Gossip King

Chapter 849: Master Yisheng

Brother Biao hurriedly quit and returned to his room. Yunyun in the room was washed and lying on the bed. Brother Biao took a look and called Gao Leng: "Gao Leng, I have invited Yuzhi, she has already I’m staying at the hotel. She is going to film tomorrow morning. She can cooperate with us in the afternoon, but she only has two hours."

"Great." Gao Leng's voice was filled with joy: "She came forward, but she is different from that kind of huadan. The identity of the person lies here."

After hanging up the phone, Brother Biao sat down by the bed, and Yunyun's legs crossed his waist and said coquettishly: "I thought I was spending the night at Teacher Yu's." This kind of drama, according to the generation, Yunyun naturally called a teacher.

"How is it possible." Brother Biao smiled, put his hands up her long white legs, and sighed while playing with them: "This kind of actor who has roots is not dependent on unspoken rules. Don't be funny, she is like this, unless she loves it, no one dare to move."

"I just checked her Weibo. There are tens of millions of fans," Yunyun said enviously.

"It's more than tens of millions." Brother Biao shook his head: "She's all acting nowadays. The fans are all in their 35s and 40s. Most of them don't use the Internet, and their appeal is amazing. I can ask her to be free. It’s a great deal of face to cooperate with us for two hours."

"She looks so good." Yunyun pursed his lips and sighed: "Her life is really good."

"It looks much better." Brother Biao snorted and said to Yunyun in the tone of educating children: "I tell you, in the entertainment circle, it's actually easy to be popular, and it's just hype. But to be popular for a long time, it must be respected. A good actor, a teacher and a senior, but it takes real skill. Although she has a good family background, I heard that she can endure hardships when she makes a serious drama. I watched her in several movies and played it to the bone!"

The real drama of the entertainment industry, even Biao who loves to play with women will admire a bit.

This admiration is something you can't get, even if you are under your body, you can't get it. The admiration of a man is to be obtained, and it must be based on true ability.


In the afternoon, Gao Leng and Jian Xiaodan came to the hotel eagerly and went straight into Brother Biao’s room. Although Yunyun was neatly dressed, she looked tired. Seeing Gao Leng quickly stood up and bent over, she was a little surprised. I admire more. I knew that the general manager of Xingsheng was young, but I didn't expect to be so young and handsome. Yes, I have been following Brother Biao, how can I get the chance to meet other handsome guys? Especially such high quality.

Can not help but blooming.

Gao Leng obviously wouldn't even look at her, but just nodded politely, and sat down on the sofa to have a detailed discussion with Brother Biao.

"Miss Yu is calling." Brother Biao picked up the phone and stood up with a smile on his face: "Beauty Yu, have you finished filming? I have worked hard, so I will pick you up now? Okay."

After speaking, she hung up the phone, and Jian Xiaodan whispered: "Someone has already been sent to wait for Miss Yu outside the gate of Gouzi Village. Everything is going to be low-key."

"When will the manuscript be released? Hurry." Brother Biao was a little worried. He has experienced many times during the business war. This is the first time that he has manipulated public opinion. He can't help but add a sentence: "Miss Yu's uncle is an orthodox red retired cadre. , But you can’t mess it up, then it will be offended. I can do it in the imperial capital of Cordyceps sinensis, and I can rely on him to pull the string at the beginning."

Brother Biao worked hard to bring out his most important contacts, which shows that he values ​​this purpose.

"Don't worry." Gao Leng stretched out his hand and patted Brother Biao's shoulder, very calm and confident: "It is precisely because of Miss Yu's background and appeal, there is absolutely no problem, and I paid more than two million to buy it. With less space, I will use my media contacts to burn up when the news starts. It will be a win-win situation. Miss Yu will thank you afterwards."

The media contacts are still incapable of moving, and the show has just started, and it's step by step.

"Neither of you meet her?" Brother Biao asked.

"Of course." Gao Leng nodded: "I and the director of the planning bureau of this prefecture-level city are friends. This is causing trouble on his land boundary. How can I come forward?"


"Don't worry, since I can make things happen, I can help him get things done, and it will become his political achievement." Gao Leng smiled lightly: "I can't tell the planning bureau chief yet, tell him, we This scene can't be performed."

