Gossip King

Chapter 891: This is so embarrassing...

"Brother Biao is such a big movement, so magnificent, this is..." Qiu Yu looked outside, the posture of so many cars is really a bit horrible, he knows that Brother Biao likes big ostentation, he used to give Brother Biao When there are activities in the casino, the pomp is scary.

But in the mainland, even when he opened Cordyceps and just settled in, there was no such big movement.

"Have a celebration banquet, what kind of style, this is the configuration that the other party should have." Brother Biao touched his round belly, smiled triumphantly, and stretched out his hand toward Gao Leng to point out who deserves this. In the big scene, Qiu Yu became interested as soon as he heard the words "Celebration Banquet".

"Celebration party? Oh...no wonder so many big stars help out, the few supermodels behind this are also very delicious." Qiu Yu glanced at the last few third and fourth line stars, one by one with delicate skin and tender flesh. . This kind of celebration banquet does not necessarily require every guest to have a girl. Some will bring their own wives or their own "girlfriends", and some just come to drink and chat, but beauties of this level must be prepared, if Some people want to have fun after drinking. When they want to use it, there are.

This is not prostitution. If you don’t believe me, ask these beauties, which one of them is not willing to ask for it?

Qiu Yu became interested as soon as he heard of the celebration banquet. Anyway, he came to Gaozhou to find a simple one. It would be nice if he could attend the celebration banquet by the way. This kind of celebration banquet is full of high-end people and is the best way to talk about business. For the occasion, Gaozhou’s business can be done in the boundary of Gaozhou, and it is also great to know the local snakes.

To say who is the field control in this kind of social situation, it is definitely Qiu Yu. His strength is one aspect, and his witty speaking is a must. In the business world, making friends is a famous social king.

Ya, you can still make a lot of investment in niche literary films; vulgar, can make jokes at dinners and dinners, and drive the atmosphere.

"Uzhi and Lin Zhi are here. It seems that Brother Biao, your celebration party is of high grade! Do you not invite me?" Qiu Yu and Brother Biao are old acquaintances, and put their hands on his shoulders. Pointing to Jian Xiaodan: "This beauty is also going with me."

That tone was very ambiguous.

It's like announcing in public that I'm chasing Jian Xiaodan, this is my girl.

Brother Biao looked at Jian Xiaodan, and then at Gao Leng. A veteran like Biao brother could tell that Jian Xiaodan was interested in Gao Leng. She looked at him with light. Brother Biao glanced at Qiu Yu speechlessly, how could he answer the conversation...

His celebration banquet was set up for the affairs of Gouzi Village. The biggest head he wanted to invite was Gao Leng. Now President Qiu actually wants to have a crush on the girl who has a crush on Gao Leng?

This is so embarrassing...

"Then you won't delay the time for you to invite the boss, Brother Biao, are you in the hotel? Go ahead." Qiu Yu stretched out his finger and pointed at the elevator, then took a cold look and patted his head: "Oh, forget. Forgot."

"Wh...what's the matter?" Brother Biao saw Qiu Yu's motion in his head.

"So what, this President Gao and I are also friends. Let's join the dinner party. He is the president of Xingsheng Magazine. If you know President Jian, you should know him." Qiu Yu turned to Gao Leng and stood up toward Brother Biao. Thumbs up: "Gao, let me tell you, our Biao brother's circle of friends is all big entrepreneurs, you can just pull a few ads in it, and your performance will go up!"

With that said, Yu Guang followed Jian Xiaodan closely.

This sounded like a friend introduced a friend to know him. He also pretended to be a good person, but it was actually meant to be heard by Jian Xiaodan: Look at the disparity between me and him. A working employee, I have to introduce him to a dinner party. Do you say you choose him or me?

"Invite invitation, of course." Brother Biao quickly took the conversation and reached out to Jian Xiaoshan: "The vice president of Xingsheng Magazine, of course, will invite him, and he has reserved a seat."

Pointing out the title of Jian Xiaodan, this cleverly shifts Qiu Yu's halo. Jian Xiaodan is a vice president, not relying on you. Qiu Yu is on one hand, and on the other hand it also implies Qiu Yu: Jian I not only know Xiao Shan, but I'm also a key person to invite.

Sure enough, Qiu Yu's face changed slightly when he heard it. He was a little surprised how the dignified brother Biao of the Eastern Gang would specially invite a vice president of a magazine. He glanced around and found that these people's eyes were all looking cold. .

Could it be...

Qiu Yu had an idea in his heart: Could it be that Gao Leng was specially invited?

But he immediately dispelled the idea, how could he come to invite Gao Leng specifically? Although Xingsheng Magazine has shined this year, and it is also a well-known magazine in China, Gao Leng is just an hired general manager, let alone Gao Leng, even Lu Yajun does not have this grade, so let Brother Biao be dispatched. Multiplayer...

"As for Mr. Gao, I definitely have to go to a celebration banquet!" Brother Biao smiled and stretched out his hand towards Gao Leng: "Brother! The cars are here, how are you? Are you satisfied with this pomp?"

brothers? !

Qiu Yu was stunned and couldn't believe it.

It may be that Gao Leng pulled a line of some big guy, and the big guy asked for a big show. That's why Brother Biao said that. How could he set up such a big show for Gao Leng? It's impossible, Qiu Yu thought to himself.

"You said you, I said that our celebration banquet would just be a little bit ostentatious. If you make such a big move, look at you, the next few Lincolns and a few buses are empty." Gao Leng laughed and stretched out his hand to hold it. Brother Biao's hand: "Brother, your pomp is too big."

