Gossip King

Chapter 887: Ren is deeper in the mountains, and the domineering is unstoppable.

Yuzhi quickly agreed, but couldn't ask for it.

After that, I closed my eyes and rested. I got up at four or five in the morning to put on makeup. I was busy all morning. This kind of mental state is not very good. I need a good rest in the evening to look bright. Su Su sat in front of his laptop and looked at the file, but had no intention of continuing to work.

First kiss?

Her first kiss had long been forcibly taken away by Gao Leng.

Do you want to fulfill your promise and kiss him this time? ! Su Su shook her head decisively and slammed her laptop on the bed, and said to Yuzhi who was on the bed: "I have an emergency meeting temporarily, and I want to go back to the headquarters of Zhonghai City." She said, she packed her luggage in a thunderous manner. .

Within five minutes, she took the notebook and went out.

Although she still looks exquisite, she still walks with grandeur, and there is still a bodyguard following me downstairs, the temperament of a lady called Su Mansion, corporate president, and ice beauty in your circle still exists, but no matter how grandiose steps are, it can't stop the fact: Su Su escaped from Yaoyao.

"Manager Su, where are you going?" the driver who had been on standby asked.


"Huh?" The assistant in the back seat quickly flipped through the itinerary and said, "Manager Su, your arrangement today is to rest. Tomorrow, you will go to Wuchuan Province to meet with the boss of XX company to discuss matters concerning the new hotel. Why did you suddenly go to the airport?"

Gaozhou City is a prefecture-level city under Wuchuan Province. It only takes more than two hours to drive to the highway on the highway, and there is no need to take a plane. Obviously Su Su is going to go far, and an assistant who knows her knows Su It's a habit: She rarely changes her schedule unless something big happens. But now there is nothing serious about the headquarters and her family?

"Back to Zhonghai City, you book a ticket now." Su Su took off his sunglasses somewhat unnaturally.

I had known it a long time ago and I would not bet against him, so I am so passive now... Su Su thought to himself, raising his head and putting on his sunglasses.

I'm not called Laipi, I'm too lazy to play this kind of naive betting game with a kid, sister, I'm busy, Su Su thought again.

No one thought that in just a month, Gao Leng actually won nearly 100 acres of land in Gouzi Village, including several hills, and it was a tourist attraction with complete hardware facilities.

Even Su Su didn't expect it.

It seems that I really underestimated him. Su Su opened the car window and a gust of wind blew in. The wind in autumn and winter was already a bit bitter at this time. When Fang Chuxia first met the high cold, now his career has such a great quality. Of flying over.

It seems that he is likely to shine in the business circle in the future, and he is a competitor. I have to make good use of the high-end health care bases in my hands. Su Su frowned slightly and then smiled confidently.

There are three high-end health care bases under her company. No matter which one is larger than the area of ​​Gouzi Village, and the scenery is excellent, they have been open for more than ten years. It is a mature industry that had been operating when her father was still alive. Compared with her health care base in Houzi Village, Leng is naturally Su Su's higher grade.

Three, the daily income is scary.

What's more, it is a high-end health care base. This industry has one characteristic: word of mouth.

This is not selling cabbage. Those who can live in health care bases or high-end elderly care bases are rich people, or rich parents, looking for a place with good mountains, good water, and longevity for a year and a half. Loaded, health preservation, the light year will start at more than one million yuan per year.

This kind of industry needs a long-term reputation, and Su Su’s three companies have been open for more than 20 years, and the operational maturity of word-of-mouth theory is far ahead. It can be said that when talking about high-end health care bases, the first thing that comes to mind is She Susu's industry.

There is no other home.

"It's kind of interesting, this kind of high cold is just a little interesting." Su Suwei smiled and closed the car window. If she had always regarded Gao cold as an ordinary friend before, even someone who thought she could always It's just a word to help one of his friends.

So now Su Su, who ran away because of shyness, had already regarded Gao Leng as an opponent.

At least in the health care base, Gao Leng will soon become an extremely powerful opponent of her project. This is what Su Su smelled, accurate and correct.

But somehow, Ming Ming Su Su was much stronger than Gao Leng, but she began to feel fear in her heart.

Kind of...

Ren is deeper in the mountains, and the domineering is unstoppable, and the fear of a strong competitor will appear.

No, it's awe.


At the end of the press conference, Secretary Chen said that he would have dinner together as usual, while Brother Biao said that he would not eat anything as usual, too. What's the point of eating? After the press conference, Secretary Fang gave Brother Biao a meaningful look.

Everyone knows that Brother Biao is not good at coming here.

But there is nothing he can do.

So that when Secretary Fang left, he had to laugh and explain why he couldn't come to Houzi Murakami for an exclusive interview with CCBV tomorrow, and explained in detail before leaving.

The main secretary is gone, and the defeated Secretary Chen and others are also depressed and pained, and Brother Biao is determined not to have dinner with them, so they just give up.

"Gao Leng, did you come here by yourself, or did I come to pick you up? I don't think this can be hidden from Secretary Fang. He will know about the company I partner with you sooner or later." Brother Biao was a little worried when he sat in the car.

"Know it." Gao Leng disapproved: "You come and pick me up, the movement can be bigger."

"Good." Brother Biao answered.

Gao Leng knew that if he talks about making big scenes, no one can beat Brother Biao, he is a person who likes big scenes.

"Boss." Jian Xiaodan worried: "You deliberately engage in such a big scene, just to make Secretary Fang know that you are behind it?"

Gao Leng nodded.

"He is the deputy secretary of Zhonghai City." Jian Xiaodan reminded him kindly: "And I think he must have investigated Mu Xiaoleng, so you definitely know that you are Mu Xiaolen's boyfriend."

Gao Leng nodded again.

"You save Mu Zhengtang..." Jian Xiaodan walked into Gao Leng and walked to his side. He sat on the sofa holding a glass of boiled water and drank it with a slight smile, as if he was not afraid of Secretary Fang's power. So he whispered and continued to remind him: "Now Mu Zhengtang's matter is almost at the final step. You and I know that if he is embezzled... Don't say anything else, this equation must have been the culprit for Mu Zhengtang , You must be absolutely sure if you are so fanatical, otherwise, Mu Zhengtang..."

"I'm not too fanciful, do you think the equation will drop the accusation against Mu Zhengtang?" Gao Leng asked rhetorically.

Jian Xiaoshan shook his head.

"Then I don't attack directly, do you think the equation will treat me kindly?"

Jian Xiaoshan shook his head again.

Also, regardless of whether Mu Zhengtang is corrupt or not, the equation is absolutely strict to prevent and control Gao Leng. After all, Gao Leng is now likely to rescue Mu Zhengtang. This is like a natural enemy. No matter what you are, the other party will treat you as an enemy.

"If that's the case, then come." Gao Leng smiled contemptuously: "I just want to be in the light and catch his painful foot in the dark. Don't worry, I know it in my heart."

Jian Xiaodan didn't speak any more.

She didn't know what Gao Leng's intentions were in declaring war directly with the equation, and whether there was any chance of winning. But at this time Jian Xiaoshan looked at the high cold at this time, and suddenly there was a deep sense of pride in his heart. This pride was constructed by admiring the man in front of him and looking up to his abilities.

Ren is deeper in the mountains, and the domineering is unstoppable.

Gao Leng is now no longer the hired general manager of Xingsheng Magazine. His first business battle was exceptionally beautiful, and he couldn't hide his edge even deeper in the mountains.

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