Gossip King

Chapter 854: Come here

It’s just a warm-up tonight. Although there is Yuzhi in the next special report, it is a topic on the social page. Her content is not much. Moreover, after Yuzhi’s Weibo exposure brought the heat, it became cold and cold. This wave of hype broke away.

This was also what Yuzhi made before helping Gao Leng to help her: she was afraid that Gao Leng's battle for territory would affect her stardom.

But now the situation is different. The veteran agent finds that not only will it not affect Xingtu, but the news tomorrow is likely to cause a sensation. It would be a pity not to take this ride.

Quietly, from the high cold of Yuzhigang, it became the news of the high cold of Uzhiceng.

"Oh." Yuzhi glanced at her agent. Her aunt wouldn't cheat her, so she smiled and stretched out her hand: "Thank Mr. Gao, I hope we will have a good cooperation next time."

Gao Leng stretched out his hand: "Happy cooperation, but I will mainly grab the land next, so Miss Yu's promotion should not be tied to us, it is better for you."

Government departments will definitely come forward to explain, and this shameful activity in Gouzi Village will have shameful ways to suppress current public opinion. It must be an invisible fight.

"Yes, if you get involved... not so good." Sister Liu nodded: "Then hype the entertainment section, so that you can at most be a fuse and get out of your body."

Sister Liu scrutinized the news with great regret, and the comments became more and more intense. After Jian Xiaoshan cast several mainstream online media news behind the scenes, she contacted several self-operated big V accounts to rant on Weibo.

Soon, the social version of Weibo's popularity has three related content ranked in the top ten.

Many Weibo netizens began to repost it with @地方 Government, but the response of the local government is naturally not as good as the media. It is night and they have not yet gone to work.

"It's a pity, such a good heat, just in time for the news of the veteran fire, and it is so consistent with the drama war drama we want to take." Sister Liu covered her chest and looked regretful, too, just because of the popularity, she wanted to win that. The big part of the play is far from enough.

"That's no way." Su Su tilted his head and thought for a while: "I don't understand your media, but it's not enough to rely on a Weibo for such a thing as drama. Besides, can Gao Leng take it? It’s hard to say that you don’t get involved in getting into trouble when the time comes. Although Gao Leng plays media well, he is a newcomer in business. Don’t trust him too much.”

Su Su spoke with a bit of deliberate anger. As she spoke, she took a bath towel and handed it to Uzhi, winking at her and said in a low voice: "Cover your chest, he keeps looking !"

As he said, he gave a high cold look provocatively.

Yu Jie Yuzhi is obviously much calmer than Su Su. She has a very good figure, and the audience may not have paid much attention to it. After all, she often plays dramas, and she never reveals the flesh at press conferences. Her identity and background , Status does not need to be so public. However, her diehard fans have very sharp eyes and call her Yujie Yujie privately as the royal elder sister. In addition to admiring her acting skills, many student fans also covet her beautiful figure who hides very deeply but can't hide.

Uzhi smiled faintly and took a deep look at Gao Leng. Instead, he straightened his chest and hugged the towel to his chest.

Gao Leng glanced at Su Su speechlessly. He didn't understand why Su Su would be like a cockfight every time he met him. He wanted to crush himself, so he ignored her and said, "I have a way. I just don't know that it is here with Sister Liu. Will this kind of trump card agent be tricky?"

"Please speak, please speak." Sister Liu answered immediately, while Yu Zhi looked at Gao Leng seriously.

"Miss Yuzhi often plays the main dramas. She is the main player in the historical dramas of the Tang, Qing, and Han dynasties. In recent years, she has started acting in anti-Japanese war dramas. Once the drama is easy to pick up, the identity of Miss Yuzhi's uncle is here. But it is a bit difficult to play the leading role in the anti-Japanese war drama."

Sister Liu and Yuzhi nodded.

Anti-Japanese War dramas are popular dramas. As long as the dramas with themes during the Anti-Japanese War are okay, they are broadcast on CCBV. The audience is very wide. In addition to the younger generation, there are also older audiences watching. On the big screen, that is, made into a movie, it is even more popular.

"Latent", "Dark War", "Nanjing Nanjing", "The Wind" and so on are countless. It can be said that the anti-Japanese war drama is a battleground for every actor's military strategist. If you don't believe it, go and see what can now be selected. Such a big actor, who has not been the main player in the anti-Japanese war drama? However, to perform anti-Japanese dramas, especially those supported by the government, requires acting skills as well as strength.

How should I say, the empire is so big, Uzhi is not the only one with a red background. Other actors, especially the old drama bones, have not only backgrounds, but also their own military status, so they naturally lean towards them in their roles.

"It is difficult, especially in the second half of the show. There are too many people staring at it." Liu Jie agreed with Gao Leng's statement.

"Just relying on such a Weibo to help veterans want to win a good role, it is difficult." Gao Leng sat down, and Uzhi naturally sat next to him, Gao Leng turned his head and looked at her, her face It is indeed suitable for the drama, it looks very gentle and elegant: "Teacher Yu, do you want to help these veterans in your heart?"

