Gossip King

Chapter 856: How does it feel...

After Su Su hesitated for a while, curiosity appeared on her face. She lay down and looked at Yuzhi. Girls’ boudoir secrets are completely different from boys. Boys rarely speak details, but girls particularly like to investigate details.

For example, when a friend finally kisses his boyfriend, the boy may say at most: Well, kissed. Speaking of "tongue kiss" at most, I won't go any further. And girls are different, girls are all detailed, as long as the relationship is good enough, you can ask anything: kiss? ! God, is your head on the left or on the right? How is his hand? Oh my God! He touched it! !

Then he touched the left or the right...

How does it feel, did he eat gum?

Stick your tongue out! Uh uh uh, does he stretch to the left or the right first...

And so on.

How can the friendship between girls be established? By sharing secrets, for example, I said hey, I was really depressed, I had hemorrhoids before! And the other girl exclaimed: Oh my God, I've grown too!

Come on, in this way, friendship is established. Conversely, if you share a secret, you must have a privacy-level secret and the other party does not respond. That's fine, it is impossible for this person to enter the girlfriend circle.

Uzhi and Su Su have a very good relationship, but they have never shared a similar experience before. What they share is more business secrets and gossip from other people in your circle. I still remember that a few years ago, Yuzhi told Su Su about kissing a boy, and Su Su baffledly watched her listen to "the left or the right of the kiss or the left or the right" all night.

But "how does it feel for a man to enter", this is the first time.

Su Su has a student-like face and is full of curiosity.

"Do you have desires?" Yuzhi pulled up the quilt and pressed his mouth under her.

Su Su shook his head, and nodded again after a while: "I don't know if it is desire, maybe I am more curious." Girls who have never experienced human affairs have very shallow desires in this respect, and they are not specific. Not strong, more curious.

"You haven't solved it yourself?" Yuzhi asked again.

Su Su shook his head decisively. In fact, unmanned girls rarely have the experience of solving them on their own, even if they have experienced personnel, the island country's films magnify the desires of women countless times to please men.

"It's a pity, such a good figure, you should have a man to enjoy it at your age." Uzhi Daxiao grew up in a foreign country. Although he is not open to this aspect, he is very open-minded. In her eyes , Sex is a very common and normal thing. She looked at the small sling that Su Su wore under the quilt, her figure gleaming like jade, and the unevenness was a bit cold and proud.

Su Su is like this, his arrogance in his bones. But this arrogance reflected on the body, but it can more and more evoke the desire of men to conquer.

"I'm telling you, this is the feeling when a man enters." Yuzhi attached to Su Su's ear and spoke for a minute. Su Su's face turned red. After thinking about it, she asked: "I It is said in reading that it will be very painful, and it will be very painful the first time."

"That depends on the National People's Congress." Yu Zhi rolled his eyes melancholy: "Hey, I have a boyfriend who went in, I don't know... And I tell you, a little Dingding man never knows that he is Ding Dingxiao! "

Su Suruo had an epiphany and didn't seem to understand anything, then nodded and said in a low voice and shyly: "You said it would be itchy there?"


"That's not right." Su Su obviously didn't agree with it. She tilted her head and said affirmatively: "I never itch."

"You haven't kissed before, where's the itch? Just a pure theory in mind. Is your theory good or I know more about it?" Actual combat school Yuzhi immediately killed theoretical school Su Su. Su Su thought about it again, and when he found clues in his mind, he nodded: "Well, it should be itchy, you continue."


Uzhi reluctantly took a sip of the water beside the coffee table.

"You just said, Tickle, what does Tickle have to do with them?" Su Su broke his fingers and continued to ask: "You say professionalism."


Yuzhi is obviously used to Su Su who likes to analyze everything carefully step by step, and gave an affirmative, professional, and very reasonable explanation: "Of course it is to go in and scratch the itch...scratch the itch..."


Uh, this explanation is reasonable enough, and Su Su agrees, but her face is nothing but curiosity and a look of knowledge exploration. Instead, Yuzhi's face flushed slightly and her breathing became heavier.

U Zhi twisted his body, put his hand on his white neck, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Then itchy first, and it won't be itchy after being scratched. Why do you say that it is more itchy later?" Su Su said solemnly, "Keep the professional Q&A and explain it step by step."


Uzhi swallowed his saliva, moved the hand on the neck up, grabbed the hair scattered on the shoulders, and then shrank into the quilt. Somehow, the legs in the quilt naturally separated, and her face flushed low. The voice said: "When it comes, it will be more..."

"Wait." Su Su interrupted her somewhat reminiscent narration: "Say it in steps, and what's coming?"

Uzhi frowned and took a deep breath, his face flushed even more.

"You'll know after experiencing one yourself in the future." Uzhi's tone became a little impatient.

"Why are you so hot?" Su Su asked, touching her body.

"It's okay." Yu Zhi slightly opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Su Su: "You really have no feeling for Gao Leng?"

Su Su didn't look at Yuzhi, and nodded: "I haven't seen any man, including Gao Leng."

"Oh..." In Yuzhi's protracted tone, something seemed to be revealed, and she sat up: "You go to bed first, I'll go over to see how Mr. Jian and their work is going."

"It's so late." Su Su looked at the time: "It's past nine o'clock, go to bed early, and get up at four tomorrow. Besides, you, don't believe in the high-cold set, I don't do anything else. I know, I know how to take the land, it's very complicated. Others have been occupying it for ten years, so how can..."

"Okay, you have a rest." Uzhi interrupted Su Su, as if she couldn't wait. She took a bathrobe and put it on her body, put on sunglasses, opened the door and looked out and saw no one in the corridor. , Quickly walked out.

Boom boom boom, Jian Xiaodan's room knocked on the door, Gao Leng glanced at the cat's eye and recognized it was Uzhi, quickly opened the door, she flashed in quickly, took off her sunglasses and smiled at Gao sneer.

"Wow... Uzhi!" a male reporter exclaimed.

"It's so beautiful! No makeup looks so beautiful!"

"The calf is so fair..."

Several reporters said enviously. They quickly stood up and bent slightly towards Yuzhi. No wonder these reporters were amazed. You must know that Yuzhi is used to being high in the circle. When there are films, press conferences will appear. Only accepting interviews without hyping herself, it is very difficult for reporters to get close to her.

Jian Xiaodan came over and stretched out his hand: "Miss Yuzhi, is there anything we need to follow up? Order. Hey, do you have a fever?"

The palm is very hot.

"There is a little detail, I think Mr. Gao can help me get an idea, can I take a step to talk?" Uzhi asked, pointing his finger at the reporter working in the room.

"Okay, go to my room." Gao Leng nodded and opened the door to lead the way.

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