Gossip King

Chapter 847: Just a deal

Yunyun embarrassedly took a trip to Brother Biao's arms, and put the bank card into his bag. Don't say that she is snobbish, and you don't have to say that she is not self-loving. Now in this society, she wants to enter the entertainment circle. She has no background and strength. It is her luck that Brother Biao can praise her.

It is hard to say whether it is luck or luck.

However, a little girl who is just a sophomore now has about 500,000 yuan in money from Brother Biao, and more than 200,000 yuan in advertising and MV, and 700,800,000 yuan has been obtained. See Yunyun She came to talk about a capitalized love.

It's just that this love is doomed to no end.

It's just that she thinks it's in love, and Brother Biao is just playing around.

Yunyun lay on Brother Biao’s lap and looked at Brother Biao’s face. A man who was nearly forty years old became her boyfriend. She had never thought about it before. It was too old for her to get along so close. After one year, she got used to Biao's age.

Naturally, I got used to Biao brother's love.

Yunyun knew in her heart that if she were not a virgin and obedient and obedient, she would not have been able to stay with Brother Biao for more than a year. There were gains and losses. She sighed softly, and reached into her bag to grab her. Staying with the bank card, while the other hand went deep into Brother Biao's pants.

Brother Biao squinted his eyes contentedly and quietly enjoyed the numb touch of the young girl's soft hands. He liked such a woman, but would not marry. We know each other well, but we love each other.

"Get out of the car." When we arrived in the garage, Brother Biao's face was flushed, Yunyun's hands still stayed there, the driver in front naturally felt the spring in the back seat, and nodded without looking back and pushed the door. He whispered, "Yes, but Brother Biao, the person you want to contact has arrived, so I'm waiting in the room next to you."

"Yeah." Brother Biao grabbed Yunyun's head and let out a vague voice in his throat: "It won't matter if someone waits for a while, you go down quickly."

A word of "quick", breathing heavily. The door opened and closed, and the driver thoughtfully parked the car in the innermost part of the garage and opened a small gap in the window.

"Open your mouth." Brother Biao grabbed Yunyun's hair first, and pointed to the cute little ball on the top of his head. Yunyun knelt in the back seat obediently. This was a tacit understanding between her and Brother Biao. Almost every time he gave a bank card, Brother Biao would ask Yunyun to take care of him.

"Brother Biao." Yunyun's mouth stopped there, and he suddenly raised his head, his eyes were confused and lonely: "I have never met other men, and I have never been like other men."

"Well, I know." Compared to the confusion and longing in Yunyun's words, Brother Biao's answer seemed much more perfunctory. He just held her head with his hand and wanted to get into the subject quickly.

"I have never loved anyone." Yunyun lowered his eyes to look at the swelling desire under Biao Brother, and sighed softly.

"I love you, I love you." Brother Biao frowned slightly, touched her head and raised her hips, a little impatient.

Yunyun didn’t speak any more. She was only twenty years old. She had a crush on others but never had a relationship in high school. After meeting Biao brother, she was captured by him soon. At first, she also dreamed that it was love. Found it was not.

Love for money, for future?

Yunyun used to despise such a woman the most, but now she has become such a woman, unable to withstand the temptation, so much money, such a shortcut, with him, she didn’t even use an interview before she got what other classmates couldn’t get. The MV heroine has the opportunity to use top cosmetics, enter and exit top amusement parks, and even go to school, there are a few Hummers to clear the way, how beautiful and dazzling.

That's it.

Yunyun closed her eyes lightly and opened her red lips, followed by Brother Biao's contented voice.

What is love? Just treat it as a love, don't you break up after graduation when you fall in love with other classmates? Yunyun thought, using her precious first love, which she had only once in her life, in exchange for the glory and wealth she wanted and a shortcut to the showbiz.

"Very good, very good." Brother Biao's increasingly contented voice came from inside the car: "A role of Director Liu, I will take it for you, go on, little guy, young is good, the tongue is so soft. ,carry on."

What is love? Yunyun lowered her head to please and worked hard, listening to another opportunity given by Brother Biao, she no longer thinks about love, precious or precious, she has already lost it anyway, and it is the most important right now.

It was just a deal. She exchanged her innocent first love for the power in Biao brother's hand. She wanted to seize the opportunity to shake off.

But ten minutes later, Biao brother got out of the car, his face was full of light and a trace of fatigue, and he held the somewhat messy cloud on the head of the ball with satisfaction. His youth is gone forever, and he has to be from a woman. Get on.

love? His brother Biao is not in love with Yunyun.

"You wash and rest in the room yourself." When he walked to the door of the room, Brother Biao pointed to his door, reached out and knocked on the next room. His face no longer had the attachment to Yunyun just now. To be precise, Greed for her body. Yunyun was also used to it, nodded, and was about to enter the room. The door next door opened. A woman stood inside and smiled at Brother Biao and whispered, "Brother Biao, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"It's really embarrassing to let our big stars wait." Brother Biao pushed in, and didn't even look at Yunyun behind him. Yunyun bent towards the woman inside and looked a little respectful, a trace of loneliness flashed past. Hastily entered the room and stopped interrupting.

Inside the door is the domestic drama bone, Yu Damei and Yuzhi.

Yuzhi is the top of the TV series in the empire, and is not at the same level as Yunyun. According to seniority, this is the old man. Although he is only nearly 30 years old, he started acting at a very young age, and has appeared in nearly 100 TV dramas, and has won the highest award in TV dramas: behind the scenes.

"It's really righteous for Yu Meimei to spare time to help me out of her busy schedule." Brother Biao gave a thumbs up. Unlike facing Yunyun's casualness, he respected Yu Yu and kept a polite distance. .

"What a beautiful girl." Yu Zhiwei smiled and drew his hair that was not long. The short hair was slightly curled just below the ears. She was very intellectual, wearing a dark green sweater with matching Simple jeans, no, it should be seemingly simple jeans. The watch in her hand shows her status: that watch alone costs nearly a million.

Unlike today’s streamlined celebrities, her face has some subtleties, but it is this kind of aspect that makes her Danfeng eyes exceptionally female, exuding self-confidence from the inside out, and her predecessor status in the circle over time allows her to penetrate With a share of Yu Jie Fan.

"You didn't pull the zipper properly." Suddenly, Uzhi pointed at his pants, covered his mouth and smiled, with disdain in his eyes: "Just the little girl? The little girl now is really... It’s getting messier."

Brother Biao quickly closed the zipper very embarrassedly, and in front of Uzhi, he dared not get up.

"I'll be 30 next month, what kind of beauty? The senior beauty is about the same, senior, old." Yuzhi joked, sitting on the sofa and raising his eyebrows: "Brother Biao, you really want me to help this time. Why are you busy? He even asked my uncle to come and invite me."

"If you don't ask your uncle to come, can you come? You are so busy." Brother Biao quickly sat down, still keeping a polite distance: "This time, it is a win-win situation. You win and I win too."

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