Yu Zhi was stunned. She only went to the hype this time for five minutes, and then briefly chatted with the veteran. The kindness of people naturally wanted to help the veteran, but the cold words seemed to have another meaning.

"What's your name, teacher Yu, you can call it Yuzhi." The agent quickly answered, "Of course I want to help, we Yuzhi is very kind."

"Since you want to help, it is better to make a series. There are many such veterans across the country. They have indeed made more or less contributions on the battlefield, but they do not meet the requirements of national special funds. You can set up a The team specializes in this thing, to send warmth to these veterans’ homes, to help them enjoy their old age, just like what you did today, you are a celebrity, you just need to show up there and appeal to this old man’s difficult problem. At least the cost of living can be solved."

"Good idea!" Sister Liu immediately agreed with her thigh. A veteran of the entertainment industry like her immediately sensed the benefits: "Every month we visit one or two elderly people and insist on it for a long time. In the second half of the year, we started to choose roles. , Let’s get more intensive in these two months. Today’s old man is the first one. Come one a week, then your image will be closer to the image in the Anti-Japanese War movie!"

"Moreover, there doesn't seem to be an artist in the country who specifically speaks for the veterans of the Anti-Japanese War. You will be the first one!" Sister Liu got more and more excited, her eyes full of gratitude and a thumbs up at Gao Leng: "Master, really master!"

"I am willing to help these veterans of the War of Resistance." Yuzhi seemed a little dissatisfied, she frowned: "This hype..."

"Yu Zhi." Gao Leng heard Sister Liu's words and didn't call "Mr. Yu again."

Yu Zhi looked over, her face flushed slightly, she was kind by nature, and it was only five minutes to see the veteran today, but now she has made headlines by relying on the news, and she is always suspected of being a charity show.

She was a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

"As an actor, even if it is a show, as long as it really helps people, it is a good thing." Gao Leng said rationally.

Yes, the artist does charity, although he will post a PR draft to tell fans afterwards: I am doing charity.

Although many artists do charity only to attract fans and to show.

But so what?

They are public figures. Even if they are doing a show, doing this kind of show can help those in need. Why not do it more than once? You know, as long as the elderly Yuzhi has visited, her fan group will definitely follow up immediately. Donations, care, etc. will follow. Just like now, many fan groups are obsessed with an idol. In order to put gold on the idol’s face, they set up foundations to help disadvantaged groups. They go to orphanages, nursing homes, subsidize out-of-school children, and hold high pictures of their idols, even though It is to increase the popularity of idols in front of the public, so what?

In the Empire, hundreds of thousands of out-of-school children each year successfully realize their school dreams through various fan groups.

In the Empire, tens of thousands of cancer patients are treated through these fan groups every year.

In the empire, in this huge fan empire, as long as the idols establish correct values, these fans will spare no effort to spread positive energy.

That's enough.

Even if it is a show, if such a show can last for one or two years, how many poor old people in the war of resistance in the empire will be blessed because of Uzhi?

This is the power of celebrities.

Looking at Gao Leng, Uzhi seemed a little excited. She nodded and said in a low voice, "Actually, I am willing to help others, but I am a celebrity. When I go out, there are people shooting. I am afraid that others will say I am a show. . This time to help you is also my uncle's mouth, I can't help it."

It is true that Yuzhi’s news is rarely seen in the media. In addition to the formal publicity of the film, she has always maintained zero hype and zero scandal.

"You're right, since I love charity, I should take the lead in doing it, even if others call me a show, what about showing? The most important thing is that I have helped people." Yu Zhi nodded firmly, to the agent The person said: "Our report on helping veterans of the War of Resistance is all handed over to Xingsheng Magazine."

"Okay." Sister Liu nodded.

"General Manager Gao." Yu Zhi stretched out his hand and smiled: "Two million a year, can you help me with this report?"

From the little kid to the head of Gao, he paid more than two million and received two million in business, which is worth. Gao Leng stretched out his hand to hold Yuzhi's hand: "Very happy, but after two days, when I take the land, it is still more sensitive, but it only takes two days."

Uzhi stretched out his hand, covered the towel on his chest and slipped off, his clothes clung to his chest, and two small spots were faintly visible. Gao Leng was really not a wretched person, but he glanced instinctively.

Su Su saw it again, and she sneered: "It's the same as the truth. You will take a piece of land in two days? Do you think this local government eats plain rice?"

"Should we increase the bet?" Gao Leng asked when she saw her rushing hard.

"Increase...just increase!" Su Su-ang hesitated at first, but couldn't show weakness.

"If I lose, I will give you a report for two years. I will pay for the money. If you lose, you kiss me, you kiss me actively, kiss me tongue." Gao Leng turned his head and smiled at Su Suxie. When facing Yuzhi, his face was righteous, but Su Su saw that he always peeked at others' breasts.

That being the case, Gao Leng opened up his nature to Su Su simply and looked at her fascinatingly. U Zhi slightly raised his eyebrows and looked at the coldness.

Ding Ding Ding, Sister Liu’s phone rang, her face changed and she said in a low voice, “The phone of the director of the local government office.” Yuzhi’s current film crew is on this boundary. The news is fermented, and the local government has reaction.

Here comes the door.

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