"We celebrated the feast", really came to invite Gao Leng? ! With the sentence on the left, brother, and on the right, brother, Qiu Yu was a little confused.

"Nine Lincolns and five buses are the best of the ninety-five! Our hook village project is to be a first-class project in Gaozhou City. No, it must be a first-class high-end health tourism base in China!" Speaking boldly, it turned out that three of the nine Lincolns were empty, and the five buses were not full. He brought more than three hundred brothers, just for these four words: the ninety-five.

Still have projects? What high-end health tourism base? estate? Qiu Yu couldn't believe it. He looked at Brother Biao and then at the others.

That's right, these people's eyes are still on Gao Leng's body, and after a closer look, their eyes still have a look of looking up.

"Brother Biao, who is this celebration party for? Have you launched a new project in the mainland?" Qiu Yu couldn't help but asked.

"It's cold for Gao!" Brother Biao patted his mouth jokingly as he said, "No, it's for Gao, especially for Gao."

Qiu Yu's Yu Guang saw Jian Xiaodan proudly and suffocated his smile, is it really a celebration for Gao Leng? !

This is so embarrassing...

"You put the simple place next to me." Gao said coldly: "She was there when I got used to drinking."

"Of course." Brother Biao nodded immediately, but took care of Qiu Yu's emotions and asked one more sentence: "Mr. Qiu, are you okay? Or if you sit next to Jian Shan, you are an old friend. Now, you can also have a good chat."

This is really embarrassing...

Qiu Yu was a little confused for a while, so he should be allowed to rationalize his thoughts. What kind of high-end health tourism base is this, which Brother Biao and Gao Leng opened together? It's impossible. Where did Gao Leng's money come from? Qiu Yu didn't believe it at all.

But since this celebration banquet is for Gao Leng, before the celebration banquet is open, you have to drink and drink together according to your seats. It's a good talk. Since Brother Renbiao said that, it's a simple...


I thought I could take Jian Xiao Shan to the celebration banquet.

Just as Qiu Yu was about to speak, Yu Zhi, who had not spoken, swept his seat with a single sentence. Yu Zhi stepped forward and stretched out his hand towards Gao Leng: "General Manager Gao, at the beginning of the dinner, can I sit next to you? I also want to talk to you about work."

Uzhi said it with awe-inspiring justice, and he was delighted in his heart. Fortunately, I had an appointment with Gao Leng before. Let’s talk about her column about helping veterans in the future. This is to be serialized exclusively in Xingsheng Magazine. It's business.

Hmph, I'll have a good drink with you at that time, and see how my sister accepts you, Yu Zhixin thought, but his face is still dignified.

There is no way, her image in front of the public has always been high, lady, majestic and awe-inspiring. She is very decent in any scene. That little Mengsao also made it difficult for her to find a boyfriend, and finally met one. What she was interested in, the whole body hormones that hadn't been touched by men in a few years rose up.

"Then Yuzhi, sit next to Jian Xiaodan." Lin Zhijiao walked over and took Gao Leng's arm directly: "Gao Leng, long time no see, I miss you so much. We will have a drink together soon. what."

As she said, she nodded politely towards Uzhishi, "I have known Gao Leng for a long time, so I'll sit next to him. Just talk to Mr. Jian about the column."

For a time, two first-line actresses sparkled.

These two people will fight when they meet at a dinner party. This is the nature of a female star, but Yuzhi's path is higher than that of Lin Zhi. After all, she has a military background, but Lin Zhi has risen in recent years. The speed is extremely fast, every time two people have a press conference at the same time, they are fighting hard.

No, it's fighting again.

It's just that this time it's not for work, but each has its own careful thinking.

Needless to say, Lin Zhi's thoughts, she put Gao Leng's arm around her hand, Gao Leng felt that her arm was a little hot, and looked down at her gaze...

Hey, the thirty-year-old mature woman is really hungry.

Yuzhi was a little embarrassed. For a while, he would not find words to fight back. Lin Zhi had already said that you were looking for Jian Xiaoshan for your column. This is the truth... Jian Xiaoshan is the vice president.

But even more embarrassing is Qiu Yu.

What does this mean?

Uzhi sits next to Jian Xiaodan, what about him? He first took the initiative to say that he would take Jian Xiaodan to the celebration banquet, suggesting that he chased everyone this girl, but the celebration banquet was for Gao Leng... Ren Jian Xiaodan must have fun with Gao Leng.

After that, Brother Biao took care of his face and said that he arranged to sit next to Jian Xiaodan. As a result, the two actresses started fighting.

He can't even be next to Jian Xiaodan's turn?

This face...

This is really embarrassing...

"Just a table, it doesn't matter where you sit, just drink it." Brother Biao hurriedly finished the game. He wiped his sweat and looked at the two actresses who suddenly started fighting. What happened? Why is there so much fire to sit next to Gao Leng.

Can it not be blazing...

A person who has been exposed to high cold many times and can't stop...

A person who desires to be comforted and comforted by the high cold, and cannot ask for it...

"Let's go." Gao Leng was not interested in their women's fighting spirit, and directly interrupted their fighting and pointed at the car outside. After two steps, he smiled and turned around: "Chou, come here. Come together, I invite you to participate."

You take me to the celebration party? You said I went to the celebration party to advertise with those entrepreneurs?

I brought you to my celebration party!

Qiu Yu's face was a little blue.

This is so...

So embarrassing...

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