Gossip King

Chapter 871: What can I get for the first time

Xiaoxue glanced at Secretary Fang shyly and in panic, only to see that his face was dark, and the eyes behind the lenses showed more irritation. I didn't dare to hesitate to stand in front of the cabinet and took off my clothes and put them on again.

It takes courage to undress and put on in front of a man.

Xiaoxue also imagined this day when she was adolescent. He should be a boy who can play basketball. With this good-looking smile, he was shy, excited, and clumsy and finally took off his clothes. But at this time, Xiaoxue turned her naked body and saw a middle-aged man with a dark face, and the greed revealed in her eyes made her panic.

This is different from what she thought.

But she did not retreat, let alone escape.

Fortunately, I haven't talked about my boyfriend, otherwise, how could the secretary look at me? Xiaoxue, your good days are coming. Xiaoxue thought in her heart, even though her legs trembled a little and lowered her head, she did not hesitate to turn back.

What she cares about is not who she gave to her for the first time, but fortunately she didn't give it to others for the first time, so she has the opportunity to use this first time for her in exchange for prosperity.

"Yes, that's good." Secretary Fang stood up and walked to Xiaoxue's face and stretched out her hand to pull down the zipper of her school uniform, revealing the beauty wrapped in sports underwear. "You are so young." Fang The secretary's hand squeezed her face, and then slid down to hold the spring color on her chest and breathed quickly.

Xiaoxue nervously and triumphantly watched the excitement of the senior official who can only be seen on TV, letting his hands move all over and yelling softly like a woman on TV.

But just touching it like this is not so difficult to control. Xiaoxue pretends, and pretends to be very inexperienced. Secretary Fang understands in his heart, but he really enjoys this cooperation and flattery. Tuanhuo faded a lot. However, after a few minutes, Xiaoxue was already lying on the bed. The pants under her were gone but the school uniform was still there. He opened the zipper and opened it. Several times Xiaoxue wanted to take it off but was stopped by Secretary Fang.

He seemed to be looking at her in school uniform underneath him.

At the moment when she stepped forward, Xiaoxue curled her legs in pain and instinctively made a sound of pain. Secretary Fang showed a triumphant smile on her painful face, and saw the bed quivered quickly, without a trace. It was the first time for this girl under Lianxiang Xiyu, and the fast pace also sounded.

At the same time, Secretary Fang’s cell phone ringtone rang. The phone was on the table beside the hot spring a little far from the bed. Secretary Fang looked back and looked a little bad. Needless to say, calling him so late must have something to do with Gouzi Village.

"Damn it." Secretary Fang cursed in a low voice. At this time, the painful and shy Xiaoxue opened her eyes in surprise and looked at the man who was full of anger on her body at this time. This was the first word she heard after she became his woman.

No, to be precise, this is the first word Xiaoxue heard after she changed from a girl to a woman, and the first word said by the man who got her body: Damn.

After the bed shook violently for a few more times, Secretary Fang frowned and pulled out and quickly walked to the table, took a look at the phone, and then answered the phone. He returned to the bed again and glared at the horrified Xiaoxue. She was hinted not to make any noises, and then the bed shook again.

"What's the matter, Secretary Chen." Secretary Fang asked and enjoyed it skillfully. How could Xiaoxue under him stand his gameplay during the first experience of personnel? His face was pale with pain, but he didn't dare to make any noise, biting his lips tightly.

"Secretary Fang, we contacted the president of Xingsheng Magazine, and just heard him say..." Before Secretary Chen's words were finished, the equation's face fell off and interrupted him directly: "Who wants you to contact Gao Leng? of?!"

Secretary Chen was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Secretary Fang to know the boss of Xingsheng Magazine.

"I..." Secretary Chen was a little incoherent: "In short, the information we got is that he still has a topic to send out, and it is not known which leader is commanding it. The most important thing is that I am worried about what is important in his hand. Clues, he..."

"Okay." Secretary Fang interrupted the small third-tier prefecture-level city secretary impatiently: "There will be a news conference tomorrow and the planning bureau will come out to explain and explain. Just drag the matter for a while. It’s fine if you don’t get paid attention. This kind of small attraction will not be popular for a few days. What clues can a young boss have? After all, the Planning Bureau is not doing things well. How can tourism development be so easy now? Right? Just find an excuse. That's it."

"Secretary Fang, Gao Leng must have a hard time getting the evidence from Gouzi Village. That’s right. Our entire process has a very high degree of security. He can’t get the evidence. But I’m afraid he has a clue. It’s a topic! And tomorrow the foreign media will come to Gouzi Village to do things. Secretary Fang, we don’t have other media resources. Do you want to use the resources? If there are foreign media follow up tomorrow, you can press one. Compressed? If this really ferments, I'm afraid the Commission for Discipline Inspection..."

"This..." The equation hesitated for a while, then stopped and took a breath and thought slightly.

Gao Leng has a clue? How can it be? I think it must be because I participated in Mu Zhengtang. He just made such a news to vent his anger. What clue can a young man in his 20s catch me? I didn't directly intervene in all the processes of the entire Gouzi Village. Many of the funds were classified as confidential documents, which he could not get, the equation thought.

If the equation really greeted the major media, it would be equivalent to telling these media that he has something to do with Gouzi Village.

Why bother? From the perspective of the equation, although this kind of news is big news for Gaozhou City, it does not affect him. The villas are torn down, even if they go to look through the scum inside, they can't find the name of his equation. Why does his equation need to make this move?

These old guys go get it done, their contacts over the years are not built in vain, equation thought.

"Okay." He nodded: "I'll talk about it then." His words were extremely perfunctory.

As he said, he hung up the phone and put aside his brows, his heart became more and more suffocated, watching the girl with a pale face enduring the pain underneath him and said in a commanding tone: "Remember the math formula. , Any mathematical formula will do, hurry up, I have to vent my anger and cooperate."

Xiaoxue opened her eyes and looked at the man she was wearing. This was the second word she heard the man said after entering.

"A contains B..." Xiaoxue was too late to lose. Seeing Secretary Fang’s urgent eyes, she quickly began to recite. Only a few seconds after she spoke, Secretary Fang seemed to be extremely excited and excited, with a crisp impact. His voice and his uncontrollable gasp of satisfaction came violently, and Xiaoxue's painful voice also sounded, but the voice of reciting the formula intermittently did not dare to stop.

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