Gossip King

Chapter 919: Smash the world with money!

Smash the world with money!

Mu Xiao Leng looked at Gao Leng's hurried back, it was almost early morning.

It's great to have you, Mu Xiaolen frowned distressedly but smiled happily.

An inconspicuous van was parked at a distance outside a villa area in Zhonghai City. As soon as Gao Leng got into the car, three people in the car sat upright, all of them were haggard, two of them were in good spirits, and one Looks very tired. Generally, the follower is a group of two or three people, and they take turns to stare.

"Hi, Mr. Gao."

"President Gao, you... sit here, it's more comfortable."

"Mr. Gao, do you want to change to a better follower car? It's too crowded. I just had a box lunch and it smells like a smell."

Three young reporters from Xingsheng Magazine sat upright, looking nervously at the high cold, which is not much bigger than him. This is the general manager of Xingsheng Magazine, and they are now following the reporter. Can you not be nervous in a car?

The reporters following the filming are often the least-status reporters in the magazine.

Because follow-up and unannounced visits are not the same, unannounced visits are investigative reporters, just like Gao Leng's unannounced visits to the Carrion Case, which has social status. Unlike follow-up shooters, follow-up shooters are mostly about the privacy of the stars, which is what we call paparazzi. Such reporters are at the bottom of the magazine.

"You go to bed first." Gao Leng patted one of the sleepy lads on the shoulder: "You have a good night's sleep, and it was your vigil last night. It's hard work."

The young man smiled embarrassedly, still standing upright and not daring to sleep.

"You don't need to be so cautious. A few months ago, I was just a little dog like you." Gao Leng smiled disapprovingly, sat down on the back seat, and picked up a pack of instant noodles behind the back seat. Stopped his mouth: "Tell me about this, Mr. Zhao's specific situation."

"He found another girl, and now he has brought it back to his own villa."

It turned out that Gao Leng hurriedly rushed from the imperial capital to Zhonghai City because of Zhao's actions, and instinctively told him that this Zhao Zonghe equation, which had been a beauty before, was absolutely extraordinary, and these several municipal projects of Zhao's home There are exactly two related to Mu Zhengtang.

A person who can give the equation a beauty, and the equation accepts it, must be tricky.

It's just the current equation, will he still want to send the beauty? Gao Leng thought for a while.

"It's hard for us to get in this villa area, and it's hard for us to take pictures when we get in. This is Mr. Zhao's home. If Secretary Fang comes to his house to do something, wouldn't we have nothing to do?" One person was worried.

"No." Gao Leng shook his head.

At this juncture, the equation is absolutely impossible to return to Mr. Zhao's villa, it is too sensitive. And this President Zhao sent a woman over again, he would definitely eat turtles. The equation is now in the bottom of the pan and ready to slip away.

As long as the equation refuses, then the dialogue between the two people will definitely be worth seeing.

As long as Mr. Zhao said a few words from the previous equation to his project, this matter would be evidence.

"No?" A reporter was very surprised. He raised the camera and switched it to the video mode and handed it to Gao Leng: "We followed one day yesterday, and it took a lot of effort to find a girl in high school, a high school student. Ah! I even walked over and took a sneak shot. It must be dedicated to the equation. Then the equation will come to the villa. Is it possible to make an appointment elsewhere?"

Gao sneered without saying a word.

Before letting go, the equation might really come to the villa for a spring night, but he will definitely not these days.

"Look at it! Mr. Zhao's car has come out, put it for a photo!" Suddenly, the driver's voice was excited and nervous: "Mr. Gao is right, Mr. Zhao's car has really come out!" Looking into the car with a high magnification lens, it turned out that the high school student was sitting in the back seat in a school uniform.

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi, the phone of one person in the car vibrated. He picked it up and listened to the meeting and put down the phone. His eyes flashed: "The equation has come out of the government building. I am alone. It must be the appointment of President Zhao!"

After nearly twenty days of shooting, the equation was finally about to show its feet. Everyone in the car was very excited. Someone over there followed the equation, and there was someone who followed Mr. Zhao coldly.

As expected, Mr. Zhao is a key figure. He didn't even show up when the money from the equation was secretly transferred. He actually came forward when this person asked him, hoping to hit him this time! Gao Leng thought.

"Go and fetch half a million, I want cash." Gao Leng took out his bank card and handed it to one of the young men, who can be trusted by a simple one to do such a secret task.

"so much?!"

"Yes." Gao Leng nodded: "You have to take the money and follow the car behind to catch up. You want cash, you know?"

About half an hour later, Mr. Zhao's car stopped in front of a hotel, which was far away from the municipal government building. The high-end was high-end, but it was sparsely populated because it just opened. Under the camera, a young girl in a school uniform followed Mr. Zhao down, with a very cute little bear bag in her hand.

It's just that this girl is different from the simplicity of ordinary high school students. She wears light makeup, and she admires vanity at first glance, and she is delighted to see such a high-end hotel. How about this girl is rich, less knowledgeable, see a high-end hotel, feel high-end, brought a plate of more than 1,000 yuan, and shouted the local tyrants.

Such girls often think that they are very smart, but they are actually extremely stupid.

"What to do?" The people in the car paid no attention.

"Go in for dinner." Gao Leng took out a bank card and handed it to the driver in the driver's seat. This is Lao Diao's diehard Lao Caitou. He has been in Xingsheng for many years, and Gao Leng has also known him, so he ordered: "Caitou, the car stops here, you follow Mr. Zhao in, and they book that VIP room, you just book the next one."

Money is an essential thing in the follow-up.

The old Caitou is about forty years old. He is steady and careful. Although he does not have the brains of old hanging, he is loyal. He nodded, "What is the password?"

"Credit card, no password, you can overdraft 300,000 yuan, you can swipe it with confidence." As soon as Gao Leng said this, the other lads were speechless with envy. They were all human beings, all so young, all without background, Gao Leng Why are you so awesome...

People are better than others.

After the car was parked, Lao Caitou quickly followed in. Not many people who would be cold enough to ask someone to pick up money also came in the car. There was a **** duffel bag, and he panted the bag back. Once the seat was released, the zipper was yanked.

"Wow..." The young men looked at the bag full of money with their jaws dropped.

Hearing half a million and seeing half a million are two different things.

This group of reporters at the bottom has seen the difference between Gao Leng and them: they are willing to invest.

"Equation car is here." The driver's words reminded everyone who was surprised to see money in the car, and saw an Audi A4 slowly driving over, but it was an A4, very low-key, and the equation on the car looked serious. , Stopped the car, looked around warily and walked into the elevator.

"You take one hundred thousand." Gao Leng took out ten stacks of money and handed it to a young man: "What is your name?"

"Zhang Chao." The young man looked at the 100,000 thick in his arms, dumbfounded.

"Spend it, spend it in five minutes." Gao Leng pointed to the one hundred thousand, and then to the four hundred thousand in his pocket: "Not enough."

This large-scale spending frightened the young man from the countryside. His mouth could not be closed for the time being, he was very nervous and excited. Gao Lengzun spoke in his ear for a while, and he nodded heavily.

"I can't come forward, the equation knows me, only you can get in, and I will take control." Gao Leng looked outside the car, calmly.

"I, Zhang Chao, promise to complete the task!" The young guy encountered the opportunity, given by Gao Leng. This time, he must complete the task.

The nets smashed with money wait for the bait of the prey.

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