cold phone rang, and as soon as I answered it, there was a hearty laughter: "Hello, Mr. Gao? This is Qi Feng, director of the Gaozhou City Planning Bureau in Wuchuan Province."

"Director Qi, hello." As soon as Gao Leng heard the other party's laugh, he understood in his heart: This Director Qi will definitely tell himself the situation, otherwise he will not be so hearty.

"Where do you live now? So, if you come to Gaozhou again tonight, I will accompany you to have fun! The guest house in the village below is not good, Mr. Gao, you come to my land, I can’t wrong you, you But the great benefactor of Internet addiction agencies!" Director Qi's tone was like an old friend for many years.

"We are in Houzi Village."

"Gouzi Village?" Director Qi's tone suddenly became solemn: "I heard that right, Gouzi Village? I heard Uncle Zhang said that you have a friend who wants to invest in Gouzi Village?"

Director Qi's reaction made Gao Leng a little uneasy. He muttered and said directly: "My friend saw that this place has a good view and wants to invest in green agriculture and tourism. What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"You..." Director Qi suddenly hesitated, and he lowered his voice: "You didn't let the local government know?"

"No, it's just a friend's investigation, not an unannounced visit." Gao Leng heard Director Qi's nervousness and said quickly.

"Oh..." Director Qi seemed to think carefully about the consequences and said: "In this way, I will come over tonight."

"At night? You have to drive for two hours to get to me. It will take more than 12 o'clock in the evening to me. It's too hard, right?" Gao Leng was a little surprised. The director actually came over in the middle of the night. Up.

"It's settled, don't worry, what do you want to ask, I know everything is endless, but my ability is limited, and I can help is limited. I will speak ugly first." Director Qi paused: "Gao Anyway, keep a low profile now. Don’t let people know that you are here. If you do, it’s troublesome. Don’t tell anyone that I’m coming tonight.

There is tension and mystery in the words.

"Don't worry, you have helped Uncle Zhang so much. I will do my best. I belong to the Planning Bureau. I have to pass the projects below. I am the master. I will definitely help if I can help. The village is different. Let’s meet and talk later."

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