Gossip King

Chapter 851: Real master

"Kiss?!" Su Su's eyes almost flew out and rushed to Gao Leng's face: "Kiss?!" She never expected Gao Leng to make this bet. She was famous in the business district. The beauty of the iceberg, not to mention this identity and status, as long as she always looks high, who would dare to say such things to her?

Who dare? !

Gao Lengda...

"Yeah." Gao Leng shrugged relaxedly: "French tongue kisses, I'm a good kid, you big sister, can't you bet?"


Su Su gritted his teeth and blushed. This rascal dare to molest me! hateful! She thought. With a flick of his head, he rushed to Gao Leng's front, and put out a finger to poke his chest vigorously: "Okay, sister, I watched you lose! Yujie, you testify to us, Gao Leng, when the time comes for advertising Don’t cry, and you are willing to bet. The annual advertisements, according to your Xingsheng’s annual package price, can’t be less!"

With swords drawn, Yu Zhi was caught in the middle of crying, neither smiling nor laughing, he nodded quickly.

"Then I will ask the team to edit it for me and post it on Weibo." Yuzhi took the U disk and turned around and started to work. The Weibo content has been edited long ago, but her public relations team still made some detailed changes.


"Then I'm going to start work." When Gao Leng saw her release, he turned and walked away quickly, and walked directly to the reporters' rooms that Jian Xiaodan had brought. He closed the door and looked at Jian Xiao with a single eye, and smiled at each other. , You know what the other party is going to do next without speaking.

"Starting, everyone." Jian Xiaoshan patted his hands with confidence.

At this time, the manuscript of the topic has not been finished, but there is more than enough time. After the first report is sent out, there will be a certain time for fermentation. The next step is to follow up with the public opinion that has been prepared. The content of Yuzhi's Weibo is written by Jian Xiaoshan himself, needless to say.

Yuzhi Weibo is a long Weibo, using links, clicking on the link is a long post.

But what is straightforward is a heart-warming sentence: they used their blood and fate to guard the empire and let us have a peaceful life. Now, they are old and it is our turn to guard them.

In the attached photo, one is a full-length photo of the anti-Japanese old man in Gouzi Village; one is the old man’s wrinkled face and teary eyes; one is the old man lifting his clothes and three slingshots on his belly are shocking; the other is the old man The earthen house behind him was desperately impoverished, but through the door of the house, you could see the red flag hanging in the lobby and the medal of merit.

Clicking on the link, the long Weibo slowly described the scene to the audience in plain language: I wanted to walk around after the filming, but I was afraid of disturbing the local area, so it was very low-key. I found it when I passed by the hook village. The scenery here is beautiful. Stopping and entering the village, I have the fate of this old man.

This old man has only one granddaughter. I asked him, where is your family? He touched his tears and said, "The devils are dead."


About a thousand words, not long, simple but emotionally written that the three brothers of this veteran of the Anti-Japanese War died on the battlefield. He made outstanding contributions in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Now he climbs the mountain for two hours every morning to plant in the nests of the mountains. Ground.

At the end, a crying expression was posted, accompanied by a photo of Uzhi’s previous anti-Japanese war dramas, and the other was a photo of Uzhi with the old man. Uzhi leaned his head on the old man’s shoulder very intimately. Go up, holding the old man's shoulders with tears in his eyes.


"What does this Weibo have to do with that piece of land?" Su Su refreshed his Weibo and sneered: "If you didn't write the three words'hook village' on your Weibo, no one would know where you went. Besides, you have such a big appeal. Since he wrote in the article that the old man is going to climb the mountain for two hours to farm in the mountains, why didn’t he write a few more words to tell the public that the land in front of his house cannot be planted, why can’t it be planted? ? Because the land has not been developed. Isn't it faster? So many people started to discuss why the land was not developed."

The entire Weibo was written by Jian Xiaodan, but the public thought it was written by Yuzhi. The writing and angle are simple and simple, and the whole article will be sympathetic to the old man, but it has nothing to do with the land.

"It's better for me if you don't point it out." Uzhi nodded with satisfaction, agreeing more with Gao Leng's handling of things: "I am just an actor. Although I have a strong appeal, I don't want to be involved in a deeper struggle. Go in."

To put it bluntly, Yuzhi is willing to come out and help him, but to what level? This level is enough, it will be detrimental to her further. After all, whether this land will be taken down by then is still unknown.

"Unexpectedly, this Gao Leng doing things is quite interesting." Yuzhi sat down and picked up the phone to refresh it, and the smile in his eyes could not stop him: "Oh, a lot of praise."

"The beauty of Yuda is so kind. This old man is really lucky to meet her! Yes, why doesn't the country care about this kind of old man?"

"It's no wonder that a lot of domestic dramas are looking for Yu Zhiyan. The quality of people is here. Look at people. They have never hyped up scandals or CP, talked with works, and done a lot of charity. This can be seen. What a kind heart is she! The life of the elderly in the War of Resistance must be better now!"

"As a fan group of Yuzhi, when will we organize a visit to this village to send warmth?! Oh my God, grandpa has bullet holes in his stomach! It's so pitiful, how can we be old and helpless? Only our little Yuer What a kindness to post a Weibo specifically for this kind of thing!"

Su Su also refreshed it quickly and said with emotion: "Is it a big celebrity? This Weibo has thousands of comments at once. I saw that it will be over 10,000 tomorrow morning. This Weibo is well posted, super sucking Pink."

Yu Zhi pursed his mouth and smiled. She didn't know if a win-win situation was a win-win situation. Anyway, she won.

Many celebrities’ Weibos, especially long Weibos, are not from their own hands. They have a dedicated public relations team to write and write. It is not surprising that Jian Xiao wrote this Weibo for her. She stayed there for five years. Minutes, basically just chatted with the old man and took a group photo.

Although it is not a Weibo written by her, she has celebrity influence, but this is far from being on the hot search list, but it is enough for her to attract fans.

We must know that nowadays celebrities often ask some people for help on Weibo. On the one hand, they must do good deeds, and on the other hand, they must attract fans. Otherwise, there will not always be some PR drafts to speak out for some stars:

XX does public welfare in a low-key manner and never publicizes.

Do you know why XX was hacked so miserably, but still whitewashed? Take a look at her secretly doing public welfare!

If you are really secretly doing public welfare, you will not send such PR drafts. As long as similar PR drafts appear, the star team basically pays for it to tell everyone: our star is very low-key doing public welfare...

"The article is really well written." Yuzhi once again took a serious look at the long article posted on his Weibo, using his own tone but without flaws, and the photos he took were only taken with ordinary cameras.

At this time, she finally understood why Gao Leng arranged for a young reporter to take a few photos with a mobile phone. If you use a professional camera, the spectators are very smart nowadays and will soon question:

Since you meet occasionally in a low-key manner, how come such professional photos come out?

Posing! Posing for hype.

At this time, none of the comments below doubted that this Weibo, which seemed to be written by a big star, was written by a professional team.

No trace of speculation is the real master.

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