Gossip King

Chapter 869: Who is the unlucky ghost

Secretary Chen’s compensating smile froze there, and the smiles of the few people behind him also froze at the same time. Several people looked at each other. If they had followed the usual routine, they would have gone crazy. What does this mean? It was almost twelve o'clock in the evening, and they were all in their 40s and 50s. They ran over like this and ended up being tricked by a guy in his early twenties? ! Several people were itching with hatred.

But this fire hasn't been made yet. Who is behind Gao Leng and what will be published in the next special topic are of the utmost importance to them. So Secretary Chen's stiff smile became more and more brilliant, and he came up again: "General Manager Gao Real humor."

"Originally, I was going to have a good drink with a few older brothers." Gao Leng agreed to accept it: "I also plan to ask some people to take me to a famous restaurant in Gaozhou City. Now I am very hungry, but before that I There are a few questions to ask clearly."

"Excuse me." Several people hurriedly sat down on the sofa in the hotel lobby to surround Gao Leng.

"Everyone, the villa in Houzi Village shouldn't be yours, right?" The high cold voice swept everyone around. Of course, he knew how many people were in their hearts. If they were not involved in it, who would have been in the middle of the night. So busy?

"Villa?" Secretary Chen became nervous when he heard it. Several people looked at me, and when I saw you, they immediately shook their heads.

"I'm the head of a local tax bureau, how can I have the money to build a villa?"

"That is, this place is a planned tourist area, and private villas are not allowed."

Several people spoke out, and they were all gratified. Fortunately, the villa has been leveled, otherwise this would be a handle. Now that the handle is gone, the confidence to speak is a lot.

"It’s good for the few guys here who don’t have a villa there, otherwise..." Gao Leng shook his head regretfully, stroked his hand on his neck and said in fear: "Now that anti-corruption can be judged a lot. The death penalty! The situation by the lake is long ago..."

Several people looked nervous and pricked their ears to listen, but Gao Leng stopped when he said this.

"Have you got the evidence?" Qi Feng immediately answered, and he pushed Secretary Chen: "General Manager Gao, this is a special topic with a greeting from above. How do we local officials fight against others?! Still have to Call Ren Fang..." At this point, he quickly closed his mouth and pretended to be very jealous. After looking at Secretary Chen, Fu Er said in the ear of Secretary Chen: "I think the person who posted this topic must be about the same as Secretary Fang. We can't fight the level! We have to ask Secretary Fang to come forward!"

"Of course I know." Secretary Chen lowered his voice and gritted his teeth and glared at Qi Feng: "How could Secretary Fang come forward? He just cleaned things up! He came forward? He would never come forward."

If Secretary Fang came forward to resolve the matter, it would be tantamount to confessing directly that this scenic spot has not been developed. It is indeed difficult for him to come forward. Qi Feng wanted to say more. Gao coldly glanced at him and hinted that he should not be too hasty. , Qi Feng stopped talking quickly.

"The buddies in these villas are really unlucky. I think they will still be for the dead." Gao Leng bit the word "dead" a bit harder, watching the cold sweat bursting out of these people's foreheads. One or two legs tremble instinctively, and then another knife: "This really has to send a special team to investigate, even if there is no evidence in the villa, other places can dig three feet to get a lot of corruption, Gaozhou City wants It's not very peaceful! Unfortunately, these people are really unlucky, fighting over, they died for them."

"Well, luck, it's really bad luck." Secretary Chen pushed his glasses weakly.

"Can arrange the topic in advance, wait for one of the big stars to delete the Weibo, and immediately publish the topic, come prepared, hey..." Qi Feng took the opportunity to fan the flames.

Several of his faces seemed to be crushed with anger. They knew that if Secretary Fang retreated all over his head, it would be them.

"Isn't it you?" Gao Leng asked again, and after a few people glanced at each other, they still nodded in denial. How can such a thing be admitted to others? Especially with the unfamiliar Gao Leng, this is something that cannot be admitted even if he is killed.

"It's not you. If it's your brothers, then I really feel too guilty. In this way, I actually have a way to get through this crisis." While talking, Gao Leng took out his mobile phone to read After one glance, his eyes widened, and then after scanning these people, he immediately stood up and said, "I, I have met Qi Feng a few times, and I am a friend of a friend. I can only talk to you about this level. , You should find the person above, I can't help."

With that said, he moved the screen of his phone to Jian Xiaodan. Jian Xiaodan glanced at it with surprise, and immediately followed the cold steps to stand up and walk away.

The last second said that he had a way, the next second he lifted his leg and withdrew. There must be something tricky in it. Secretary Chen persuaded him: "General Manager Gao, what's the matter? It's a good way to put it..."

Gao Cooling walked without looking back, went straight into the elevator and disappeared before their eyes.

"He saw the phone just now, what did he see?" Secretary Chen quickly took out the phone and refreshed the news, his hands trembled slightly: "It's still the previous news, no topic has been released."

"Is there a new topic now?!" A few people panicked.

"You have to find Secretary Fang, you really have to find Secretary Fang for this matter." Although one of them was nervous but the most calm, Xu was because of his eldest: "In fact, Mr. Gao has just made it very clear that our strength is fundamental. I can’t play with public opinion. What big news has we made in Gaozhou? This is still the first big news, and there is no relationship with other city media. Local media are not easy to follow up. After all, there are loopholes in Gouzi Village. Check, only Secretary Fang has the ability to find some better media or something to reverse this public opinion."

"Yes, this topic was originally hair-cut. It must be someone who is about the same strength as Secretary Fang. How can we fight against others? Secretary Fang can only come forward! You know when he invited me to live next door to him, he said hook He protects the village, what happened today, what about others?!"

The voices of a few people were afraid to speak loudly, but you and I broke into a cold sweat with each word, and they became a mess.

"It's useless for me to find him." Secretary Chen is a sensible person, and his brows are so frowning that he can't wrinkle anymore: "I found him just now, what did he say? He said he doesn't have a villa in Gouzi Village. It's all flattened, he retired! I allocated the money for this tourist area, and the money is your old Zhao. The operation is your planning bureau's business. What is the matter with the other party secretary? Why does he want Carrying this burden on the cusp of this storm? Stop dreaming!"

"Or..." Amid the noise, Qi Feng opened his mouth: "Or I went to the high-cold room and asked what photos he just saw. Besides, I might ask him if he could say something. What, after all, I still know him."

Several people nodded.

"It's just that I might need to order this..." Qi Feng stretched out **** and rubbed it.

Need some funds, what else is needed.

Asking Mr. Gao to help. If it is for nothing, it will be abnormal. Qi Feng has said before that this Gao Leng is not particularly close to him. It is so risky for people to help. If nothing is given... …

It's easy to miss the stuffing.

"Okay." Several people glanced at each other, and Secretary Chen stretched out three fingers: "between three million and five million, as long as he is willing to help, our brothers will pay for the money."

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