"It's a pity." Brother Biao squeezed his eyebrows: "Miss Yu is very beautiful and temperamental. Just meet her."

Gao Leng smiled disapprovingly. He had seen a lot of beautiful women. If he had seen such a big star before, he would have been excited, but now, in his eyes, he is just a work partner.

A net was rolled out silently, Gao Leng did not show up, behind the scenes manipulation, Jian Xiaoshan kept calling and asking questions for the next two hours, while Brother Biao sucked one after another. smoke.

"Lao Zhang, is there resistance?" Jian Xiaodan asked.

"No, I'm steady here. The villagers didn't even notice the outsiders coming in." Lao Zhang's voice was lowered and passed over with excitement: "Oh my God, Miss Yu is so beautiful! Much more beautiful than on TV!" If she didn’t pretend to be in the village with her sunglasses and hat and immediately entered the house, I would have led the villagers away, otherwise it would really cause a huge sensation! Unfortunately, she only took five minutes and then withdrew."

"How about the others, did the interview go well?" Jian Xiaodan asked.

"Successfully, it's still being taken now. I took some pictures instead from last night to early this morning, but the shots weren't professional enough." Zhang Xuelong said embarrassedly.

"It's right to be unprofessional. If it's too professional, it doesn't look like it. Go ahead, and be careful not to let anyone spot anyone interviewing." Jian Xiaoshan hung up after giving a command. The entire control process lasted two full hours.

Gao Leng calmly checked the next step on the sofa. Brother Biao was still a little restless, and went out to check it out from time to time. Since Miss Yu has only passed five minutes, she should be back early.

Sure enough, there was a commotion outside the door, Biao hurriedly opened the door, just to see Yuzhi wearing sunglasses, with a group of people around him, there is an agent and bodyguards, they stopped when they reached her door.

"Thanks, hard work." Brother Biao quickly stepped forward.

"Still a little worried." Miss Yu frowned: "I was afraid of being found out, so I stayed for five minutes and chatted with the other party. The news entry point is excellent, but will the manuscript look good?"

Gao Leng walked out and was surprised at first glance.

Nothing else, I can only say: It really is beautiful and temperamental.

High cold is controlled by long hair. He likes waist-length hair. It is rare to see that short hair that has not reached the shoulders is so **** and charming.

"Are you?" Miss Yu frowned.

"This is the Gao Leng of General Manager Xingsheng." Brother Biao quickly introduced and walked into the room as he said. Miss Yu also followed in. After all, standing at the door was too glaring.

"Oh..." Miss Yu prolonged her voice and looked at Gao Leng thoughtfully. After she frowned, she turned her eyes to Jian Xiaodan: "This is the man who wrote the manuscript for me?"

"Yes, this is the vice president of Xingsheng, the reporter of the electric shock internet addiction case, Xingsheng's golden pen." Gao Leng Jianyu was obviously unhappy and quickly introduced, Jian Xiaoshan also stood up, respectfully. Nodded.

"They are all children." The anxiety and dissatisfaction on Yu Zhi's face were direct and strong. She looked at Gao Leng and hesitated: "Gao, you look younger than reported in the media, twenty? "

"twenty two."

"Oh..." Yuzhi prolonged his voice and glanced at the agent before sitting on the sofa. This attitude was obviously distrustful.

"So." The agent stepped forward and shook hands with Gao Leng: "Just now we went to Gouzi Village. The one who welcomed us in was a little kid named Zhang Xuelong, and the interview was a little kid in his twenties. , This group of little kids..."

Dare to love, in the eyes of this backsight, Gao Leng is also a kid.

"How long does it take to produce the manuscript? After it comes out, show it to me, and then send it through after reading it." Yuzhi was obviously a little impatient, and she looked at Brother Biao with some complaints.

People, especially those with status, always look down on young people.

Listening to this, she was about to drop the chain. At this time, the chain is lost. Gao Leng smiled calmly, sat next to Yuzhi, and looked at her: "Ms. Yu."

If you want someone to help, you have to respect the teacher first.

To be willing and trust your help, you need strength.

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